Report on Referred Fossils |
Stratigraphic range: |
Jurassic and Cretaceous |
Kinds of fossils: |
Mollusks, crabs, brachiopods |
Quadrangle or area: |
Anchorage and Talkeetna Mountains, Talkeetna Mountains |
Shipment No.: |
A-53-25 |
Referred by: |
Grantz, Arthur
Report prepared by: |
Imlay, Ralph W.
Date: |
03/29/1954 |
User Note module to be added |
(Mesozoic loc. 24781)
, Anchorage
, Arthur Grantz and L.F. Fay, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad., Lat. 61 deg. 50'18" N., Long. 147 deg. 25'43" W., about 0.6 miles west from point where Camp Creek crosses Glenn Highway. Talkeetna formation.
(Mesozoic loc. 24782)
, Anchorage
, Arthur Grantz and L.F. Fay, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad., Lat. 61 deg. 50'17"N., Long. 147 deg. 25'50"W., near loc. 24781 Talkeetna formation, upper part.
(Mesozoic loc. 24783)
, Anchorage
, Arthur Grantz and L.F. Fay, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad., Lat. 61 deg. 50'17 1/2" N., Long. 147 deg. 25'47" W., near loc. 24782. Talkeetna formation, upper part.
Brachiopods, undetermined
(Mesozoic loc. 24784)
, Anchorage
, Arthur Grantz and L.F. Fay, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad.., Lat. 61 deg. 50' 18" N., Long. 147 deg. 25' 36" W., near loc. 24782. Talkeetna formation, upper part.
(Mesozoic loc. 24785)
, Anchorage
, A. Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad., Lat. 61 deg. 50' 34" N., Long. 147 deg. 25' 36" W., about 0.6 miles up Camp Creek from where it crosses the Glenn Highway. Talkeetna formation, upper part.
(Mesozoic loc. 24786)
, Anchorage
, A. Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad., Lat. 61 deg. 50' 42" N., Long. 147 deg. 25' 29" W., about one mile southwest of B.M. 3351 on Glenn Highway and 0.65 miles northwest of the point where Camp Creek crosses the Glenn Highway. Talkeetna formation, upper part.
Brachiopods, undetermined
(Mesozoic loc. 24787)
, Anchorage
, A. Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad., Lat. 61 deg. 50' 53" N., Long. 147 deg. 24' 43" W., about 0.6 miles southwest of point where Camp Creek crosses the Glenn Highway and about 0.56 miles northwest of B.M. 3351. Talkeetna formation, upper part. [Arthur Grantz and L.F. Fay, 1953. About 0.6 mile (1 km) northwest of point where Camp Creek crosses Glenn Highway, lat 61 deg. 50'53" N, long. 147 deg. 24'43" W., Anchorage (D-2) quadrangle, Talkeetna Mountains, southern Alaska. Talkeetna Formation. Early Toarcian (from Imlay, 1981, p. 26)]
Nodicoeloceras cf. N. crassesens Simpson
(Mesozoic loc. 24788)
, Talkeetna Mts
, Arthur Grantz and L.F. Fay, 1953. Talkeetna Mountains A-2 quad., Lat. 62 deg. 10' 56" N., Long. 147 deg. 38' 23" W., Talkeetna formation, upper part.
(Mesozoic loc. 24820)
, Anchorage
, From near top of a sandstone unit equivalent to the lower part of the Tuxedni Formation
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
(Mesozoic loc. 24821)
, Anchorage
, From upper half of a sandstone unit equivalent to the lower part of the Tuxedni Formation. (description from Imlay E&R report of 3/29/1954; Shipment A-53-25) [Imlay, 1982, p. 12 provides following description: "Arthur Grant and L.F. Fay, 1953. Talkeetna Mountains near head of Sheep Creek, lat 61 deg. 59'17" N., long 147 deg. 38'35" W., Anchorage (D-2) quadrangle. Tuxedni Group, near top in beds equivalent to the Twist Creek Siltstone."]; [24821 Arthur Grantz and L. F. Fay, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad. on Sheep Creek. Lat. 61° 59' 17" N., Long. 147° 38' 35" W., Tuxedni formation equivalent, upper half. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 469)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 24821. Orig. no. 53AGz-144 - Tuxedni fm. - Middle Jurassic, Nelchina District, Anchorage (D-2), 61°59'17" N., 147°38'35" W., from upper 1/2 of a ss. unit equivalent to the lowerw part of the Tuxedni Fm., on Sheep Creek, Talkeetna Mts., Alaska. Coll. A. Grantz and L. Fay, 1953.]
