Report on Referred Fossils |
Stratigraphic range: |
Upper Triassic, Jurassic, Upper Cretaceous |
Kinds of fossils: |
Invertebrates |
Quadrangle or area: |
Seldovia, Afognak, Iliamna, Kenai, Karluk, Chignik, Mt. Katmai, Ugashik, SW Alaska |
Shipment No.: |
A-04-R |
Referred by: |
Stanton, T. W.
Martin, G. C.
Stone, R. W.
Report prepared by: |
Stanton, T. W.
Date: |
04/03/1912 |
Title of report: "Lists of Mesozoic fossils collected by T.W. Stanton, G.C. Martin, and party in southwestern Alaska in 1904."
[Note by R.B. Blodgett: fossil report and transmittal sheets occupy p. 939-963 in Report on Alaskan Fossils, vol. 4, 1911-1913. Also no formal date given by author to this report, however, the report is stamped as being received April 3, 1912 by the Division of Alaskan Mineral Resources]
*** Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector): 120 localities as in accompanying list (Chignik formation, Naknek formation, Chinitna shale, Tuxedni sandstone, Marine (L. Jura) tuffs, Triassic or Jurassic at Cold Bay, Kamishak chert (Pseudomonotis beds), Kamishak chert? (Halobia beds)
User Note module to be added |
904 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2977)
, Seldovia
, West side of Seldovia Bay, opposite village. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 136 states: "West side of Seldovia Bay, opposite village, one-fourth mile southeast of 2978. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
905 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2978)
, Seldovia
, Entrance of harbor, west point, Seldovia, Alaska. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 136 states: "Port Naskowhak, at entrance to Seldovia Bay. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Pinna cf. P. expansa Hyatt
Fragments of an ammonite of undetermined genus
907a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2980)
, Seldovia
, Shore of Cook Inlet, 2 mi. W of Seldovia Bay. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 136 states: "Shore of Cook Inlet, 2 miles west of Seldovia Bay. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
907b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2981)
, Seldovia
, Same locality as 907a but 200 ft. higher. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 136 states: "Same locality as 2980, but 200 feet higher. T.W. Stanton, 1904."] [Imlay, 1981, p. 27, gives following description: "T.W. Stanton and G.C. Martin, 1904. Sea cliffs 2 miles (3.2 km west of Seldovia Bay, eastern part of sec. 34, T. 8 S., R. 15 W., Seldovia (B-5) quadrangle, on Kenai Peninsula, southern Alaska. Talkeetna Formation about 200 ft (61 m) above horizontal conglomerate. Earliest Sinemurian."]; [USGS Mesozoic loc. 2981. Two miles west of Pt. Naskowhak on west side of Seldovia Bay. Seldovia B-5 quad., Kenai Peninsula. Coroniceras. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 22)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Lower Jurassic. 907b. 2 miles west of Seldovia Bay, shore of Cook Inlet, 200 feet above 907a. Colls. T.W. Stanton and L. Martin, June 3, 1904.]
Pinna cf. P. expansa Hyatt
Arietites? sp. One fragmentary specimen.
908 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2982)
, Seldovia
, Shore of Cook Inlet 3 m W. of Seldovia Bay. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 136 states: "Shore of Cook Inlet, 3 miles west of Seldovia Bay. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]
909 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2983)
, Seldovia
, Port Graham, 1 1/2 mile SE. of coal mine. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 136 states: "Port Graham, 1 1/2 miles southeast of coal mine. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Trigonia? Fragmentary imprints
912a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2990)
, Kenai
, West side Chasik (Chisik) Island near lower end. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 136 states: "West shore of Chisik Island, near top of Chinitna shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay, west shore of Chisik Island near entrance to Snug Harbor. Chinitna formation near top of upper third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
912b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2991)
, Kenai
, Near 912a but several hundred feet lower. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 136 states: "West shore of Chisik Island, several hundred feet below top of Chinitna shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay, west shore of Chisik Island. Chinitna formation, upper third, several hundred feet below top. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Cadoceras stenoboide Pompeckj
913 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2992)
, Kenai
, West side Chasik (Chisik) Island, 4,000 to 4,200 feet N. of cabin. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 155 states: "West shore of Chisik Island, 4,000 to 4,200 feet north of cabin. Shale and calcareous concretions overlying a massive conglomerate. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay, west shore of Chisik Island, near northwest end. Chinitna formation, lower third, from shale overlying a massive conglomerate. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Stephanoceras? = Eichwalds Amm. astierianus d'Orb. Aff. and Whiteaves original specimen of Am. loganianus
914 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2993)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor on mainland 2 mi. W. of cabin on Chasik (Chisik) Island. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay 2 miles west of cabin on Chiskik Island. Bed 1. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Trigonia sp. c cf. T. dawsoni Whiteaves
Ostrea - simple ovate form
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
915 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2994)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor on mainland 1/2 mi. S. of 914. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay, small gulch about half a mile south of 2993. Probably about same horizon as 2993. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Sphaeoceras sp. b - more inflated than sp. a
Astarte sp. a - large, nearly smooth, crenulated margin
Trigonia sp. c - abundant
Pecten - smooth, probably 2 sp.
Pinna - more slender than P. expansa and with longitud. striae
916a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2995)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor on mainland No. 4 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Bed 4. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Stephanoceras cf. S. humphresianum. Large discoid sp.
Sphaeroceras cf. Olcostephanus oblatum Whiteaves
916b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2996)
, Kenai
, No. 7 of section [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Base of Bed 7. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B23 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, G.C. Martin, and Andrew Brown, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, about 1,300 ft west of Fossil Point. Fitz Creek Siltstone, 25 ft below top."]
Sphaeroceras sp. cf. Olcostephanus oblatum Whiteaves
916c of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2997)
, Kenai
, No. 11 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Bed 11. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B23 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, G.C. Martin, and Andrew Brown, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, 1,500 ft west of Fossil Point. Fitz Creek Siltstone, sandy limestone 75 ft below top."]
