(Mesozoic loc. MF2908, M6715)
, Chandler Lake
, May Creek. 2.5 miles S. 55 deg. W. of peak 3810; coquinoid limestone in black manganiferous shale and siltstone near base of formation. [ Sliter reported Neocomian forams from dark pebble shale and siltstone - NZ]
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
(Mesozoic loc. M6701)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Bluff east of Sagavanirktok River opposit Pump Station #3; 2.4 miles N 22 degs. E of mouth of Ribdon River; thin-bedded micaceous sandstone and siltstone, x-bedded with load casts.
Inoceramus cf. I. altifluminis
Paragastroplites flexicostatus Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. M6702)
, Chandler Lake
, West bank of May Creek, 2 miles N. 50 degs. W. of Arc Mtn.; dark, fine-grained, medium-bedded sandstone just below contact with Chandler Fm.
Camptonectes dettermani Imlay
Dicranodonta dowlingi McLearn
Pleuromya sikanni McLearn
Solecurtus chapmani Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. M6703)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Ridge east of Lupine River; 10 miles S. 75 deg. E. of VABM Nirk. Interbedded sandstone and siltstone, dark, micaceous, x-bedded, flute casts; position unknown.
(Mesozoic loc. M6704)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Ridge east of Lupine River; 1.6 miles N. 38 deg. W. of 75ADt44f; micaceous sandstone and siltstone, position unknown.
Inoceramus anglicus Woods
(Mesozoic loc. M6707)
, Philip Smith Mts
, North of Atigun Gorge; 2.5 mile N. 52 deg. E. of north end Galbraith Lake; medium-bedded graywacke with lenses of conglomerate 4,200 feet above base.
(Mesozoic loc. M6708)
, Philip Smith Mts
, [Jones and Miller list it as 75-ADt-12a, but Detterman listed it as 75ADt12Af in the transmittle sheet- NZ] Same locality as 75ADt12f, about 25 feet higher in section.
(Mesozoic loc. M6709)
, Philip Smith Mts
, [Jones and Miller list it as 75-ADt-13, but Detterman listed it as 75ADt13f in the transmittle sheet- NZ] Same locality as 75ADt12f, about .5 miles south of 75ADt12f, graywacke interbeds in massive conglomerate 2,800 feet above base of Fm.
(Mesozoic loc. M6710)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Ridge north of Atigun Gorge, 4.5 miles N. 25 deg. E. of north end Galbraith Lake; medium-bedded graywacke with few pebbles, position unknown.
(Mesozoic loc. M6711)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Mountain southeast of Elusive Lake; 2 miles S. 53 deg. E. of outlet of Elusive Lake; coquina layer in limestone interbedded in silstone-graywacke section; rhythmically bedded.
(Mesozoic loc. M6712)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Ridge west of Accomplishment Creek; 11.2 miles S. 50 deg. E. of mouth of Accomplishment Creek; coquinoid limestone in chert, siltstone, manganiferous shale sequence, Kongakut Fm.-Okikruak Fm.
(Mesozoic loc. M6713)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Ridge west of Accomplishment Creek; .8 miles S. 48 deg W. of previous station [75ADt71]; coquinoid limestone in chert, siltstone, manganiferous shale sequence, Kongakut Fm.-Okikruak Fm.
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
75ADt78 plus 120 feet
(Mesozoic loc. M6714)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Atigun Gorge, north side, 5.6 miles N. 65 deg. E. of outlet of Galbraith Lake, silty mudstone with pebbles, 120 feet below top of formation, Okpikruak Fm.
(Mesozoic loc. 6716)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Ridge west of Accomplishment Creek, 5.6 miles S. 6 deg. E. of west end Elusive Lake, position unknown.
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
(Mesozoic loc. 6717)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Antigun Gorge, 6.8 miles N. 65 deg. E. of outlet of Galbraith Lake, coquina in siltstone sequence - position unknown.
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
(Mesozoic loc. 6718)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Antigun Gorge - north side, 4.4 miles N. 70 deg. E. of outlet of Galbraith Lake outlet, coquina in shale.
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling