Report on Referred Fossils |
Stratigraphic range: |
Jurassic and Cretaceous |
Kinds of fossils: |
Mollusks |
Quadrangle or area: |
Iliamna, Mt. Katmai, Afognak, Taylor Mtns, and Lake Clark |
Shipment No.: |
A-55-21 |
Referred by: |
Kirschner, Charles E.
Report prepared by: |
Imlay, Ralph W.
Date: |
11/29/1955 |
This completes the report on your fossils from the Naknek formation and the Late Cretaceous beds at or near the head of the Alaskan Peninsula. Many thanks for the locality descriptions. The ammonite in collection RPO-185 is not determinable but reminds me of Kheraiceras from the Chinitna formation. I doubt very much that it could be as old as Lower Jurassic as suggested by the label. The fossils from the Naknek formation includes species of Aucella that are common in the upper part of the formation, as discussed in my report of November 4. The pelecypods in collection RPO-134 are not determinable but do not resemble anything in the Naknek formation. The Inoceramus in collection RPO-6 is strongly digitate which is characteristic of species of the Santonian and Campanian stages. The Inocerami in collections RPO-146 and CEK-752 are not sufficiently well preserved for an age determination. [Note: These collections were referred by C.E. Kirschner through George Gates]
User Note module to be added |
, Iliamna
, Iliamna quad. Ursus Head. [Note by R.B. Blodgett: No additional information given in E&R report, however, transmittal sheets from Kirschner gives coordinates of 21.5/10.7 for the Iliamna Quad. and gives date of collection as Sept. 6, 1955, with the collector being R.P. Ottenstein, Standard Oil Co. of California]
, Mt Katmai
, Mount Katmai quad. Strike Creek [Note by R.B. Blodgett, no further information given in E&R report, however, transmittal sheets from Kirschner gives coordinates of 15.0/15.0 for the Mt. Katmai quad., with the notation that collection was made Aug. 13, 1955 in the Naknek Fm. by C.E. Kirschner, Standard Oil Co. of California]
(Mesozoic loc. 26003)
, Mt Katmai
, Mt. Katmai quad. Kamishak River [Note by R.B. Blodgett, no additional information given in E&R report, however, Kirschner in his transmittal sheets gives the coordinates of this locality on the Mt. Katmai quad. sheet as 16.0/13.3, and notes that it was collected by himself (an employee then of the Standard Oil. Co. of California, on Aug. 14, 1955]; C. E. Kirschner, 1955. On ridge east of the Kamishak
River, coordinates 16.0-13.3. Mt. Katmai Quadrangle on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian.(description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): CEK 800. Upper Jurassic. Naknek Fm. Mt. Katmai Quad., Kamishak River, Coordinates 16.0-13.3, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. Collector: C.E. Kirschner, 1955]
Aucella mosquensis (von Buch)
, Afognak
, Afognak quad. Cape Chinlak [No further information available in E&R report, however, Kirschner in his transmittal sheets gives the coordinate of 0.8/10.4 on the Afognak Quad. sheet and notes that he collected the sample (while an employee of Standard Oil Co. of California) on Aug. 24, 1955]
Aucella mosquensis (von Buch)
, Mt Katmai
, Mt. Katmai quad (K-1) [Note by R.B. Blodgett: no further information given in E&R report, however, transmittal sheets of Kirschner indicates that the coordinates of this locality are 11.9/9.4 on the Mt. Katmai quad. sheet, and that it was collected by R.A. Wesh of Standard Oil Co. of California on Aug. 22, 1955]
Aucella mosquensis (von Buch)
, Taylor Mts
, No description transmitted [Note by R.B. Blodgett: Imlay's report says "no description transmitted", however, Kirschner's transmittal sheets gives the coordinates of 20.5/9.8 on the Taylor Mts. Quad. sheet, and indicates that it was collected on June 17, 1955 by R.P. Ottenstein, Standard Oil Co. of California at the "Nushagak River."]
, Afognak
, Afognak quad. Fork of Douglas River [Note by R.B. Blodgett: no further description given in E&R report, however, Kirschner in his transmittal sheets indicates that the locality has the coordinates of 0.1/15.1 on the Afogank quad. sheet, and was collected August 3,1955 by R.P. Ottenstein (Standard Oil Co. of California) from the "Fork of the Douglas River."