Sphaeroceras cf. Olcostephanus cepoides Whiteaves
916d of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2998)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor on mainland No. 14 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Bed 14. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B23 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, G.C. Martin, and Andrew Brown, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, 2,000 ft west of Fossil Point. Fitz Creek Siltstone, siltstone and sandstone 100 ft below top."]
Perisphinctes cf. P. carlottensis Whiteaves
Sphaeroceras sp. cf. Olcostephanus oblatum Whiteaves
916e of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 2999)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. Talus probably from Nos. 11 to 14 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Talus, probably mostly from beds 11 to 14. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B23 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, G.C. Martin, and Andrew Brown, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, 2,500 ft west of Fossil Point. Fitz Creek Siltstone. Float from 100 to 150 ft below top."]
Stephanoceras cf. S. humphresianum
Perisphinctes cf. P. carlottensis Whiteaves
Perisphinctes - same as in 2997
Sphaeroceras cf. Olc. cepoides Whiteaves
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Lima cf. gigantea Sowerby
Pecten - large smooth form
916f of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3000)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor near base of 1st section on mainland. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Concretions in bed 19. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B23 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, 3,000 ft west of Fossil Point. Fitz Creek Siltstone 150 ft below top."]
Perisphinctes cf. P. carlottensis Whiteaves
Stephanoceras richardsoni Whiteaves
Perisphinctes - same as in 2997
Sphaeroceras cf. Olcosteph. cepoides Whiteaves
Sonninia? (same as in 2999)
Lima - medium sized smooth form
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Oppelia? (same as in 2999)
917a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3001)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor 3 mi. W. of cabin. Base of No. 103 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay, 3 miles west of Chisik Island. Base of bed 24. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Cyprina? - large oval shell
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Eumicrotis? cf. E. curta Hall
917b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3002)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor 3 mi. W. of cabin. No. 104 of sec. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Bed 25. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Astarte - small coarse ribbed sp.
Trigonia sp. d - Clavellate resembling sp. c but larger
Trigonia sp. e - Undulatae
Eumicrotis? cf. Eu. curta Hall
917d of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3004)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. Talus probably from higher than 917a. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Talus just east of outcrop of bed 29, probably from a higher horizon than 3001. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B22 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, 0.96 mile west of Fossil Point. Red Glacier Formation. Float on beach 250-300 ft below top of formation."]
Harpoceras? (Sonninia) sp. - small keeled forms with coarse ribs
Pleuromya - different from a and b
Astarte - same as in 917b
Eumicrotis cf. Eu. curta Hall
Cyprina? - large oval cast
917e of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3005)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor No. 109 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Bed 30. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; Tuxendni Bay (Imlay, 1955, Pl. 8 explanation); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 3005. Orig. no. 917e. Jurassic. Snug Harbor o mainland 3 miles w. of cabin on Chasik Island, no. 109 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, June 17, 1904.]
Inoceramus sp. cf. I. lucifer Eichwald
Lima cf. L. gigantea Sowerby
917g of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3007)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. Talus at same locaction as 3006. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Talus from same locality as 3006. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B22 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, 1.2 miles west of Fossil Point. Red Glacier Formation. Float about 450 ft below top of formation."]
Terebratula - large broad form
917h of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3008)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. No. 111 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Upper part of bed 32. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B22 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, 1.22 miles west of Fossil Point. Red Glacier Formation, about 475 ft below top."]
Harpoceras? - possibly different from that in 3004
Inoceramus cf. I. lucifer Eichwald
917i of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3009)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. No. 112 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Bed 33. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B22 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, 1.24 miles west of Fossil Point. Red Glacier Formation, about 500 ft below top."]; Tuxedni Bay (description from Imlay, 1955); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 3009 Orig. no. 917i. Jurassic. Snug Harbor on mainland about 3 miles w. of cabin on Chasik Island, no. 112 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, June 17, 1904.]
Sonninia? - large smooth sp.
Sonninia? - smaller form with strong sculpture
Sonninia? - small form with strong sculpture
Stephanoceras? - robust form with small umbilicus
Stephanoceras? - more compressed form with larger umbilicus
Inoceramus cf. I. lucifer Eichwald
Pecten - rather large smooth form
917j of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3010)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. Talus at base of No. 116. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Talus at base of bed 37 of section on p. 143. These probably came from either bed 36 or 37 and could not have come from higher than bed 35. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B22 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, 1.4 miles west of Fossil Point. Red Glacier Formation. Float about 700 ft. above top."]
Stephanoceras - small specimen related to one from 2995 and 2999 compared with S. humphresianum
Perisphinctes? - small specimen with bifurcated ribs
Sonninia? - small coarsely sculptured like one from 3009
Sonninia? - another sculptered form
Phylloceras? - young specimen
Alaria? - part of large expanded wing of gastropod
Cerithium - three species
Natica - small form very abundant
Solenidae? - slender bivalve
Gervillia - large species
Pecten - rather large smooth species
Lima cf. L. gigantea Sowerby
Inoceramus cf. I. lucifer Eichwald
Veneridae? - several species
917m of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3012)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. Top of No. 115 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Band of grit 3 1/2 feet thick at top of bed 36. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Trigonia - very large sp.
Pecten - large coarsely ribbed sp.
917n of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3013)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. No. 101 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Upper member (clay shale) of bed 22. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B22 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, 1.0 mile west of Fossil Point. Red Glacier Formation, upper 50 ft."]
Stephanoceras cf. S. humphresianum - Diam 14 in.
918 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3014)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. Chasik (Chisik) Island 1 mi. N. of cabin. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 155 states: "West shore of Chisik Island 1 mile north of cabin. Concretions in shale beds below a massive conglomerate. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 374-C, p. C-3 gives following description: "Stanton, T.W., 1904, North end of Chisik Island, 1.25 miles S. 81 deg. E. of Fossil Point, 1 ft below base of Channel conglomerate."; also noted "at top" of Bowser member, and "820 feet" above Cranocephalites beds]; [T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, north end of Chisik Island, 1.25 miles S. 81° E. of Fossil Point, 1 ft below base. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Phylloceras? - young specimen
919 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3015)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. North end of Chasik (Chisik) Island. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "North end of Chisik Island, about one-fourth mile northeast of 3014; from higher beds. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay, north end of Chisik Bay about 1/4 mile northeast of point formed by massive conglomerate, Chinitna formation, lower third.]
