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Authors: Elder, William P. , Miller, John W.
Date: /1991
Title: Maps showing fossil localities and checklists of Jurassic and Cretaceous macrofauna of western Alaska
91-629 , , 71 p. , 3 Plates, 7 Tables
Host: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report :
Document Type: Article\Abst.\Chapter\report
69ACo186 (Mesozoic loc. M5404) , Taylor Mts , 3/8 mile NW of peak 2968. On ridge into saddle. In hornfelsed section, platy and limy, and with Fe-oxide. N 80 deg. W. / 50 deg. S bedding. (from transmittal sheet accompanying original E&R report) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 21, give the following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (B-6) 1:63,360 Quadrangle. 3/8 mi NW of peak 2968, saddle of Shotgun Hills. Elevation 2000 ft (610 m). Latitude 60 deg. 28.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 9.50' W; Township: 5N, 51W; Section: 25; SW/SW quarter; Collector: W.H. Condon, 1969. Field identifier: 69 ACo186."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M5404. Alaska, Taylor Mountains (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. 3/8 mi NW of peak 2968, saddle of Shotgun Hills. Elevation 2,000 ft (610 m). Latitude: 60°28.50'N, longitude: 158°9.50'W. SW/4, SW/4, sec. 25, T5N, R51W. Collector: W.H. Condon, 1969. Field Identifier: 69ACo 186. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37)
Mytiloides teraokai? Matsumoto and Noda
69ACo187 (Mesozoic loc. M5405) , Taylor Mts , One small slab in rubble on peak 2698. Hornfels, red-brown with Fe-oxide, mainly thin bedded, med. to fine-grained graywacke. Bedding in area N 80 deg. W/65 deg. S., N. 60 deg. W./ 80 deg. S. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 21, give following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (B-6) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Rubble on peak 2698 south of King Salmon River. Elevation 2650 ft (808 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 16.00'N; Longitude: 158 deg. 7.00'W; Township: 2N; Range 51W; Section 5; SW quarter; Collector: W.H. Condon, 1969. Field Identifier: 69ACo187."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
69ACo233 (Mesozoic loc. M5406) , Taylor Mts , High on south end of NW-trending cross ridge on main NE-trending ridge; 1/2 mile NE of hill 1980. Cross ridge is expression of resistant med. and fine-grained graywacke bedded N. 50 deg. W./65 deg. W. Fossils found in thin (1-foot) conglomeratic layer. (from original E&R report) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 20 give following description: "Taylor Mountains (B-7) 1:63,360 Quadrangle. On NE trending ridge NW of Kogrukluk River, NE of hill 1980. Elevation 1950 ft (595 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 25.00' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 32.00' W; Township: 4N; Range: 53W; Section 19; SE/SE quarter; Collector: W.H. Condon, 1969. Field Identifier: 69ACo233."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M5406. Alaska, Taylor Mountains (B-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. On NE trending ridge NW of Kogrukluk River, NE of hill 1980. Elevation 1,950 ft (595 m). Latitude: 60°25.00'N, longitude: 158°32.00'W. SE1/4, SE1/4, sec. 19, T4N, R53W. Collector: W. H. Condon, 1969. Field Identifier: 69ACo233. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37)]
Mytiloides cf. M. incertus (Jimbo)
Mytiloides aff. M. striatoconcentricus (Gumbel)
69ACo238 (Mesozoic loc. M5407) , Taylor Mts , Shallow canyon cut by west flowing second-order tributary to Tikchik River and south of hill 1109. In indurated graywacke of fine- to very fine grain size, and med. to dk. gray siltstone. N. 60 deg. W./45 deg. W. Laminated and cross bedded. Roll casts and cone-in-cone pressure marks are common. Fossils preserved by marcasite and very fragile. (from transmittal sheet submitted for original E&R). [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 21, give following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (B-7) quadrangle. Shallow canyon cut by west flowing tributary to Tikchik River. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 17.00'N; Longitude: 1 58 deg. 31.00' W; Township: 2 N; Range: 53 W; Section: 8; SE quarter; Collector: W.H. Condon, 1969. Field Identifier: 69ACo238."]
69AHr147 (Mesozoic loc. M5408) , Taylor Mts , North bank, middle headwater of tributary to Gemuk River, entering from west. Near sharp bend to south upstream. East side, Gemuk Mountain (in Bethel quad.). In contorted, thin-bedded shale, minor graywacke. ."][Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 24, give following locality description: "East side of Gemuk Mtn. Middle head water of tributary to Gemuk River. Elevation 1800 ft (549 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 37.50' N; Latitude: 159 deg. 59.00' W.; Township: 6N; Range: 55W; Section: 8; SW quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1969. Field Identifier: 69AHr147."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M5408. Alaska, Taylor Mountains (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. East side of Gemuk Mtn. Middle head water of trib. to Gemuk River. Elevation 1,800 ft (549 m). Latitude: 60°37.50'N, longitude: 158°59.00'W. SW1/4, sec. 8, T6N, R55W. Collector: J. Hoare, 1969. Field Identifier: 69AHr147. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]; [Lat. 60.6232, Long. 158.9833, graywacke-argillite (description from Karl et al., 2011)]
Inoceramus hobetsensis Nagao and Matsumoto
Phelopteria sp.
Yezoites puerculus? Jimbo (macroconch)
Yezoites puerculus Jimbo (microconch)
BP-NUS131M (Mesozoic loc. M2698) , Taylor Mts , No description given in E&R report. [USGS Mesozoic catalogue for Menlo Park provides following description: "Taylor Mts. 1:250,000 Quad. Lat. 60 deg. 15' N., Long. 157 deg. 26' W. N. bank of King Salmon River. Coll. BP Co. Field No. NUS 131."][Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 22, give following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (B-4) 1:63,360 quadrangle. North bank of King Salmon River. Elevation 600 ft (183 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 27.80 N; Longitude: 156 deg. 8.80' W; Township: 2N; Range: 47W; Section: 21; NE quarter; Collector: British Petroleum Corp., 1963. Field Identifier: NUS131."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
BP-NUS118M (Mesozoic loc. M2697) , Taylor Mts , No description given in E&R report. [USGS Mesozoic catalogue for Menlo Park provides following description: "Taylor Mts. 1:250,000 Quad. Lat. 60 deg. 16.7' N., Long. 158 deg. 07' W. Head of E. flowing tributary to King Salmon River. 2,000 ft. elevation. Coll. BP Co. Field No. NUS 118."][Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 21, give following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (B-6) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Head of E flowing tributary to King Salmon River. Elevation 1400 ft (427 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 16.70' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 7.00' W; Township: 2N; Range: 51W; Section: 10; Center; Collector: British Petroleum Corp., 1963. Field identifier: NUS 118."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
BP-NUS529M (Mesozoic loc. M2696) , Taylor Mts , No description given in E&R report. [USGS Mesozoic catalogue for Menlo Park provides following description: "Taylor Mts. 1:250,000 Quad. Lat. 60 deg. 07.5' N., Long. 158 deg. 06' W. NE of Tikchik Mt. Coll. BP Co. Field No. NUS 529."][Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 21, give following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (B-6) 1:63,360 quadrangle. NE of Tikchik Mountain. Elevation 1300 ft (396 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 7.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 6.00' W; Township: 1N; Range: 51W; Section 35; Mid-south line; Collector: British Petroleum Corp., 1963. Field Identifier: NUS529.
Inoceramid indeterminate
BP-NUS616M (Mesozoic loc. M2699) , Taylor Mts , No description given in E&R report. [USGS Mesozoic catalogue for Menlo Park provides following description: "Taylor Mts. 1:250,000 Quad. Lat. 60 deg. 27.8' N., Long. 156 deg. 08.8'W. W. of middle fork of Mulchatna River. Coll. B.P. Co. Field Number NUS 616."][Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 22, give following locality description: Taylor Mountains (A-1) 1:63,360 quadrangle. East of Mosquito River. Elevation 800 ft. (244 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 27.80' N; Longitude: 156 deg. 8.80'W; Township: 4N; Range: 40W; Section 2; East line; Collector: British Petroleum Corp., 1963. Field Identifier: NUS616."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
GD5-1095 (Mesozoic loc. M6648) , Goodnews Bay , Graywacke; f.g. to m.g. and some gritty, limy. Fossil collections previously examined include Meso. locs. 23165 & 23307 of shipment AF-50-34. Latitude 59 degs. 55 min. 27 sec. N; Longitude 160 degs. 36 min. 48 sec. W. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 12 provide the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Elevation3700 ft. (1128 m). Latitude 59 deg. 55.00' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 36.00' W; Township: 3S; Range: 66W; Section: 15; NW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD5-1095."]
Buchia crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
GC5-2029 (Mesozoic loc. M6634) , Goodnews Bay , From crops of shale and conglomerate on the east side of small creek. Conglomerate includes clasts of metamorphic rock. (from original E&R report) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 9, give following loc. description: "Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Tributary at head of Klak Creek. Elevation 1600 ft (488 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 38.90' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 30.90' W; Township: 6S; Range: 66W; Section: 16; SE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field identifier: GC5-2029."]
Bivalve indeterminate
BA5-2047 (Mesozoic loc. M6638) , Bethel , In Valley of the Middle Fork Eek R. Graywacke; mostly m.g., feldspathic, micaceous. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 15 give the following locality description: "Bethel (A-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Middle Fork of Eek River. Elevation 650 ft (198 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 1.90' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 45.50' W; Township: 2S; Range: 67 W; Section: 2; W central section; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: BA5-2047."]
Bivalve indeterminate
Kirklandia? sp.
Inoceramid indeterminate
B1265 (Mesozoic loc. M6652) , Goodnews Bay , Lacks any location description or coordinates in original E&R report of Jones,1977 [Elder and Box, 1991, p. 13 provide following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. elevation 2000 ft (610 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 58.00' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 56.00" W; Township: 2S; Range: 68W; Section 33; NW/NE quarter; Collector: R.H. Fehlman, 1972. Field Identifier: B1265"]
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis Elder and Box, in press
GD6-1096 (Mesozoic loc. M6635) , Goodnews Bay , On south end "Great Ridge". Graywecke; mostly m.g., feldspathic, micaceous. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 13 give the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63,360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 1100 ft (335 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 55.87' N; Longitude: 162 deg. 1.87'W; Township: 3S; Range: 68W; Section: 7; Center; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD6-1096."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
GD6-2044 (Mesozoic loc. M6636) , Goodnews Bay , On south end "Great Ridge". Graywecke; mostly m.g., feldspathic, micaceous. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 13 provide the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63,360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 55.67' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 2.20' W; Township: 3S; Range: 68W; Section: 7; SW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD6-2044."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M6636. Alaska, Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 1,000 ft (305 m). latitude: 59°55.67'N, longitude: 161°2.20'W. SW1/4, sec. 7, T3S, R68W. Collector: W. L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD6-2044. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 36-37).]
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis Elder and Box, in press
GD6-1097 (Mesozoic loc. M6637) , Goodnews Bay , On south end "Great Ridge". Graywecke; mostly m.g., feldspathic, micaceous. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 13 provide following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 2100 ft (640 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 57.65' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 59.15' W; Township: 2S; Range: 68W; Section: 33; SW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD6-1097."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M6637. Alaska, Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 2 ,100 ft (640 m). Latitude: 59°57.65'N, longitude: 160°59.15'W. SW1/4, sec. 33, T2S, R68W. Collector: W. L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD6-1097. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus frechi? Flegel
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis Elder and Box, in press
GD5-1362 (Mesozoic loc. M6650) , Goodnews Bay , Graywacke; f.g. to m.g. and some gritty, limy. Fossil collections previously examined include Meso. locs. 23166 & 23307 of shipment AF-50-34. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 12 provide following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Southern Eek Mountains. Elevation 2050 ft (625 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 53.67' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 40.20' W; Township: 3S; Range: 66W; Section: 29; NE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD5-1362."]
Buchia cf. B. crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
GC5-1056 (Mesozoic loc. M6639) , Goodnews Bay , Graywecke; hard, f.g., calcareous, mostly dark gray. Sparce fossil frags. (from original E&R report) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 10 give following loc. description: Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Nukluk Creek. Elevation 2200 ft (671 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 40.06' N; Longitude 160 deg. 38.70' W; Township: 6S, Range: 67 W; Section: 10; SW corner; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field identifier: GC5-1056."]
Buchia sp.
GC5-2021 (Mesozoic loc. M6643) , Goodnews Bay , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 10 provide following loc. description: "Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Nukluk Creek. Elevation 1900 ft (579 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 39.27' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 40.93' W; Township: 6S; Range: 67 W; Section: 16, NW/SE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field identifier: GC5-2021."]
Buchia sp.
GC5-2049 (Mesozoic loc. M6642) , Goodnews Bay , This is a re-collection of Meso. 23169 (Coonrad's 1950 50AHr 429 at station 50C.2.4). The graywacke is calcareous and very hard. (from original E&R report) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 9 give following description: "Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Ridge south of Awayak Lake. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude 59 deg. 33.63' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 44.27'W; Township: 7S; Range: 67W; Section: 19; NW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field identifier: GC5-2049"]
Buchia crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
Buchia keyserlingi (Lahusen)
Inoceramid indeterminate
GC6-1090 (Mesozoic loc. M6644) , Goodnews Bay , Conglomerate with limy fossiliferous matrix crops out on south-facing spur of Hill 709 on the east side of Takshilik Creek in the Valley of Takshilik Creek. This is a re-collection of Coonrad's 50AHr 711 @ Sta. 50C.6.35 of Sept. 5, 1950. (from original E&R report) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 10 give the following loc. description: "Goodnews Bay (C-6) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Takshilik Creek. Elevation 700 ft (213 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 41.00'N; Longitude: 160 deg. 58.85' W; Township: 6S; Range: 69 W; Section: 2; Center W. line; Collector; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field identifier: GC6-1090."]
Buchia crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
GD5-1066 (Mesozoic loc. M6647) , Goodnews Bay , Graywacke; f.g. to m.g. and some gritty, limy. Fossil collections previously examined include Meso. locs. 23166 & 23307 of shipment AF-50-34. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 11 provide following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Klak Lake. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 45.34' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 38.85' W; Township: 5S; Range: 67 W; Section 10, SE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD5-1066."]
Buchia sp.
GC5-1068 (Mesozoic loc. M6640) , Goodnews Bay , Graywacke; hard, f.g., calcareous, mostly dark gray. Locally abundant molds and casts. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 10 provide the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. E. of Klak Lake. Elevation 1200 ft (366 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 43.47' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 32.20' W; Township: 5S; Range: 67 W; Section 24: SW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GC5-1068."]
Buchia crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
GD3-1334 (Mesozoic loc. M6646) , Goodnews Bay , Limestone and limy argillite; red-maroon, tightly folded, fossils contorted. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 11 provide the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. North end of Ouchklune Range. Elevation 3000 ft (915 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 58.23' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 2.43' W; Township: 2S; Range: 63W; Section: 25; SW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD3-1334."]
Buchia cf. B. crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
Buchia cf. B. keyserlingi (Lahusen)
GD3-1134 (Mesozoic loc. M6645) , Goodnews Bay , Limestone and limy argillite; red-maroon, tightly folded, fossils contorted. [near Meso. 23171] -- [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 11 provide the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (C-3 -Note by RBB, should be D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. N side of W trending spur of Ouchklune Range. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 55.43' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 4.83' W; Township: 3S; Range: 63W; Section: 15; NE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD3-1134."]