Phylloceras (Macrophylloceras) sp.
Phylloceras (Holcophylloceras) sp.
Stephanoceras (Polyplectites) sp.
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
(Mesozoic loc. 24823)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From a sandstone unit most probably equivalent to upper part of the Tuxedni Formation.
Ammonite fragment not determinable
(Mesozoic loc. 24824)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From upper part of a sandstone unit probably equivalent to the upper part of the Tuxedni Formation.
(Mesozoic loc. 24814)
, Anchorage
, Near base of Chinitna Formation or near top of the sandstone unit equivalent to the lower part of the Tuxedni Formation.
Inoceramus cf. I. ambiguus Eichwald
(Mesozoic loc. 24804)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From float probably nearly in place. Probably from Chinitna Formation.
Phylloceras (Partschiceras) cf. P. (P.) grantzi Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 24805)
, Talkeetna Mts
, to a point 550 feet upstream. Chinitna Formation
Phylloceras (Partschiceras) grantzi Imlay
Oppelia (Oxycerites) chinitnana Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 24817)
, Talkeetna Mts
, No description provided by Grantz on Request for Examination of Fossils sheets
Kheraiceras intermedium Imlay
Cosmoceras (Gulielmiceras) n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 24818)
, Talkeetna Mts
, No description given by Grantz in Request for Examination of Fossils sheets
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj
Kheraiceras intermedium Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 24826)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From the arkosic lower beds of the middle sandstone member of the Naknek Formation
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby) (equals A. bronni)
Aucella cf. A. rugosa (Fischer)
(Mesozoic loc. 24879)
, Talkeetna Mts
, No description given in Request for Examination of Fossils sheet
Aucella cf. A. concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 24834)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From float-Lower siltstone member of Naknek Formation (description from E&R report); Arthur Grantz and L. F. Fay, 1953. Lat 62°07.7' N., long 147°41.9' W., Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Float from lower third of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Late middle to late Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: pages containing this record and its neighbors are missing from Hand-written Catalogue.]
Phylloceras (Holcophylloceras) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 24837)
, Talkeetna Mts
, Near base of lower siltstone member of Naknek Formation. (description from E&R report); USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 24165, 24166, 24168, 24837, and 24841. Near headwaters of Little Nelchina River in central and east-central part of Talkeetna Mountains A-2 quadrangle, Talkeetna Mountains, Cook Inlet region. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside and C. distans (Whitfield). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 24837. Orig. no. 53AGz-272. Naknek fm. - Upper Jurassic. Nelchina District, Talkeetna Mts, (A-2), 62°07'14" N., 147°32'40 1/2" W., near the base of the lower siltstone member. Coll. A. Grantz and L. Fay, 1953]; Arthur Grantz and L. F. Fay, 1953. Lat 67°07.25' N., long 147°32.7' W.. Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Lower third of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25)
Cardioceras martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 24841)
, Talkeetna Mts
, and at a point about 150 feet upstream. Near base of lower siltstone member of Naknek Formation (description from E&R report); USGS Mesozoic locs. 24165, 24166, 24168, 24837, and 24841. Near headwaters of Little Nelchina River in central and east-central part of Talkeetna Mountains A-2 quadrangle, Talkeetna Mountains, Cook Inlet region. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside and C. distans (Whitfield). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 24841. Orig. no. 53AFy-17. Naknek fm. - Upper Jurassic. Nelchina District, Talkeetna Mts., (A-2), 62°06'45" N., 147°48'32" W., and at a point about 150', upstream, near base of the lower siltstone member. Coll. L. Fay, 1952]; L. F. Fay, 1953. Lat 62°06.7' N., long 147°43.5' W. and also at a point 46 m farther west, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Lower third of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Early Oxfordian.(description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25)
Cardioceras distans (Whitfield)
(Mesozoic loc. 24840)
, Talkeetna Mts
, Four feet below Cardioceras bearing siltstones - Basal Naknek Formation or local top of Chinitna Formation.