Phylloceras sp. - 2 large specimens
Phylloceras? sp. - large specimen with coarse sculpture
Stephanoceras - Eichwalds Amm. astierianus, Whiteaves type of Amm. loganianum
Cyprina? - larg shell with ant. and post. lateral teeth
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald - like figs. of I. eximius
920 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3016)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. NE shore of Chasik (Chisik) Island, near top of shales. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 166 states: "Northeast shore of Chisik Island, near top of Chinitna shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay, northeast shore of Chisik Island. Chinitna formation, near top of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Cadoceras? stenoboide Pompeckj - Two specimens with very narrow umbilicus
921 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3017)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. West shore of Chasik (Chisik) Island 1 mi. N. of S. end. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 179 states: "West shore of Chisik Island, 1 mile north of south end of island. Shale overlying Chisik conglomerate member and beneath higher lava beds. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Aucella - two obscure specimens
923a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3018)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna Bay. Upper part of Cadoceras Zone. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 166 states: "North shore of Chinitna Bay about 410 feet above sea level, on first small creek west of the high cliffs. Bed 3. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T. W. Stanton, 1904. On small creek entering Chinitna Bay from north about 4 miles west of East Glacier Creek at elevation of 410 ft. Chinitna formation, near top of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras sp. - compressed ribbed form
Cadoceras doroschini Eichwald?
923b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3019)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna Bay. Several hundred feet lower than 3018. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 166 states: "North shore of Chinitna Bay about 270 feet above sea level, on first small creek west of the high cliffs. Near top of bed 6 of section on p. 160. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T. W. Stanton, 1904. On same creek as loc. 3018 at elevation of 270 ft. Chinitna formation, middle third, about 500 ft above base of section. (See Martin, 1926, p. 160.) (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras doroschini Eichwald
Cadoceras sp. - less convex form
Cadoceras? - smooth close coiled form. Umbilicus nearly closed.
923c of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3020)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna Bay. Lower than 3019. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 166 states: "North shore of Chinitna Bay about 125 feet above sea level, on first small creek west of the high cliffs. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T. W. Stanton, 1904. On same creek as loc. 3018 at elevation of 125 ft. Chinitna formation, near base of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras doroschini Eichwald?
Oxynoticeras? - smooth sharp centered form
Belemnites - very large phragmacone
924 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3021)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna Bay at west end of cliffs north of camp. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 179 states: "North shore of Chinitna Bay, at west end of cliffs. Talus. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Undet. gastropods - very small
926 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3022)
, Seldovia
, Chinitna Bay, 1/4 mi. W. of mouth of East Glacier Creek. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 179 states: "North shore of Chinitna Bay one-fourth mile west of mouth of East Glacier Creek. Bed 20. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Aucella cf. A. erringtoni
927b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3024)
, Seldovia
, Chinitna Bay No. 34 of section. 30 ft. above base. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 179 states: "North shore of Chinitna Bay. 30 feet above base of bed 26 in section on p. 173. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Undet. gastropods - same as at 3021
928 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3027)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay, near lower cabin. Upper part of zone C. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 157 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay between lower cabin and next creek below it. Upper part of "Zone C." T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Belemnites - slender form
Belemnites - hastate form
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
929 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3028)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay 1/4 mi. below lower cabin, Cadoceras zone. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 167 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay one-fourth mile below lower cabin. "Zone D." T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T. W. Stanton, 1904. Iniskin Peninsula, east shore of Iniskin Bay about 0.65 miles N. 5° W. of Mt. Pomeroy. Chinitna formation, near base of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Cadoceras doroschini (Eichwald)
929a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3029)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay 1 mi. below lower cabin. Cadoceras zone. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 167 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay 1 mile below lower cabin. Three hundred feet or more above 3028. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T. W. Stanton, 1904. Iniskin Peninsula, east shore of Iniskin Bay, about 0.5 miles N. 65° W. of Mt. Pomeroy. Chinitna formation, upper part of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Cadoceras doroschini (Eichwald)
929b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3030)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay 1 1/4 mi. below lower cabin. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 167 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay 1 1/4 miles below lower cabin. Upper 100 feet of Chinitna shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T. W. Stanton, 1904. Iniskin Peninsula, east shore of Iniskin Bay about 0.9 mile S. 70° W. of Mt. Pomeroy. Chinitna formation, upper 100 ft of upper third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Cadoceras doroschini (Eichwald)?
Belemnites - very large phragmacone
930 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3031)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay, 1st cove on E. shore near entrance to bay.[Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay, in first cove near entrance to bay. Shales overlying Chisik conglomerate. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Aucella cf. A. erringtoni
931a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3032)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay from lower cabin up shore 300 yards. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 157 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay 300 yards above lower cabin. About 300 feet of strata. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Stephanoceras? sp. - several small distorted specimens probaby like some from Snug Harbor
Belemnites - long slender speices
Pleuromya - two or more sp.
Astarte - rather large sp.
Pecten - large sp. with coarse complex structure
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Lima cf. L. gigantea Sowerby
931b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3033)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay 1/4 mi. to 1 mi. above lower cabin. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 179 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay one-fourth to 1 mile above lower cabin. Sixty-five feet of strata above fault. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Trigonia - large clavellate
Pleuromya - 2 or more sp.
