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   Phylloceras (Calliphylloceras) , Phylloceras (Holcophylloceras) , Phylloceras (Macrophylloceras) , Phylloceras (Partschiceras) , Phylloceras (Phylloceras)
   alaskanum , bakeri , costisparsum , freibrocki , gardanaum , grantzi , grossicostatum , iniskense , iniskinense , knoxvillensis , kunthi , mesoicum , nizinanum , subobtusiforme , tiglukpukense , ultramontanum , undulatum
Imlay, Ralph1954Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1953Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1964Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1979Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1979Report on Referred Fossils
Jones, David1969Report on Referred Fossils
Jones, David; Miller, John1979Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1975Report on Referred Fossils
Miller, John1985Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1955Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1954Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1961Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1955Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1955Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1960Report on Referred Fossils
Stanton, T.1912Report on Referred Fossils
Jones, David; Miller, John1980Report on Referred Fossils
Elder, William; Miller, John1991Maps showing fossil localities and checklists of Jurassic and Cretaceous macrofauna of western Alaska
Imlay, Ralph1980Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1972Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1984Early and Middle Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) ammonites from southern Alaska
Miller, John1983Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1974Report on Referred Fossils
Miller, John1983Report on Referred Fossils
Jones, David1961Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1961Report on Referred Fossils
Jones, David1962Report on Referred Fossils
Miller, John1982Report on Referred Fossils
Jones, David1962Report on Referred Fossils
Miller, John1982Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1957Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1961Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1961Characteristic Lower Cretaceous megafossils from northern Alaska
Jones, David; Miller, John1978Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1961Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1955Report on Referred Fossils
Detterman, Robert; Reed, Bruce1980Stratigraphy, Structure, and Economic Geology of the Iliamna Quadrangle, Alaska
Miller, John1981Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1981Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1981Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1981Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1981Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1967Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1967Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1959Report on Referred Fossils
Martin, G.1926Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Alaska
Imlay, Ralph1951Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1951Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1958Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1950Report on Referred Fossils
Jones, David; Miller, John1979Report on Referred Fossils
Jones, David; Miller, John1979Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1982Late Bajocian ammonites from southern Alaska
Detterman, Robert; Hartsock, John1966Geology of the Iniskin-Tuxedni Region, Alaska
Detterman, Robert; Hartsock, John1966Geology of the Iniskin-Tuxedni Region, Alaska [last half of single issue publication]
Imlay, Ralph1964Middle Bajocian ammonites from the Cook Inlet region, Alaska
Miller, John; Elder, William; Detterman, Robert1995Mesozoic macrofossil locality map, checklists, and pre-Quaternary stratigraphic section of the Mt. Katmai and adjacent parts of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska
Imlay, Ralph1953Callovan (Jurassic) ammonites from the United States and Alaska. Part 2. Alaska Peninsula and Cook Inlet Regions. USGS Proferssional Paper 249-B
Imlay, Ralph1981Late Jurassic Ammonites from Alaska
Imlay, Ralph1955Characteristic Jurassic mollusks from northern Alaska
Westermann, G.1964The ammonite fauna of the Kialagvik Formation at Wide Bay, Alaska. Part 1. Lower Bajocian (Aalenian). Bulletins of American Paleontology.
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