(Mesozoic loc. 24844)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From float about 50 ft. stratigraphically below the Nelchina Limestone.
Aucella cf. A. crassicollis Keyserling (largest ever found)
(Mesozoic loc. 24848)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From a conglomerate bed of Nelchina age underlying the Nelchina Limestone.
Aucella crassicollis Keyserling
Aucella cf. A. crassicollis Keyserling (same as in lot 53AGz162)
(Mesozoic loc. 24877)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From a unit of siltstone and shale which overlies the Nelchina Limestone with apparent conformity [Jones, 1967, USGS Prof. Paper 547, p. 18 provides following description: A. Grantz, L. Fay, 1953. Talkeetna Mountains A-2 quad., southern part of Limestone Gulch, east of Billy Creek. Lat. 62 deg. 01'40 1/2" N., long 147 deg. 39'18" W. Unit A-2.]
Lemuroceras belli (McLearn)
Lemuroceras irense McLearn
Beudanticeras? affine McLearn
Beudanticeras glabrum (Whiteaves)
Lytoceras (Tetragonites) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 24850)
, Anchorage
, Basal sandstone member [Jones, 1967, USGS Prof. Paper 547, p. 17 provides following description: A. Grantz, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad. Same locality as 22123. Unit B]
Inoceramus cf. I. uwajimensis Yehara
(Mesozoic loc. 24851)
, Anchorage
, Basal sandstone member [Jones, 1967, USGS Prof. Paper 547, p. 18 provides following description: A. Grantz, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad., 2,200 ft north of Glenn Highway. Lat. 61 deg. 49'17" N., long 147 deg. 32'10" W. Unit B.]
Inoceramus cf. I. uwajimensis Yehara
, Anchorage
, Basal sandstone member of the Matanuska Formation
(Mesozoic loc. 24855)
, Anchorage
, Near middle of basal sandstone member of Matanuska Formation. [Jones, 1967, USGS Prof. Paper 547, p. 18 provides following description: A. Grantz, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad., north of Glenn Highway, approximately 0.24 mile N. 67 deg. W. of BM3305 and 0.37 mile S. 22 deg. W. from point where Camp Creek crosses Glenn Highway. Lat 61 deg. 50' 12 1/2" N., long 147 deg. 25'02" W. Unit B.]
Inoceramus cf. I. incertus Jimbo
Inoceramus cf. I. uwajimensis Yehara
(Mesozoic loc. 24856)
, Anchorage
, Near base of basal sandstone member of Matanuska Formation [Jones, 1967, USGS Prof. Paper 547, p. 18 provides following description: A. Grantz, L. Fay, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad., north of Glenn Highway, about 0.25 mile N. 67 deg. W. of BM3305 and 0.4 mile S. 21 deg. W. from point where Camp Creek crosses Glenn Highway. Lat 61 deg. 50'12 1/2" N., long. 147 deg. 25'08" W. Unit B.]
Inoceramus cf. I. incertus Jimbo
Inoceramus cf. I. uwajimensis Yehara
(Mesozoic loc. 24853)
, Anchorage
, Possibly from lower third of the shale and siltstone member of the Matanuska Formation [Jones, 1967, USGS Prof. Paper 547, p. 18 provides following description: A. Grantz, L. Fay, 1953. Anchorage D-2 quad. Approximately 0.25 mile N. 57 deg. W. of BM3117, 500 ft north of Glenn Highway. Lat. 61 deg. 48'27" N., long 147 deg. 26'48" W. Unit C-1.]