Buchia cf. B. crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
RPO-6 (Mesozoic loc. 26008) , Lake Clark , Lake Clark quad. Mulchatna River [Note by R.B. Blodgett: no further geographic information provided in E&R report, however, transmittal sheets of Kirschner gives the coordinates of 3.2/9.8 on the Lake Clark quad. sheet, and indicate that it was collected June 12, 1955 by R.P. Ottenstein, Standard Oil Co. of California from the Mulchatna R(iver)] [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 69 provide following description for locality: "Lake Clark 1956 1:250000 quadrangle. Locality data too poor for precise relocation. Mulchatna River. Elevation 1200 ft (366 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 33.50'N; Longitude: 155 deg. 38.00' W; Collector: R.P. Ottenstein, 1955. Field Identifier: RPO-6]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 26008. Alaska, Lake Clark 1:250000 quadrangle. Locality data too poor for precise relocation. Mulchatna River. Collector: R. P. Ottenstein, 1955. Field Identifier: RPO-6. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus hobetsensis Nagao and Matsumoto
43ACa99 (Mesozoic loc. 18926) , Taylor Mts , W.M. Cady, 1943. Cut-bank on east side of Holitna River, 3 miles south of Nagamut; point where river first strikes "Nogamut Hill." [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 26 give following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Holitna River north of Kiknik Creek. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 58.10' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 35.70' W; Township: 10N; Range: 47W; Section 7; NW/NE quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1943. Field Identifier: 43ACa99."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 18926. Alaska, Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Holitna River north of Kiknik Creek. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). NEI/4, NW/4, sec. 7, T10N, R47W. Collector: W. M. Cady, 1943. Field Identifier: 43ACa99. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]; [Lat. 60.9729, Long. 157.6789 sandstone-argillite (description from Karl et al., 2011]
Inoceramus waltersdorfensis waltersdorfensis Andert
Mytiloides cf. M. incertus (Jimbo)
Mytiloides teraokai? Matsumoto and Noda
Yezoites puerculus (Jimbo) microconch
44ACa23 , Taylor Mts , W.M. Cady, 1944. Lower northwestern slopes of Taylor Mountains, 6 1/2 miles southeast of Nogamut and 12 1/2 miles northeast of Kashegelok; outcrop near creek. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 27, provide following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Lower NW slopes of Taylor Mountains. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 58.05' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 31.05 W; Township: 10N; Range: 46W; Section 7, SW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1944. Field Identifier: 44ACa23."]; [Lat. 60.9671, Long. 157.5175 sandstone-argillite (description from Karl et al., 2011(
44ACa16 (Mesozoic loc. 19394) , Taylor Mts , Lower northwest slopes of Taylor Mountains, 6 1/2 miles southeast of Nogamut and 12 1/2 miles northest of Kashegelok; crest of spur. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 26, provide following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Lower NW slopes of Taylor Mountains. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude 60 deg. 58.05' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 31.05' W; Township: 10N; Range: 46W; Section 7; SW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1944. Field Identifier: 44ACa16."]; [Lat. 60.9671, Long. 157.5175 sandstone-argillite (description from Karl et al., 2011)]
Inoceramid indeterminate
44AHr4b (Mesozoic loc. 19395B) , Taylor Mts , J.M. Hoare, 1944. Hills between Nogamut and Taylor Mountains, 4 1/2 miles southeast of Nogamut and 10 1/2 miles northeast of Kashegelok; crest of ridge. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 27, give the following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63,360. Lower NW slopes of Taylor Mountains. Elevation 1500 ft. (457 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 58.05' N; Longitude: 57 deg. 31.05' W; Township: 10N; Range: 46 W; Section 7; SW quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AHr4."]; USGS Mesozoic loc. 19395b. East of Holitna River, 4 1/2 miles S. 42° E. of Nagamut, Kuskokwim region, southwest Alaska. Inoceramus cf. I. ambiguus Eichwald. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 24); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 19395B. Orig. no. 44AHr4. Upper Cretaceous. 53 miles S. 15° W. of Sleitmut; 4 1/2 miles S. 42° E. of Nogamiut, Aniak-Hoholitna dist., S.W. Alaska. Coll. J.M. Hoare for W.M. Cady, 1944]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19395. Alaska, Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Lower northwestern slopes of Taylor Mountains. Elevation 1,500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 60°58.05'N, longitude: 157°31.05'W. SW1/4, sec. 7, T10N, R46W. Collector: J. Hoare, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AHr4. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38). [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue gives this: 19395B. Orig. no. 44AHr4. Upper Cretaceous. 53 miles S. 15° W of Sleitmut; 4 1/2 miles S. 42° E. of Nogamiut, Aniak-Hoholitna dist., S.W. Alaska. Coll. J.M. Hoare for W.M. Cady, 1944]; [Lat. 60.9671, Long. 157.5175 sandstone-argillite (description from Karl et al., 2011)]
Inoceramus longealatus? Troger
81BB65 (Mesozoic loc. M7563) , Hagemeister Island , Field No. C-46, 81-BB-65, Hagemeister Island (C-4) Quadrangle. On coast 2800 feet north of south section line Sec. 6, T 19 S., R 71 W. (SW tip of Island) (from E&R report of J.W. Miller, 2/16/82); [Hagemeister Island (C-4) 1:63,30 quadrangle. On southeast coast of Hagemeister Island. Elevation 0 ft (0 m). Latitude: 58 deg. 33.80' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 4.80'W; Township: 19S; Range: 71W; Section 6; W. half; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field identifier: C-46 81BB65. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 7)]
Corbicellopsis sp.
81BB64 (Mesozoic loc. M7564) , Hagemeister Island , Field No. C-46, 81-BB-64, Hagemeister Island (C-4 Quadrangle). Same locality as M7563. (from E&R report of J.W. Miller, 2/16/82); [Hagemeister Island (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Southeast shore of Hagemeister Isalnd. Elevation 0 ft (0 m). Latitude 58 deg. 33.80' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 4.80' W; Township: 19S; Range: 71W; Section: 6; SW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C-46 81BB64. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 7)]
Belemnite indeterminate
81SB278 (Mesozoic loc. M7574) , Hagemeister Island , Hagemeister Island (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. SW coast of Hagemeister Island. Elevation 0 ft (0 m). Latitude: 58 deg. 33.80' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 4.80' W; Township: 19S; Range: 71W; Section: 6; NW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1981. Field Identifier: 81SB278. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 7)
Corbicellopsis sp.
Retroceramus lucifer (Eichwald)
Cylindroteuthis sp.
Trochus sp.
81SB50 (Mesozoic loc. M7575) , Hagemeister Island , Hagemeister Island (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. SW coast of Hagemeister Island. Elevation 0 ft (0 m). Latitude: 58 deg. 35.40' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 4.90' W; Township: 19S; Range: 71W; Section: 6; E central section; Collector: Steve Box, 1981. Field Identifier: 81SB50. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 7)
Leptosphinctes (Persisphinctes) pseudomartinsi Siemerad
52AHr115 (Mesozoic loc. 26889) , Hagemeister Island , Hagemeister Island (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Central Hagemeister Island. Elevation 1310 ft (399 m). Latitude: 58 deg. 43.80' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 58.30' W: Township: 18S; Range: 71W; Section: 3; SW/SE quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1952. Field Identifier: 52AHr115. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 7); USGS Mesozoic loc. 29889. South-central part of Hagemeister Island, Bristol Bay, lat 58°38'25" N., long 160°58'50" W. Inoceramus cf. I. ambiguus Eichwald. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 24); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 29889 (52AHr115) Middle Jurassic. Hagemeister Island in Bristol Bay, S.W. Alaska. Lat. 58°38'25" N., Long. 160°58'50" W. On north ceentral part of island. Coll. by Hoare, 1952]
Astarte sp.
Camptonectes sp.
Corbicellopsis sp.
Meleagrinella sp.
Pleuromya sp.
Protocardia sp.
Retroceramus cf. R. ambiguus (Eichwald)
74AHr33 (Mesozoic loc. M6292) , Hagemeister Island , Hagemeister Island (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Central Hagemeister Island. Elevation 1310 ft (399 m). Latitude: 58 deg. 43.80' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 58.30' W; Township: 18S; Range: 71W; Section: 3; SW/SE quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1974. Field Identifier: 74AHr33. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 7)
Meleagrinella sp.
Retroceramus cf. R. ambiguus (Eichwald)
Belemnite indeterminate
81BB70 (Mesozoic loc. M7562) , Hagemeister Island , Field No. C-47, 81-BB-70, Hagemeister Island (C-3) Quadrangle. Central Hagemeister Island. Hill 1310. 300 feet north, 1700 feet west of SE cor. Sec. 3, T 18 S., R 71 W. (from E&R report of J.W. Miller, 2/16/82);[Hagemeister Island (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Central Hagemeister Island. Elevation 1310 ft (399 m). Latitude: 58 deg. 38.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 28.70' W; Township: 18S; Range: 71W; Section: 3; SE quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C-47 81BB70. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 8)]
Leptosphinctes (Persisphinctes) pseudomartinsi Siemerad
81SB84 (Mesozoic loc. M7576) , Hagemeister Island , Hagemeister Island (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Hill 1310. Mid Hagemeister Island. Elevation 1310 feet (399 m). Latitude: 58 deg. 38.40' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 58.80' W; Township: 18S; Range: 71S; Section: 3; SE quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1981. Field Identifier: 81SB84. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 8)
Leptosphinctes (Persisphinctes) pseudomartinsi Siemerad
52AHr135 (Mesozoic loc. 24357) , Hagemeister Island , Hagemeister Island (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. NE coast of Hagemeister Island. Elevation 0 ft. (0 m). Latitude 58 deg. 42.80' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 58.16' W; Township: 17S; Range: 71W; Section: 2; SW quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1952. Field Identifier: 52AHr135. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 8); [USGS Mesozoic loc. 24357. Hagermeister Island in Bristol Bay area, lat 58°43'50" N., long 160°58'10" W. Kuskokwim region, southwest Alaska. Weyla and other pelecypods identical with species near Seldovia (loc. 13). These could be Hettangian or Sinemurian Age. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 22)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Lower Jurassic (?). Orig. No. 52-AHr-135. Lat. 58° 43'50" N., Long. 160° 58'10" W., Hagemeister Island (Bristol Bay) S.W. Alaska. "Permian". Coll. J.M. Hoare, 1952]
Camptonectes sp.
Weyla sp.
74AHr35 (Mesozoic loc. M6293) , Hagemeister Island , Hagemeister Island (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Northeast shore of Hagemeister Island. Elevation 0 ft (0 m). Latitude: 58 deg. 44.10' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 56.10' W; Township: 17S; Range: 71W; Section: 1; NW quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1974. Field Identifier: 74AHr35. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 8)
81BB44 (Mesozoic loc. M7561) , Hagemeister Island , Field No. C-35, 81-BB-44, Hagemeister Island (C-3) Quadrangle. On coast 300 feet east of west section line Sec. 1, T 17 S., R 71 W. (from J.W. Miller E&R report, 2/16/82); [Hagemeister Island (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. NE coast of Hagemeister Island. Elevation 0 ft (0 m). Latitude: 58 deg. 44.10' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 56.10' W; Township: 17S; Range: 71W; Section 1; NW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C-35 81BB44. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 8)]
Entolium sp.
Meleagrinella sp.
Protocardia sp.
53AHr1303 (Mesozoic loc. 24732) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (A-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kulukak River west of Buchia Ridge. Elevation 100 ft (30 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 5.80' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 45.90' W; Township: 12N; Range: 62W; Section 32; NW quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1953. Field Identifier: 53AHr1303. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 8)
Inoceramid indeterminate?
74AHr3 (Mesozoic loc. M6290) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (A-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. East bank of the Kulukak River. Elevation 100 ft (30 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 5.75' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 45.90' W; Township: 12S; Range 52W; Section 32; NE quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1974. Field Identifier: 74AHr3. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 8)
Lytoceras? sp.
Belemnite indeterminate
74ACd21B (Mesozoic loc. M6302) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (A-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Northern Buchia Ridge. Elevation 1200 ft (366 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 9.40' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 43.70' W; Township: 12S; Range 63W; Section 9; NE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad. Field Identifier: 74ACd21B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 9)
Buchia crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
53AHr1301 (Mesozoic loc. 24731) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (A-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kulukak River west of Buchia Ridge. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 10.00' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 40.00' W; Township: 12N; Range 62W; Section 2; E 1/2 quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1953. Field Identifier: 53AHr1301. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 9)
Inoceramus ovatus Stanton
GB3-1336 (Mesozoic loc. ?????) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (B-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Head of Tshayagamut River. Elevation 800 ft (244 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 28.40' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 51.30' W; Township: 18S; Range 62W; Section 20; NE quarter; Collector: W.H. Condon. Field Identifier: GB3-1336. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 9)
Retroceramus lucifer (Eichwald)
Belemnite indeterminate
50AHr429 (Mesozoic loc. 23169) , Goodnews Bay , 30 3/4 miles S. 43 deg. W. of outlet of Kagati Lake; 7 3/4 miles N. 35 1/2 deg. W. of outlet of Goodnews Lake; on south side of a valley in which are two narrow lakes, between 1 and 2 miles long, which are at the head of two recurved tributaries to Goodnews River. Fossils occur about 200 feet above the marshy divide between the lakes on a spur which projects northwestward between the heads of the two lakes. (from original E&R report of Reeside) Lithology of beds (from transmittal sheet of Hoare): Fossils occur through an 18-inch zone which has a 1" bed of fine conglomerate at its base. This zone is interbedded with an undetermined amount of well-bedded, hard dark graywacke. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 9 give following description: "Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge south of Awayak Lake. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 33.63' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 44.27' W; Township: 7S; Range 67W; Section 19; NW quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1950. Field Identifier: 50AHr429."]
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
GC5-2022 (Mesozoic loc. M6641) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Nukluk Creek. Elevation 1600 ft (488 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 39.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 39.37' W; Township: 6S; Range 67W; Section 15; N half; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GC5-2022. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 10)
Bivalve indeterminate
82SB170 (Mesozoic loc. M7693) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (C-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge NW of Takshilik Creek. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 40.50' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 0.50' W; Township: 6S; Range 69W; Section 10; NW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1982. Field Identifier: 82SB170. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 10)
Buchia crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
82SB172 (Mesozoic loc. M7694) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (C-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge NW of Takshilik Creek. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 40.50' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 0.50' W; Township: 6S; Range 69W; Section 10; NW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1982. Field Identifier: 82SB172. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 10)
Buchia sp.
82SB101 (Mesozoic loc. M7691) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Sam Creek. Elevation 700 ft (213 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 47.00' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 45.40' W; Township: 4S; Range 67W; Section 22; E central section; Collector: Steve Box, 1982. Field Identifier: 82SB101. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 11)
GD3-2443 (Mesozoic loc. M6891) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kagati Lake. Elevation 1100 ft (335 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 53.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 5.70' W; Township: 3S; Range 63W; Section 27; W central section; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1976. Field Identifier: GD3-2443. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 11)
Buchia sublaevis? Keyserling
GD3-2456 (Mesozoic loc. M6892) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kagati Lake shore. Elevation 1039 ft (317 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 53.05' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 4.20' W; Township: 3S; Range 63W; Section 35; N line; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1976. Field Identifier: GD3-2456. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 11)
Buchia sublaevis? Keyserling
82SB39 (Mesozoic loc. M7689) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. N side of W trending spur of Ouchklune Range. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 55.43' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 4.83' W; Township: 3S; Range 63W; Section 15; NE quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1982. Field Identifier: 82SB39. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 11)
Buchia sp.
