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Authors: |
Imlay, Ralph W.
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Date: |
/1955 |
Title: |
Characteristic Jurassic mollusks from northern Alaska |
274-D , , 69-93, Plates 8-13 |
Host: |
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper: |
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Article\Abst.\Chapter\report |
Annotation: |
The fossils from the Jurassic strata of northern Alaska prove that the Lower, Middle, and Upper Jurassic series are represented but suggest that certain stages or parts of stages are not represented. There is no faunal evidence for the presence of the middle and upper parts of the Bajocian, the entire Bathonian, the upper part of the Callovian, the lower Oxfordian, or the upper Portlandian. Field evidence shows that a disconformity occurs at the stratigraphic position of the upper Portlandian. Both field and subsurface data suggest an unconformity immediately preceding the upper Oxfordian. The absence of faunal evidence for certain stages, or parts of stages,may be related to the fact that elsewhere in Alaska and in the western interior of North America major retreats of Jurassic seas occured during Bathonian, late Callovian, and Portlandian times.
Although the Jurassic strata in northern Alaska are generally impoverished faunally, nevertheless, in many places interpretations of the stratigraphy or the structure are based on the fossils present, or the fossils are used as supplementary evidence. Wherever the faunal succession can be determined in northern Alaska, it agrees essentially with that elsewhere in the Boreal region and in other parts of North America and
in northwest Europe.
Faunal and lithologic relationships suggest that the eastward-trending Jurassic seaway of northern Alaska had rather uniform and moderately steep slopes along its northern and
southern margins and that more than half of its sea bottom was stagnant and at least as deep as the lower part of the neritic zone. The existence of moderately deep water may explain the presence of the ammonites Phylloceras, Lytoceras, and Reineckeia, which are missing in the shallow-water Jurassic strata in the interior of North America, in east Greenland, and in the Barents Sea area. The scantiness of the fauna over much of the seaway is problably related to unfavorable bottom conditions and to an inadequate supply of certain materials such as phosphate. Fairly warm waters during Early Jurassic and early Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) time is indicated by the presence of ammonites that had a nearly worldwide distribution. Somewhat cooler waters and the presence of climatic zones
during the Late Jurassic in Alaska, as in other parts of the Boreal region, is indicated by the presence of molluscan genera quite distinct from those in the Late Jurassic of the Mediterranean region. |
UserNote |
(Mesozoic loc. 22127)
, De Long Mts
, Tiglukpuk formation, large cutbank on southwest side of Kukpowruk River, lat 68 deg. 42'30" N., long 163 deg. 14' W., northern Alaska. E.G. Sable, 1949. (description from Imlay, 1959, p. 166); USGS Mesozoic loc. 22127. Kukpowruk River, lat 68°42'30" N., long 163°14' W. (Imlay, 1955, p. 78,79). Buchia rugosa (Fischer). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22127. Orig. no. 49ASa43F. Lower Cretaceous - Killik Fm., northern Alaska, Wainwright district, NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Quad. 686. Kukpowruk River. Sandstone, shale, concretions. Coll. Edward G. Sable. N.B. Sable p. 32, June 1949]; E. G. Sable, 1949. Kukpowruk River, approximate lat 68°42'30" N., long 163°14' W., eastern part of a large cut bank on southwest side of river. Sandstone and shale containing concretions. Stratigraphic position
unknown. Upper Jurassic, Kimmeridgian to lower Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78)
(Mesozoic loc. 22126)
, De Long Mts
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 22126 (Imlay, 1955, p. 78, 79). Mesozoic loc. 30071 on Kukpowruk River west of Igloo Mountain, lat 68°43' N., long 163°12'30" W., Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washinton D.C.) entry: 22126. Orig. no. 49ASa30F. Killik Fm. Lower Cretaceous. Northern Alaska, Wainwright district, NE1/4 SE1/4 Quad. 686. On Kukpowruk River. Lithogy & sandstone shale beds. Coll. Edward G. Sable, NB Ref. Sable p. 20, June 1949]; E. G. Sable, 1949. Near Kukpowruk River, on mountain ridge between first and second creeks west of large cut banks of black shale. Approximate lat 68°23' N., long 162°43' W. Sandstone and shale beds from 50 to 100 feet above top of Triassic strata . Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian.(description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78)
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 22776)
, Misheguk Mtn
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 22776. Easternmost fork of DriftwoodCreek, lat 68°40' N., long 160°26'28" W., northwest Alaska (Imlay, 1955, p. 78, 79). Buchia cf. B. mosquensis (von Buch). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C) entry: 22776. Alaska - 51ASa56f. Kingak - basal(?), sta. no. Sa54 - 68°40' N - 160°26'30" W - west bank of Cirque fork of Driftwood Creek - conglomeratic and conglomeratic shale.]; E.G. Sable, 1951. West bank of easternmost fork of Driftwood Creek at first cutbank above small tributary from the west. Approximate lat 68°40' N., long 160°26'28" W. Conglomerate, conglomeratic shale, and chert, possibly near base of Kingak shale, fossils from concretions in shale. Upper Jurassic, middle Kimmeridgian to lower Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78)
Aucella mosquensis (von Buch)
Aucella rugosa (Fischer)?
(Mesozoic loc. 23577)
, Howard Pass
, I. L. Tailleur, 1951. Kiligwa river, lat 68°43' N., long 158°25' W. Coquinoid limestone overlain by shale, siltstone, and sandstone 3 feet above Triassic rocks. Upper Jurassic, middle Kimmeridgian to lower Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: page missing from volume]
(Mesozoic loc. 23697)
, Howard Pass
, I. L. Tailleur, 1951. Kiligwa River, lat 68°43' N., long 158°25' W. Coquinoid limestone in sequence of shale, chert, and chert breccia. Probably near base of overturned section. Upper Jurassic, middle Kimmeridgian to lower Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: page missing from volume]
(Mesozoic loc. 22507)
, Howard Pass
, I. L. Tailleur, 1950. Cutaway Creek, lat 6S°36' N., long 157°33' W., 3 miles NW. of Rim Butte. Coquinoid limestone 10 feet above Triassic strata. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78) [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22507. Orig. No. 50ATr166 Lower Cretaceous - Okpikruak (?). Northern Alaswka, Colville Valley, Quad 684 NW1/4 of SW Cutaway Creek. (sta T-115). Coquinoid Limestone. Survey of Lisburne Ridge. Coll. Tailleur. 1950]
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 22509)
, Howard Pass
, I. L. Tailleur, 1950. Lat 68°40' N., long 157°08' W., Ipnavik River, 4 miles north of Ekakevik Mountain. Coquinoid limestone 110 feet above Triassic strata. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington DC) entry: 22509. Orig. no. 50ATR226. Lower Cretaceous - Okpikruak; Northern Alaska, Colville Valley, Quad. 684 NE1/4 sw Ipnavik, 3 mi. north of Ekakevik Mtn (sta. T13 Coquinoid Ls. Lisburne Ridge. Coll Tailleur, 1950.]
