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Authors: |
Cady, W. M.
Wallace, R. E.
Hoare, Joseph M.
Webber, E. J.
Editors: |
Date: |
/1955 |
Title: |
The Central Kuskokwim Region, Alaska |
268 , , 132 pp. , |
Host: |
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper: |
Document Type: |
Article\Abst.\Chapter\report |
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, Sleetmute
, Kulukbuk Hills, 28 1/2 miles south of Sleetmute and 1/2 mile west of Holitna River; summit of eastern ridge.
, Sleetmute
, Kulukbuk Hills, 28 1/2 miles south of Sleetmute and 3 1/2 miles west of Holitna River; summit of western ridge.
, Sleetmute
, Kulukbuk Hills, 28 1/2 miles south of Sleetmute and 3 1/2 miles west of Holitna River; summit of western ridge.
, Sleetmute
, Kulukbuk Hills, 28 1/2 miles south of Sleetmute and 3 1/2 miles west of Holitna River; summit of western ridge.
, Sleetmute
, Kulukbuk Hills, 28 1/2 miles south of Sleetmute and 3 1/2 miles west of Holitna River; summit of western ridge.
, Sleetmute
, Kulukbuk Hills, 32 miles south of Sleetmute and 4 miles west of Holitna River; summit of western ridge (4 miles south of locality of collections 2683 to 2686).
, Sleetmute
, Bluff north of Holitna River and 9 1/2 miles northeast of Nogamut cliff overlooking slough near riverbank.
Spirifer sp., cf. S. crispus
(Mesozoic loc. 18927)
, Taylor Mts
, W.M. Cady, 1943. Seven miles south of Flat Top Mountain, crest of spur of ridge east of Cinnabar Creek, about 1 mile northwest of mouth of creek. Coquina of Monotis subcircularis (Gabb); from upper Triassic, "Noric stage". (description from Cady et al., 1955); Silberling et al., 1997, p. 18 provide following description: "Kuskokwim Mountains, southwestern Alaska; 34 miles S. 73 deg. W. of Kashegelok on crest of spur of ridge east of Cinnabar Creek at a point about 1 miles N. 60 deg. W. of the mouth of the creek. Coll.: W.M. Cady, 1943, field No. 43ACa39 [Taylor Mountain 1:250,000 quadrangle; Togiak terrane]; [Lat. 60.7700, Long. 158.8127 coquina-siltstone (description from Karl et al., 2011)]; Grant-Mackie and Silberling, 1990, p. 253, provide the following data: "USGS Mesozoic loc. 18927. Kuskokwim Mountains, southwestern Alaska; 34 miles S. 73°W. of Kashegelok on crest of spur of ridge east of Cinnabar Creek at a point about 1 mile (1.6 km) N. 60°W. of the mouth of the creek. Coll.: W. M. Cady, 1943, field no. 43ACa39. Taylor Mountain 1:250,000 quadrangle. Togiak terrane."
Coquina of Monotis subcircularis (Gabb)
(Mesozoic loc. 19409)
, Taylor Mts
, W.M. Cady, 1943. Seven and one-half miles south of Flat Top Mountain, on hill slope west of Cinnabar Creek, about 2 miles west of mouth of creek. Float fragments from burrow, containing Halobia sp. indet., Myophoria aff. M. vestita Albert, and Mysidioptera? sp.; from Upper Triassic.; [Lat. 60.7665, Long. 158.8569 siltstone (description from Karl et al., 2011]
Myophoria aff. M. vestita Albert
(Mesozoic loc. 19730)
, Sleetmute
, W.M. Cady, 1945. Near northwest cut-bank of Holokuk River, 1/10 mile north of mouth of Boss Creek. Float fragment on river banr; angularity suggests it has not been transported far, perhaps from cut-bank. Aucella crassicollis Keyserling; from lower Lower Cretaceous.
Aucella crassicollis Keyserling
(Mesozoic loc. 19731)
, Sleetmute
, W.M. Cady, 1945. Bluff along east side of Holokuk River, 3/5 mile southwest of mouth of Girl Creek. Inoceramus sp., fragment of a large species; Serpula sp. indet.; from Cretaceous.
Inoceramus sp., fragments of a large species
Unnumbered#1-J.E.Spurr, 1898
(Mesozoic loc. 11)
, Sleetmute
, Cut-bank on southeast side of Kuskokwim River, about 9 1/2 miles southwest of Oskawalik. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 30 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cut-bank on southeast side of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 37.20' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 16.90' W; Township: 18N; Range: 50W; Section: 25; SE quarter; Collector: J.E. Spurr, 1898. Field Identifier: None.]
Unnumbered#2-J.E.Spurr, 1898
(Mesozoic loc. 13)
, Sleetmute
, J.F. Spurr, 1898. Cut-bank on north side of Kuskokwim River, about 3 miles east of Kolmakof. {Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 30 give following description: "Cutbank at sharp bend of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft. (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 34.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 48.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 53W; Section: 13; NW quarter; Collector: J.E. Spurr, 1898. Field Identifier: None.]
Unnumbered#1A.G.Maddren, 1914
(Mesozoic loc. 9087)
, Sleetmute
, A.G. Maddren, 1914. Cut-bank on north side of Kuskokwim River, about 1 1/2 miles east of Kolmakof. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River west of mouth of Kolmakof River. Elevation 50 ft (15 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 34.35' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 52.50' W; Township: 17N; Range: 53W; Section: 14; NW quarter; Collector: A.G. Maddren, 1914. Field Identifier: None."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 9087. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360
quadrangle. Kuskokwim River west of mouth of Kolmakof River. Elevation 50 ft (15 m). Latitude: 61°34.35'N, longitude: 158°52.50'W. NW1/4, sec. 14, T17N, R53W. Collector: A.G. Maddren, 1914. Field Identifier: None. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Unnumbered#2A.G.Maddren, 1914
(Mesozoic loc. 9088)
, Sleetmute
, A.G. Maddren, 1914. Cut-bank on north side of Kuskokwim River, about 3 miles west of Kolmakof. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cut-bank on north side of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 100 ft (30 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 35.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 56.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 53W; Section: 5; NE quarter; Collector: A.G. Maddren, 1914. Field Identifier: None.
(Mesozoic loc. 9222)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge west of head of George River. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 48.80' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 10.00' W; Township: 20N; Range: 44W; Section: 24; NW/NE quarter; Collector: P.S. Smith, 1914. Field Identifier: 14AS134."]
(Mesozoic loc. 9223)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge west of head of George River. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 48.80' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 10.00' W; Township: 20N; Range: 40@; Section: 24; NW/NE quarter; Collector: P.S. Smith, 1914. Field Identifier: 14AS135."]
(Mesozoic loc. 9224)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge west of head of George River. Elevation: 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 48.80' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 10.00' W; Township: 20N; Range: 44W; Section: 24; NW/NE quarter; Collector: P.S. Smith, 1914. Field Identifier: 14AS136."]
(Mesozoic loc. 9225)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge west of head of George River. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 48.80' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 10.00' W; Township: 20N; Range: 44W; Section: 24; NW/NE quarter; Collector: P.S. Smith, 1914. Field Identifier: 14AS136."]
31AD75, 31AD75B
, Taylor Mts
, Mertie, 1938, USGS Bull. 903, p. 61 gives following description: Slopes of spur about 1/4 mile mile north of Nushagak River and about 11 miles N 60 deg. E of mouth of Chichitok River; [Cady et al., 1955, USGS Prof. Paper 268 give the following description: "P.A. Davison, 1931. Nushagak Hills, 9 miles southeast of Finn Mountain and about 1 1/4 mile north of Nushagak River; slope of south-pointing spur."]