82SB??? (Mesozoic loc. M7690) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge on north side of Kanektok River. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 52.60' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 38.50' W; Township: 3S; Range 66W; Section 33; W central section; Collector: Steve Box, 1982. Field Identifier: 82SB129. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 12)[Note by R.B. Blodgett: this locality was indicated to be field station 82SB129 in the Elder and Miller Open-File Report, however, this number was also assigned to a locality listed by them on p. 70. The correct entry for locality 82SB129 is that given on p. 70, hence, the correct field station assignment is here left with question marks]
Bivalve indeterminate
GD5-2041 (Mesozoic loc. M6651) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Latitude: 59 deg. 54.33' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 40.50' W; Township: 3S; Range 66W; Section 19; NE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad. Field Identifier: GD5-2041. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 12)
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
GD5-1042 (Mesozoic loc. M6649) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Elevation 3700 ft (1128 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 55.50' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 36.75' W; Township: 3S; Range 66W; Section 10; SE corner; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD5-1042. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 12)
Buchia crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
82BB179 (Mesozoic loc. M7766) , Goodnews Bay , Field No. 82-BB-179, Goodnews Bay (D-5) Quadrangle. Eek Mountains. SW 1/4 sec. 10, T. 3 S., R. 66 W. (from E&R report by J.W. Miller, 4/22/83); [Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Elevation 3700 ft (1128 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 55.50' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 36.75' W; Township: 3S; Range 66W; Section 10; SE corner; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82BB179. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 12)]
Buchia crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
82BB185 (Mesozoic loc. M7767) , Goodnews Bay , Field No. 82-BB-185, Goodnews Bay (D-5) Quadrangle. Same locality as M7766. (from E&R report of J.W. Miller, 4/22/83); [Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Elevation 3300 ft (1006 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 55.70' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 36.50' W; Township: 3S; Range 66W; Section 33; SW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82BB185. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 12)]
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
89ASB84A (Mesozoic loc. M8261) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Calcareous horizon in slaty shale below 89ASB84E. Latitude: 59 deg. 56.05' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 36.30' W; Township: 3S; Range 66W; Section 10; NE/NW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1989. Field Identifier: 89ASB84A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 13)
Inoceramid indeterminate?
89ASB84E (Mesozoic loc. M8622) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Siltstone clast in conglomerate in thick shaly turbidite sequence. Latitude: 59 deg. 56.05' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 36.30' W; Township: 3S; Range 66W; Section 10; NE/NW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1989. Field Identifier: 89ASB84E. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 13)
Cylindroteuthis sp.
B1295 (Mesozoic loc. M6652) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Elevation 2000 ft (610 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 58.00' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 56.00' W; Township: 2S; Range 68W; Section 33; NW/NE quarter; Collector: R.H. Fehlman, 1972. Field Identifier: B1265. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 13); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M6652. Alaska, Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Elevation 2 ,000 ft (610 m). Latitude: 59°58.00'N, longitude: 160°56.00'W. NE1/4, NW1/4, sec. 33, T2S, R68W. Collector: R. H. Fehlman, 1972. Field Identifier: B 1265. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis Elder and Box, in press
84JM155A (Mesozoic loc. M7968) , Bethel , East Central Sec. 19, T. 1 S., R. 64 W. Latitude: 60 deg. 04.64' N., Longitude: 160 deg. 20.15' W. (from J.W. Miller E&R report of Oct. 15, 1984); [Bethel (A-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Sawtooth Mountain. Elevation 3000 ft (915 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 4.64' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 20.15' W; Township: 1S; Range: 64W; Section 19; E central section; Collector: John Murphy, 1984. Field Identifier: 84AJM155A (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 13)].
Buchia sp.
84JM111 (Mesozoic loc. M7969) , Bethel , Bethel (A-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Sawtooth Mountain. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 4.75' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 23.32' W; Township: 1S; Range: 65W;; Section 24; NW quarter; collector: John Murphy, 1984. Field Identifier: 84AJM111. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 14)
Buchia sp.
Worm feeding tracks?
84JM130 (Mesozoic loc. M7970) , Bethel , Bethel (A-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Sawtooth Mountain. Float. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 4.79' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 23.38' W; Township: 1S; Range: 65W; Section 24; NW quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1984. Field Identifier: 84AJM130. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 14)
Buchia sp.
84JM250C (Mesozoic loc. M7961) , Bethel , NW 1/4, Sec. 35, T. 1 S., R. 65 W. Latitude 60 deg. 03.02'N, longitude 160 deg. 24.5'W. Pebbly sandstone. (from J.W. Miller E&R report of Oct. 15, 1984); [Bethel (A-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.02' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 24.50' W; Township: 1S; Range: 65W; Section 35, NW quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1984. Field Identifier: 84AJM250C. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 14)]
Inoceramus indeterminate
84JM250G (Mesozoic loc. M7963) , Bethel , Same locality as M7961. Limestone float. (from J.W. Miller E&R report of Oct. 15, 1984); [Bethel (A-4) 1;63360 quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.02' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 24.50' W; Township: 1S; Range: 65W; Section 35; NW quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1984. Field Identifier: 84AJM250G. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 14)]
Buchia keyserlingi? (Lahusen)
84JM250K (Mesozoic loc. M7965) , Bethel , Same locality as M7963 (from J.W. Miller E&R report of Oct. 15, 1984); [Bethel (A-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.02' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 24.50' W; Township: 1S; Range: 65W; Section 35; NW quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1984. Field Identifier: 84AJM250K. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 14)]
worm feeding tracks?
84JM255A (Mesozoic loc. M7966) , Bethel , Bethel (A-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Elevation 2750 ft (838 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 2.63' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 20.15' W; Township: 1S; Range: 65W; Section 35; central section; Collector: John Murphy, 1984. Field Identifier: 84AJM255A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 14)
Buchia sp.
84ASB40C (Mesozoic loc. M8501) , Bethel , Bethel (A-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Northern Eek Mountains. Elevation 3000 ft (915 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.00' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 24.10' W; Township: 1S; Range: 65W; Section 35; SW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1987. Field Identifier: 87ASB40C. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 14)
Bivalve indeterminate
82BB572 (Mesozoic loc. M7772) , Bethel , Bethel (A-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Elevation 2700 ft (823 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 2.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 29.80' W; Township: 2S; Range: 65W; Section 5; NW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82-BB-572. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 15); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7772. Alaska, Bethel (A-4) 1:63360 Quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Elevation 2 ,700 ft (823 m). Latitude: 60°2.30'N, longitude: 160°29.80'W. NW1/4, sec. 5, T2S, R65W. Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82-BB-572. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Yezoites puerculus (Jimbo) macroconch
84JM106 (Mesozoic loc. M7972) , Bethel , Bethel (A-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. North of Sawtooth Mountain. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 5.82' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 22.45' W; Township: 1S; Range: 65W; Section 12; SW quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1984. Field Identifier: 84JM106. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 15)
Buchia sublaevis? Keyserling
87ATm30 (Mesozoic loc. M8532) , Bethel , Bethel (A-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Two miles west of Sawtooth Mountain. Elevation 3500 ft (1067 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 4.46' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 26.05' W; Township: 1S; Range: 65 W; Section 22W; W half; Collector: Tom Moore, 1987. Field Identifier: 87ATm30. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 15)
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
18-JM-78 (Mesozoic loc. M7017) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Measured section on Great Ridge. elevation 2300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 51.90' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 30; SW quarter; Collector: I.F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 18-JM-78. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 15); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7017. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Measured section on Great Ridge. Elevation 2,300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 60°3.30'N, longitude: 160°51.90'W. SW1/4, sec. 30, T1S, R67W. Collector: I. F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 18- JM-78. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus frechi? Flegel
21-JM-78 (Mesozoic loc. M7018) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Measured section on Great Ridge. Elevation 2300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 51.90' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 30; SW quarter; Collector: I.F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 21-JM-78. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 15); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7018. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Measured section on Great Ridge. Elevation 2,300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 60°3.30'N, longitude: 160°51.90'W. SW1/4, sec. 30, T1S, R67W. Collector: I . F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 21- JM-78. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis Elder and Box, in press
21-JM-75 (Mesozoic loc. M7019) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Measured section on Great Ridge. Elevation 2300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 51.90' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 30; SW quarter; Collector: I.F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 21-JM-75. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 15); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7019. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Measured section on Great Ridge. Elevation 2,300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 60°3.30'N, longitude: 160°51.90'W. SW1/4, sec. 30, T1S, R67W. Collector: I . F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier:2 1-JM-75. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis Elder and Box, in press
13-JM-78 (Mesozoic loc. M7020) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Measured section, Great Ridge. Elevation 2300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 51.90' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 30; SW quarter; Collector: I.F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 13-JM-78. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 16); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7020. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Measured section, Great Ridge. Elevation 2,300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 60°3.30'N, longitude: 160°51.90'W. SW1/4, sec. 30, T1S, R67W. Collector: I. F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 13-JM-78. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis Elder and Box, in press
27-JM-78 (Mesozoic loc. M7021) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Measured section, Great Ridge. Elevation 2300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 51.90' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 30; SW quarter; Collector: I.F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 27-JM-78. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 16)
Bivalve indeterminate
30-JM-78 (Mesozoic loc. M7022) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 52.20' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 30, SW quarter; Collector: I.F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 30-JM-78. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 16); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7022. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 2 ,500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60°3.30'N, longitude: 160°52.20'W. SW1/4, sec. 30, T1S, R67W. Collector: I. F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 30-JM-78. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis Elder and Box, in press
31-JM-78 (Mesozoic loc. M7023) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 52.20' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 30, SW quarter; Collector: I.F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 31-JM-78. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 16); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7023. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 2 ,500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60°3.30'N, longitude: 160°52.20'W. SW1/4, sec. 30, T1S, R67W. Collector: I. F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 31-JM-78. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus frechi Flegel
32-JM-78 (Mesozoic loc. M7024) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 52.20' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 30, SW quarter; Collector: I.F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 32-JM-78. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 16)
Inoceramid indeterminate
33-JM-78 (Mesozoic loc. M7025) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 3.30' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 52.20' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 30, SW quarter; Collector: I.F. Palmer, 1978. Field Identifier: 33-JM-78. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 16)
Inoceramid indeterminate
89ASB80A (Mesozoic loc. M8620) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. 0.5 m scale x-bedded sandstones just E of crest of Great Ridge. Latitude: 60 deg. 3.10' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 50.47' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 32; NW/NW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1989. Field Identifier: 89ASB80A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 16); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8620. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. 0.5 m scale cross-bedded sandstones just E of crest of Great Ridge. Latitude: 60°3.10'N, longitude:160°50.47'W. NW1/4, NW1/4 sec. 32, T1S, R67W. Collector: Steve Box, 1989. Field Identifier: 89ASB80A. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis? Elder and Box, in press
89AJM57A (Mesozoic loc. M8631) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. SE side of Great Ridge in massive sandstone ca. 100 m above shale. Latitude: 60 deg. 3.47' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 49.40' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 29; SW/SE quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1989. Field Identifier: 89AJM57A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 17)
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis? Elder and Box, in press
89AJM57B (Mesozoic loc. M8632) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. SE side of Great Ridge in massive sandstone ca. 100 m above shale. Latitude: 60 deg. 3.47' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 49.40' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 29; SW/SE quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1989. Field Identifier: 89AJM57B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 17)
Inoceramid indeterminate
89AJM57C (Mesozoic loc. M8633) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. SE side of Great Ridge in massive sandstone ca. 100 m above shale. Latitude: 60 deg. 3.47' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 49.40' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 29; SW/SE quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1989. Field Identifier: 89AJM57C. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 17); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8633. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. SE side of Great Ridge in massive sandstone ca. 100 m above shale. Latitude: 60°3.47'N, longitude :160°49.40'W. SE1/4, SW1/4 sec. 29, T1S, R67W. Collector: John Murphy, 1989. Field Identifier: 89AJM57C. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus frechi Flegel
81BB543A (Mesozoic loc. M7565) , Bethel , Field No. C-98, 81-BB-543A, Bethel (A-5) Quadrangle. Great Ridge. 900 feet south, 1100 feet east of NW cor. Sec. 20, T 1 S., R 67 W. (from E&R report by J.W. Miller, 2/16/82); [Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Central part of Great Ridge. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 4.90' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 50.04' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 20; NW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C98 81-BB543A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 17)]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7565. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Central part of Great Ridge. Elevation 2,500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60°4.90'N, longitude: 160°50.04'W. NWI/4, sec. 20, T1S,R 67W. Collector: Wes Wallace,1 981. Field Identifier: C-98,81 -BB-543A. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis Elder and Box, in press
81BB544 (Mesozoic loc. M7566) , Bethel , Field No. C-98, 81-BB-544, Bethel (A-5) Quadrangle. Same locality as M7565. (from E&R report by J.W. Miller, 2/16/82); [Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 4.90' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 50.04' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 20; NW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C98 81-BB-544. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 17)]; USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7566. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Elevation 2,500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60°4.90'N, longitude: 159°50.04'W. NW1/4, sec. 20, T1S, R67W. Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C -98,81-BB-544. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus hobetsensis? Nagao and Matsumoto
81BB545 (Mesozoic loc. M7567) , Bethel , Field No. C-98, 81-BB-545, Bethel (A-5) Quadrangle. Same locality as M7565. (from E&R report of J.W. Miller, 2/16/82); [Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 4.90' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 50.04' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 20; NW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C98, 81-BB-545. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 17)]; USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7567. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge, Elevation 2,500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60°4.90'N, longitude: 159°50.04'W. NW1/4, sec. 20, T1S, R67W. Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C-98,81-BB-545. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus frechi? Flegel
81BB548 (Mesozoic loc. M7568) , Bethel , Field No. C-98, 81-BB-548, Bethel (A-5) Quadrangle. Same locality as M7565. (from E&R report by J.W. Miller, 2/16/82); [Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 4.90' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 50.04' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 20; SE quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C98 81-BB-548. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 17)]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7568. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Elevation 2,500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60°4.90'N, longitude: 159°50.04'W. SE1/4, sec. 20, T S, R67W. Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C -98,81-BB-548. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus frechi? Flegel
81BB550 (Mesozoic loc. M7569) , Bethel , Field No. C-98, 81-BB-550, Bethel (A-5) Quadrangle. Same locality as M7565. (from E&R report by J.W. Miller, 1982); [Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 4.90' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 50.04' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 20; SE quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C98 81-BB-550. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 18)]
Inoceramid indeterminate
87ASB30 (Mesozoic loc. M8521) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Elevation 2550 ft (777 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 4.43' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 50.44' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 20; NW/NW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1987. Field Identifier: 87ASB30. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 18)
Ammonite indet.
Belemnite indeterminate
74D-23 (Mesozoic loc. M6374) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Crest of Great Ridge about 3.5 miles S of Eek River. Elevation 2420 ft (738 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 7.00' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 45.50 W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 2; SW quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1974. Field Identifier: 74D-23. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 18); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M6374. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Crest of Great Ridge about 3.5 miles S of Eek River. Elevation 2,420 ft (738 m). Latitude: 60°7.00'N, longitude: 160°45.50'W. SW1/4, sec. 2, T1S, R67W. Collector: J. Hoare, 1974. Field Identifier: 74D-23. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus frechi Flegel
Inoceramus hobetsensis Nagao and Matsumoto
74D-58 (Mesozoic loc. M6375) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Hill 1.7 miles S of Eek River & W of Great Ridge. Elevation 1093 ft (333 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 8.50' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 50.00' W; Township: 1N; Range: 67W; Section 25; SW/SE quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1974. Field Identifier: 74D-58. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 18)
83JD411C (Mesozoic loc. M8091) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Elevation 2350 ft (716 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 6.50' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 46.00' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 10; NE quarter; Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83JD411C. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 18)
Inoceramid indeterminate
83JD411D (Mesozoic loc. M8092) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Elevation 2350 ft (716 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 6.50' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 46.00' W; Township: 1S; Range: 67W; Section 10; NE quarter; Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83JD411D. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 18); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8092. Alaska, Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. Data too poor for precise relocation. Elevation 2,350 ft (716 m). Latitude: 60°6.50'N, longitude: 160°46.00'W. NE1/4, sec. 10, T1S, R67W. Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83JD411D. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus hobetsensis Nagao and Matsumoto
81BB129 (Mesozoic loc. M7570) , Bethel , Field No. C-98, 81-BB-129, Bethel (A-5) Quadrangle. North end of Great Ridge at Eek River. 100 feet south, 2200 feet west of NW cor. Sec. 14, T 1 N., R 66 W. (from E&R report by J.W. Miller, 2/16/82); [Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. North end of Great Ridge at Eek River. Elevation 600 ft (183 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 12.20' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 41.30' W; Township: 1N; Range: 66W; Section 14, NE quarter. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 18)]
Inoceramid indeterminate
87ASB28C (Mesozoic loc. M8502) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Eek River. Elevation 650 ft (198 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 2.03' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 41.45' W; Township: 1N; Range: 66W; Section 14; NW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1987. Field Identifier: 87ASB28C. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 19)
Inoceramid indeterminate
87ASB31 (Mesozoic loc. M8503) , Bethel , Bethel (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge, north of Eek River. Elevation 1450 ft (442 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 12.40' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 38.90' W; Township: 1N; Range: 66W; Section 1: E half; Collector: Steve Box, 1987. Field Identifier: 87ASB31. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 19)
Gastropod indeterminate
87AMM40 (Mesozoic loc. M8504) , Bethel , Bethel (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Bend of Kwethluk River at Elbow Mountain. Elevation 250 ft (76 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 18.75' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 56.25' W; Township: 3N; Range: 67W; Section 13; SW/SW quarter; Collector: Mike Mullen, 1987. Field Identifier: 87AMM40. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 19)
Belemnite indeterminate
BA3-2446 (Mesozoic loc. M6890) , Bethel , Bethel (A-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge south of Rich Gulch. Elevation 2150 ft (655 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 10.10' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 0.60' W; Township: 1N; Range: 62W; Section 23; Central section; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1976. Field Identifier: BA3-2446. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 19)
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
BA3-1716 (Mesozoic loc. M6887) , Bethel , Bethel (A-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge south of Rich Gulch. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 8.90' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 59.75' W; Township: 1N; Range: 62W; Section 26; Center; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1976. Field Identifier: BA3-1716. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 19)
Buchia crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
BA3-1722 (Mesozoic loc. M6888) , Bethel , Bethel (A-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge south of Rich Gulch. Elevation 2200 ft (671 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 9.95' N; Longitude: 160 deg. .66' W; Township: 1N; Range: 62W; Section 26: NW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1976. Field Identifier: BA3-1722. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 19)
Buchia crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
BA3-2445 (Mesozoic loc. M6889) , Bethel , Bethel (A-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge south of Rich Gulch. Elevation 2200 ft (671 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 9.10' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 59.40' W; Township: 1N; Range: 62W; Section 26; NW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1976. Field Identifier: BA3-2445. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 19)
Buchia keyserlingi (Lahusen)
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
48AHr91 (Mesozoic loc. 21476) , Bethel , Bethel (B-2) 1:63,360 quadrangle. About 800 ft up the recurved tributary to Akoswift Creek. Elevation 2100 ft (640 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 15.80' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 44.20' W; Township: 2N; Range: 44W; Section 17; Center; Collector: Irv Tailleur, 1948 [Note by R.B. Blodgett; this report attributes this collection to Irv Tailleur, and gives his name as the collecter. - This is incorrect, original E&R indicates this collection was Joe Hoare and his station was 48AHr91]. Field Identifier: 48ATr91. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 20); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 21476. Alaska, Bethel (B-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. About 800 ft up the recurved tributary to Akoswift Creek. Elevation 2,100 ft (640 m). Latitude: 60°15.80'N, longitude: 159°44.20'W. Center, sec. 17, T2N, R44W. Collector: Irv Tailleur, 1948. Field Identifier: 48ATr91. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus longealatus Troger
BB2-1723 (Mesozoic loc. M6885) , Bethel , Bethel (B-2) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Ridge at head of tributary of Akoswift Creek. Elevation 2800 ft (854 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 16.15' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 43.53' W; Township: 2N; Range: 60W; Section 9; SW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1976. Field Identifier: BB2-1723. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 20); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M6885. Alaska, Bethel (B-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge at head of tributary of Akoswift Creek. Elevation 2,800 ft (854 m). Latitude: 60°16.15'N, longitude: 159°43.53'W. SW1/4, sec. 9, T2N, R60W. Collector: W. L. Coonrad, 1976. Field Identifier: BB2-1723. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus longealatus Troger
BB2-2447 (Mesozoic loc. M6886) , Bethel , Bethel (B-2) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Ridge at head of tributary of Akoswift Creek. Elevation 2800 ft (854 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 16.15' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 43.53' W; Township: 2N; Range: 60W; Section 9; SW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1976. Field Identifier: BB2-1723. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 20); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M6886. Alaska, Bethel (B-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge at head of tributary o f Akoswift Creek. Elevation 2,800 ft (854 m). Latitude: 60°16.15'N, longitude: 159°43.53'W. SW1/4, sec. 9, T2N, R60W. Collector: W. L. Coonrad, 1976. Field Identifier: BB2-2447. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus longealatus Troger
87ASB10B (Mesozoic loc. M8500) , Bethel , Bethel (B-2) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Akoswift Creek. Elevation 2600 ft (793 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 16.05' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 43.50' W; Township: 2N; Range: 60W; Section 17; NE quarter; Collector: Steve Box. Field Identifier: 87ASB10B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 20); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8500. Alaska, Bethel (B-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Akoswift Creek. Elevation 2 ,600 ft (793 m). Latitude: 60°16.05'N, longitude: 159°43.50'W. NE1/4, sec. 17, T2N, R60W. Collector: Steve Box, 1987. Field Identifier: 87ASB10B. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus longealatus Troger
89ASB104 (Mesozoic loc. M8623) , Bethel , Bethel (A-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. 10 cm argillite bed between 10 cm chert beds. Latitude: 60 deg. 5.05' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 32.20' W; Township: 1S; Range: 60W; Section: 14; SE/SW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1989. Field Identifier: 89ASB104. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 20)
Cylindroteuthis sp.
82BB143 (Mesozoic loc. M7765) , Taylor Mts , Field No. 82-BB-143, Taylor Mountains (B-8) Quadrangle. Cutbank on north side of Tikchik River. NE 1/4 sec. 7, T. 3 N., R. 54 W. Kuskokwim Formation. (from E&R report of J.W. Miller, 4/22/83); [Taylor Mountains (B-8) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Cutbank on north side of Tikchik River. Elevation 925 ft (282 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 22.30' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 42.60' W; Township: 3N; Range: 54W; Section: 7; NE quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82BB143. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 20)]
Inoceramid indeterminate
82SBA7 (Mesozoic loc. M7695) , Taylor Mts , Taylor Mountains (A-8) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Cutbank in Tikchik River. Elevation 800 ft (244 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 14.90' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 32.70' W; Township: 2N; Range: 53W; Section: 19; SE quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1982. Field Identifier: 82SBA7. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 21)[Steve Box, written commun., March 31, 2005, indicates that the locality data given in Elder and Miller (1991) is incorrect and should read as "First bend to left (looking downstream) in Tikchik River downstream of confluence with tributary draining northeast from Benchmark Allen (2295'); NW 1/4 of section 33, T2N, R53W: Taylor Mtns. A7 quadrangle"]
Buchia sp.
81BB140 (Mesozoic loc. M7571) , Taylor Mts , Field No. C-137, 81-BB-140, Taylor Mountains (B-5) Quadrangle. Saddle west of Hill 1490. 1900 feet north, 500 feet east of SW cor. Sec. 31, T 4 N., R 48 W. (from E&R report of J.W. Miller, 2/16/82); [Taylor Mountains (B-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Saddle west of hill 1490. Elevation 1900 ft (579 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 23.50' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 41.55' W; Township: 4N; Range: 48W; Section: 31; SW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C-137 81-BB-140. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 21)]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7571. Alaska, Taylor Mountains (B-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Saddle west of hill 1490. Elevation 1,300 ft (396 m). Latitude: 60°23.50'N, longitude: 157°41.55'W. SW1/4, sec. 31, T4N, R48W. Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C-137, 81-BB-140. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37-38).
Inoceramus hobetsensis? Nagao & Matsumoto
81BB171 (Mesozoic loc. M7573) , Lake Clark , Field No. 81-BB-171, Lake Clark (B-6) Quadrangle. Hill 2002 south of Chilchitna River. 2100 feet north, 800 feet east of SW cor. Sec. 3, T 4 N., R 33 W. (from E&R report of J.W. Miller, 2/16/82); [Lake Clark (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge SE of Chilchitna River. Elevation 2000 ft (610 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 24.25' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 5.10' W; Township: 4N; Range: 33W; Section 30; SW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1981. Field Identifier: C-153 81BB157. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 22)]
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
82BB584 (Mesozoic loc. M7771) , Lake Clark , Field No. 82-BB-584, Lake Clark (B-6) Quadrangle. Ridge SE of Chilchitna River. SW 1/4 sec. 30, T. 4 N., R. 33 W. Recollection of M7573 (Note by R.B. Blodgett, which is field loc. 81BB171). (from E&R report by J.W. Miller, 4/22/83); [Lake Clark (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge SE of Chilchitna River. Recollection of M7573. Elevation 2000 ft. (610 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 24.25' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 5.10' W; Township: 4N; Range: 33W; Section 30; SW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82BB584. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 22)]
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
82BB389 (Mesozoic loc. M7769) , Lake Clark , Field No. 82-BB-389, Lake Clark (B-5) Quadrangle. Ridge NW of northeasterly trending tributary of Koksetna River. SW 1/4 sec. 25, T. 5 N., R. 32 W. (from E&R report of J.W. Miller, 4/22/83); [Lake Clark (B-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge NW of northeasterly trending tributary of Koksetna River. Elevation 3100 ft (945 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 29.60' N; Longitude: 154 deg. 49.00' W; Township: 5N; Range: 32W; Section 25; SW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82BB389. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 22)]
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
Partschiceras? sp. (=Macrophylloceras)
82BB394 (Mesozoic loc. M7770) , Lake Clark , Field No. 82-BB-394, Lake Clark (B-5) Quadrangle. Same locality as M7769. (from E&R report by J.W. Miller, 4/22/83); [Lake Clark (B-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge NW of northeasterly trending tributary of Koksetna River. Elevation 3100 ft (945 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 29.60' N; Longitude: 154 deg. 49.00' W; Township: 5N; Range: 32W; Section 25; SW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82BB394. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 22)]
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
89AJM4B (Mesozoic loc. M8625) , Bethel , Bethel (B-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Sandstone beds in volcaniclastic breccia and conglomerate. Latitude: 60 deg. 27.40' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 43.28' W; Township: 4N; Range: 65W; Section 10; NE/NW quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1989. Field Identifier: 89AJM4B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 22)
Cylindroteuthis sp.
89AJM4C (Mesozoic loc. M8626) , Bethel , Bethel (B-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Sandstone beds in volcaniclastic breccia and conglomerate. Latitude: 60 deg. 27.40' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 43.28' W; Township: 4N; Range: 65W; Section 10; NE/NW quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1989. Field Identifier: 89AJM4C. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 23)
89AJM5B (Mesozoic loc. M8627) , Bethel , Bethel (B-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Rubbly exposure of tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone. Latitude: 60 deg. 26.07' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 43.87' W; Township: 4N; Range: 65W; Section 15; NW/SW quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1989. Field Identifier: 89AJM5B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 23)
Retroceramus ussuriensis (Voronetz)
Cylindroteuthis sp.
88ASB10 (Mesozoic loc. M8634) , Bethel , Bethel (B-3) 1:63,360 quadrangle. North bank of Quicksilver Creek. Latitude: 60 deg. 28.97' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 50.82' W; Township: 5N; Range: 60W; Section 32; SW/NE quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1988. Field Identifier: 88ASB10. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 23)
Inoceramid indeterminate
89ASB29 (Mesozoic loc. M8619) , Bethel , Bethel (C-3) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Bases of sandstone turbidites on N bank of Quicksilver River. Latitude: 60 deg. 30.28' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 47.20' W; Township: 5N; Range: 60W; Section 22; SW/SE quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1989. Field Identifier: 89ASB29. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 23)
Inoceramid indeterminate
89ASB4 (Mesozoic loc. M8616) , Bethel , Bethel (B-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Rubbly sandstone exposure on crest of Hill 1032. Latitude: 60 deg. 28.97' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 42.20' W; Township: 5N; Range: 65W; Section 33; Center NW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1989. Field Identifier: 89ASB4. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 23)
Retroceramus ussuriensis (Voronetz)
89AJM287B (Mesozoic loc. M8638) , Bethel , Bethel (B-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Volcaniclastic sandstone in saddle just E of Hill 1405'. Latitude: 60 deg. 29.93' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 43.08' W; Township: 5N; Range: 65W; Section 29; NE/NE quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1988. Field Identifier: 88AJM287B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 23)
Heterodont bivalve indet.
Nucula sp.
Retroceramus ussuriensis (Voronetz)
88AJM287C (Mesozoic loc. M8639) , Bethel , Bethel (B-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Volcaniclastic sandstone in saddle just E of Hill 1405'. Latitude: 60 deg. 29.93' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 43.08' W; Township: 5N; Range: 65W; Section 29; NE/NE quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1988. Field Identifier: 88AJM287C. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 24)
Retroceramus ussuriensis (Voronetz)
87ASB26 (Mesozoic loc. M8506) , Bethel , Bethel (B-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. West of headwaters of Little Kasigluk River. Hill 1710. Elevation 1710 ft (521 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 31.63' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 43.13' W; Township: 5N; Range; 65W; Section 17; SW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1987. Field Identifier: 87ASB26. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 24)
87ASB24 (Mesozoic loc. M8522) , Bethel , Bethel (B-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Ridge SW of Kasigluk River. Latitude: 60 deg. 30.90' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 42.16' W; Township: 5N; Range: 65W; Section 21; NW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1987. Field Identifier: 87ASB24. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 24)
Buchia sp.
Modiolus? sp.