Pecten - costate form as in 3032
Inoceramus cf. I. lucifer - 1 small specimen
Large convex high bivalve with straight hinge
932a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3034)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay 1 mi. above lower cabin. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 157 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay 1 mile above lower cabin. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Trigonia doroschini Eichwald - Undulatae
Trigonia - large Clavellatae
932b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3035)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay, 1 1/4 mi. above lower cabin. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 157 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay 1 1/4 miles above lower cabin. "Zone B." T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Stephanoceras? - small poorly preserved
Trigonia doroschini Eichwald
Cucullaea? - 2 large casts
932c of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3036)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay 1 1/2 mi. above lower cabin. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 157 states: "East shore of Inisikin Bay 1 1/2 miles above lower cabin. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Trigonia doroschini Eichwald
Ostrea - very large species
933b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3038)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay 1 mi. above upper cabin. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 157 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay about 1 mile above upper cabin, or near point at entrance to east arm of bay. Zone A. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 374-C, P. C-3 provides following description: "Stanton, T.W., Martin, G.C., 1904, Shore of Iniskin Bay at entrance to Right Arm, 5.25 miles N. 74 deg. W. of Front Mountain."]
Parkinsonia? - 1 small specimen. Resembles fig. of P. parkinsoni
Stephanoceras? - several young shells
Belemnites - 2 or more sp.
Peculiar large long thick shelled bivalve
Astarte - large, beautifully preserved
Trigonia doroschini Eichwald
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
933c of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3039)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay 100 to 400 yards above upper cabin. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 157 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay 100 to 400 yards above upper cabin. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
933d of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3040)
, Iliamna
, Enochkin Bay 1 1/2 mi. above upper cabin. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 157 states: "East shore of Iniskin Bay 1 1/2 miles above Brown's upper cabin, which is 4 miles above entrance to the bay. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Stephanoceras? sp. - several small specimens
934a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3041)
, Iliamna
, Oil Bay above Cadoceras zone. Near large waterfall. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 167 states: "Northeast shore of Oil Bay near large waterfall. Forty-six feet above base of bed 1 of section. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; T. W. Stanton, 1904. East shore of Oil Bay near a large waterfall. SE1/4 sec. 12, T. 6 S., R. 24 W., Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet, southern
Alaska. Naknek Formation, float from higher beds exposed in cliffs. Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); {USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 934a. Jurassic - above Cadoceras Zone. Oil Bay, east shore near a large waterfall. Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, July 10, 1904.]
Cardioceras sp. - these were not in place
Phylloceras sp. - these were not in place
934b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3042)
, Iliamna
, Oil Bay. Lower 50 feet of section. Cadoceras zone. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 167 states: "Northeast shore of Oil Bay. Lower 50 feet of section. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T. W. Stanton, 1904. Iniskin Peninsula, northeast shore of Oil Bay. Chinitna formation, upper part of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Cadoceras doroschini Eichwald
934c of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3043)
, Iliamna
, Oil Bay. 15 ft. above base of No. 11 of sec. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 179 states: "Northeast shore of Oil Bay. Stratum 15 feet above base of bed 8 of section on. p. 173. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; T. W. Stanton, 1904. East shore of Oil Bay, west-central margin of sec. 18, T. 6 S., R. 23 W., Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet, southern Alaska. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 4.6 m above base of bed no. 8 and 30 m above base of member drawn at base of bed no. 14 (Martin, 1926, p. 173). Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 934c. Upper Jurassic. Oil Bay, east shore 15 ft. above base of no. 11 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, July 10, 1904.]
Lytoceras - fragments of large species
934d of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3044)
, Iliamna
, Oil Bay, 170 ft. above base of No. 11, not in place. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 179 states: "Northeast shore of Oil Bay. Talus at outcrop of strata 170 feet above base of bed 8. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; T. W. Stanton. 1904. Slightly south of Mesozoic locality 3043 and 62 m above base of unnamed lower sandstone member of the Naknek Formation. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 934d. Upper Jurassic-Cardioceras Zone. Oil Bay, east side, Talus 170 ft. above base of no. 11 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. No. 11 refers to Stanton's notebook & not to Martin's description on p. 173 of Bull. 776. Coll. T.W. Stanton, July 10, 1904.]
934e of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3045)
, Iliamna
, Oil Bay, 80 feet above base of No. 13 of sec. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 179 states: "Northeast shore of Oil Bay. 80 feet above base of bed 7. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; T. W. Stanton, 1904. Slightly south of Mesozoic locality 3044. Nakrek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 24 m above base of bed no. 7 and 160 m above base of member. Late early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 943e. Juarassic-Cardioceras Zone. Oil Bay, east side, 80 ft. above base of no. 13 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, July 11, 1904.]
Cardioceras sp. - coarse sculpture
934f of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3046)
, Iliamna
, Oil Bay 150 ft. above base of No. 13 of sec. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "Northeast shore of Oil Bay. 150 feet above base of bed 7. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; Many localities in Snug Harbor Siltstone Member of the Naknek Formation between Iniskin Bay and Tuxedni Bay, Cook Inlet region (Martin, 1926, p. 178-180; Detterman and Hartsock, 1966, p. 51). Amoeboceras (loc. 3046 only) and Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3046. Orig. No. 934f. Jurassic - Cadoceras Zone. Oil Bay, east side, 150 ft. above base of no. 13 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, July 10, 1904]; T. W. Stanton, 1904. Slightly south of Mesozoic locality 3044. Naknck Formation, 46 m above base of bed no. 7 and 181 m above base of unnamed lower sandstone member (Martin, 1926, p. 173). Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26)
Cardioceras sp. - coarse sculpture. Same as 9342
935a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3086)
, Iliamna
, Bear Cove 12 mi. west of south of Enochkin Bay. Near camp. Trias. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 57 states: "North shore of Ursus Cove near entrance. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
935b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3087)
, Iliamna
, Point on east side of entrance to Bear Cove. Upper Jurassic in contact with Trias. by faulting. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "Point at north entrance to Ursus Cove. Sandstone resembling part of beds 2 to 7 of Oil Bay section. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Aucella sp. - several small specimens
Amberleya? sp. - single imprint
Phylloceras sp. - 2 small specimens with fine sculpture
Belemnites sp. - slender form
935d of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3089)
, Iliamna
, Bear Cove 1 mi. west of camp. Trias. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 57 states: "North shore of Ursus Cove 2 miles west of entrance. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
Arca? sp. - 1 imperfect specimen
936 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3090)
, Iliamna
, Rocky Bay, 8 mi. S.W. of Bear Cove. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "Rocky Bay, 8 miles southwest of Ursus Cove. Shaly sandstone and sandy shale, about 75 feet thick, resembling those of beds 2 to 7 of the Oil Bay section. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Belemnites - large robust sp.