Scaphites (Yezoites) planus Yabe
Scaphites (Yezoites) cf. S. puerculus Jimbo
Inoceramus cf. I. vancouverensis Shumard
(Mesozoic loc. 24857)
, Anchorage
, From float.--Probably the lower third of shale and siltstone member of Matanuska Formation. [Jones, 1967, USGS PRof. Paper 547, p. 18 provides following description: A. Grantz, L. Fay, 1953. Anchorage D-1 quad., float from 2.75 miles north of Glenn Highway, on north branch of south tributary to Caribou Creek. Lat. 61 deg. 50'22" N., long. 147 deg. 36'19" W. Unit B.]
Lytoceras (Gaudryceras) sacya (Forbes)
(Mesozoic loc. 24859)
, Anchorage
, Lower third of shale and siltstone member of Matanuska Formation [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A. Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Anchorage (D-2) quad., lat. 61 deg. 57'30" N., long. 147 deg. 43'04" W., approximately 2.05 miles N. 47.5 deg. W. of junction of Sheep Creek and Caribou Crek, on a northtrending tributary of Caribou Creek, approximately 0.76 mile upstream. Lower part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Campanian. Inoceramus schmidti zone.]
Inoceramus schmidti Michael
(Mesozoic loc. 24866)
, Anchorage
, From limestone lentils in talus below an outcrop of the shale and siltstone member of the Matanuska Formation which probably represents the lower 1/3 of the member
cf. Kingena occidentalis Whiteaves
(Mesozoic loc. 24874)
, Anchorage
, Lower 1/3 of the shale and siltstone member of the Matanuska Formation
Inoceramus cf. I. undulatoplicatus Roemer
Anomia vancouverensis Gabb
(Mesozoic loc. 24861)
, Anchorage
, Shale and siltstone member of Matanuska Formation [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A. Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Anchorage (D-3) quad. Lat. 61 deg. 59'25" N., long. 147 deg. 50'07" W., on east bank of Caribou Creek, approximately 1.5 miles from junction with Chitna Creek. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Neophylloceras lambertense Usher
Lytoceras (Gaudryceras) denmanese Whiteaves
Lytoceras (Gaudryceras) sp.
Inoceramus subundatus Meek
Nemadon vancouverensis Meek
(Mesozoic loc. 24862)
, Anchorage
, Shale and siltstone member of Matanuska Formation [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A.Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Anchorage (D-2) quad., Lat. 61 deg. 58'27" N., long. 147 deg. 53'18" W., approximately 3 miles N. 33 deg. W. of junction of Caribou and Sheep Creek. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Pachydiscus sucianesis (Meek)
Pachydiscus octacodensis (Stolickzka)
(Mesozoic loc. 24863)
, Talkeetna Mts
, Shale and siltstone member of Matanuska Formation [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A. Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) quad. Lat. 62 deg. 00'45" N., long. 147 deg. 40'38" W. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Pachydiscus sucianesis (Meek)
(Mesozoic loc. 24864)
, Talkeetna Mts
, Shale and siltstone member of Matanuska Formation [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A.Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) quad., Lat. 62 deg. 01'08 1/2" N., long. 147 deg. 41'15" W. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Polyptychoceras? obstrictum (Jimbo)
Inoceramus cf. I. simpsoni Meek
Inoceramus sp. juv. cf. I. subundatus Meek
Plagiolophus vancouverensis Woodward
(Mesozoic loc. 24865)
, Talkeetna Mts
, Shale and siltstone member of Matanuska Formation [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A.Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) quad., Lat. 62 deg. 01'12" N., long. 147 deg. 40'59" W. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Inoceramus cf. I. amakusensis Nagao & Matumoto
(Mesozoic loc. 24867)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From talus, shale and siltstone member of Matanuska Formation
Inoceramus cf. I. sachaliensis Sokolow
Inoceramus cf. I. subundatus Meek
Plagiolophus vancouverensis Woodward
(Mesozoic loc. 24868)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From talus, shale and siltstone member of Matanuska Formation.[Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A.Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) quad., Lat. 62 deg. 01'00 1/2" N., long. 147 deg. 37'23" W. from talus. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Lytoceras (Gaudryceras) sp.