, Taylor Mts
, Mertie, 1938, USGS Bull. 903, p. 61 gives following description: Gravels of Nushagak River, at base of spur where collections 31AD75 and 31AD75-B were made.;[Cady et al., 1955, USGS Prof. Paper 268 give the following description: "P.A. Davison, 1931. Nushagak Hills, 9 1/2 miles southeast of Finn Mountains; gravels of Nushagak River, at base of spur where collections 31AD75 and AD75b were made."]
(Mesozoic loc. 18646)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360 quadrangle. NE side of spur between Cribby Creek and Kuskokwim River. Elevation 850 ft (259 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 48.50' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 19.00' W; Township: 20N; Range: 44W; Section: 19; SW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1941. Field Identifier: 41ACa125."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 18646. Alaska, Sleetmute (D-4) 1:63360
quadrangle. NE side of spur between Cribby Creek and Kuskokwim River. Elevation 850 ft (259 m). Latitude: 61°48.50'N, longitude: 157°19.00'W. SW1/4, sec. 19, T20N, R44W. Collector:W . M. Cady, 1941. Field Identifier: 41ACa125. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
(Mesozoic loc. 18866)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 33 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River 4 miles SE of mouth of George River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 53.30' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 38.10' W; Township: 20N; Range: 46W; Section: 4; NW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1942. Field Identifier: 42ACa42."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 18866. Alaska, Sleetmute (D-5) 1:63360
quadrangle. Kuskokwim River 4 miles southeast of mouth of George River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 60°53.30'N, (should be 61 degrees- note by RBB), longitude: 157°38.10'W. NW1/4, sec. 4, T20N, R46W. Collector:W . M. Cady, 1942. Field Identifier: 42ACa42. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
(Mesozoic loc. 18926)
, Taylor Mts
, W.M. Cady, 1943. Cut-bank on east side of Holitna River, 3 miles south of Nagamut; point where river first strikes "Nogamut Hill." [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 26 give following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Holitna River north of Kiknik Creek. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 58.10' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 35.70' W; Township: 10N; Range: 47W; Section 7; NW/NE quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1943. Field Identifier: 43ACa99."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 18926. Alaska, Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Holitna River north of Kiknik Creek. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). NEI/4, NW/4, sec. 7, T10N, R47W. Collector: W. M. Cady, 1943. Field Identifier: 43ACa99. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]; [Lat. 60.9729, Long. 157.6789 sandstone-argillite (description from Karl et al., 2011]
Inoceramus cf. I. reachensis Etheridge
Scaphites cf. S. puerculus Jimbo
Scaphites inermis Anderson
(Mesozoic loc. 19386)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 29 provide following description: "Sleetmute (B-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Holokuk River south of mouth of Gold Run. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 25.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 26.70' W; Township: 15N; Range: 31W; Section: 4; NW/NW quarter; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW64-69"]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19386. Alaska, Sleetmute (B-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Holokuk River south of mouth of Gold Run. Elevation 300 ft (91 m). Latitude: 61°25.50'N, longitude: 158°26.70'W, NW1/4, NW1/4, sec. 4, T15N, R31W. Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW64-69 (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
(Mesozoic loc. 19387)
, Sleetmute
, [Sleetmute (B-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Kogoyuk Creek. Elevation 2200 ft (671 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 22.30' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 27.90' W; Township: 15N; Range: 51W; Section: 20; SE quarter; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW70. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 28)]
44AW71, -72, -74-78
(Mesozoic loc. 19388)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 30, provide the following description: "Sleetmute (C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River opposite mouth of Holokuk River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 32.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 35.80' W; Township: 17N; Range: 51W; Section: 30; N half; Collector; R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW71,72, 74, 78.]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19388. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River opposite mouth of Holokuk River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61°32.50'N, longitude: 158°35.80'W. N1/2, sec. 30, T17N, R51W. Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW71, 72, 74, 78. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
(Mesozoic loc. 19389)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 30 provide following description: "Sleetmute(C-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Kuskokwim River opposite mouth of Holokuk River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 32.50' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 35.80' W; Township: 17N; Range: 51W; Section: 30; N half; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW73."]
