Report on Referred Fossils |
Stratigraphic range: |
Lower and upper Cretaceous |
Kinds of fossils: |
Mollusks |
Quadrangle or area: |
Goodnews, Bethel, Alaska |
Shipment No.: |
A-75-38-39M |
Referred by: |
Coonrad, Warren L.
Hoare, Joseph M.
Report prepared by: |
Jones, David L.
Date: |
05/23/1977 |
This report covers 18 fossil collections from the Goodnews area, southwestern Alaska.
User Note module to be added |
(Mesozoic loc. M6648)
, Goodnews Bay
, Graywacke; f.g. to m.g. and some gritty, limy. Fossil collections previously examined include Meso. locs. 23165 & 23307 of shipment AF-50-34. Latitude 59 degs. 55 min. 27 sec. N; Longitude 160 degs. 36 min. 48 sec. W. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 12 provide the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Eek Mountains. Elevation3700 ft. (1128 m). Latitude 59 deg. 55.00' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 36.00' W; Township: 3S; Range: 66W; Section: 15; NW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD5-1095."]
(Mesozoic loc. M6634)
, Goodnews Bay
, From crops of shale and conglomerate on the east side of small creek. Conglomerate includes clasts of metamorphic rock. (from original E&R report) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 9, give following loc. description: "Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Tributary at head of Klak Creek. Elevation 1600 ft (488 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 38.90' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 30.90' W; Township: 6S; Range: 66W; Section: 16; SE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field identifier: GC5-2029."]
(Mesozoic loc. M6638)
, Bethel
, In Valley of the Middle Fork Eek R. Graywacke; mostly m.g., feldspathic, micaceous. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 15 give the following locality description: "Bethel (A-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Middle Fork of Eek River. Elevation 650 ft (198 m). Latitude: 60 deg. 1.90' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 45.50' W; Township: 2S; Range: 67 W; Section: 2; W central section; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: BA5-2047."]
(Mesozoic loc. M6652)
, Goodnews Bay
, Lacks any location description or coordinates in original E&R report of Jones,1977 [Elder and Box, 1991, p. 13 provide following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. Great Ridge. elevation 2000 ft (610 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 58.00' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 56.00" W; Township: 2S; Range: 68W; Section 33; NW/NE quarter; Collector: R.H. Fehlman, 1972. Field Identifier: B1265"]
Inoceramus n. sp. - with large wing - same as M6636
(Mesozoic loc. M6635)
, Goodnews Bay
, On south end "Great Ridge". Graywecke; mostly m.g., feldspathic, micaceous. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 13 give the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63,360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 1100 ft (335 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 55.87' N; Longitude: 162 deg. 1.87'W; Township: 3S; Range: 68W; Section: 7; Center; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD6-1096."]
(Mesozoic loc. M6636)
, Goodnews Bay
, On south end "Great Ridge". Graywecke; mostly m.g., feldspathic, micaceous. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 13 provide the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63,360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 55.67' N; Longitude: 161 deg. 2.20' W; Township: 3S; Range: 68W; Section: 7; SW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD6-2044."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M6636. Alaska, Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 1,000 ft (305 m). latitude: 59°55.67'N, longitude: 161°2.20'W. SW1/4, sec. 7, T3S, R68W. Collector: W. L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD6-2044. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 36-37).]
Inoceramus sp. - with large posterior wing
(Mesozoic loc. M6637)
, Goodnews Bay
, On south end "Great Ridge". Graywecke; mostly m.g., feldspathic, micaceous. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 13 provide following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-6) 1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 2100 ft (640 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 57.65' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 59.15' W; Township: 2S; Range: 68W; Section: 33; SW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD6-1097."]; [USGS Mesozoic Locality: M6637. Alaska, Goodnews Bay (D-6)
1:63360 quadrangle. South end of Great Ridge. Elevation 2 ,100 ft (640 m). Latitude: 59°57.65'N, longitude: 160°59.15'W. SW1/4, sec. 33, T2S, R68W. Collector: W. L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD6-1097. (description from Elder and Box, 1992, p. 37).]
Inoceramus cf. I. hobetsensis Nagao & Matsumoto
(Mesozoic loc. M6649)
, Goodnews Bay
, Graywacke; f.g. to m.g. and some gritty, limy. Fossil collections previously examined include Meso. locs. 23166 & 23307 of shipment AF-50-34.