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 23598)
, Howard Pass
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 23598. Ipnavik River, 2 miles south of Memorial Creek, lat 68°23' N., long 157° 15' W., northwest Alaska (Imlay, 1955, p. 78, 79); USGS Mesozoic loc. 23598. Ipnavik River, 2 miles
south of Memorial Creek, lat 68°23' N., long 157° 15' W., northwest Alaska (Imlay, 1955, p. 78, 79).
Buchia cf. B. mosquensis (von Buch) and B. concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 23598. Jurassic - 51ATr19 - sta. no. T10 - Colville Valley H-7. NE1/4 of SW 1/4 of 684 - Ipnavik R. - Vertical Photo Bar - 263- #104 - Alaska.]
Buchia cf. B. mosquensis (von Buch) and B. concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 23598. Jurassic - 51ATr19 - sta. no. T10 - Colville Valley H-7. NE1/4 of SW 1/4 of 684 - Ipnavik R. - Vertical Photo Bar - 263- #104 - Alaska.]; I. L. Tailleur, 1951. Lat 68°23' N., long 157°15' W., Ipnavik River 2 miles south of mouth of Memorial Creek. Coarse- to fine-grained graywacke from 100 to 150 feet above Triassic strata. Upper Jurassic, probably middle Kimmeridgian to lower Portlandian.(description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78)
Aucella mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. 21552)
, Killik River
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 21552. Cutbank on Fortress Creek, lat 68°31' N., long 153°03' W. (Patton and Tailleur, 1964, p. 444). Pseudolioceras? and Inoceramus lucifer Eichwald. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 21552. Orig. no. 49ATr352. Lower Cretaceous? NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Quad. 683; Colville Valley district, northern Alaska. Cutbank on Fortress Creek 10 miles SW of confluence of Fortress Creek and Ayiyak River. Lithology ----- med. dark green, fined grained ss. Coll. E.W. Tailleur N.B. no. 2 June 1949]; I. L. Tailleur, 1949. Lat 68°31' N., long 153°03' W., cutbank on Fortress Creek about 5 miles SSW. of Fortress Mountain. Medium-dark green fine-grained graywacke containing much volcanic material. Middle Jurassic, lower Bajocian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78)
Inoceramus lucifer (Eichwald)
(Mesozoic loc. 22591)
, Chandler Lake
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 22591. Cutbank on Tiglukpuk Creek, lat 68°20' N., long 151°50' W. (Patton and Tailleur, 1964, p. 444). Arkelloceras? sp. juv. and Inoceramus cf. I. lucifer Eichwald. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22591, orig. no. 50AKe263. Middle Jurassic. Northern Alaska, Colville Valley, NE1/4 SW1/4 Quad. 683, NE1/4 SE1/4 Quad. 683. Tiglukpuk Creek, in the foothills belt between May Creek & Siksikpuk River. Graywacke. Coll. A.S. Keller 50 NB2 Party #2 Sept. 1950]; A. S. Keller, 1950. Tiglukpuk Creek, lat 68°22' N., long 151°50' W. Graywacke. Middle Jurassic, Bajocian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78)
(Mesozoic loc. 22584)
, Chandler Lake
, A. S. Keller, 1950. Peregrine Creek, lat 68°26' N., long 150°28' W. Fine-grained sandstone.Upper Jurassic, probably Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22584. Orig. no. 50AKe132f. Upper Jurassic, Northern Alaska, Colville Valley, NE1/4 SE 1/4 Quad. 683, NE1/4 SW 1/4 Quad. 683. Peregrine Creek, in the belt of foothills between May Creek & Siksikpuk River. Fine sandstone. Coll. A.S. Keller 50NB2 Party #2 July 1950]
Aucella rugosa (Fischer)?
(Mesozoic loc. 22585)
, Chandler Lake
, A. S. Keller, 1950. Peregrine Creek, lat 68°26' N., long 150°28' W. Same general locality as 22584. Fine-grained sandstone. Upper Jurassic, probably Kimmeridgian (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C) entry: 22585, orig. no. 50AKe135f Jurassic? Northern Alaska, Colville Valey, NE1/4 SE1/4 Quad. 683, NE1/4 SW1/4 Quad. 683, Peregrine Creek, in the belt of hills between May Creek & Siksikpuk River. Fine sandstone. Coll. A.S. Keller 50NB2 Party #2 July 1950]
Aucella rugosa (Fischer)?
(Mesozoic loc. 22578)
, Chandler Lake
, A. S. Keller, 1950. East Fork of Nanushuk ( not Manushuk - RBB comment) River, NE1/4SE1/4 quad. 683; lat 68°27' N., long. 150°20'W. Coquinoid limestone. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22578. orig. no. 50AKe93F Upper Jurassic, NE1/4 SW1/4 quad. 683, NE1/4SE1/4 quad. 683. East fork Nanushuk River in the foothills belt between May Creek & Siksikpuk River. Coquinoid limest. Coll. A.S. Keller NB 1950 #1 #2 party May 1950]
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 22586)
, Chandler Lake
, A. S. Keller, 1950. Peregrine Creek, lat 68°26' N., long J50°28' W. Same general locality as 22584. Fine grained sandstone. Upper Jurassic, probably Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.) entry: 22586. orig. no. 50AKe136f. Upper Jurassic 0 NE1/4 SE1/4 quad. 683, NE1/4 SW1/4 quad. 683. Peregrine Creek, in the foothills belt between May Creek & Siksikpuk River. Fine sandstone. Coll. A.S. Keller 50NB2, Party #2. July 1950.]
Aucella rugosa (Fischer)?
(Mesozoic loc. 22582)
, Chandler Lake
, A. S. Keller, 1950. Peregrine Creek, lat 68°28' N., long 150°27' W. Coquinoid limestone. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry): 22582. orig. no. 50AKe121f Upper Jurassic Northern Alaska, Colville Valley NE1/4SE1/4 quad. 683, NE1/4SW1/4 quad. 683 Peregrine Creek, in the belt of foothills between May Creek & Siksikpuk River, Alaska. Coquinoid limestone. Coll. A.S. Keller 50NB2 Party #2 June 1950]
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 22587)
, Chandler Lake
, A. S. Keller, 1950. East Fork of Nanushuk River, lat 68°30' N., long 150°24' W. Coquinoid limestone. Upper Jurassic, middle Kimmeridgian to lower Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22587. Orig. no. 50AKe174f Upper Jurassic - Northern Alaska, Colville Valley, NE1/4SE1/4 Quad 683, NE1/4 SE 1/4 quad. 683, NE1/4 SW1/4 Quad. 683. East fork of Nanushuk, in the foothills belt between May Creek and Siksikpuk River. Coquinoid limestone. Coll. A.S. Kelly 50NB2 Party #2 Aug. 1950]
(Mesozoic loc. 22588)
, Chandler Lake
, A. S. Keller, 1950. East fork of Nanushuk River, lat 68°30' N., long 150°24' W., same location as 22587 Coquinoid limestone. Upper Jurassic, probably upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22588 orig no. 50AKe175f Jurassic(?) Northern Alaska, Colville Valley, NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Quad. 683, NE1/4 SW1/4 quad. 683. East fork of Nanushuk, in the foothills belt between May Creek and Siksikpuk River. Belemnites. Coll. A.S. Keller 50 NB2 Party #2 Aug. 1950]
(Mesozoic loc. 22579)
, Chandler Lake
, A. S. Keller, 1950. Lat 68°27' N., long 150°20' W., same general location as locality 22578. Coquinoid limestone. Upper Jurassic, middle Kimmeridgian to lower Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22579. orig. no. 50AKe97. Upper Jurassic. Northern Alaska, Colville Valley, NE1/4SE1/4 Quad. 683, NE1/4SW1/4 Quad. 683. East fork of Nanushuk in the foothills belt between May Creek and Siksikpuk River. Coquinoid Limestone. Coll. A.S. Keller 1950 NB #1 Party #2 May 1950]
(Mesozoic loc. 22580)
, Chandler Lake
, A. S. Keller, 1950. May Creek, lat 68°26' N., long 150°09' W. Coquinoid limestone. Upper Jurassic, middle Kimmeridgian to Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 78); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22580. orig. no. 50AKe109F Upper Jurassic. Northern Alaska, Colville Valley, NE1/4 SE1/4 Quad. 683, NE1/4SW1/4 Quad. 683. May Creek in the foothills belt between May Creek and Siksikpuk River. Coquinoid Limestone. Coll. A.S. Keller. 1950 NF #1 Party #2 May-June, 1950]
(Mesozoic loc. 22581)
, Chandler Lake
, A. S. Keller, 1950. Same general location as Mes. loc. 22580, lat 68°26' N., long 150°09' W. Coquinoid limestone. Upper Jurassic, middle Kimmeridgian to lower Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washinton, D.C.) entry: 22581. orig. no. 50AKe114f Upper Jurassic Northern Alaska, Colville Valley, NE1/4 SE1/4 Quad. 83, NE1/4 SW1/4 Quad. 683. May Creek just in the belt of foot hills between May Creek and Siksikpuk River, Alaska. Coquinoid limestone. Coll. A.S. Keller, 50NB#1, 2 Party #1 June 1950]
(Mesozoic loc. 22749)
, Philip Smith Mts
, R. L. Detterman, 1951. About 1 mile west of Lupine River on long ridge, lat 68°47' N., long 148°25' W. Dark siltstone and silty shale, weathers metallic blue, contains fossil coquinas. Upper Jurassic, middle Kimmeridgian to lower Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22749. Alaska - 51ADt149 - Lower Kingak? - st. no. D-147 - NE1/4-SW1/4-Lupine River - 148°20' W - 68°49'30" N - dark siltstone - siltshale.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22750)
, Philip Smith Mts
, USGS Mesozoic locs. 22750, 22751, 22766, 22768, 22769. Lupine River from lat 68°49'30" N. to 68°51' N., long 148°17'30" W. to 148°22'30" W. (Keller and others, 1961, p. 195). Buchia rugosa (Fischer), B. mosquensis (von Buch), and B. concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22750. Alaska - 51ADt151 - middle Kingak? Sta. no. D149 - NE1/4-SW1;4 of 682 - Lupine River - 148°20' W - 68°50 N - dark siltstone siltshale]; R. L. Detterman, 1951. Lupine River area. Cutbank in small stream one-fifth of a mile north of Mes. loc. 22749, lat 68°48' N., long 148°25' W. Dark siltstone having a blue metallic luster and fissil noncalcareous silty shale. Upper Jurassic, probably Kimmeridgian to Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Aucella mosquensis (von Buch)?
(Mesozoic loc. 22751)
, Philip Smith Mts
, USGS Mesozoic locs. 22750, 22751, 22766, 22768, 22769. Lupine River from lat 68°49'30" N. to 68°51' N., long 148°17'30" W. to 148°22'30" W. (Keller and others, 1961, p. 195). Buchia rugosa (Fischer), B. mosquensis (von Buch), and B. concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22751. Alaska - 51ADt152 - Lower - ? Middle Kingak - sta. no. D-150 - NE1/4- SW 1/4 of 682 - Lupine River 148°19' W - 68°51' N - dark siltstone siltshale]; R. L. Detterman, 1951. Lupine River area, cutbank three-tenths of a mile east of Mes. loc. 22750 in same stream, lat 68°49' N., long 148°24' W. Siltstone and silty shale as at Mes loc. 22750. Upper Jurassic, middle
Kimmeridgian to lower Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Aucella mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. 22766)
, Philip Smith Mts
, USGS Mesozoic locs. 22750, 22751, 22766, 22768, 22769. Lupine River from lat 68°49'30" N. to 68°51' N., long 148°17'30" W. to 148°22'30" W. (Keller and others, 1961, p. 195). Buchia rugosa (Fischer), B. mosquensis (von Buch), and B. concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22766/ Alaska - 51AKe135 - Kingak - 0'-500' above base of section - sta. no. K-139 - Lupine River - 68°52' N - 148°13' W - shale & siltstone - NE of SW quad.]; A. S. Keller, 1951. Lupine River, lat 68°52' N., long 148°22' W. Fissile clay to silt shale containing spheroidal concretions and sideritic lenses. About 500 feet above the base of the Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, middle Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby)