(Mesozoic loc. 19390)
, Russian Mission
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 32 provide following description: "Russian Mission (C-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cut-bank on Kuskokwim River 4 to 6 miles W of Kolmakof. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 35.50' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 4.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 54W; Section: 9; NE quarter; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW82-89."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19390. Alaska, Russian Mission (C-l) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cut-bank on Kuskokwim River 4 to 6 miles west of Kolmakof. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61°35.50'N, longitude: 159°4.00'W. NE1/4, sec. 9, T17N, R54W. Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW82-89. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
(Mesozoic loc. 19391)
, Russian Mission
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 32 provide following description: "Russian Mission (C-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. N bank of Kuskokwim River about 6 miles W of Kolmakof. Elevation 150 ft (56 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 35.00' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 0.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 54 W; Section: 8&9; E&W halfs; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW91-94."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19391. Alaska, Russian Mission (C-l) 1:63360 quadrangle. North bank of Kuskokwim River about six miles west of Kolmakof. Elevation 150 ft (46 m). Latitude: 61°35.00'N, longitude: 159°0.00'W. Near section line, secs. 8 & 9, T17N, R54W. Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW91-94. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
(Mesozoic loc. 19392)
, Russian Mission
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 32 provide the following description: "Russian Missian (C-1) 1:63360 quadrangle. N bank of Kuskokwim River about 6 miles W of Kolmakof. Elevation 150 ft (46 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 34.80' N; Longitude: 159 deg. 7.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 54W; Section: 7&8; N half; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW107-109."]
44AW105, -106
(Mesozoic loc. 19393)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide the following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. Cutbank at sharp bend of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 34.50; N; Longitude: 158 deg. 48.00' W; Township: 17N; Range: 53W; Section: 13; NW quarter; Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW105,106]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19393. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360
quadrangle. Cut-bank at sharp bend of Kuskokwim River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61°34.50'N, longitude: 158°48.00'W. NI/2, sec. 13, T17N, R53W. Collector: R. Wallace, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AW105, 106. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
, Taylor Mts
, W.M. Cady, 1944. Lower northwestern slopes of Taylor Mountains, 6 1/2 miles southeast of Nogamut and 12 1/2 miles northeast of Kashegelok; outcrop near creek. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 27, provide following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Lower NW slopes of Taylor Mountains. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 58.05' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 31.05 W; Township: 10N; Range: 46W; Section 7, SW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1944. Field Identifier: 44ACa23."]; [Lat. 60.9671, Long. 157.5175 sandstone-argillite (description from Karl et al., 2011(
Wood and/or bark fragments and imprints, undetermined
(Mesozoic loc. 19394)
, Taylor Mts
, Lower northwest slopes of Taylor Mountains, 6 1/2 miles southeast of Nogamut and 12 1/2 miles northest of Kashegelok; crest of spur. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 26, provide following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Lower NW slopes of Taylor Mountains. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude 60 deg. 58.05' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 31.05' W; Township: 10N; Range: 46W; Section 7; SW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1944. Field Identifier: 44ACa16."]; [Lat. 60.9671, Long. 157.5175 sandstone-argillite (description from Karl et al., 2011)]
(Mesozoic loc. 19395A)
, Taylor Mts