Phylloceras sp. - with fine sculpture
Phylloceras? sp. - with coarse sculpture
Inoceramus sp. - 1 small specimen
Avicula sp. - single coarsely ribbed
937a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3094)
, Iliamna
, South shore of Bear Bay on west side of peninsula 1 mi. inside entrance to bay. Altered limestone in Trias? [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 54 states: "South shore of Bruin Bay, on west side of peninsula 1 mile inside entrance to bay. Altered limestone. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Gryphaea sp. - small very coarse form represented by numerous imperfectly preserved spec.
Pecten? sp. - single fragmentary imprint of coarse ribbed form
937b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3091)
, Iliamna
, South shore of Bear Bay on east side of peninsula 1 mi. inside entrance to bay. Black slate in Trias. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 54 states: "South shore of Bruin Bay, on east side of peninsula 1 mile inside entrance to bay. Black slaty beds. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Halobia sp. - numerous small distorted specimens
937c of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3092)
, Iliamna
, South shore of Bear Bay, bluffs near entrance. Upper Jurassic - Aucella beds. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "South shore of Bruin Bay, bluffs near entrance. Dark-gray sandstone and sandy shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Belemnites sp. - slender form
Belemnites sp. - fragments of very large phragmacones
Phylloceras? - coarse sculptured form
Astarte sp. - large species
Cucullaea? sp. - with form of Grammatodon and hinge of true Cucullaea
Avicula sp. - imprint of coarse ribbed species
Aucella sp. - few striated specimens
938 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3093)
, Iliamna
, Kamishak Bay 1 mi. E. of entrance to lower Bear Bay. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "South shore of Kamishak Bay 1 mile east of entrance to "Lower Bear Bay." Gray sandstone. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Aucella sp. - very abundant striated specimens
Pecten sp. - one small smooth specimen
939 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3095)
, Iliamna
, Kamishak Bay, 8 to 9 mi. S.E. of entrance to lower Bear Bay and near mouth of Douglas River. Jurassic - Aucella beds. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "South shore of Kamishak Bay 8 or 9 miles southeast of entrance to "Lower Bear Bay" and not over 2 miles west of mouth of Douglas River. Dark-gray sandstone overlying a massive light-buff sandstone. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Lytoceras sp. - fragments of a large species
Astarte? sp. - cast of large species not crenulate
Praeconia? sp. - very elongate form apparently belonging to Astartidae
Tancredia sp. - short stout rather large species
Trigonia sp. - related to T. doroschini Eichwald
Eumicrotis? sp. - rather large coarsely striated form
Aucella sp. - like that from 938
Pecten sp. - large smooth form
940a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3096)
, Iliamna
, West bank of Douglas River 1 mi. above mouth. Kamishak Bay, Alaska. Upper Jurassic, Aucella beds above unconformity. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "West bank of Douglas River 1 mile above mouth. Lower part of bed 1 of section on p. 175, above unconformity. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; T. W. Stanton and G. C. Martin, 1904. South side of
Kamishak Bay on west bank of Douglas River about 1.6 km above its mouth, Iliamna (A-3) Quadrangle, at
head of Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.) entry: Orig. no. 940a. Jurassic-Aucella beds. Kamishak Bay, w. bank of Douglass River, 1 mile above its mouth, Cook Inlet, Alaska. Colls. Stanton, G.C. & L. Martin, July 23, 1904.]
Belemnites sp. - large, rather stout species
Lytoceras sp. - fragments of very large species
Small undetermined gastropods
Panopaea? sp. - abundant specimens of small form
Tancredia sp. - short stout form like that at 939
Tancredia? sp. - more compressed form
Eumicrotis? sp. - same as at 939
940b of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3097)
, Iliamna
, Kamishak Bay. West bank of Douglas River near its mouth. Upper Jurassic Aucella beds. Beneath unconformity. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "South shore of Kamishak Bay near mouth of Douglas River. Near top of bed 3. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
940c of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3098)
, Iliamna
, Near 940b. 100 ft. above base of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "South shore of Kamishak Bay near mouth of Douglas River. 25 feet above base of bed 3. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Modiola sp. - numerous specimens of small form
940d of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3099)
, Iliamna
, Near 940b. 70 ft. above base of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "South shore of Kamishak Bay near mouth of Douglas River. 70 feet above base of bed 4. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Astarte sp. - large form. margin not crenulated
940e of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3100)
, Iliamna
, Near 940b, 50 ft. above base of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "South shore of Kamishak Bay near mouth of Douglas River. 50 feet above base of bed 4 of section on p. 175. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Modiola sp. - probably same as in 940c.
942 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3101)
, Mt Katmai
, Katmai Bay, 3 mi. SW of Katmai village [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 211 states: "West side of Katmai Bay, 3 miles southeast of Katmai Village. Dark-gray sandstone with thinner bands of lighter color. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [ West side of Katmai Bay, 3 miles southeast of Katmai Village. Dark-gray sandstone with thinner bands of lighter color. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3101. Orig. no. 942. Jurassic-Aucella beds. Katmai Bay about 3 miles S.W. of Katmai village, Shelikof Straits, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, Aug. 9, 1904.]