Aucella mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. 22768)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Kingak shale, from 500 to 800 feet above local base at Lupine River, lat 68 deg. 52' N., long 148 deg. 22' W., northern Alaska. Samuel Keller, 1951. (description from Imlay, 1959, p. 166); USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 22750, 22751, 22766, 22768, 22769. Lupine River from lat 68°49'30" N. to 68°51' N., long 148°17'30" W. to 148°22'30" W. (Keller and others, 1961, p. 195). Buchia rugosa (Fischer), B. mosquensis (von Buch), and B. concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22768. Alaska -51AKe153 - Kingak - 5'-800' base - sta. no. K-155 - 682- NE of SW quad. - Lupine River - 68°52' N - 148°18' W - siltstone]
(Mesozoic loc. 22769)
, Philip Smith Mts
, Kingak shale, about 300 feet above local base at Lupine River, lat 68 deg. 52' N., long 148 deg. 22'W. (description from Imlay, 1959, p. 166); USGS Mesozoic locs. 22750, 22751, 22766, 22768, 22769. Lupine River from lat 68°49'30" N. to 68°51' N., long 148°17'30" W. to 148°22'30" W. (Keller and others, 1961, p. 195). Buchia rugosa (Fischer), B. mosquensis (von Buch), and B. concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22769. Alaska - 51AKe154 - Kingak - 300' above Triassic contact - sta. no. K -157-682. NE of SW quad. - Lupine River - 68°52'N - 148°17' W - siltstone and shale]; A. S. Keller, 1951. Lupine River, lat 68°52' N., long 148°22' W. Shale as at Mes. loc. 22766. About 300 feet above base of Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, middle Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby)
Aucella mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. 22746)
, Philip Smith Mts
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 22746. Small divide nearly 1 mile east of Nosebleed Creek, lat 68°52' N., long 148°08' W., northeast Alaska (Keller and others, 1961, p. 195). Buchia rugosa (Fischer). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22746. Alaska - 51ADt136 - Kingak (upper) sta. no. D188 - NE1/4 - SW1/4 - Nosebleed Creek - 148°05' W 68°55' N - calcareous siltstone.]; R. L. Detterman, 1951. Small divide nine-tenths
of a mile east of Nosebleed Creek, lat 68° 50' N., long 148°10' W. Dark ferruginous brittle silty shale. Upper Jurassic, middle Kimmeridgian to lower Portlandian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
(Mesozoic loc. 22747)
, Philip Smith Mts
, R. L. Detterman, 1951. Long cutbank on west side of Nosebleed Creek, just below ice field, lat 68°52' N., long 148°14' W. Calcareous siltstone. Lower Jurassic, Pliensbachian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22747. Alaska - 51ADt-144 - middle Kingak? Sta. no. D126 - NE1/4 - SW1/4 of 682 - Nosebleed Creek - 148°10' W - 68°55' N - Calcareous siltstone.]
Lytoceras cf. L. fimbriatum (Sowerby)
Amaltheus (Pseudoamaltheus) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 22748)
, Philip Smith Mts
, R. L. Detterman, 1951. Nosebleed Creek, about one-tenth of a mile north of Mes. loc. 22747 on same side, lat 68°52' N., long 148°15' W. Siltstone and silty shale. Lower Jurassic. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22748. Alaska - 51ADt145 - Middle Upper Kingak? Sta. no. D-124 NE1/4-SW1/4-682 Nosebleed Creek 148°11' W - 68°55' N - siltstone - siltshale]
(Mesozoic loc. 22745)
, Sagavanirktok
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 22745, West Fork Ivishak River, lat 69°0' N., long 148°04'30" W. (Keller and others 1961, p. 193; Imlay, 1955, p. 80, 90). Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)?, or possibly immature Arcticoceras. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 24); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22745 - Alaska - 51ADt-134 - Kingak (middle?) sta. no. D115 - SE1/4-NW1/4 of 682 - W fork of Ivishak River. 148°05' W - 69°00' N. - siltstone lenses in siltshale]
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
(Mesozoic loc. 22764)
, A. S. Keller, 1951. West fork of Ivishak River, lat 68°58' N., long 148°05' W. Pyritic siltstone and shale containing large spheroidal concretions within the lower 400 feet of the Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, probably Callovian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22764. Alaska - 51AKe115 - Kingak - 0'-400' above Triassic contact - sta. no. K-111 -682 - NE of SW quad. - w fork of Ivishak River - 69°02' N. 148°05' W - siltstone]
(Mesozoic loc. 22759)
, Sagavanirktok
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 22759 (Imlay, 1955, p. 79, 80). Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22759. Alaska - 51AKe48 - Kingak position unknown - sta. no. Ke-44. Gilead Creek - 147°44' W - 69°13' N - lenses in shale. 682 SW of NE quad.]; A. S. Keller, 1951. Gilead Creek, lat 69°13' N., long 147°40' W. Isolated cutbank of dark-gray shale containing large lenses of light-gray ironstone. Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian to lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 22739)
, Sagavanirktok
, R. L. Detterman. 1951. West Fork of Shaviovik River, lat 69°23' N., long 147°13' W. Interbedded siltstone and sandstone 50 feet below basal sandstone of Okpikruak formation. Kingak shale. Upper Oxfordian or Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22739. Alaska - 51ADt22 - sta. no. D-11 - SW1/4-NE1/4, 682 - w. fork of Shaviovik River. 147°15' W - 69°23' N - Basal Kingak fm. - interbedded siltstone and ss.]