, W.M. Cady, 1944. Lower northwestern slopes of Taylor Mountains, 6 1/2 miles southeast of Nogamut and 12 1/2 miles northeast of Kashegelok; outcrop near creek (same locality as collection 44ACa23). (description from Cady et al., 1955, p. 46); [Lat. 60.9671, Long. 157.5175 sandstone-argillite (description from Karl et al., 2011)]
(Mesozoic loc. 19395B)
, Taylor Mts
, J.M. Hoare, 1944. Hills between Nogamut and Taylor Mountains, 4 1/2 miles southeast of Nogamut and 10 1/2 miles northeast of Kashegelok; crest of ridge. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 27, give the following locality description: "Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63,360. Lower NW slopes of Taylor Mountains. Elevation 1500 ft. (457 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 58.05' N; Longitude: 57 deg. 31.05' W; Township: 10N; Range: 46 W; Section 7; SW quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AHr4."]; USGS Mesozoic loc. 19395b. East of Holitna River, 4 1/2 miles S. 42° E. of Nagamut, Kuskokwim region, southwest Alaska. Inoceramus cf. I. ambiguus Eichwald. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 24); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 19395B. Orig. no. 44AHr4. Upper Cretaceous. 53 miles S. 15° W. of Sleitmut; 4 1/2 miles S. 42° E. of Nogamiut, Aniak-Hoholitna dist., S.W. Alaska. Coll. J.M. Hoare for W.M. Cady, 1944]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19395. Alaska, Taylor Mountains (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Lower northwestern slopes of Taylor Mountains. Elevation 1,500 ft (457 m). Latitude: 60°58.05'N, longitude: 157°31.05'W. SW1/4, sec. 7, T10N, R46W. Collector: J. Hoare, 1944. Field Identifier: 44AHr4. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38). [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue gives this: 19395B. Orig. no. 44AHr4. Upper Cretaceous. 53 miles S. 15° W of Sleitmut; 4 1/2 miles S. 42° E. of Nogamiut, Aniak-Hoholitna dist., S.W. Alaska. Coll. J.M. Hoare for W.M. Cady, 1944]; [Lat. 60.9671, Long. 157.5175 sandstone-argillite (description from Karl et al., 2011)]
(Mesozoic loc. 19729)
, Sleetmute
, [Sleetmute (A-7) 1:63360 quadrangle. Holokuk River. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 9.75' N; Longitude: 158 deg. 25.20' W; Township: 12N; Range: 52W; Section: 1; NW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1945. Field Identifier: 45ACa66. (from Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 28)]; USGS Mesozoic loc. 19729. Cutbank southeast of Holokuk River, 27 miles S. 20° E. of Napaiment and 3.6 miles upstream (southwest) from mouth of Boss Creek, Kuskokwim region, southwest Alaska. Inoceramus sp. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 24); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 19729. Orig. no. 45AC66. Middle Jurassic. Black shales from a thick succession of interbedded greywackes and shales. Cut-bank southeast of Holokuk River, 27 miles S. 20° E. of Napaimiut and 3.6 miles upstream (southwest) of the mouth of Boss Creek, Upper Holokuk River, Aniak-Hoholitna district, S.W. Alaska. Coll. Wallace M. Cady, 1945]
45ACa82, 45AHr21
(Mesozoic loc. 19732)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. West shore of Kolmokof River. Elevation 400 ft (122 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 45.80' N: Longitude: 157 deg. 50.00' W; Township: 19; Range: 53W; Section: 26; NE/NW quarter; Collector: W.M. Cady, 1945. Field Identifier: 45ACa82" (note by Blodgett: This reference provides only a single field number for this locality, that of Cady, while Cady et al., 1955, provide both Cady's and Hoare's field station numbers)]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19732. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. West shore of Kolmakof River. Elevation 400 ft (122 m). Latitude: 61°45.80'N, longitude: 157°50.00'W. NW1/4, NEI/4, sec. 26, T19N, R53W. Collector: W. M. Cady, 1945. Field Identifier: 45ACa82. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
(Mesozoic loc. 19735)
, Sleetmute
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 31 provide following description: "Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. West shore of Kolmokof River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61 deg. 37.40' N; Longitude: 157 deg. 50.90' W; Township: 18N; Range: 53W; Section: 27; SE/NW quarter; Collector: J. Hoare, 1945. Field Identifier: 45 AHr22.]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 19735. Alaska, Sleetmute (C-8) 1:63360 quadrangle. West shore of Kolmakof River. Elevation 200 ft (61 m). Latitude: 61°37.40'N, longitude: 157°50.90'W. NW`/4, SE1/4, sec. 27, T18N, R53W. Collector: J. Hoare, 1945. Field Identifier: 45AHr22. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]