87AJM27E (Mesozoic loc. M8507) , Bethel , Bethel (B-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Shining Dome. Elevation 800 ft (244 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 33.86' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 30.67' W; Township: 5N; Range: 64W; Section 4: NE quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1987. Field Identifier: 87AJM27E. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 24)
Inoceramid indeterminate
88AJM274C (Mesozoic loc. M8637) , Taylor Mts , Taylor Mountains (C-8) 1:63,360 quadrangle. N bank of small drainage on E side of Gemuk Mountain. Latitude: 60 deg. 38.01'N; Longitude: 158 deg. 58.85'W; Township: 6N; Range 55W; Section 7; Center, Collector: John Murphy, 1988. Field Identifier: 88AJM274C. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 24); [Lat. 60.6317, Long. 156.9808, pebbly sand sandstone, turbidites (description from Karl et al., 2011)]
Inoceramid indeterminate
89AJM44A (Mesozoic loc. M8629) , Bethel , Bethel (C-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Thin bedded sandstone on W bank of Kipchuk River in cut bank. Latitude: 60 deg. 40.00' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 25.70' W; Township: 7N; Range 58W; Section 27; NE/SE quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1989. Field Identifier: 89AJM44A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 24)
Inoceramid indeterminate
82BB242 (Mesozoic loc. M7768) , Lake Clark , Field No. 82-BB-242, Lake Clark (B-3) Quadrangle. Ridge northeast of Portage Center. Center S 1/2 sec. 28, T. 4 N., R. 27 W. (from E&R report of J.W. Miller, 4/22/83); [Lake Clark (B-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge northeast of Portage Creek. Elevation 4000 ft (1200 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 24.25' N; Longitude: 153 deg. 48.30' W; Township: 4N; Range: 27W; Section 28; Center S half; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82BB242. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 69)]
Bivalve indeterminate
GC3-1116 (Mesozoic loc. 31122) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Hills west of Keinuk River. Elevation 1700 ft (518 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 30.85' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 59.60' W; Township: 9S; Range 63W; Section 3; NE quarter; Collector: W.H. Condon, 1975. Field Identifier: GC3-1116. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 9)[Imlay, 1982, p. 14 provides following description: "W.L. Coonrad and J.M. Hoare, 1975. Lower Kuskokwim-Bristol Bay region. From north-facing scree slope consisting of argillite and thin bands of fine-grained tuff. At altitude of about 1,400 ft (427 m) in SE cor. NW 1/4 sec. 3, T. 8 S., R. 63 W., lat 59 deg. 30'51" N., long 159 deg. 59'36" W., Goodnews (C-3) quadrangle, Gemuk Group, uppper part."]
Leptosphinctes (Persisphinctes) cf. L.(P.) pseudomartinsi Siemerad
87AJM26B (Mesozoic loc. M8505) , Bethel , Bethel (C-4) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Little Crow Hills. Elevation 1250 ft (381 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 30.35' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 20.37' W; Township: 5N; Range: 63W; Section 21; SW/SE quarter; Collector: John Murphy, 1987. Field Identifier: 87AJM4-26B (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 23); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8505. Alaska, Bethel (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Little Crow Hills. Elevation 1,250 ft (381 m). Latitude: 60°30.35'N, longitude: 159°20.37'W. SE1/4, SW/4, sec. 21, T5N, R63W. Collector: John Murphy, 1987. Field Identifier: 87AJM-26B. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Bivalve indeterminate
Inoceramus aff. I. waltersdorfensis waltersdorfensis Andert
46AHr101 (Mesozoic loc. 20718) , Bethel , Bethel (C-2) 1:63,360 quadrangle. On Salmon River 5.1 miles SW of Cripple Creek. Elevation 1300 ft (396 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 43.00' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 40.00' W; Township: 7N; Range: 59W; Section: 5; N half; Collector: J. Hoare, 1946. Field Identifier: 46AHr101. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 20718. Alaska, Bethel (C-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. On Salmon River 5.1 miles SW of Cripple Creek. Elevation 1,300 ft (396 m). Latitude: 60°43.00'N, longitude: 159°40.00'W. N1/2, sec. 5, T7N, R59W. Collector: J. Hoare, 1946. Field Identifier: 46AHr101. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus? cf. I.? costatus Nagao and Matsumoto
46AHr91 (Mesozoic loc. 20717) , Bethel , Bethel (D-2) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Bell Creek. Latitude: 60 deg. 47.10' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 30.15' W; Township: 8N; Range: 58W; Section: 17, W half; Collector: J. Hoare, 1946. Field Identifier: 46AHr91. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 25); USGS Mesozoic loc. 20717. About 4 1/2 miles S. 6° E. of confluence of Cripple Creek with Salmon River, about 23.5 miles E. 36° E. of Nyac, Bethel quadrangle, Kuskokwim region, southwest Alaska (Hoare and Coonrad, 1959b). Inoceramus cf. I. ambiguus Eichwald. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 24); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 20717. Middle Upper Cretaceous. Alaska. 60.8 miles S. of Aniak; 1.2 miles E. of Cripple Creek Camp. 1-2 foot layer of conglomerate graywacke. Coll. J.M. Hoare 7/11/46 Field No. 46AHr91]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 20717. Alaska, Bethel (D-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Bell Creek. Latitude: 60°47.10'N, longitude: 159°30.15'W. Wl/2, sec. 17, T8N, R58W. Collector: J. Hoare, 1946. Field Identifier: 46AHr91. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Cymbophora? sp.
Inoceramus frechi Flegel
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis Elder and Box, in press
Mesopuzosia sp.
87AJM53A (Mesozoic loc. M8508) , Bethel , Bethel (D-1) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Kipchuk River. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 47.83' N; Longitude 159 deg. 19.17' W; Township: 8N; Range: 57W; Section: 8; NW1/4SE1/4; Collector: John Murphy, 1987. Field Identifier: 87AJM53A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8508. Alaska, Bethel (D-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kipchuk River. Elevation 1,000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 60°47.83'N, longitude: 159°19.17'W. SE1/4, NW/4, sec. 8, T8N, R57W. Collector: John Murphy, 1987. Field Identifier: 87AJM53A. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus cf. I. yabei Nagao and Matsumoto
87AMm33 (Mesozoic loc. M8511) , Bethel , Bethel (D-3) 1:63,360 quadrangle. SW of Karl Creek. Elevation 650 ft (198 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 48.25' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 59.10' W; Township: 8N; Range: 61W; Section: 9; NE quarter; Collector: Mike Mullen, 1987. Field Identifier: 87AMm33. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 25)
Inoceramus hobetsensis? Nagao and Matsumoto
Mytiloides teraokai? Matsumoto and Noda
87AJM62B (Mesozoic loc. M8513) , Bethel , Bethel (D-3) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Otter Creek. Elevation 800 ft (244 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 52.04' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 56.22' W. Township: 9N; Range: 60W; Section: 16; NE1/4SW1/4; Collector: John Murphy, 1987. Field Identifier: 87AJM62B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8513. Alaska, Bethel (D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Otter Creek. Elevation 800 ft (244 m). Latitude: 60°52.04'N, longitude: 159°56.22'W. SW1/4, NE/4, sec. 16, T9N, R60W. Collector: John Murphy,1 987. Field Identifier: 87AJM62B. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus hobetsensis? Nagao and Matsumoto
87AMm52 (Mesozoic loc. M8512) , Bethel , Bethel (D-3) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Otter Creek. Elevation 700 ft (213 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 52.35' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 0.46' W; Township: 9N; Range: 61W; Section: 13; SE1/4 NE1/4. Collector: Mike Mullen, 1987. Field Identifier: 87AMm52. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8512. Alaska, Bethel (D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Otter Creek. Elevation 700 ft (213 m). Latitude: 60°52.35'N, longitude: 160°0.46'W. NE1/4, SE/4, sec. 13,T9N, R61W. Collector: Mike Mullen, 1987. Field Identifier: 87AMm52. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).
Inoceramus yabei? Nagao and Matsumoto
Ammonite indet.
87ASB68 (Mesozoic loc. M8510) , Bethel , Bethel (D-3) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Ridge east of north heads of Otter Creek. Elevation 2250 ft (686 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 54.10' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 55.60' W; Township: 9N; Range: 60W; Section: 4; NE1/4NE1/4; Collector: Steve Box, 1987. Field Identifier: 87ASB68. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 25)
Inoceramid indeterminate
87AJM97B (Mesozoic loc. M8514) , Bethel , Bethel (D-3) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Slate Creek. Elevation 850 ft (258 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 40.52' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 54.52' W; Township: 10N; Range: 60W; Section: 27; SW1/4SW1/4; Collector: John Murphy, 1987. Field Identifier: 87AJM97B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 26)
Inoceramid indeterminate
87AJM213A&C (Mesozoic loc. M8636) , Bethel , Bethel (D-3) 1:63,360 quadrangle. On ridge at 2600' ca. 1/2 mi. N of Peak 2897'. Elevation 2600 ft (793 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 53.43' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 55.33' W; Township: 9N; Range: 60W; Section: 9; NE1/4NE1/4; Collector: John Murphy, 1988. Field Identifier: 88AJM213A&C. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 26)
Inoceramid indeterminate
89ASB8 (M8617) , Bethel , Bethel (D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Dredge tailing 50 m S of Tuluksak River across from bluffs. Elevation 350 ft (107 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 58.95' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 3.08' W; Township: 10N; Range: 61W; Section: 2; NE1/4SW1/4. Collector: Steve Box, 1989. Field Identifier: 89ASB8. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 26)
Cylindroteuthis sp.
89AJM01A (Mesozoic loc. M8624) , Bethel , Bethel (D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Same as localities 20716 and 21481. Latitude: 60 deg. 58.95' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 0.15' W; Township: 10N; Range: 60W; Section: 6; NW1/4SW1/4; Collector: John Murphy, 1989. Field Identifier: 89AJM01A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 26)
Retroceramus ussuriensis (Voronetz)
87ATm40 (Mesozoic loc. M8523) , Bethel , Bethel (D-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Salmon River upstream from Pass Creek. Elevation 850 ft (259 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 55.95' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 29.38' W; Township: 10N; Range: 58W; Section: 25; NW1/4NE1/4; Collector: Tom Moore, 1987. Field Identifier: 87ATm40. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 26)
Inoceramid indeterminate
88AJM202B (Mesozoic loc. M8635) , Bethel , Bethel (D-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Sandstone in saddle at 2450', 1/3 mi. SW on ridge from Peak 3014'. Elevation 2450 ft (747 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 57.67' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 44.00' W; Township: 10N; Range: 59W; Section: 15; NW1/4NW1/4; Collector: John Murphy, 1988. Field Identifier: 88AJM202B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 69)
Inoceramid indeterminate
46AHr64 (Mesozoic loc. 20716) , Bethel , Bethel (D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Dredge tailing 50 m S of Tuluksak River across bluffs. Elevation 350 ft (107 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 58.95' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 3.08' W; Township: 10N; Range: 61W; Section: 2; NE1/4SW1/4; Collector: J. Hoare, 1946. Field Identifier: 46AHr64. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 71)
Inoceramid indeterminate
83BB34 (Mesozoic loc. M7946) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (A-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. Southeast of Door Mountains. Elevation 1400 ft (427 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 4.00' N; Longitude: 156 deg. 3.90' W; Township: 11N; Range: 38W; Section: 5; Mid-south line; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1983. Field Identifier: 83BB44. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 27)
Natica sp.
83BB36 (Mesozoic loc. M7947) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (A-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. Southeast of Door Mountains. Elevation 1100 ft (335 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 4.00' N; Longitude: 156 deg. 3.90' W; Township: 11N; Range: 38W; Section: 5; E half south line; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1983. Field Identifier: 83BB36. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 27)
Bivalve indeterminate
Natica sp.
84BB-39WKW (Mesozoic loc. M8615) , Lime Hills , Lime Hills (A-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cairn Mountain area north of Hill 1768. Elevation 1650 ft (503 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 11.70' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 30.43' W; Township: 13N; Range: 35W; Section: 26; SW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1984. Field Identifier: 84BB-39WKW. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 27); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8615. Alaska, Lime Hills (A-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cairn Mountain area north of Hill 1768. Latitude: 61°11.70'N, longitude: 155°30.43'W. SW/4, sec. 26, T13N, R35W. Collector: Unknown( Arco), 1984. Field Identifier: 84BB-39WKW. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38). [note from Blodgett, the collector should be Wes Wallace]
Inoceramus hobetsensis? Nagao & Matsumoto
89AJM9A (Mesozoic loc. M8628) , Russian Mission , Russian Mission (A-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Dredged blocks in California Creek. Latitude: 61 deg. 5.52' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 54.20' W; Township: 11N; Range: 60W; Section: 10; NE1/4SE1/4. Collector: John Murphy, 1989. Field Identifier: 89AJM9A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 27)
Retroceramus ussuriensis (Voronetz)
89AJM51A (Mesozoic loc. M8630) , Russian Mission , Russian Mission (A-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Just W of 2500 ft contour on ridge SE of Sawpit Creek. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 5.30' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 35.07' W; Township: 12N; Range: 58W; Section: 33; SW1/4NW11/4; Collector: John Murphy, 1989. Field Identifier: 89AJM51A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 27)
Inoceramid indeterminate
89ASB9 (Mesozoic loc. M8618) , Russian Mission , Russian Mission (A-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Top and flanks of hill above exposed green banded tuff beds. Latitude: 61 deg. 10.75' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 38.60' W; Township: 13N; Range: 58W; Section: 34; NE1/4NE1/4; Collector: Steve Box, 1989. Field Identifier: 89ASB9. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 28)
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
44AW70 (Mesozoic loc. 19387) , Sleetmute , [Sleetmute (B-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Kogoyuk Creek. Elevation 2200 ft (671 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 22.30' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 27.90' W; Township: 15N; Range: 51W; Section: 20; SE quarter; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW70. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 28)]
Inoceramid indeterminate
45ACa66 (Mesozoic loc. 19729) , Sleetmute , [Sleetmute (A-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Holokuk River. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 9.75' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 25.20' W; Township: 12N; Range: 52W; Section: 1; NW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1945. Field Identifier: 45ACa66. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 28)]; USGS Mesozoic loc. 19729. Cutbank southeast of Holokuk River, 27 miles S. 20° E. of Napaiment and 3.6 miles upstream (southwest) from mouth of Boss Creek, Kuskokwim region, southwest Alaska. Inoceramus sp. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 24); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 19729. Orig. no. 45AC66. Middle Jurassic. Black shales from a thick succession of interbedded greywackes and shales. Cut-bank southeast of Holokuk River, 27 miles S. 20° E. of Napaimiut and 3.6 miles upstream (southwest) of the mouth of Boss Creek, Upper Holokuk River, Aniak-Hoholitna district, S.W. Alaska. Coll. Wallace M. Cady, 1945]
Inoceramid indeterminate
82BB38 (Mesozoic loc. M7756) , Sleetmute , Field No. 82-BB-38, Sleetmute (A-6) Quadrangle. Kioluk Mountains. East central sec. 13, T. 13 N., R. 50 W. Kuskokwim Formation. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 28 give following loc. description: "Sleetmute (A-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kioluk Mountains. Elevation 2800 ft (854 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 13.00' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 9.20' W; Township: 13N; Range: 50W; Section: 13; E central section; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field identifier: 82BB38]
Inoceramid indeterminate
83JD437B (Mesozoic loc. M8093) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge south of Nogamut. Elevation 800 ft (244 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 11.20' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 58.00' W; Township: 13N; Range: 48W; Section: 30; Mid-south line; Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83JD437B (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 28)
Inoceramid indeterminate
83ASB244A (Mesozoic loc. M8096) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. East end of Kiokluk Mountains. Elevation 2000 ft (610 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 16.50' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 57.30' W; Township: 14N; Range: 48W; Section: 25; SW quarter; Collector: Steve Box, 1983. Field Identifier: 83ASB244A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 28); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8096. Alaska, Sleetmute (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. East end of Kiokluk Mountains. Elevation 2,000 ft (610 m). Latitude:61°16.50'N, longitude: 157°57.30'W. SW1/4, sec. 25, T14N, R48W. Collector: Steve Box, 1983. Field Identifier: 83ASB244A. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Sphenoceramus naumanni (Yokoyama)
83JD465 (Mesozoic loc. M8083) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kioluk Mountains. Elevation 2400 ft (732 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 16.20' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 0.01' W; Township: 14N; Range: 49W; Section: 26; Mid-south line; Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83JD465. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 28)
Inoceramus hobetsensis? Nagao & Matsumoto
83JD307 (Mesozoic loc. M8085) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (B-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Chuilnuk Mountains. Elevation 2800 ft (854 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 17.30' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 50.00' W; Township: 14N; Range: 42W; Section: 23; SW quarter; Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83JD307 (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 29)
Inoceramus hobetsensis Nagao & Matsumoto
83JD463A (Mesozoic loc. M8094) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kioluk Mountains. Elevation 2100 ft (640 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 16.36' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 6.18' W; Township: 14N; Range: 49W; Section: 29; SW quarter; Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83JD463A (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 29); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8094. Alaska, Sleetmute (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kiokluk Mountains. Elevation 2,100 ft (640 m). Latitude: 61°16.36'N, longitude: 158°6.18'W. SW/4, sec. 29, T14N, R49W. Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83JD463A. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus (Platyceramus) amakusensis? Nagao and Matsumoto
83SB214A (Mesozoic loc. M8088) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (B-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Lake at head of Chineeluk Creek, Chuilnuk Mountains. Elevation 2800 ft (854 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 17.90' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 53.30' W; Township: 14; Range: 48; Section: 9; N line; Collector: Steve Box, 1983. Field Identifier: 83SB214A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 29)
Inoceramid indeterminate
83MR119A (Mesozoic loc. M8090) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (B-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge west of Kioluk Creek. Elevation 1400 ft (427 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 17.45' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 11.75' W; Township: 14; Range: 50; Section: 23; NW quarter; Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83MR119A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 29)
Inoceramid indeterminate
83MA9B (Mesozoic loc. M8082) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (B-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. 1st major tributary of Chineekluk Creek. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 21.20' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 40.70' W; Township: 14N; Range: 47W; Section: 36; NW quarter; Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83MA9B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 29)
83RR319A (Mesozoic loc. M8089) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (B-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge at head of Oskawalik River. Elevation 2200 ft (671 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 26.20' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 32.90' W; Township: 15: Range: 46; Section: 33; NW quarter; Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83RR319A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 29)
Inoceramid indeterminate
44AW64-69 (Mesozoic loc. 19386) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 29 provide following description: "Sleetmute (B-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Holokuk River south of mouth of Gold Run. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 25.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 26.70' W; Township: 15N; Range: 31W; Section: 4; NW/NW quarter; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW64-69"]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19386. Alaska, Sleetmute (B-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Holokuk River south of mouth of Gold Run. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). Latitude: 61°25.50'N, longitude: 158°26.70'W, NW1/4, NW1/4, sec. 4, T15N, R31W. Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW64-69 (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
83JD252A (Mesozoic loc. M8084) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (B-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Holokuk River. Locality data too poor for precise relocation. Elevation 900 ft (274 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 29.00' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 28.00' W; Township: 16N; Range: 51W; Section: 17; W line; Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83JD252A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 30); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M8084. Alaska, Sleetmute (B-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Holokuk River. Locality data too poor for precise relocation. Elevation 900 ft (274 m). Latitude: 61°29.00'N, longitude: 158°28.00'W. W. line, sec. 17, T 6N, R51W . Collector: John Decker, 1983. Field Identifier: 83JD252A. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus waltersdorfensis waltersdorfensis Andert
30-6 (Mesozoic loc. M7615) , Mc Grath , McGrath (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Tatlawishuk River. Elevation 1600 ft (488 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 4.75' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 30.00' W; Township: 23N; Range: 34W; Section: 15: SW/SW quarter; Collector: Donald W. Podsen, 1982. Field Identifier: 30-6. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 36)
Inoceramid indeterminate
Unnumbered#1-J.E.Spurr, 1898 (Mesozoic loc. 11) , Sleetmute , Cut-bank on southeast side of Kuskokwim River, about 9 1/2 miles southwest of Oskawalik. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 30 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cut-bank on southeast side of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 37.20' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 16.90' W; Township: 18N; Range: 50W; Section: 25; SE quarter; Collector: J.E. Spurr, 1898. Field Identifier: None.]