(Mesozoic loc. 24011)
, Mt Michelson
, R. H. Morris, 1952. Juniper Fork, lat 69°23' N., long 146°59' W. Lower part of Kingak shale. Ironstone lenses in black fissile shale. Lower Jurassic. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80);[USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 24011. Jurassic-Kingak fm. Orig. No. 52-AMo-4. Sta. No. 38, SW1/4-NE1/4 682 69°17' N., 147°02' W., at Juniper fork, lower Kingak, Quad. 682 District, Northern Alaska. Coll. R.H. Morris, June-Sept. 1952]
Pentacrinus subangularis var. alaska Springer
(Mesozoic loc. 21026)
, Mt Michelson
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 21026 (Imlay, 1955, p. 79, 80). Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 21026. (orig. #47AGr32f) Jurassic-Kingak S.E. 1/4 N.E. 1/4 682, lat. 69°21'30", long. 146°38', near the main fork of the most easterly branch of the Shaviovik River, Canning River area, Alaska. From same approx. stratigraphic position as Gr8f and 239. Gryc - June, 1947]; George Gryc, 1947. Shaviovik River, main fork of most easterly branch, SE1/4NE1/4 quad. 682, lat 69°22' N., long 146°32' W. Black shale containing nodules and interbeds of ironstone and some limestone. Isolated outcrops of Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby)
Aucella spitiensis Holdhaus
(Mesozoic loc. 21027)
, Mt Michelson
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 21027, Shaviovik River, main fork of most easterly branch, lat 69°22' N., long 146°32' W. (Imlay, 1955, p. 79, 80). Buchia rugosa (Fischer) and B. mosquensis (von Buch). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); George Gryc, 1947. East Fork of Shaviovik River about 16 km west of mouth of Cache Creek at Canning River. lat 69°22' N., long 146°32' W., Mt. Michelson quadrangle. Black shale containing limestone concretions and beds of ironstone and some limestone. Kingak Shale. isolated outcrop. Latest Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 21027. (orig. #47AGr8f). Jurassic-Kingak. SE 1/4 NE1/4 682, lat. 69°21'30", Long 145°31', near the main fork of the most easterly branch of the Shaviovik River, Canning River area, Alaska, Black shale with calcareous nodules, poorly exposed, probably underlying upper Cretaceous rocks, along strike of shale beds on the Canning River that have been called Jurassic, but are also lithologically similar to the Lower Cretaceous beds in the Colville area. Gryc - June, 1947]; George Gryc, 1947. From same locality and about same stratigraphic position as Mes. loc. 21026. Upper Jurassic, Upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Phylloceras (Macrophylloceras) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 24012)
, Mt Michelson
, R. H. Morris, 1952. Kavik River, lat 69°19' N., long 146°18' W. Ironstone lenses in black pyritic shale. Lower Jurassic. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 24012. Jurassic-Kingak fm.- Orig. No. 52AMo-36. Sta. No. 73, SE1/4-NE1/4 682, 69°23' N., 146°25' W., Kavik River, lower Kingak, Quad. 682, Canning District, Northern Alaska. Coll. R.H. Morris, June-Sept. 1952]
Pentacrinus subangularis var. alaska Springer
(Mesozoic loc. 21024)
, Mt Michelson
, Mesozoic locs. 21024, 22597, and 24033 on west bank of Canning River opposite mouths of Eagle and Cache Creeks, lat 69°27' N., long 146°13'30" W. (Imlay, 1955, p. 80, 91; Keller and others, 1961, p. 193). Arkelloceras. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 21024 (orig #47A,Gr.205). Jurassic-Kingak. S.E.1/4N.E.1/4 682, Lat. 69°24'30", long. 146°07'30". About 2850 ft. above loc. Gr.202 on west bank of Canning River at mouth of Eagle and Cache Creeks, Alaska. Black shales, probably correlative with the Kingak Shale. Gryc - August, 1947.]; George Gryc, 1947. Canning River, west bank, about 2,850 feet upstream from Mes. loc. 21023. Black shale containing ironstone beds. Upper Jurassic, Callovian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Reineckeia (Reineckeites) cf. R. stuebeli Steinmann
(Mesozoic loc. 22596)
, Mt Michelson
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 21023 (in part), Canning River at mouth of Eagle and Cache Creeks, lat 69°25' N., long 146°08' W., Arcticoceras; Mesozoic loc. 22596, west side of Canning River, lat 69°23'30" N., long 146°07'30" W., Arcticoceras; Mesozoic loc. 29146, Canning River near Shublik Island, lat 69°24' N., long 146°10' W. Arctocephalites. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 24); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22596. Orig. 50AGr18. Upper Jurassic-Kingak Fm. Northern Alaska, Canning River District, SE1/4, NE1/4 682. Lat. 69°23'30" W., Long. 146°07'30W N. 2300 ft. above base of exposed section on Canning River. Black shale with calcareous ironstone bands, nodules & lenses. Coll: Gryc, Imlay, Kover. N.B. Ref. Gryc 1950 p. 8. July 17, 1950]; George Gryc, R. W. Imlay, Allan Kover, 1950. Canning River, west side, lat 69°23'30" N., long 146°07'30" W. Black shale containing ironstone beds, lenses and nodules about 2,300 feet above base of exposed section. Upper Jurassic, lower Callovian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
(Mesozoic loc. 22597)
, Mt Michelson
, Mesozoic locs. 21024, 22597, and 24033 on west bank of Canning River opposite mouths of Eagle and Cache Creeks, lat 69°27' N., long 146°13'30" W. (Imlay, 1955, p. 80, 91; Keller and others, 1961, p. 193). Arkelloceras. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22597. Orig. No. 50AGr24. Upper Jurassic-Kingak Fm. Northern Alaska, Canning River District, SE1/4, NE1/4 Quad. 68. Lat: 69°23'20" W., Long. 146°07'30" N. 200 ft. below top of section along Canning River. Black shale with calcareous ironstone bands, nodules and lenses. Coll.: Gryc, Imlay, Kover. N.B. Ref. Gryc 1950, p. 8. July 17, 1950]; George Gryc, R. W. Imlay, Allan Kover, 1950. Canning River, west bank, lat 69°23'20" N., long 146°07'30" W., same locality as Mes. Iocs. 21024 and 24033. Black shale containing beds and nodules of ironstone about 200 feet below top of exposed section. Upper Jurassic, middle Callovian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Reineckeia (Reineckeites) cf. R. stuebeli Steinmann
(Mesozoic loc. 24033)
, Mt Michelson
, Mesozoic locs. 21024, 22597, and 24033 on west bank of Canning River opposite mouths of Eagle and Cache Creeks, lat 69°27' N., long 146°13'30" W. (Imlay, 1955, p. 80, 91; Keller and others, 1961, p. 193). Arkelloceras. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 24033. Orig. No. 52AKe37. Jurassic fm - Northern Alaska. Sta. No. K113, SE1/4 of NE1/4, 682, 69°27' N., 146°18' W.; Canning River, upper part of the Kingak Quad. 682, Canning District, Northern Alaska. Coll. by A.S. Keller, June-Aug. 1952]; A. S. Keller, 1952. Canning River, lat 69°25' N., long 146°08' W. Fossils from slightly calcareous ironstone beds in upper part of Kingak shale, same locality as Mes. locs. 21024 and 22597. Upper Jurassic, Callovian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Reineckeia (Reineckeites) cf. R. stuebeli Steinmann
(Mesozoic loc. 21023)
, Mt Michelson
, Mesozoic locs. 21023 and 22595 (Imlay, 1955, p. 80). Pseudolioceras whiteavesi (White) (loc. 21023 only) and P. maclintocki (Haughton); ... (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 21023 (orig. # 47A,Gr202). Jurassic - Kingak. S.E.1/4 N.E.1/4 682, lat. 69°23'30", long. 145°05' west bank of Canning River at mouth of Eagle and Cache Creeks, Alaska. From base of black shale outcrops that contain calcareous nodules and lenticular, hard dense, somewhat ferruginous limestone with common pyrite aggregates. Probably correlative with the Kingak Shale. Gryc - August, 1947]; George Gryc, 1947. Canning River, west bank, at mouths of Eagle and Cache Creeks, lat 69°25' N., long 146°08' W. From base of pyritic black shale outcrops that contain nodules and lenses of ironstone. Middle
Jurassic, lower Bajocian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Inoceramus lucifer Eichwald
Pseudolioceras sp. indet.
