Authors | Year | Title |
Dutro, J. | 1973 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Pojeta, John | 1966 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Pojeta, John | 1966 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Imlay, Ralph | 1955 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Imlay, Ralph | 1954 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Grant, Richard | 1970 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Imlay, Ralph | 1953 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Duncan, Helen | 1960 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Stanton, T. | 1912 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Dutro, J. | 1971 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Dutro, J. | 1972 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Dutro, J. | 1972 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Rowett, Charles | 1969 | Upper Palaeozoic Stratigraphy and Corals from the East-Central Alaska Range, Alaska |
Marincovich, Louie | 1985 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Silberling, Norman | 1962 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Gordon, Mackenzie | 1957 | Mississippian Cephalopods of North and Eastern Alaska |
Hahn, Gerhard; Blodgett, Robert; Gilbert, Wyatt | 1985 | First recognition of the Gshelian (Upper Pennsylvanian) trilobite Brachymetopos pseudometopina Gauri and Ramovs in North America; and a description of accompanying trilobites from west-central Alaska |
Silberling, Norman | 1965 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Jones, David | 1972 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Dutro, J. | 1980 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia; Harris, Anita | 2003 | New occurrences of Late Paleozoic and Triassic fossils from the Seventymile and Yukon-Tanana terranes, east-central Alaska, with comments on previously published occurrences in the same area |
Martin, G. | 1926 | Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Alaska |
Dutro, J. | 1968 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Silberling, Norman | 1961 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Imlay, Ralph | 1953 | Report on Referred Fossils |
Detterman, Robert; Hartsock, John | 1966 | Geology of the Iniskin-Tuxedni Region, Alaska |
Detterman, Robert; Hartsock, John | 1966 | Geology of the Iniskin-Tuxedni Region, Alaska [last half of single issue publication] |
Miller, John; Elder, William; Detterman, Robert | 1995 | Mesozoic macrofossil locality map, checklists, and pre-Quaternary stratigraphic section of the Mt. Katmai and adjacent parts of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska |
Moffit, Fred | 1906 | Gold fields of Turnagain Arm region |