(Mesozoic loc. 6719)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Antigun Gorge, north side west and near west end, but not located on any map. Mainly black siltstone and shale - detail unknown.
(Mesozoic loc. 6720)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Ridge between Section and Accomplishment Creks, 4.4 miles S. 42 deg. W. of Elusive Lake, black siltstone with rusty limestone beds, position unknown.
(Mesozoic loc. 6721)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Near Itigaknit Mtn., 3.2 miles N. 15 deg. W. of peak 3260 Itigaknit Mtn., dark siltstone and sandstone near contact with Chandler Fm.
(Mesozoic loc. 6722)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Atigun Gorge, 5.6 miles N. 68 deg. E. of outlet of Galbraith Lake; interbedded graywacke, siltstone and black shale near contact with Jurassic - float.
(Mesozoic loc. 6723)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Same locality as 75ARr199F but in place. [Atigun Gorge, 5.6 miles N. 68 deg. E. of outlet of Galbraith Lake; interbedded graywacke, siltstone and black shale near contact with Jurassic.]
(Mesozoic loc. 6724)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Ridge along tributary of Itkillik River, 5.6 miles S. 81 deg. W. of nroth end Galbraith Lake, calcareous shale and graywacke overlying Shublik Fm.
(Mesozoic loc. 6725)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Ridge NE Itikmuluk River, 6.8 miles S. 84 deg. W. of north end Galbraith Lake. Graywacke-shale sequence - Lower Okpikruak Fm.
(Mesozoic loc. 6726)
, Philip Smith Mts
, [Appears as 75ADt97 unit 1 on the attached transmittle sheet - NZ] Atigun Gorge, 3.6 miles N. 55 deg. E. of Galbraith Lake outlet, 85' below top of Okpikruak Fm.
(Mesozoic loc. 6727)
, Demarcation Point
, Tributary of Niguanak River, 5.6 miles S. 10 deg. W. of junction with Niguanak R. dark shale and bentonite.
(Mesozoic loc. 6728)
, Demarcation Point
, Same locality as 75ARr205A [Tributary of Niguanak River, 5.6 miles S. 10 deg. W. of junction with Niguanak R. dark shale and bentonite.] - section repeated - organic shale - may be Seabee Fm.
(Mesozoic loc. 6729)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Low hills west of Lupine River, 12 miles N. 78 deg. E. of junction of Ribdon and Sagavanirktok Rivers, manganiferous siltstone and claystone, position unknown, Kongakut Fm.
Buchia cf. B. unschensis Pavlow
(Mesozoic loc. 6730)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Same locality as 75ABe105N [i.e. Low hills west of Lupine River, 12 miles N. 78 deg. E. of junction of Ribdon and Sagavanirktok Rivers, manganiferous siltstone and claystone, position unknown, Kongakut Fm] - south end of ridge.
Buchia sp. - possible B. okensis Pavlow
75ADt78 plus 210 feet
(Mesozoic loc. 6731)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Same locality as 75ADt78 plus 120 feet. [i.e. Atigun Gorge, north side, 5.6 miles N. 65 deg. E. of outlet of Galbraith Lake, silty mudstone with pebbles.] 210 feet below top of formation