(Mesozoic loc. 22595)
, Mt Michelson
, ... Mesozoic locs. 21023 and 22595 (Imlay, 1955, p. 80). Pseudolioceras whiteavesi (White) (loc. 21023 only) and P. maclintocki (Haughton) ... (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22595: Orig. No. 50AGr9. Middle Jurassic-Kingak Fm. Northern Alaska, Canning River District, SE1/4 NE1/4 Quad. 682. Lat. 69°24'30" W, Long 146°05' N. 150 feet above base of exposed section on Canning Riv. Black shale with calcareous ironstone beds, nodules & lenses. Coll. Gryc, Imlay, Kover - NB Ref. 50Gr. Page 8, July 17, 1950.]; George Gryc, R. W. Imlay, Allan Kover, 1950. Canning River, west bank, lat 69°25' N., long 146°08' W., same locality as Mes. loc. 21023. 150 feet above base of exposure. Black shale containing ironstone lenses and nodules. Middle Jurassic, lower Bajocian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Pseudolioceras sp. indet.
(Mesozoic loc. 24013)
, Mt Michelson
, R. H. Morris. 1952. Cutbank on west side of Canning River, lat 69°30'45" N., long 146°18'45" W., Mt. Michelson Quadrangle. Black fissile shale containing limestone concretions about 15 m below top of Kingak Shale. Late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. 52AMo-48 - Jurassic - Kingak fm. - Northern Alaska. Sta. no. 97, NE1/4 of NE 1/4, 682, 69 deg. 32' N., 146 deg. 21' W., cutbank on west side of Canning River, Upper Kingak, Quad. 682, Canning District, northern Alaska. Coll. by R.H. Morris - June, Sept. 1952.]; R. H. Morris, 1952. Cutbank on west side of Canning River, lat 69°30'45" N., long 146°18'45" W. Black fissile shale containing limestone concretions 50 feet below top of Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Aucella spitiensis Holdhaus
Phylloceras (Partschiceras) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 24014)
, Mt Michelson
, Many USGS Mesozoic localities near the Canning River, northeast Alaska. Mesozoic locs. 24014, 21028, 25598, and 29882 (Imlay, 1955, p. 79, 80; Keller and others, 1961, p. 193) from lat 69°30'45" N. to 69°33' N.; long 146°18' W. to 146°23' W.; Mesozoic Iocs. 29134-29136 near Shublik Island at lat 69°24' N., long 146° 10' W. Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) and Buchia concentrica ( Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); R. H. Morris, 1952. Cutbank on west side of Canning River, lat 69°32' N., long 146°18' W., near boundary of secs. 19 and 20, T. 2 N., R. 24 E., Mt. Michelson Quadrangle. Kingak Shale about 15 m below top. Late Oxfordian to earlv Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23) [USGS Mes. Cat.: 24014. Orig. no. 52AMo50. - Jurassic - Kingak fm. - Northern Alaska. Sta. no. 100. NE1/4 of NE1/4, 682, 69°32' N., 146°21' W., cutbank on west side of Canning River, upper Kingak, Quad. 682, Canning District, Northern Alaska. Coll. by R.H. Morris, June-Sept.-1952]; R. H. Morris, 1952. Cutbank on west side of Canning River, lat 69°32' N., long 146°18' W. Black shale containing limestone concretions 50 feet below top of Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Aucella spitiensis Holdhaus
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras?) spp. juv.
(Mesozoic loc. 21028)
, Mt Michelson
, Kingak shale, Canning River, 2 1/2 miles south of Black Island, lat 69 deg. 30' 45" N., long 146 deg. 18' 45" W., northern Alaska. George Gryc, 1947. (description from Imlay, 1959, p. 166); Many USGS Mesozoic localities near the Canning River, northeast Alaska. Mesozoic locs. 24014, 21028, 25598, and 29882 (Imlay, 1955, p. 79, 80; Keller and others, 1961, p. 193) from lat 69°30'45" N. to 69°33' N.; long 146°18' W. to 146°23' W.; Mesozoic locs. 29134-29136 near Shublik Island at lat 69°24' N., long 146° 10' W. Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) and Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 21028 (orig. #47AGr239). Jurassic - Kingak. N.E. 1/4 N.E. 1/4 682, lat. 69°30'45", long. 145°18'45", 2 1/2 miles south of Black Island, Canning River area, Alaska. Black shale with limestone interbeds immediately underlying Leffingwell's Ignek (Upper Cretaceous) formation, (about same position as collection Gr.8f and 32F). Gryc - August, 1947]; George Gryc, 1947. West bank of Canning River. 4 km south of Black Island, lat 69°30'45" N., long 146°18'45" W., SE. cor. sec. 19, T. 2 N., R. 24 E., Mt. Michelson Quadrangle. Black shale with limestone interbeds near top of Kingak Shale. Late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); George Gryc, 1947. Canning River, 2 1/2 miles south of Black Island, NE1/4 NE1/4 quad. 682, lat 69°30'45" N., long 146°18'45" W. Black shale containing ironstone interbeds near top of Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby)
Aucella spitiensis (Holdhaus)
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras?) spp. juv.
(Mesozoic loc. 22598)
, Mt Michelson
, George Gryc, R. W Imlay, and A. N. Kover, 1950. West bank of Canning River at same place as USGS Mesozoic loc. 21028. Kingak Shale about 61 m below top. Late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: (orig. no. 50AGr31. Upper Jurassic - Kingak. Northern Alaska, Canning River District, SE1/4, NE1/4, Quad. 6F. Lat: 69°30'45" W., Long: 145°18'45" N., 200 to 500 ft. below base Ignek (Cret.) ss. Same locality as 47AGr239. ((USGS No. 21028) on Canning River. Slumped shale, poorly exposed. Coll: Gryc, Imlay, Kover. N. 8 Ref: Gryc 1950, p. 8. July 17, 1950.]; George Gryc, R. W. Imlay, Allan Kover, 1950. Canning River at same locality as Mes. loc. 21028. From 200 to 500 feet below top of Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Aucella concentrica (Sowerby)
Aucella spitiensis Holdhaus
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras?) spp. juv.