Aucella mosquensis (von Buch)
, Iliamna
, Iliamna quad. East Douglas Island. [Note by R.B. Blodgett: no further information provided in E&R report, however, Kirschner's transmittal sheets give the coordinates of 20.3/1.4 on the Iliamna quad. sheet, and indicate that the locality was collected August 10, 1955 by R.P. Ottenstein, Standard Oil Co. of California]
, Afognak
, Afognak quad. Douglas River Junction [Note by R.B. Blodgett: no further information provided in E&R report, however, Kirschner's transmittal sheets indicates that this locality has the coordinates of 1.5/16.5 on the Kenai quadrangle sheet [this being an obvious mistake on one sheet, the other correctly cited Afognak quad.] collected on August 12, 1955 by R.P. Ottenstein, Standard Oil Co. of California at the Douglas River junction]
Aucella mosquensis (von Buch)
, Mt Katmai
, Afognak quad. Cape Nukshak [Note by R.B. Blodgett: No additional information is given in the E&R report, however, the transmittal sheets of Kirschner give the coordinates of the locality as 0.2/6.9 on the Afognak quad. sheet (this now plots out on the Mt. Katmai B-1 1:63,360 sheet of present-day usage), and cites it as being collected by R.P. Ottenstein, Standard Oil Co. of California, on August 24, 1955]
, Taylor Mts
, Taylor Mountains quad. King Salmon [Note by R.B. Blodgett: no further information provided in E&R report, however, one of Kirschner's transmittal sheets states that this locality was collected June 22, 1955 by R.P. Ottenstein (Standard Oil Co. of California)from King Salmon R(iver). Unfortunately no coordinates were given for this locality, unlike nearly all others in the shipment, but it seems reasonable to suspect that it probably occurs in Taylor Mtns. B-5, as it is close in number to RPO-21, which was also collected near the King Salmon R(iver)]
(Mesozoic loc. 26008)
, Lake Clark
, Lake Clark quad. Mulchatna River [Note by R.B. Blodgett: no further geographic information provided in E&R report, however, transmittal sheets of Kirschner gives the coordinates of 3.2/9.8 on the Lake Clark quad. sheet, and indicate that it was collected June 12, 1955 by R.P. Ottenstein, Standard Oil Co. of California from the Mulchatna R(iver)] [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 69 provide following description for locality: "Lake Clark 1956 1:250000 quadrangle. Locality data too poor for precise relocation. Mulchatna River. Elevation 1200 ft (366 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 33.50'N; Longitude: 155 deg. 38.00' W; Collector: R.P. Ottenstein, 1955. Field Identifier: RPO-6]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: 26008. Alaska, Lake Clark 1:250000 quadrangle. Locality data too poor for precise relocation. Mulchatna River. Collector: R. P. Ottenstein, 1955. Field Identifier: RPO-6. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 38).]
Inoceramus sp. (Digitate)
, Iliamna
, Iliamna quad., East Douglas Island. [Note by R.B. Blodgett: no further information provided in E&R report, however, Kirschner's transmittal sheets indicates that it was collected Aug. 10, 1955 by R.P. Ottenstein, Standard Oil Co. of California from E. Doug Is. Unfortunately no coordinates provided for this locality (unlike most other samples in this same shipment), however it is from the Iliamna A-3 quad., since "Douglas Island" is located there]
, Afognak
, Afognak quad. Douglas River. [Note by R.B. Blodgett: no further information given in E&R report, however, Kirscher's transmittal sheets provides the coordinates of 0.6/14.9 on the Afognak quad. sheet and indicates that the locality was collected August 13, 1955 by R.P. Ottenstein, Standard Oil Co. of California]
, Afognak
, Afognak quad. Douglas River [Note by R.B. Blodgett: no further information given in E&R sheet, however, Kirschner's transmittal sheets indicate that this locality is the same as RPO-146 (though collected on differing days) and was collected August 6, 1955 by C.E. Kirschner, Standard Oil Co. of California]