Inoceramid indeterminate
80AJD114 (Mesozoic loc. M7439) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (C-7) quadrangle. North bank of Kuskokwim River south of mouth of New York Creek. Lat. 61 deg., 33 min. N., long 158 deg., 35 min. W. Sec. 19, T. 17 N., R. 51 W. (description from Jones & Miller E&R report of 6/17/81) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 30 give following description: "Sleetmute (C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River at mouth of New York Creek. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 33.00' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 35.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 51W; Section: 19; N half; Collector: John Decker, 1980. Field Identifier: 80AJD114]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7439. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River at mouth of New York Creek. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61°33.00'N, longitude: 158°35.00'W. N1/2, sec. 19, T17N, R51W. Collector: John Decker, 1980. Field Identifier: 80AJD114. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus hobetsensis? Nagao & Matsumoto
44AW71, -72, -74-78 (Mesozoic loc. 19388) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 30, provide the following description: "Sleetmute (C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River opposite mouth of Holokuk River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 32.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 35.80' W; Township: 17N; Range: 51W; Section: 30; N half; Collector; R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW71,72, 74, 78.]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19388. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River opposite mouth of Holokuk River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61°32.50'N, longitude: 158°35.80'W. N1/2, sec. 30, T17N, R51W. Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW71, 72, 74, 78. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Mytiloides cf. M. opalensis (Bose)
Mytiloides teraokai Matsumoto and Noda
44AW73 (Mesozoic loc. 19389) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 30 provide following description: "Sleetmute(C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River opposite mouth of Holokuk River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 32.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 35.80' W; Township: 17N; Range: 51W; Section: 30; N half; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW73."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
82BB59 (Mesozoic loc. M7757) , Sleetmute , Field No. 82-BB-59, Sleetmute (C-7) Quadrangle. Kuskokwim River cutbank opposite mouth of Holokuk River. Kuskokwim Formation. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 30 give following description: "Sleetmute (C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cut-bank on Kuskokwim River opposite mouth of Holokuk River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 53.00' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 39.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 51W; Section: 26; Mid-N line; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82-BB-59.]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7757. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cut-bank on Kuskokwim River opposite mouth of Holokuk River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61°53.00'N, longitude: 157°39.00'W. Middle, N line, sec. 26, T17N, R51W. Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82-BB-59. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Mytiloides cf. M. opalensis (Bose)
Unnumbered#2-J.E.Spurr, 1898 (Mesozoic loc. 13) , Sleetmute , J.F. Spurr, 1898. Cut-bank on north side of Kuskokwim River, about 3 miles east of Kolmakof. {Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 30 give following description: "Cutbank at sharp bend of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft. (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 34.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 48.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 53W; Section: 13; NW quarter; Collector: J.E. Spurr, 1898. Field Identifier: None.]
Inoceramid indeterminate
44AW105, -106 (Mesozoic loc. 19393) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cutbank at sharp bend of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 34.50; N; Longitude: 158 deg. 48.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 53W; Section: 13; NW quarter; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW105,106]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19393. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cut-bank at sharp bend of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61°34.50'N, longitude: 158°48.00'W. NI/2, sec. 13, T17N, R53W. Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW105, 106. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Mytiloides cf. M. opalensis (Bose)
82BB107 (Mesozoic loc. M7762) , Sleetmute , Field No. 82-BB-107, Sleetmute (C-8) Quadrangle. Cutbank at sharp bend of Kuskokwim River. NW 1/4 sec. 13, T. 17 N., R. 53 W. Kuskokwim Formation. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cutbank at sharp bend of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 34.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 48.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 53W; Section: 13; NW quarter. Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82-BB-107."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7762. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cutbank at sharp bend of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61°34.50'N, longitude: 158°48.00'W. NW1/4, sec. 13, T17N, R53W. Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82-BB-107. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Mytiloides cf. M. opalensis (Bose)
45ACa82, 45AHr21 (Mesozoic loc. 19732) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. West shore of Kolmokof River. Elevation 400 ft (122 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 45.80' N: Longitude: 157 deg. 50.00' W; Township: 19; Range: 53W; Section: 26; NE/NW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1945. Field Identifier: 45ACa82" (note by Blodgett: This reference provides only a single field number for this locality, that of Cady, while Cady et al., 1955, provide both Cady's and Hoare's field station numbers)]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19732. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. West shore of Kolmakof River. Elevation 400 ft (122 m). Latitude: 61°45.80'N, longitude: 157°50.00'W. NW1/4, NEI/4, sec. 26, T19N, R53W. Collector: W. M. Cady, 1945. Field Identifier: 45ACa82. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus pictus minus? Matsumoto
Scalarites phoenixense (Anderson)
Yezoites puerculus (Jimbo) microconch
45AHr22 (Mesozoic loc. 19735) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. West shore of Kolmokof River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 37.40' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 50.90' W; Township: 18N; Range: 53W; Section: 27; SE/NW quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1945. Field Identifier: 45 AHr22.]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19735. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. West shore of Kolmakof River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61°37.40'N, longitude: 157°50.90'W. NW`/4, SE1/4, sec. 27, T18N, R53W. Collector: J. Hoare, 1945. Field Identifier: 45AHr22. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Unnumbered#1A.G.Maddren, 1914 (Mesozoic loc. 9087) , Sleetmute , A.G. Maddren, 1914. Cut-bank on north side of Kuskokwim River, about 1 1/2 miles east of Kolmakof. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River west of mouth of Kolmakof River. Elevation 50 ft (15 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 34.35' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 52.50' W; Township: 17N; Range: 53W; Section: 14; NW quarter; Collector: A.G. Maddren, 1914. Field Identifier: None."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 9087. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River west of mouth of Kolmakof River. Elevation 50 ft (15 m). Latitude: 61°34.35'N, longitude: 158°52.50'W. NW1/4, sec. 14, T17N, R53W. Collector: A.G. Maddren, 1914. Field Identifier: None. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Mytiloides cf. M. opalensis (Bose)
Mytiloides teraokai? Matsumoto and Noda
Unnumbered#2A.G.Maddren, 1914 (Mesozoic loc. 9088) , Sleetmute , A.G. Maddren, 1914. Cut-bank on north side of Kuskokwim River, about 3 miles west of Kolmakof. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cut-bank on north side of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 100 ft (30 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 35.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 56.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 53W; Section: 5; NE quarter; Collector: A.G. Maddren, 1914. Field Identifier: None.
Inoceramid indeterminate
82BB75 (Mesozoic loc. M7759) , Sleetmute , Field No. 82-BB-75. Sleetmute (C-8) Quadrangle. Kuskokwim River cutbank at west edge of the quadrangle. NW 1/4 sec. 1, T. 17 N., R. 54 W. Kuskokwim Formation. [Elder & Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River cutbank west of Kolmakof River. Elevation 100 ft (30 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 35.70' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 0.00' W; Township 17N; Range: 54W; Section: 1; NW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82-BB-80." (Note by R.B. Blodgett: the original E&R by Miller gives the field number of 82-BB-75; while Elder and Miller, 1991, say it is 82-BB-80; seemingly the latter record is an error]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7759. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River cutbank west of Kolmakof River. Elevation 100 ft (30 m). Latitude: 61°35.70'N, longitude: 159°0.00'W. NW1/4, sec. 1, T17N, R54W. Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82-BB-80. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus cf. I. yabei Nagao and Matsumoto
44AW82-89 (Mesozoic loc. 19390) , Russian Mission , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 32 provide following description: "Russian Mission (C-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cut-bank on Kuskokwim River 4 to 6 miles W of Kolmakof. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 35.50' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 4.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 54W; Section: 9; NE quarter; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW82-89."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19390. Alaska, Russian Mission (C-l) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cut-bank on Kuskokwim River 4 to 6 miles west of Kolmakof. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61°35.50'N, longitude: 159°4.00'W. NE1/4, sec. 9, T17N, R54W. Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW82-89. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Mytiloides cf. M. opalensis (Bose)
Scalarites sp.
44AW91-94 (Mesozoic loc. 19391) , Russian Mission , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 32 provide following description: "Russian Mission (C-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. N bank of Kuskokwim River about 6 miles W of Kolmakof. Elevation 150 ft (56 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 35.00' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 0.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 54 W; Section: 8&9; E&W halfs; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW91-94."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19391. Alaska, Russian Mission (C-l) 1:63360 quadrangle. North bank of Kuskokwim River about six miles west of Kolmakof. Elevation 150 ft (46 m). Latitude: 61°35.00'N, longitude: 159°0.00'W. Near section line, secs. 8 & 9, T17N, R54W. Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW91-94. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Mytiloides cf. M. opalensis (Bose)
44AW107-109 (Mesozoic loc. 19392) , Russian Mission , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 32 provide the following description: "Russian Missian (C-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. N bank of Kuskokwim River about 6 miles W of Kolmakof. Elevation 150 ft (46 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 34.80' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 7.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 54W; Section: 7&8; N half; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW107-109."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
82BB80 (Mesozoic loc. M7760) , Russian Mission , Field No. 82-BB-80, Russian Mission (C-1) Quadrangle. Cutbank on northshore of Kuskokwim River at mouth of small tributary. SW 1/4 sec. 3, T. 17 N., R. 54 W. Kuskokwim Formation. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 32 provide the following description: "Russian Mission (C-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cutbank on N shore of Kuskokwim river at mouth of small tributary. Elevation 100 ft (30 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 35.20' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 2.80' W; Township: 17N; Range: 54W; Section: 3; SW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82BB80."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
86BT121 (Mesozoic loc. M8360) , Iditarod , Iditarod (A-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Steep slope 1/4 mile north of Mosquito Mountain. Elevation 2000 ft (610 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 5.25' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 54.00' W; Township: 23N; Range: 53W; Section: 13; NE quarter; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1986. Field Identifier: 86BT121. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 32)
Bivalve indeterminate
82BB60 (Mesozoic loc. M7758) , Sleetmute , Field No. 82-BB-60. Sleetmute (D-6) Quadrangle. Kuskokwim River cutbank at east end of Oguohaydok Ridge. SW 1/4 sec. 11, T. 20 N., R. 49 W. Kuskowkim Formation. [Elder and Miller, 1992, p. 32 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River cutbank at E end of Oguohaydock Ridge. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 50.00' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 7.00' W; Township: 20N; Range: 29W; Section: 11; SW quarter; Collector: Wes Wallace, 1982. Field Identifier: 82BB60."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
80AJD106 (Mesozoic loc. M7438) , Sleetmute , Sleetmute (D-5) quadrangle. About 1/2 miles NW of mouth of California Creek on north shore of Kuskokwim River. Lat. 61 deg., 53 min. N., long 157 deg., 39 min. W. NE1/4 sec. 26, T. 21 N., R. 26 W. (description from Jones & Miller E&R report of 6/17/81) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 32 provide following description: "Sleetmute (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. NW of mouth of California Creek at Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 53.00' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 39.00' W; Township: 21N; Range: 26W; Section: 26; SE/NE quarter; Collector: John Decker, 1980. Field Identifier: 80AJD106."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 18646. Alaska, Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. NE side of spur between Cribby Creek and Kuskokwim River. Elevation 850 ft (259 m). Latitude: 61°48.50'N, longitude: 157°19.00'W. SW1/4, sec. 19, T20N, R44W. Collector:W . M. Cady, 1941. Field Identifier: 41ACa125. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus pictus minus Matsumoto
42ACa42 (Mesozoic loc. 18866) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River 4 miles SE of mouth of George River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 53.30' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 38.10' W; Township: 20N; Range: 46W; Section: 4; NW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1942. Field Identifier: 42ACa42."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 18866. Alaska, Sleetmute (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River 4 miles southeast of mouth of George River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 60°53.30'N, (should be 61 degrees- note by RBB), longitude: 157°38.10'W. NW1/4, sec. 4, T20N, R46W. Collector:W . M. Cady, 1942. Field Identifier: 42ACa42. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus pictus minus Matsumoto
Yezoites puerculus (Jimbo) microconch
Cirriped barnacle plate
41ACa125 (Mesozoic loc. 18646) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. NE side of spur between Cribby Creek and Kuskokwim River. Elevation 850 ft (259 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 48.50' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 19.00' W; Township: 20N; Range: 44W; Section: 19; SW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1941. Field Identifier: 41ACa125."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 18646. Alaska, Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. NE side of spur between Cribby Creek and Kuskokwim River. Elevation 850 ft (259 m). Latitude: 61°48.50'N, longitude: 157°19.00'W. SW1/4, sec. 19, T20N, R44W. Collector:W . M. Cady, 1941. Field Identifier: 41ACa125. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus pictus minus Matsumoto
14AS134 (Mesozoic loc. 9222) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge west of head of George River. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 48.80' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 10.00' W; Township: 20N; Range: 44W; Section: 24; NW/NE quarter; Collector: P.S. Smith, 1914. Field Identifier: 14AS134."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
14AS135 (Mesozoic loc. 9223) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge west of head of George River. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 48.80' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 10.00' W; Township: 20N; Range: 40@; Section: 24; NW/NE quarter; Collector: P.S. Smith, 1914. Field Identifier: 14AS135."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
14AS136 (Mesozoic loc. 9224) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge west of head of George River. Elevation: 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 48.80' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 10.00' W; Township: 20N; Range: 44W; Section: 24; NW/NE quarter; Collector: P.S. Smith, 1914. Field Identifier: 14AS136."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
14AS136a (Mesozoic loc. 9225) , Sleetmute , [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge west of head of George River. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 48.80' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 10.00' W; Township: 20N; Range: 44W; Section: 24; NW/NE quarter; Collector: P.S. Smith, 1914. Field Identifier: 14AS136."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
87APa142 (Mesozoic loc. M8515) , Russian Mission , Russian Mission (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Bluff 3 miles downstream from Ohogamut on Yukon River. Elevation 50 ft (15 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 35.60' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 55.70' W; Township: 17N; Range: 70W; Section: 2; Mid-west line; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1987. Field Identifier: 87APa142. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33)
Inoceramus apiatus Pochialaynen
87APa146 (Mesozoic loc. M8517) , Russian Mission , Russian Mission (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. River cut 2 miles downstream from Ohogamut. Elevation 50 ft (15 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 31.10' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 54.83' W; Township: 17N; Range: 70W; Section: 11; NW/NE quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1987. Field Identifier: 87APa146. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 34)
Inoceramid indeterminate
87APa143 (Mesozoic loc. M8516) , Russian Mission , Russian Mission (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Bluff NE of Bluefish Island, Yukon River. Elevation 50 ft (15 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 37.35' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 56.35' W; Township: 18N; Range: 70W; Section: 22; NE/NE quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1987. Field Identifier: 87APa143. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 34)
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
80AJD129 (Mesozoic loc. M7440) , Russian Mission , Russian Mission (C-8) quadrangle. East bank of Yukon River. NW1/4 sec. 22, T. 18 N., R. 70 W., Lat. 68 deg., 38 min. N., long 161 deg. 57 min. W. (description from Jones & Miller E&R report of 6/17/81) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 34 provide following description: "Russian Mission (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. East Bank of Yukon River. Elevation 50 ft (15 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 38.00' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 57.00' W; Township: 18N; Range: 70W; Section: 22; NW quarter; Collector: John Decker, 1980. Field Identifier: 80AJD129."]