(Mesozoic loc. 21025)
, Mt Michelson
, George Gryc, 1947. Black Island in Canning River, lat 69°33' N., long 146°15' W. Black shale containing ironstone interbeds immediately overlying the Upper Triassic Shublik formation. Lower Jurassic. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 21025. orig. #47AGr.247) Jurassic - Kingak NE1/4NE1/4, 682, lat. 69°33', long. 146°15'30", Black Island, Canning River area, Alaska. Black shale with limestone interbeds in basal portion of Leffingwell's Kingak shale, apparantly immediately overlying the Shublik (Upper Triassic) formation. Gryc - August, 1947]
Pentacrinus subangularis var. alaska Springer
52-AKE-46 (2nd entry for this locality)
(Mesozoic loc. 24035 (2nd entry for this locality))
, Mt Michelson
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 24035. Canning River, lat 69°34' N., long 146°23' W., northern Alaska (Keller and others, 1961, p. 193). Pseudolioceras maclintocki (Haughton) and Oxytoma jacksoni (Pompeckj). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23); A. S. Keller, 1952. Canning River, lat 69°33' N., long 146°15' W. Middle Jurassic, lower Bajocian. Ironstone beds and shales from 1,000 to 1,500 feet below the top of the Kingak shale. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 24035. Orig. no. 51AKe46 - Kingak fm. - Northern Alaska. Sta. no. K122, SE1/4 of NE1/4, 682, 69°33' N., 146°22' W., Canning River, position in column unknown, Quad. 682, Canning River District, Northern Alaska. Coll. by A.S. Keller, June-Aug. 1952.]
Posidonia cf. P. ornati Quenstedt
Pseudolioceras whiteavesi (White)
(Mesozoic loc. 23772)
, Mt Michelson
, R.W. Imlay, George Gryc, and Allan Kover, 1950. Near Red Hill on Ignek Creek, lat 69 deg. 36' N., long 146 deg. 06' W. Mt. Michelson (C-4) quadrangle, northern Alaska. Kingak Shale. Late Toarcian. (from Imlay, 1981, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic loc. 23772 and 24035 (Imlay, 1955, p. 80, 89). Pseudolioceras. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Lower Jurassic-Kingak fm. Orig. No. 50-AGr-61. Near Red Hill on Ignek Creek, about Lat. 69° 33' N., Long. 146° 13' W., Age: Probably Toarcian. Quad. SW1/4-NW1/4 681 Canning River, Northern Alaska. Coll. Gryc, Imlay & Kover July 1950]; George Gryc, R. W. Imlay, Allan Kover, 1950. Near Red Hill on Ignek Creek, lat 69°36' N., long 146°06' W. Shale underlying sandstone at base of Ignek formation. Lower Jurassic, Toarcian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Pseudolioceras cf. P. lythense (Young and Bird)
Pseudolioceras cf. P. compactile (Simpson)
(Mesozoic loc. 21819)
, Mt Michelson
, C. L. Whittington, 1948. North bank of Sadlerochit River at mouth of tributary from northwest, about 4 miles upstream from mouth of Ignek Valley Fork; lat 69°30' N., long 145°05' W. Thin crinoid beds in gray shale containing ironstone interbeds near base of Kingak shale. Lower Jurassic.(description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 21819. Orig. no. 48AWh130f and 48AWh130FA. Jurassic - Kingak Shale. Northern Alaska Region, Canning River District, NW1/4, NW1/4 Quad. 681. Exposures along north bank of Sadlerochit River, station W 802 A - mouth of tributary from northwest (69°32' N, 145° 3' W). From float lying on shale slope; may be as many of 4 crinoid beds at this locality. Lithology of beds silicified crinoid biostromes 1/2 to 3 inches thick (average 1 inch) in dk gray shale with occasional beds and lenses of clay-ironstone. Coll. C.L. Whittington NB Ref. 1948, pp. 71-71, Aug. 2, 1948]
Pentacrinus subangularis var. alaska Springer
(Mesozoic loc. 21820)
, Mt Michelson
, C. L. Whittington, 1948. Same general lithology as Mes. loc. 21819 but about 300 yards downstream. Lower Jurassic. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 21820. orig. no. 49AWh131. Jurassic-Kingak Shale. Northern Alaska, Canning River District, NW1/4 NW1/4 Quad. 681. Exposures along north back of Sadlerochit River. Station W802B - mouth of tributary from northwest (69°32' N - 145° 13' W.) From single outcropping bed. Same lithology of beds as above (21819). Coll. C.W. Whittington. NB Ref. 1948 pp. 71-72 Aug. 2, 1948]
Pentacrinus subangularis var. alaska Springer
(Mesozoic loc. 22083)
, Mt Michelson
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 22083. North bank of Sadlerochit River, between Gravel and Fire Creeks, lat 69°31' N., long 145°02" W., northeastern Alaska. Arctocephalites ?. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 24); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22083, orig. no. 48AWn132F. Jurassic-Kingak Shale. Northern Alaska, Canning District, NW1/4NW1/4 Quad. 681. St. W802C on Sadlerochit River 69°33'N., 145°10'. Position in formation unknown. Probably within middle of formation. Black mud shale and concretions. Coll. C.W. Whittington, NB Ref. 1448, illegible, Aug. 1948]; C. L. Whittington, 1948. North bank of Sadlerochit
River, lat 69°31' N., long 145°02' W. About 1 1/4 miles downstream from Mes. loc. 21819. Dull-black earthy shale at first outcrop downstream from Mes. loc. 21820 and about 500 feet higher stratigraphically unless covered interval conceals faults. Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, lower Callovian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
(Mesozoic loc. 22081)
, Mt Michelson
, E.G. Sable, 1948. About 1 mile (1.6 km) northeast of mouth of Fire Creek and 0.4 mi (0.6 km) above the mouth of a south-flowing tributary of the Sadlerochit River, Mt. Michelson (C-2) quadrangle, northern Alaska. Kingak Shale, within middle third and about 1,700 ft (518 m) above its base in black earthy shale. Early to middle Toarcian. (from Imlay, 1981, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic loc. 22081 (Imlay, 1955, p. 80). Harpoceras cf. H. exaratum (Young and Bird) (not Pseudolioceras). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. No. 48ASa146f. Jurassic, Kingak Shale, northern Alaska, Canning River District, NW1/4NW1/4 Quad. 681, Tributary of Sadlerochit River 69°35' N., 145°03' W. Probably within middle third of Kingak Shale & about 2000 ft. above base. Black mud shale & concretions. Coll. E.G. Sable, Sadlerochit Party 415, NB Ref. 1948 PP 74&75. Aug. 1948]; E. G. Sable, 1948. On south-flowing tributary of Sadlerochit River, two-fifths of a mile above mouth, approximate lat 69°32'10" N., long 145°55' W. Probably within middle third of Kingak shale and about 1,700 feet above its base in black earthy shale. Middle Jurassic, lower Bajocian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Pseudolioceras sp. indet.