Gastropods - undetermined
943 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3102)
, Karluk
, West shore of Cold Bay 1/2 mi. south of northwest end. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 203 states: "Southwest shore of Cold Bay, half a mile south of northwest end. Lower part of beds exposed in cliffs north of fault. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
944 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3103)
, Karluk
, Cold Bay, 1 mi. S. of Lathrops and 1/2 mi. within entrance to bay [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 202 states: "Southwest shore of Cold Bay 1 mile east of Lathrop's store or half a mile inside entrance to bay. Thin bed of conglomerate intercalated in sandstone and shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T.W. Stanton, 1904. Puale Bay, west shore about ½ mile within entrance to bay. Shelikof formation, middle member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
945 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3104)
, Karluk
, Cape Yaklog W. side of entrance to Cold Bay. Lower pt. of exposure. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 202 breaks this collection into two separate collections [3104 (containing Cadoceras and Belemnites) and 3104a (containing Phylloceras and Cadoceras)] as follows: "3104 Southwest shore of Cold Bay near Cape Yaklog. Copnglomerate 100 feet above base of bed 3 in section on p. 198. T.W. Stanton, 1904." -"3104a. Southwest shore of Cold Bay near Cape Yaklog. From bed 2 of section on p. 198. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T. W. Stanton, 1904. Puale Bay, west shore near Cape Aklek. Shelikof formation, middle member, from conglomerate 100 ft above base of section (See Martin, 1926, p. 198). (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Phylloceras - fine large specimen
946 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3105)
, Karluk
, Cold Bay NE shore about 4 mi. inside of entrance and N. 16 W. of Lathrops store. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 202 states: "Northeast shore of Cold Bay about 4 miles northwest of Cape Kekurnoi, or N. 16 deg. W. of Lathrop's store. Thin fossiliferous bed at top of 200 feet of dark shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T. W. Stanton and R. W. Stone, 1904. Puale Bay, northeast shore about 4 miles northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. From thin bed at top of 200 ft of dark shale in Shelikof formation, middle member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Rhynchonella? - Plications few and not conspicuous. Not well preserved.
Cadoceras - numerous immature specimens
Phylloceras - 2 small imprefect specimens
Rissoina? - numerous small gastropods. Genus very doubtful
Corbis? - may be an Astarte. 1 spec.
947 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3106)
, Karluk
, Cold Bay. NE shore about 3 mi. inside entrance to bay. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 202 states: "Northeast shore of Cold Bay about 3 miles northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. Fine conglomerate. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [T. W. Stanton and R. W. Stone, 1904. Puale Bay, northeast shore about 3 miles north west of Cape Kekurnoi. Shelikof formation, lower member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
948 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3107)
, Karluk
, Cold Bay. NE shore 1/4 to 1/2 mi. from Cape on N. side of entrance. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 64 states: "Northeast shore of Cold Bay, one-fourth to one-half mile northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. Upper half of 700 feet of limestone and calcareous shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis Gabb - abundant. This is the form figured by Fischer from this locality as Monotis salinaria.
948a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3108)
, Karluk
, Same as 948 but 100 feet above highest Pseudomonotis. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 64 states: "Northeast of Cold Bay, about half a mile northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. Calcareous beds about 100 feet above 3107. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Ammonite fragments and imprint.
949 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3109)
, Karluk
, Cold Bay NE shore nearly a mile W. of entrance to Bay. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 186 states: "Northeast shore of Cold Bay about a mile northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. T.W. Stanton, 1904."] [Imlay E&R report of 5/26/71 states: "About one mile northwest of Cape Kekurnoi (probably should be Chignik Point) and 200 or 300 feet stratigraphically lower than loc. 3110. This occurrence is 200 to 300 feet above the Triassic Monotis-bearing beds at Mes. loc. 19806 (= F78 of Kellum).] [Imlay, 1981, USGS Prof. Paper 1148, p. 27, gives the following locality description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Northeast shore of Puale Bay, about 1 mile (1.6 km) northwest of Chignik Point, Alaska Peninsula. A short distance southwest of locality 3110 and midway between that locality and Triassic Mesozoic loc. 19806 that contains Monotis. Unnamed beds. Hettangian."]
Ammonites - 2 or 3 genera represented by imperfect discoid specimens.
Undetermined slender bivalve.
950 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3110)
, Karluk
, N.E. shore of Cold Bay 1 mi. NW. of Cape and 200 to 300 ft. above 949. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 186 shows that the original collection was separated into two separate localities [3110 containing Ammonites (two or three other genera of Jurassic aspect) and 3110a contain Terebratula], the locality which is given as follows: "3110. Northeast shore of Cold Bay a short distance northwest of 3109, and 200 to 300 feet higher. T.W. Stanton, 1904." and "3110a. Same locality as 3110. Boulder on beach. T.W. Stanton, 1904."] [Imlay, 1981, p. 27 gives the following description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Northeast shore of Puale Bay about 1 mile (1.6 km) northwest of Chignik Point and 5,400 ft (1,646 m) N. 18 deg. W. of most easterly point of Puale Bay, Karluk (C4-C5) quadrangle. Alaska Peninsula. Unnamed beds. Hettangian."][Northeast shore of Cold Bay a short distance northwest of 3109, and 200 or 300 feet higher. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 186)]; [USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 3110, 12394, 19803, 25694 and 29268 on peninsula between Puale Bay and Alinchak Bay about 1 mile N. 65° W. of Cape Kekurnoi, Alaska Peninsula. Waehneroceras. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 22)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Jura? Or Trias? 950. East shore Cold Bay, about 1 mile N.W. Cape on east side of entrance to bay, 200 to 300 feet above loc. 949, Shelikof Straits. Colls. T.W. Stanton and R.W. Stone, Aug. 22, 1904.]
Ammonites - 2 or 3 more genera of Jurassic aspect. Probably Lower Oolite or older.
Rhynchonella - not in place.
951 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3111)
, Karluk
, E. shore of Cold Bay near waterfall about 1 1/2 mi. NW of Cape. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 186 separates original collection into 3 separate localities (3111 - containing Trigonia? (imperfect specimen of glabrae; 3111a - containing Gryphaea; and 3111b - containing Ammonite (coarse-ribbed discoid specimen with following description: "3111. Northeast shore of Cold Bay a short distance south of a large waterfall about 1 1/2 miles northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. T.W. Stanton, 1904", "3111a. Same locality as 3111, but in a different matrix. T.W. Stanton, 1904" and "3111b. Same locality as 3111, but not in place. T.W. Stanton, 1904"] [Imlay, E&R report of 5/26/71 gives following description: "USGS Mes. loc. 3111 about 1 1/2 miles northwest of Cape Kekurnoi and loc. 12396 from 2 miles north of Cape were probably collected near Mes. loc. 21237 and ROC 1282 and 1283."][Northeast shore of Cold Bay a short distance south of a large water fall about 1 1/2 miles northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 186)]; [USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 3111, 12396, and 21237 on east side of Puale Bay about 8,400 feet northwest of Cape Kekurnoi, Alaska Peninsula. Coroniceras. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 22)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Jura? or Trias? (Probably Lower Jura). 951. East shore Cold Bay, 200 yards south of large waterfall about 1 1/2 miles N.W. of Cape at east side of entrance to bay, Shelikof Straits. Colls. T.W. Stanton and R.W. Stone, Aug. 22, 1904.]