Neophylloceras ramosum (Meek)
Inoceramus subundatus Meek
Inoceramus cf. I. orientalis Sokolow
(Mesozoic loc. 24869)
, Talkeetna Mts
, Shale and siltstone member of the Matanuska Formation. [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A.Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) quad., Lat. 62 deg. 01'28 1/2" N., long. 147 deg. 38'19" W. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Pachydiscus sucianesis (Meek)
Diplomoceras notabile Whiteaves
Inoceramus subundatus Meek
Pectunculus cf. P. veatchii Gabb
(Mesozoic loc. 24870)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From shale and siltstone member of the Matanuska Formation and stratigraphically below 53AGz147. [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A.Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) quad., Lat. 62 deg. 01'27" N., long. 147 deg. 38'13" W. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Lytoceras (Gaudryceras) cf. L. (G.) denmanese Whiteaves
Polyptychoceras? obstrictum (Jimbo)
Inoceramus cf. I. subundatus Meek
Inoceramus cf. I. amakusensis Nagao & Matumoto
(Mesozoic loc. 24871)
, Talkeetna Mts
, Shale and siltstone member of the Matanuska Formation. [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A.Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) quad., Lat. 62 deg. 00'34" N., long. 147 deg. 35'25 1/2" W. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Inoceramus cf. I. amakusensis Nagao & Matumoto
(Mesozoic loc. 24875)
, Talkeetna Mts
, Shale and siltstone member of the Matanuska Formation. [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) quad., Lat. 62 deg. 01'28 1/2" N., long. 147 deg. 38'46" W. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Lytoceras (Gaudryceras) sp.
Inoceramus cf. I. subundatus Meek
(Mesozoic loc. 24860)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From upper Cretaceous siltstone (from Request for Examination of Fossils form of Grantz) or Siltstone Mbr. acc. to E&R report of Imlay [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A. Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) quad., Lat. 62 deg. 04'50 1/2" N., long. 147 deg. 50'07" W. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
"Nautilus" campbelli Meek
Pachydiscus (Neodesmoceras?) sp.
Neophylloceras ramosum (Meek)
Diplomoceras notabile Whiteaves
Polyptychoceras? obstrictum (Jimbo)
(Mesozoic loc. 24872)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From siltstone of Upper Cretaceous age (from Request for Examination form) or Siltstone Mbr. acc. to E&R report. [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A.Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) quad., Lat. 62 deg. 08'28" N., long. 147 deg. 48'37" W. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Neophylloceras lambertense Usher
Polyptychoceras? obstrictum (Jimbo)
Inoceramus sachaliensis Sokolow
Inoceramus cf. I. subundatus Meek
Cirostoma tenuisculptum Whiteaves
Plagiolophus vancouverensis Woodward
(Mesozoic loc. 24873)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From siltstone of Upper Cretaceous age (acc. to Grantz's Request for Examination of Fossils sheet), from Siltstone Member acc. to Imlay.s E&R report [Note by RBB: Jones, 1962, USGS Prof. Paper 432, p. 19 states: A.Grantz and L. Fay, 1953. Nelchina district, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) quad., Lat. 62 deg. 09'33" N., long. 147 deg. 45'52" W. Upper part of member 3 of Matanuska formation. Late Campanian or Maestrichtian. Pachydiscus kamishakensis zone.]
Pachydiscus (Neodesmoceras?) sp.
Lytoceras (Gaudryceras) sp.
Inoceramus subundatus Meek