Inoceramid indeterminate
80AJD130 (Mesozoic loc. M7441) , Russian Mission , Russian Mission (C-8) quadrangle. East bank of Yukon River. S1/2 sec. 14, 15 section line, T. 18 N., R. 70 W. Lat. 61 deg., 39 min. N., long 161 deg., 57 W. (description from Jones & Miller E&R report of 6/17/81) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 34 provide the following description: "Russian Mission (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. East bank of Yukon River. Elevation 50 ft (15 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 39.00' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 57.00' W; Township: 18N; Range: 70W; Section: 14; Mid-west line; Collector: John Decker, 1980. Field Identifier: 80AJD130."]
Ammonite indeterminate
80AJD133 (Mesozoic loc. M7442) , Russian Mission , Russian Mission (C-8) quadrangle. East bank of Yukon River, SE1/4 sec. 27, T. 18 N., R. 70 W. Lat 61 deg., 37 min. N., long. 161 deg., 37 min. W. (description from Jones & Miller E&R report of 6/17/81) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 34 provide the following description: "Russian Mission (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. East bank of Yukon River. Elevation 50 ft (15 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 37.00' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 57.00' W; Township: 18N; Range: 70W; Section: 27; SE quarter; Collector: John Decker, 1980. Field Identifier: 80AJD133."]
Ammonite indeterminate
74D-581 (Mesozoic loc. M63766) , Holy Cross , Holy Cross (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Top of hill about 5.5 miles N10W of Stuyohok mine camp. Elevation 1495 ft (456 m). Lat. 62 deg. 14.50' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 2.40' W; Township: 25N; Range: 64W; Section: 24; NE quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1974. Field Identifier: 74D-581. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 34)
Ammonite indeterminate
85AM171 (Mesozoic loc. M8320) , Iditarod , Iditarod (B-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Hill north of Fairbanks Creek. Elevation 700 ft (213 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 24.90' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 16.36' W; Township: 27N; Range: 49W; Section: 24; SE quarter; Collector: Marti Miller, 1985. Field Identifier: 85AM171. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 34)
"Unio" sp.
84BT17 (Mesozoic loc. M8541) , Iditarod , Iditarod (B-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Bonanza Creek. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 25.60' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 29.33'W; Township: 27N; Range: 45W; Section: 17; South line; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1984. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 35)
Inoceramid indeterminate
84AAi591 (Mesozoic loc. M8542) , Iditarod , Iditarod (B-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Knob south of Bonanza Creek. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 22.83' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 39.17' W; Township: 27N; Range: 45W; Section: 32; SE quarter; Collector: Linda Angeloni, 1984. Field Identifier: 84AAi591. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 35)
Inoceramus indeterminate
83AGe63 (Mesozoic loc. M8356) , Iditarod , Iditarod (B-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge at head of Moose Creek. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 19.60' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 36.60' W; Township: 26N; Range: 45W; Section: 22; SW quarter; Collector: Marti Miller, 1986. Field Identifier: 83AGe63. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 35)
Inoceramus hobetsensis? Nagao and Matsumoto
83AMc22A (Mesozoic loc. M8355) , Iditarod , Iditarod (B-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. South side of Granite Mountain. Elevation 1400 ft (427 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 17.20' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 43.60' W; Township: 25N; Range: 40W; Section: 5; N half; Collector: Marti Miller, 1986. Field Identifier: 83AMc22A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 35)
Inoceramus hobetsensis Nagao and Matsumoto
50-3 (Mesozoic loc. M7616) , Iditarod , Iditarod (B-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. West bank of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 20.9' N; Longitude: 156 deg. 9.90' W; Township: 26N; Range: 37W; Section: 17; SE/SW quarter; Collector: Donald W. Podsen, 1982. Field Identifier: 50-3. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 35)
Inoceramid indeterminate
51-2 (Mesozoic loc. M7617) , Iditarod , Iditarod (B-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. West bank of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 20.30' N; Longitude: 156 deg. 10.00' W; Township: 26N; Range: 37W; Section: 17; SE/SW quarter; Collector: Donald W. Podsen, 1982. Field Identifier: 51.2. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 35); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7617. Alaska, Iditarod (B-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. West bank of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). Latitude: 62°20.30'N, longitude: 156°10.00'W. SW1/4, SE1/4, sec. 17, T26N, R37W. Collector: Donald W. Podson, 1982. Field Identifier: 51-2. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus kuskokwimensis Elder and Box, in press
52-1 (Mesozoic loc. M7618) , Iditarod , Iditarod (B-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. West bank of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 300 ft. (91 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 18.40' N; Longitude: 156 deg. 12.30' W; Township: 26N; Range: 37W; Section: 31; NE/NW quarter; Collector: Donald W. Podsen, 1982. Field Identifier: 52.1. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 35); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7618. Alaska, Iditarod (B-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. West bank of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). Latitude: 62°18.40'N, longitude: 156°12.30'W. NW/4, NEI/4, sec. 31, T26N, R37W. Collector: Donald W. Podson, 1982. Field Identifier: 52-1. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus hobetsensis Nagao and Matsumoto
30-3 (Mesozoic loc. M7613) , Mc Grath , McGrath (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Tatlawishuk River. Elevation 1600 ft (488 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 4.75' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 30.00' W; Township: 23N; Range: 34W; Section: 15; SW/SW quarter. Collector: Donald W. Podsen, 1982. Field Identifier: 30-3. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 36); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7613. Alaska, McGrath (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Tatlawishuk River. Elevation 1,600 ft (488 m). Latitude: 62°4.75'N , longitude: 155°30.00'W. SW1/4, SW1/4, sec. 15, T23N, R34W. Collector: Donald W. Podson, 1982. Field Identifier: 30-3. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus virgatus Schluter
30-4 (Mesozoic loc. M7614) , Mc Grath , McGrath (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Tatlawishuk River. Elevation 1600 ft (488 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 4.75' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 30.00' W; Township: 23N; Range: 34W; Section: 15; SW/SW quarter; Collector: Donald W. Podsen, 1982. Field Identifier: 30-4. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 36); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7614. Alaska, McGrath (A-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Tatlawishuk River. Elevation 1,600 ft (488 m). Latitude:62°4.75'N, longitude: 155°30.00'W. SW1/4, SW1/4, sec. 15, T23N, R34W. Collector: Donald W. Podson, 1982. Field Identifier: 30-4. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus virgatus Schluter
82MSL61 (Mesozoic loc. M7753) , Mc Grath , McGrath (A-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Terra Cotta Mountains. Elevation 2800 ft (854 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 1.00' N; Longitude: 153 deg. 31.25' W; Township: 22N; Range: 23W; Section: 17; NW quarter. Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1982. Field Identifier: 82MSL61. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 36)
Inoceramus peltiformis? Pochialaynen
84WG46 (Mesozoic loc. M8549) , Mc Grath , McGrath (B-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. Head of tributary stream of Earl River. Elevation 3000 ft (915 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 19.00' N; Longitude: 153 deg. 1.00' W; Township: 26N; Range: 20W; Section: 29; NE quarter. Collector: Wyatt Gilbert, 1984. Field Identifier: 84WG46. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 36)
Inoceramid indeterminate
84BT136 (Mesozoic loc. M8550) , Mc Grath , McGrath (B-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge south of Tatina River. Elevation 5000 ft (1524 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 18.00' N; Longitude: 153 deg. 11.50' W; Township: 26N; Range: 21W; Section: 32; Mid-east line; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1984. Field Identifier: 84BT136. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 36)
Inoceramid indeterminate
83BT179 (Mesozoic loc. M7844) , Mc Grath , McGrath (B-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. South of Tatina River. Elevation 3000 ft (915 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 19.00' N; Longitude: 153 deg. 11.00' W; Township: 26N; Range: 21W; Section: 28; NW quarter; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1983. Field Identifier: 83BT179. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 36)
Inoceramid indeterminate
83MSL72 (Mesozoic loc. M7843) , Mc Grath , McGrath (B-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. North of Tatina River. Elevation 3500 ft (1067 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 21.50' N; Longitude; 153 deg. 12.00' W; Township: 26N; Range: 21W; Section: 8; E half; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1983. Field Identifier: 83MSL72. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 37)
Bivalve indeterminate
84BT116 (Mesozoic loc. M8547) , Mc Grath , McGrath (B-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. Head of tributary of Tatina River. Elevation 4200 ft (1280 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 23.50' N; Longitude: 153 deg. 13.00' W; Township: 27N; Range: 20W; Section: 32; NE quarter; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1984. Field Identifier: 84BT116. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 37)
Entolium sp.
Eopecten? sp.
83BT59 (Mesozoic loc. M7842) , Iditarod , Iditarod (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Hill south of Camelback Mountain. Elevation 1630 ft (497 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 31.50' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 20.00' W; Township: 29N; Range: 43W; Section: 7; SW quarter; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1983. Field Identifier: 83BT59. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 37)
Inoceramid indeterminate
83MSL251 (Mesozoic loc. M7847) , Iditarod , Iditarod (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. NW of Bonanza Creek. Elevation 1700 ft (518 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 31.00' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 29.50' W; Township: 28 N; Range: 44W; Section: 18; Center E half; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1983. Field Identifier: 83MSL251. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 37)
Inoceramid indeterminate
83BT46 (Mesozoic loc. M7846) , Iditarod , Iditarod (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Summer trail north of Camelback Mtn. Elevation 1600 ft (488 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 34.00' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 22.0' W; Township: 28N; Range: 44W; Section: 33; NE quarter; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1983. Field Identifier: 83BT46. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 37)
Inoceramid indeterminate
83GL61 (Mesozoic loc. M7848) , Iditarod , Iditarod (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Hill east of Guggenheim Creek. Elevation 1700 ft (518 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 36.00' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 20.00' W; Township: 29N; Range: 44W; Section: 36; S half E line; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1983. Field Identifier: 83GL61. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 37)
Inoceramus hobetsensis Nagao and Matsumoto
83BT402 (Mesozoic loc. M7845) , Iditarod , Iditarod (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge E of Deadwood Creek, 2 ridges NE of St. Patrick Creek. Elevation 1400 ft (427 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 41.00' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 15.00' W; Township: 30N; Range: 43W; Section: 13; SW quarter; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1983. Field Identifier: 83BT402. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 37)
Inoceramid indeterminate
Inoceramus hobetsensis? Nagao and Matsumoto
86AM336B (Mesozoic loc. M8359) , Iditarod , Iditarod (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge at head of North Fork of Otter Creek. Elevation 1400 ft (427 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 37.00' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 37.60' W; Township: 29N; Range: 54W; Section: 12; SE quarter; Collector: Marti Miller, 1986. Field Identifier: 86AM336B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 38)[J.W. Miller E&R report 02/26/87 provides following: Iditarod (C-4) quadrangle, Kuskokwim Group, Lat. 62 deg. 37.0', Long. 157 deg. 37.6'; N-NE of peak 1566, on ridge top at 1450 ft.]
Gastropod indeterminate
85AM324 (Mesozoic loc. M8322) , Iditarod , Iditarod (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge west of Moose Creek. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 36.30' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 52.60' W; Township: 29N; Range: 26W; Section: 10; NE quarter; Collector: Marti Miller, 1985. Field Identifier: 85AM324. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 38)
85AM58 (Mesozoic loc. M8317) , Iditarod , Iditarod (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge northeast of head of First Chance Creek. Elevation 1800 ft (549 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 49.25' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 35.83' W; Township: 32N; Range: 44W; Section: 31; SW/SE quarter; Collector: Marti Miller, 1985. Field Identifier: 85AM58. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 38)
"Unio" sp.