Ammonite - not in place - fragment of coarse ribbed discoid form
Trigonia? - imperfect specimen with glabrae?
Gryphaea - in different matrix
952 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
, Karluk
, Oil Creek below residue deposit. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 202 gives following description: "Oil Creek about 250 yards below residue deposit. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
953 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3112)
, Karluk
, Oil Creek about 2 mi. above its mouth and 5 mi. W. of Cold Bay. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 202 gives following description: "Oil Creek about 2 miles above its mouth, or 5 miles west of Cold Bay. Sandy shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
954 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3113)
, Karluk
, W. side of Oil Creek 1/2 mi. above mouth 4 mi. W. of Cold Bay. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 202 gives following description: "West side of Oil Creek, 500 feet above creek and half a mile above its mouth, or 4 miles west of Cold Bay. Calcareous nodules in sandy shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
Pecten - small smooth species
955 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3123)
, Karluk
, Cold Bay. South side near west end 1/4 mi. N. of fault. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 203 gives following description: "Southwest shore of Cold Bay near upper end, one-fourth mile north of the fault that cuts the conglomerate cliff. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]
957 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3114)
, Chignik
, Chignik Bay 200 yds. south of native village and about 1 mi. NE. of Alaska Packers Assn. Cannery. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 306 gives following description: "South shore of Chignik Lagoon 200 yards southwest of native village, about 1 mile northeast of Alaska Packers Association;s cannery. Dark shale. T.W. Stanton and R.W. Stone, 1904."]
Ammonoid cf. Anisoceras subcompressa Forbes as figured by Whiteaves. Fragments.
Nucula (Acila) cf. N. truncata Gabb
Several undetermined bivalves
958 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3521)
, Chignik
, Chigknik Bay, on shore opposite sand spit marking entrance to lagoon. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 305 gives following description: "3521 (958). South shore of Chignik Bay, 2 miles northeast of Alaska Packers Association's cannery, opposite end of sand spit. Talus which evidently came from one of the shaly layers not far above the base of the exposure. T.W. Stanton and R.W. Stone, 1904."]
958a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3115)
, Chignik
, Chignik Bay, same as 958. Sandstone fragments in talus. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 305 gives following description: "Same locality as 3521. Sandstone fragments in talus. T.W. Stanton and R.W. Stone, 1904."]
Small undetermined bivalve. Possibly Unio?
959 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3116)
, Chignik
, Chignik Bay. Whalers Bay about 5 mi. W. of A.P.A. Cannery. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 305 gives following description: "Whalers Creek, about 1 1/2 or 2 miles from shore of Chignik Lagoon. Sandstone underlying the coal-bearing beds. T.W. Stanton and R.W. Stone, 1904."]
Trigonia cf. T. leana Gabb
Inoceramus cf. I. digitatus Sowerby
Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904 (unnumbered)-4
(Mesozoic loc. 3117)
, Karluk
, Cold Bay, near head of small creek that flows past Lathrop's store. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 202 gives following description: "Near head of small creek that enters Cold Bay at Lathrop's store. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [R.W. Stone, 1904. Puale Bay, southwest side, near head of small creek near Cape Aklek. Shelikof formation, middle member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Cadoceras - several good specimens
Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904 (unnumbered)-5
(Mesozoic loc. 3118)
, Chignik
, Hook Bay on north shore of Chignik Bay. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 213 gives following description: "Hook Bay, on north shore of Chignik Bay. Received from C.J. Brun by T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3118. Jurassic-Aucella beds. Hook Bay an arm of the n. shore Chignik Bay, Shelikof Straits, Alaska. Received from Thos. J. Brown by R.W. Stone, 1904.]
Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904 (unnumbered)-6
(Mesozoic loc. 3119)
, Ugashik
, Kanata Bay, 12 mi. SW. of Cold Bay. Coll. by Jack Lee. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 213 gives following description: "Kanata Bay, 12 miles southwest of Cold Bay. Received from Jack Lee, 1904."]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3119. Jurassic. Kanata Bay, about 12 miles S.W. of Cold Bay, Shelikof Straits, Alaska. Received from P.W. Francis thro. R.W. Stone, 1904.]
Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904 (unnumbered)-8
(Mesozoic loc. 3121)
, Afognak
, One mile below head of Kaguyak Bay. North shore. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 305 gives following description: "North shore of Kaguyak Bay, 1 mile east of mouth of river. G.C. Martin, 1904."]
Desmoceras? cf. D. subquadratum Anderson - an almost smooth form
Inoceramus - large elongate sp.
L.M. No. 3 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3124)
, Mt Katmai
, West side of Katmai Bay 2 1/2 mi. SW. of village. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 211 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay 2 1/2 miles southwest of village, or half a mile south of lagoon. Talus of dark sandy shale that is somewhat higher than the beds that yielded lot 3101. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [West side of Katmai Bay 2 1/2 miles southwest of village, or half a mile south of lagoon. Talus of dark sandy shale that is somewhat higher than the beds that yielded lot 3101. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3124. Orig. no. 3. Jurassic. W. side of Katmai Bay, 1/2 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.] [Note discrepancy in loc. description with that given in Martin, 1926]; Lawrence Martin, 1904. West side of Katmai Bay, 0.8 km north of camp on west side of Shelikof Strait, Mt.
Katmai Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Late Oxfordian to early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 3124. Orig. no. 3. Jurassic. W. side Katmai Bay, 1/2 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904, N.B. 2, p. 29.]