Buchia crassicollis solida
(Mesozoic loc. M6650)
, Goodnews Bay
, Graywacke; f.g. to m.g. and some gritty, limy. Fossil collections previously examined include Meso. locs. 23166 & 23307 of shipment AF-50-34. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 12 provide following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Southern Eek Mountains. Elevation 2050 ft (625 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 53.67' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 40.20' W; Township: 3S; Range: 66W; Section: 29; NE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD5-1362."]
Buchia cf. B. crassicollis Keyserling
(Mesozoic loc. M6639)
, Goodnews Bay
, Graywecke; hard, f.g., calcareous, mostly dark gray. Sparce fossil frags. (from original E&R report) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 10 give following loc. description: Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Nukluk Creek. Elevation 2200 ft (671 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 40.06' N; Longitude 160 deg. 38.70' W;
Township: 6S, Range: 67 W; Section: 10; SW corner; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field identifier: GC5-1056."]
(Mesozoic loc. M6643)
, Goodnews Bay
, [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 10 provide following loc. description: "Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Ridge east of Nukluk Creek. Elevation 1900 ft (579 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 39.27' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 40.93' W; Township: 6S; Range: 67 W; Section: 16, NW/SE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field identifier: GC5-2021."]
(Mesozoic loc. M6641)
, Goodnews Bay
, Graywacke; hard, f.g., calcareous, mostly dark gray. Two fos. frags. in very hard graywacke (compare similar GC5 2021). Further north along the ridge went into section of interbedded cherty tuff and limestone with probable Paleozoic fossils (GC5 2022C) while east of this site Hoare got frag. fos. GC5 1056.
(Mesozoic loc. M6642)
, Goodnews Bay
, This is a re-collection of Meso. 23169 (Coonrad's 1950 50AHr 429 at station 50C.2.4). The graywacke is calcareous and very hard. (from original E&R report) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 9 give following description: "Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Ridge south of Awayak Lake. Elevation 1500 ft (457 m). Latitude 59 deg. 33.63' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 44.27'W; Township: 7S; Range: 67W; Section: 19; NW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field identifier: GC5-2049"]
(Mesozoic loc. M6644)
, Goodnews Bay
, Conglomerate with limy fossiliferous matrix crops out on south-facing spur of Hill 709 on the east side of Takshilik Creek in the Valley of Takshilik Creek. This is a re-collection of Coonrad's 50AHr 711 @ Sta. 50C.6.35 of Sept. 5, 1950. (from original E&R report) [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 10 give the following loc. description: "Goodnews Bay (C-6) 1:63,360 quadrangle. Takshilik Creek. Elevation 700 ft (213 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 41.00'N; Longitude: 160 deg. 58.85' W; Township: 6S; Range: 69 W; Section: 2; Center W. line; Collector; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field identifier: GC6-1090."]
(Mesozoic loc. M6647)
, Goodnews Bay
, Graywacke; f.g. to m.g. and some gritty, limy. Fossil collections previously examined include Meso. locs. 23166 & 23307 of shipment AF-50-34. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 11 provide following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-5) 1:63360 quadrangle. Klak Lake. Elevation 1000 ft (305 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 45.34' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 38.85' W; Township: 5S; Range: 67 W; Section 10, SE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD5-1066."]
(Mesozoic loc. M6640)
, Goodnews Bay
, Graywacke; hard, f.g., calcareous, mostly dark gray. Locally abundant molds and casts. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 10 provide the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (C-5) 1:63,360 quadrangle. E. of Klak Lake. Elevation 1200 ft (366 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 43.47' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 32.20' W; Township: 5S; Range: 67 W; Section 24: SW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GC5-1068."]
(Mesozoic loc. M6646)
, Goodnews Bay
, Limestone and limy argillite; red-maroon, tightly folded, fossils contorted. [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 11 provide the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. North end of Ouchklune Range. Elevation 3000 ft (915 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 58.23' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 2.43' W; Township: 2S; Range: 63W; Section: 25; SW quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD3-1334."]
Buchia cf. B. crassicollis
Buchia cf. B. keyserlingi
(Mesozoic loc. M6645)
, Goodnews Bay
, Limestone and limy argillite; red-maroon, tightly folded, fossils contorted. [near Meso. 23171] -- [Elder and Miller, 1991, p. 11 provide the following locality description: "Goodnews Bay (C-3 -Note by RBB, should be D-3) 1:63360 quadrangle. N side of W trending spur of Ouchklune Range. Elevation 2500 ft (762 m). Latitude: 59 deg. 55.43' N; Longitude: 160 deg. 4.83' W; Township: 3S; Range: 63W; Section: 15; NE quarter; Collector: W.L. Coonrad, 1975. Field Identifier: GD3-1134."]
Buchia cf. B. crassicollis