85AM60 (Mesozoic loc. M8318) , Iditarod , Iditarod (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge northeast of head of First Chance Creek. Elevation 1900 ft (579 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 49.66' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 34.75' W; Township: 32N; Range: 44W; Section: 32; NW quarter; Collector: Marti Miller, 1985. Field Identifier: 85AM60. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 38)
85AM62 (Mesozoic loc. M8319) , Iditarod , Iditarod (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge northeast of head of First Chance Creek. Elevation 1400 ft (427 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 49.10' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 34.82' W; Township: 32N; Range: 44W; Section: 32; SW quarter; Collector: Marti Miller, 1985. Field Identifier: 85AM62. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 38)
85AAi (Mesozoic loc. M8323) , Iditarod , Iditarod (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge at head of First Chance Creek. Elevation 1800 ft (549 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 49.03' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 36.00' W; Township: 32N; Range: 44W; Section: 31; S half; Collector: Linda Angeloni, 1985. Field Identifier: 85AAi. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 38)
86AM38A (Mesozoic loc. M8357) , Iditarod , Iditarod (D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Windy Creek. Elevation 700 ft (213 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 53.20' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 26.50' W; Township: 32N; Range: 44W; Section: 1; SE quarter; Collector: Marti Miller, 1986. Field Identifier: 86AM38A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 38)[J.W. Miller E&R report of 2/26/87 provides following data: Iditarod D-3 quad., Kuskowkim Group, Lat. 65 deg. 53.2', Long. 157 deg. 26.5'; T. 32 N., R. 44 W., sec. 1.
Gastropod indeterminate
86AM293B (Mesozoic loc. M8358) , Iditarod , Iditarod (D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Knob N of Windy Creek, W of Beaver Mountains. Elevation 1150 ft (351 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 54.60' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 11.70' W; Township: 33N; Range: 42W; Section: 35; NW quarter; Collector: Marti Miller, 1986. Field Identifier: 86AM293B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 39) [J.W. Miller E&R report of 2/26/87 provides following: Iditarod (D-3) quadrangle, Kuskowkim Group, Lat. 62 deg. 54.6', Long. 157 deg. 11.7'; Knob 1-1/2 mi. north of Windy Creek and 2 mi. W. of Beaver Mtns. T. 33 N., R. 42 W., sec. 35.
Bivalve indeterminate
64-2 (Mesozoic loc. M7619) , Iditarod , Iditarod (D-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. North side of Takotna airstrip. Elevation 860 ft (262 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 59.67' N; Longitude: 156 deg. 4.10' W; Township: 34N; Rane: 36W; Section: 34; SE/NE quarter; Collector: Don Podsen, 1982. Field Identifier: 64-2. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 39)
Inoceramid indeterminate
77BT271 (Mesozoic loc. M7752) , Mc Grath , McGrath (C-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. East bank of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 30.50' N; Longitude: 155 degg. 55.67' W; Township: 23 N; Range: 36W; Section: 21; NW quarter; Collector: Tom Bundtzen, 1977. Field Identifier: 77BT271. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 39)
Inoceramus hobetsensis? Nagao and Matsumoto
84JTK17B (Mesozoic loc. M8543) , Mc Grath , McGrath (C-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. North of Farewell Fault. Elevation 1900 ft (579 m). Latitude: 62 deg. 41.00' N; Longitude: 153 deg. 14.00' W; Township: 30N; Range: 21W; Section: 21; NW quarter; Collector: J.T. Kline, 1984. Field Identifier: 84JTK17B. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 39)
Worm feeding tracks
66APa313 (Mesozoic loc. M5048) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (B-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. N bank of Anvik River, upstream from Otter Creek. Elevation 600 ft (183 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 23.00' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 36.00' W; Township: 24S; Range: 10W; Section: 28; NE quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1966. Field Identifier: 66APa313. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 39)
Turrilites acutus Passy
66APa314 (Mesozoic loc. M5049) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (B-4) 1: 63360 quadrangle. N bank of Anvik River, upstream from Otter Creek. Elevation 600 ft (183 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 22.50' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 38.00' W; Township: 24S; Range: 10W; Section: 29; SW quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1966. Field Identifier: 66APa314. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 39)
Inoceramid indeterminate
66APa354 (Mesozoic loc. M5051) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (B-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. North bank of Otter Creek. Elevation 600 ft (183 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 15.50' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 47.00' W; Township: 26S; Range: 11W; Section: 6; SW quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1966. Field Identifier: 66APa354. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 39)
Inoceramid indeterminate
66AMm290 (Mesozoic loc. M5053) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (B-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. NW bank of Anvik River, upstream from Otter Creek. Elevation 600 ft (183 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 18.00' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 41.00' W; Township: 25S; Range: 11 W; Section: 27; Middle: Collector: T.P. Miller, 1966. Field Identifier: 66AMm290. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 40)
Beaudanticeras (Grantziceras) sp.
66APa316 (Mesozoic loc. M5050) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (B-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. W bank of Anvik River, upstream from Otter Creek. Elevation 600 ft (183 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 18.00' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 41.00' W; Township: 25S; Range: 11W; Section: 27; NE quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1966. Field Identifier: 66APa316. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 40)
Inoceramid indeterminate
Gastroplites (Gastroplites) kingi McLearn
Phylloceras sp.
Gastropod indeterminate
66AMm279 (Mesozoic loc. M5052) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (B-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. W bank of Anvik River, upstream from Otter Creek. Elevation 600 ft (183 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 21.00' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 39.00' W; Township: 25S; Range: 10W; Section: 11; NW quarter; Collector: T.P. Miller, 1966. Field Identifier: 66AMm279. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 40)
Inoceramid indeterminate
75APa135 (Mesozoic loc. M6542) , Medfra , Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. 1 km S of hill 1625, on upper Ivy Creek drainage. Elevation 1400 ft (427 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 15.00' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 53.00' W; Township: 26S; Range: 16E; Section: 6; N half; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APA135. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 40)
Inoceramid indeterminate
75APa134 (Mesozoic loc. M6541) , Medfra , Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. 1.3 km WSW from hill 1446, between Ivey and Folger Creek. Elevation 1300 ft (396 m). Latitude: 6316.00' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 57.00' W; Township: 26S; Range: 15E; Section: 2; Central section; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APA134. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 40)
Inoceramid indeterminate
75APa138 (Mesozoic loc. M6543) , Medfra , Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. SW-trending spur 1.6 km SW of elev. sta. 2745. Elevation 1800 ft (549 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 17.00' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 53.00' W; Township: 25S; Range: 16E; Section: 31; N half; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APa138. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 40)
75APa130 (Mesozoic loc. M6553) , Medfra , Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Low ridge 7.2 km SW of high point on Page Mountain. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 18.00' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 38.00' W; Township: 25S; Range: 17E; Section: 21; SW quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APa130. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 40)
76APa87 (Mesozoic loc. M6593) , Medfra , Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Rubble ridge ca. 7 km SSE of Page Mtn. Elevation 1300 ft (396 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 18.00' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 32.00' W; Township: 26S; Range: 17E; Section: 24; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1976. Field Identifier: 76APa87. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 41); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M6593. Alaska, Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Rubble ridge ca. 7 km SSE of Page Mtn. Elevation 1,300 ft (396 m). Latitude: 63°18.00'N, longitude: 155°32.00'W. Sec. 24, T26S, R17E. Collector: W. W. Patton, 1976. Field Identifier: 76APa87 (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 39).]
Inoceramus (Cremoceramus) aff. I.(C.) rotundatus Fiege
Inoceramus cf. I. waltersdorfensis hannovrensis Heinz
75APa30 (Mesozoic loc. M6537) , Medfra , Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Fossil Mountain. W on ridge from VABM Fossil. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 23.00' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 54.00' W; Township: 24S; Range: 15E; Section: 26; NE quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APa30. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 41)
75APa31 (Mesozoic loc. M6538) , Medfra , Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Spur trending NW from Fossil Mountain. Elevation 2100 ft (640 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 23.00' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 55.00' W; Township: 24S; Range: 15E; Section: 26; NW quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APa31. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 41)
75APa41 (Mesozoic loc. M6539) , Medfra , Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Rubble and talus near top of hill 2415. Elevation 2300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 27.00' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 39.00' W; Township: 23S; Range: 17E; Section: 31; N half; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APa41. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 41); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M6539. Alaska, Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Rubble and talus near top of hill 2415. Elevation 2,300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 63°27.00'N, longitude: 155°39.00'W. N1/2, sec. 31, T23S, R17E. Collector: W. W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APa41. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Birostrina tamurai Nagao & Matsumoto
75APa46 (Mesozoic loc. M6540) , Medfra , Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Rubble atop ridge 1.1 km NE of hill 2415. Elevation 2000 ft (610 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 28.00' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 38.00' W; Township: 23S; Range: 17E; Section: 29; SW quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APa46. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 41)
Bivalve indeterminate
76APa153 (Mesozoic loc. M6591) , Medfra , Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Rubble covered ridge 1.4 km E of junction of Butte & Folger Crs. Elevation 1400 ft (427 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 28.00' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 55.00' W; Township: 23S; Range: 15E; Section: 26; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1976. Field Identifier: 76APa153. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 41); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M6591. Alaska, Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Rubble covered ridge 1.4 km E of junction of Butte & Folger Crs. Elevation 1,400 ft (427 m). Latitude: 63°28.00'N, longitude: 155°55.00'W. Sec. 26, T23S, R15E. Collector: W. W. Patton, 1976. Field Identifier: 76APa153. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Birostrina tamurai Nagao & Matsumoto
77APa49 (Mesozoic loc. M7026) , Medfra , Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Unnamed hill about 5.7 miles N-NE of Fossil Mountain. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 28.00' N; Longitude: 155 deg. 52.00' W; Township: 23S; Range: 16E; Section: 30; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1977. Field Identifier: 77APa49. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 41); [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M7026. Alaska, Medfra (B-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Unnamed hill about 5.7 miles N-NE of Fossil Mountain. Elevation 1,500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 63°28.00'N, longitude: 155°52.00'W. Sec. 30, T23S, R16E. Collector:W . W. Patton, 1977. Field Identifier: 77APa49. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Amphidonte sp.
Birostrina tamurai Nagao & Matsumoto
56APa9 (Mesozoic loc. 26231) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Seacliff at Poker Creek. Elevation 0 ft (0 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 38.20' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 55.10' W; Township: 21S; Range: 12W; Section: 24; SW quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1956. Field Identifier: 56APa9. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 42)
Gastropod indeterminate
56APa10 (Mesozoic loc. 26232) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Seacliff north of Poker Creek. Elevation 0 ft (0 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 38.90' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 54.60' W; Township: 21S; Range: 12W; Section: 24; SW quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1956. Field Identifier: 56APa10. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 42)
"Unio" sp.
Fish scales
56APa13 (Mesozoic loc. 26233) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge north of Spruce Creek. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 39.60' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 51.10' W; Township: 21S; Range: 11W; Section: 17; SW quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1956. Field Identifier: 56APa13. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 42)
"Unio" sp.
62AMu10a (Mesozoic loc. M1781) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Chiroskey River. Elevation 600 ft (183 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 41.02' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 26.10' W; Township: 21S; Range: 9W; Section: 5; NW quarter; Collector: Munroe, 1962. Field Identifier: 62AMu10a. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 42)
Arctica? sp.
62AMu10b (Mesozoic loc. M1782) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Chiroskey River. Elevation 600 ft (183 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 41.03' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 26.70' W; Township: 21S; Range: 9W; Section: 5; NW quarter; Collector: Munroe, 1962. Field Identifier: 62AMu10b. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 42)
Arctica? sp.
Bivalve indeterminate
Goniomya sp.
Inoceramid indeterminate
Panopea? cf. P.? elongatissima (McLearn)
Pleuromya sp.
Thracia stelcki McLearn
58ATr28 (Mesozoic loc. M546) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Unalakleet River. Elevation 100 ft (30 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 53.00' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 31.80' W; Township: 19S; Range: 10W; Section: 1; SE quarter; Collector: Irv Taileur, 1958. Field Identifier: 58ATr28. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 42)
Inoceramus cf. I. altifluminis McLearn
58ATr28b (Mesozoic loc. M546(b)) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Unalakleet River. Elevation 100 ft (30 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 53.00' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 31.80' W; Township: 19S; Range: 10W; Section: 1; SE quarter; Collector: Irv Tailleur, 1958. Field Identifier: 58ATr28b. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 42)
Cucullaea sp.
Inoceramus altifluminis McLearn
62ATg85 (Mesozoic loc. M1779) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. At sharp bend of upper Anvik River. Elevation 1100 ft (335 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 35.02' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 9.30' W; Township: 21S; Range: 8W; Section: 14; NE quarter; Collector: A.R. Tagg, 1962. Field Identifier: 62ATg85. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 43)
"Unio" sp.
85APa213 (Mesozoic loc. M8336) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Chiroskey River. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 50.00' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 7.00' W; Township: 19S; Range: 7W; Section: 19; NE quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1985. Field Identifier: 85APa213. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 43)
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
58ATr57 (Mesozoic loc. M548) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (D-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Old Woman Creek. Elevation 400 ft (122 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 51.10' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 49.60' W; Township: 19S; Range: 6W; Section: 15; NE quarter; Collector: Irv Tailleur, 1958. Field Identifier: 58ATr57. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 43)
Ammonite indeterminate
58ATr63 (Mesozoic loc. M549) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (D-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge west of Old Woman Creek. Elevation 1800 ft (549 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 54.50' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 52.80' W; Township: 18S; Range: 6W; Section: 7; SE quarter; Collector: Irv Tailleur, 1958. Field Identifier: 58ATr63. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 43)
Inoceramid indeterminate
Inoceramus altifluminis McLearn
Gastroplites sp.
58ATr55 (Mesozoic loc. M547) , Unalakleet , Unalakleet (D-2) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Old Woman Creek. Elevation 1400 ft (427 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 56.80' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 43.70' W; Township: 18S; Range: 5W; Section: 9; NE quarter; Collector: Irv Taileur, 1958. Field Identifier: 58ATr55. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 43)
Gastroplites sp.
75APa24 (Mesozoic loc. M6535) , Medfra , Medfra (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. West side of Meadow Creek 1.5 miles below mouth of Fire Creek. Elevation 700 ft (213 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 44.00' N; Longitude: 154 deg. 44.00' W; Township: 20S; Range: 21E; Section: 27; SE quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APa24. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 43)
Inoceramid indeterminate
Belemnite indeterminate
75APa66 (Mesozoic loc. M6533) , Medfra , Medfra (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Talus slope & cut-bank along S side of tributary of Meadow Creek. Elevation 900 ft (274 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 40.00' N; Longitude: 154 deg. 32.00' W; Township: 21S; Range: 22E; Section: 24; N half; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APa66. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 43)
Buchia crassicollis solida (Lahusen)
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
Entolium sp.
75APa68 (Mesozoic loc. M6534) , Medfra , Medfra (C-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Talus slope on W side of a small tributary at Meadow Creek. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 40.00' N; Longitude: 154 deg. 32.00' W; Township: 21S; Range: 22E; Section: 13; S half; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75APa68. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 44)
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
aff. Cylindroteuthis sp.
75ACh6A (Mesozoic loc. M6524) , Medfra , Medfra (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. North-facing talus slope on hill 2745. Elevation 2600 ft (793 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 36.00' N; Longitude: 154 deg. 11.00' W; Township: 22S; Range: 24E; Section: 11; NW quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75ACh6A. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 44)
Inoceramid indeterminate
Acroteuthis sp.
75ACh6B&C (Mesozoic loc. M6525) , Medfra , Medfra (C-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. Head of small tributary of White Mountain Creek. Elevation 2300 ft (701 m). Latitude: 63 deg. 26.00' N; Longitude: 154 deg. 11.00' W; Township: 22S; Range: 24E; Section: 11; NW quarter; Collector: W.W. Patton, 1975. Field Identifier: 75ACh6B&C. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 44)