Phylloceras - fragments of large specimen
Aucella cf. A. bronni & pallasi
Pecten - rather large smooth form
L.M. No. 4 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3125)
, Mt Katmai
, Katmai same as 3124 (200 ft. north). [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 211 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay. Talus 200 feet north of 3124. Lawrence Martin, 1904."];[West side of Katmai Bay. Talus 200 feet north of 3124. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3125. Orig. no. 4. Jurassic. W. side of Katmai Bay, 1/2 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Straits, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.]
L.M. No. 4a [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3126)
, Mt Katmai
, Same as 3125 [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay. Talus at same locality as 3125. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [ West side of Katmai Bay. Talus as same locality as 3125. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3126. Orig. No. 4a. Jurassic. West shore of Katmai Bay. 1/2 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Straits Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 12, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.]
Lytoceras - Fragments of large species
L.M. No. 5 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3127)
, Mt Katmai
, West shore of Katmai Bay 1/2 mi. N. of 3124 [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay. Talus half a mile north of 3124 and at about the same horizon. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [West side of Katmai Bay. Talus half a mile north of 3124 and at about the same horizon. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3127. Orig. No. 5. Jurassic. S. shore of Katmai Bay, 1 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Straits Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.]
Belemnites - all like those at 3124
Phylloceras - all like those at 3124
Pleuromya? - all like those at 3124
Aucella - all like those at 3124
Pecten - all like those at 3124
L.M. No. 5a [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3128)
, Mt Katmai
, Same as 3127 [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay. Talus at same locality as 3127. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [West side of Katmai Bay. Talus at same locality as 3127. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]; [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C.) entry: 3128. Orig. No. 5a. Jurassic. S. shore Katmai Bay, 1 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Straits Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.]; Lawrence Martin, 1904. On north shore of Katmai Bay, 1.6 km north of camp on west side of Shelikof Strait, Mt. Katmai Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Lytoceras - Fragments of very large specimen
Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904 (unnumbered)-12
(Mesozoic loc. 3130)
, Karluk
, 1/8 mi. N. of 3129. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 186 gives following description: "3130. South shore of Alinchak Bay. Lawrence Martin, 1904." and "3130a. South shore of Alinchak Bay, near 3130. Not in place. Lawrence Martin, 1904"]
Ammonite imprints like those from 3109
L.M. No. 7 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3131)
, Karluk
, 1/2 mi. above forks of Becharof Creek 2 1/2 mi. E. of Becharof Lake. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "Becharof Creek, half a mile above forks and 2 1/2 miles east of Becharof Lake. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3131. Orig. No. 7. Upper Jurassic. 1/2 mile above forks of Becharof Creek, on Excelsior claim #32, 2 1/2 miles E. of Becharof Lake, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 24, 1904, N.B. 3, p. 9]
L.M. No. 8 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3132)
, Karluk
, Same as 3131. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "About 100 yards upstream from 3131, in somewhat lower beds. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [About 100 yards upstream from 3131, in somewhat lower beds. Lawrence Martrin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]; Martin, G.C., 1926, Mesozoic stratigraphy of Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 776. [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3132. No. 8. Upper Jurassic. 1/2 mile above forks of Becharof Creek on Excelsion claim #32, 2 1/2 miles E. of Becharof Lake, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 24, 1904, N.B. 3, p. 9.]
L.M. No. 9 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3133)
, Karluk
, 3/4 mi. above forks of Becharof Cr. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "About three-fourths mile above forks of Becharof Creek, in lower beds than 3132. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 3133-3136, 10825, 11333, 12276, 21353, and many others. Puale Bay area, Karluk quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula (Martin, 1926, p. 212-218). Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3133. Orig. No. 9. Upper Jurassic. 1/2 mile above forks of Becharof Creek on Excelsior Claim #32, 2 1/2 miles E. of Becharof Lake, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 24, 1904, N.B. 3, p. 9]
Phylloceras? - fragments of coarse sculptured species
L.M. No. 10 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3134)
, Karluk
, Same as 3133. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "About 100 yards upstream from 3133. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 3133-3136, 10825, 11333, 12276, 21353, and many others. Puale Bay area, Karluk quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula (Martin, 1926, p. 212-218). Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26);[USGS Mes. Cat.: 3134. Orig. No. 10. Upper Jurassic. 3/4 mile above forks of Becharof Creek on Excelsior claim #32, 2 1/2 miles E. of Becharof Lake, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 24, 1904, N.B. 3, p. 9]
Belemnites - fragments of large phragmacone
Aucella - single small specimen
L.M. No. 11 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3135)
, Karluk
, Creek entering marshes at head of Cold Bay 1 mi. from head, 1/2 mi. up creek. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "Creek entering marshes at head of Cold Bay, 1 mile from head and one-fourth mile up creek. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; USGS Mesozoic locs. 3133-3136, 10825, 11333, 12276, 21353, and many others. Puale Bay area, Karluk quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula (Martin, 1926, p. 212-218). Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3135. Orig. No. 11. Jurassic. Creek entering marshes at head of Cold Bay about a mile from the head 1/2 mile up creek (see sta. 9, N.B. 3, p. 16) Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 28, 1904]
Belemnites - slender form
L.M. No. 12 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3136)
, Karluk
, 25 ft. E. of 3135. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "Creek entering marshes at head of Cold Bay, about 25 feet east of 3135. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; USGS Mesozoic locs. 3133-3136, 10825, 11333, 12276, 21353, and many others. Puale Bay area, Karluk quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula (Martin, 1926, p. 212-218); Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C.) entry: 3136. Orig. no. 12. Jurassic. Creek entering marshes head of Cold Bay about a mile from the head. 1/2 mile up Creek (see sta. 9, N.B. 3, p. 16) 25 ft. E. of No. 11, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 28, 1904]; Lawrence Martin, 1904. From 0.8 km up creek entering marshes at head of Puale Bay, Karluk (D-5) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Late middle Oxfordian or Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Belemnites - slender form
Belemnites - fragment of large phragmacone
Phylloceras - coarse sculptured species