(Mesozoic loc. 22082)
, Mt Michelson
, E. G. Sable, 1948. Downstream one-fifth of a mile from Mes. loc. 22081, approximate lat 69°32' N., long 144°54' W. Pyrite concretions in black shale about 2,600 feet above base of Kingak shale. Middle Jurassic, Bajocian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 22082. Orig. no. 48ASa148F. Jurassic - Kingak Shale. Northern Alaska, Canning District, NW1/4 NW1/4 Quad. 681. Tributary of Sadlerochit River 69°35' M. 145°03' W. ABout 2,600 above base, and approx. middle of Kingak sh. Black mud shale concretion. Coll. E.G. Sable, Party 4115 NB Ref. 1948. pp. 74&75. Aug. 1948]
Inoceramus lucifer Eichwald
114A of K. Leffingwell, 1911
(Mesozoic loc. 10308)
, Mt Michelson
, Mesozoic Iocs. 10307 and 10308 (Imlay, 1955, p. 81). Northeastern Alaska. Pseudolioceras maclintocki (Haughton), Erycitoides, Canavarella (loc. 29884 only), and Inoceramus lucifer Eichwald. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 10308. Orig. No. 114A. Jurassic. Sadlerochit River, camp 263 creek, 1/2 up the creek, northern Alaska. Coll. E. deK. Leffingwell, recd. 1909 and 1912.]
Pseudolioceras sp. indet.
114B of E. de K. Leffingwell, 1911
(Mesozoic loc. 10309)
, E. de K. Leffngwell, 1911. Sadlerochit River, north side, about a quarter of a mile downstream
from Camp 263 Creek and 1J4 miles upstream from mouth of Neruokpukkoonga Creek about 1,500 feet above base of Kingak shale; lat 69°33' N., long 144°46' W. Middle Jurassic, lower Bajocian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 81); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 10309. Orig. no. 114B. Jurassic. 1500 feet above 114A) 10308. Sadlerochit River, Northern Alaska.]
Inoceramus lucifer Eichwald
110 of E. de K. Leffingwell, 1911
(Mesozoic loc. 10307)
, Mt Michelson
, Mesozoic locs. 10307 and 10308 (Imlay, 1955, p. 81). Northeastern Alaska. Pseudolioceras maclintocki (Haughton), Erycitoides, Canavarella (loc. 29884 only), and Inoceramus lucifer Eichwald. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 10307. Orig. No. 115. Jurassic. (A.B.C and D.) Sadlerochit River, cut, north side, running NE from camp 258. Dip 50 ESE (Magnetic), northern Alaska. A..D.C. D taken in 20 to 30 feet of beds. Coll. E. de K. Leffingwell, recd. 1909 and 1912.];E. de K. Leffingwell, 1911. Sadlerochit River, cut on north side, about 3,000 feet above base of Jurassic, probably lat 69°33' N., long 144°43' W. Friable black shale containing pyrite concretions. Middle Jurassic, lower Bajocian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 81)
Inoceramus lucifer Eichwald
Pseudolioceras whiteavesi (White)
(Mesozoic loc. 23747)
, Mt Michelson
, E. O. Sable, 1948. Cutbank on east side of Sadlerochit River near east end of Sadlerochit Mountains. First Cutbank north of tributary stream from south; lat 69°36'20" N., long 144°27'30" W. Massive sandstone containing conglomerate and ironstone lenses, probably within 75 feet of base of Jurassic. Lower Jurassic. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 81); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 23747. Orig. no. 48ASa210f - Lower Jurassic - Northern Alaska. Lat. 69°39' Long 144°34' - same description as for USGS #23746 (48ASa-204f) except different locality in formation]
(Mesozoic loc. 23749)
, Mt Michelson
, E. O. Sable, 1948. Most prominent cliff on west side of Sadlerochit River near east end of Sadlerochit Mountains, lat 69°37'30" N. long 144°25' W. Sequence of interbedded sandstone, shale, siltstone, and conglomerate lenses about 120 feet above outcrops of Triassic rocks. Lower Jurassic. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 81); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 23749. Orig. no. ASa229f - Lower Jurassic - Northern Alaska. Lat. 69°40', Long. 144°31' - approx. 1/2 mile east of the Sadlerochit River, east end of the Sadlerochit Mts., Canning District, Northern Alaska. Coll. - E.G. Sable - August 1948]
(Mesozoic loc. 23748)
, Mt Michelson
, E. O. Sable, 1948. Cutbank on east bank or easternmost meander of Sadlerochit River near east end of Sadlerochit Mountains, lat 69°39' N., long 144°23' W. Pebbly finegrained dark-gray sandstone at base of 480 feet of sandstone, shale, and conglomerate lenses. Lower Jurassic. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 81); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 23748. Orig. no. ASa214f - Lower Jurassic - Northern Alaska. Lat. 69°42', Long. 144°29' - approx. 1 1/2 miles east of the Sadlerochit River, east end of the Sadlerochit Mts., Canning District, Northern Alaska. Coll. - E.G. Sable, August 1948]
Gryphaea cf. G. cymbium Lamarck
917i of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3009)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor. No. 112 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Bed 33. T.W. Stanton, 1904."][Imlay, 1964, p. B22 provides following description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Tuxedni Bay area, 1.24 miles west of Fossil Point. Red Glacier Formation, about 500 ft below top."]; Tuxedni Bay (description from Imlay, 1955); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 3009 Orig. no. 917i. Jurassic. Snug Harbor on mainland about 3 miles w. of cabin on Chasik Island, no. 112 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, June 17, 1904.]
Inoceramus lucifer Eichwald
917e of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3005)
, Kenai
, Snug Harbor No. 109 of section. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 154 states: "South shore of Tuxedni Bay. Bed 30. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; Tuxendni Bay (Imlay, 1955, Pl. 8 explanation); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 3005. Orig. no. 917e. Jurassic. Snug Harbor o mainland 3 miles w. of cabin on Chasik Island, no. 109 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, June 17, 1904.]
Inoceramus lucifer Eichwald