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Imlay, Ralph W.
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/1981 |
Title: |
Late Jurassic Ammonites from Alaska |
1190 , , 40 p., 12 pls. |
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U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper: |
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(Mesozoic loc. 21028)
, Mt Michelson
, Kingak shale, Canning River, 2 1/2 miles south of Black Island, lat 69 deg. 30' 45" N., long 146 deg. 18' 45" W., northern Alaska. George Gryc, 1947. (description from Imlay, 1959, p. 166); Many USGS Mesozoic localities near the Canning River, northeast Alaska. Mesozoic locs. 24014, 21028, 25598, and 29882 (Imlay, 1955, p. 79, 80; Keller and others, 1961, p. 193) from lat 69°30'45" N. to 69°33' N.; long 146°18' W. to 146°23' W.; Mesozoic locs. 29134-29136 near Shublik Island at lat 69°24' N., long 146° 10' W. Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) and Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 21028 (orig. #47AGr239). Jurassic - Kingak. N.E. 1/4 N.E. 1/4 682, lat. 69°30'45", long. 145°18'45", 2 1/2 miles south of Black Island, Canning River area, Alaska. Black shale with limestone interbeds immediately underlying Leffingwell's Ignek (Upper Cretaceous) formation, (about same position as collection Gr.8f and 32F). Gryc - August, 1947]; George Gryc, 1947. West bank of Canning River. 4 km south of Black Island, lat 69°30'45" N., long 146°18'45" W., SE. cor. sec. 19, T. 2 N., R. 24 E., Mt. Michelson Quadrangle. Black shale with limestone interbeds near top of Kingak Shale. Late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); George Gryc, 1947. Canning River, 2 1/2 miles south of Black Island, NE1/4 NE1/4 quad. 682, lat 69°30'45" N., long 146°18'45" W. Black shale containing ironstone interbeds near top of Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras?) cf. A. (P.?) prorsum Spath
(Mesozoic loc. 22598)
, Mt Michelson
, George Gryc, R. W Imlay, and A. N. Kover, 1950. West bank of Canning River at same place as USGS Mesozoic loc. 21028. Kingak Shale about 61 m below top. Late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: (orig. no. 50AGr31. Upper Jurassic - Kingak. Northern Alaska, Canning River District, SE1/4, NE1/4, Quad. 6F. Lat: 69°30'45" W., Long: 145°18'45" N., 200 to 500 ft. below base Ignek (Cret.) ss. Same locality as 47AGr239. ((USGS No. 21028) on Canning River. Slumped shale, poorly exposed. Coll: Gryc, Imlay, Kover. N. 8 Ref: Gryc 1950, p. 8. July 17, 1950.]; George Gryc, R. W. Imlay, Allan Kover, 1950. Canning River at same locality as Mes. loc. 21028. From 200 to 500 feet below top of Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras?) cf. A. (P.?) prorsum Spath
(Mesozoic loc. 24014)
, Mt Michelson
, Many USGS Mesozoic localities near the Canning River, northeast Alaska. Mesozoic locs. 24014, 21028, 25598, and 29882 (Imlay, 1955, p. 79, 80; Keller and others, 1961, p. 193) from lat 69°30'45" N. to 69°33' N.; long 146°18' W. to 146°23' W.; Mesozoic Iocs. 29134-29136 near Shublik Island at lat 69°24' N., long 146° 10' W. Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) and Buchia concentrica ( Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); R. H. Morris, 1952. Cutbank on west side of Canning River, lat 69°32' N., long 146°18' W., near boundary of secs. 19 and 20, T. 2 N., R. 24 E., Mt. Michelson Quadrangle. Kingak Shale about 15 m below top. Late Oxfordian to earlv Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23) [USGS Mes. Cat.: 24014. Orig. no. 52AMo50. - Jurassic - Kingak fm. - Northern Alaska. Sta. no. 100. NE1/4 of NE1/4, 682, 69°32' N., 146°21' W., cutbank on west side of Canning River, upper Kingak, Quad. 682, Canning District, Northern Alaska. Coll. by R.H. Morris, June-Sept.-1952]; R. H. Morris, 1952. Cutbank on west side of Canning River, lat 69°32' N., long 146°18' W. Black shale containing limestone concretions 50 feet below top of Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Amoeboceras (Amoebites) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 29882)
, Mt Michelson
, Many USGS Mesozoic localities near the Canning River, northeast Alaska. Mesozoic locs. 24014, 21028, 25598, and 29882 (Imlay, 1955, p. 79, 80; Keller and others, 1961, p. 193) from lat 69°30'45" N. to 69°33' N.; long 146°18' W. to 146°23' W.; Mesozoic Iocs. 29134-29136 near Shublik Island at lat 69°24' N., long 146° 10' W. Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) and Buchia concentrica ( Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); R. L. Detterman, 1970. West bank of Canning River, 5.4 km S. 10° W. of mouth of Ignek Creek, lat 69°30'45" N., long 146°19'30" W.. Mt. Michelson Quadrangle. Shale conxaining clay ironstone concretions about 15 m below top of Kingak Shale. Late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 29882 (70ADt-231A) Upper Jurassic Kingak Sh. Sh. with clay ironstone concretions about 50' below base of Ignek SS. West bank of Canning River, 5.6 miles S 10° W of mouth of Ignek Ck. Lat. 69°30'45" N., Long. 146°19'30" W., N.E. Alaska. Coll. by R.L. Detterman, 1970]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 24013)
, Mt Michelson
, R. H. Morris. 1952. Cutbank on west side of Canning River, lat 69°30'45" N., long 146°18'45" W., Mt. Michelson Quadrangle. Black fissile shale containing limestone concretions about 15 m below top of Kingak Shale. Late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. 52AMo-48 - Jurassic - Kingak fm. - Northern Alaska. Sta. no. 97, NE1/4 of NE 1/4, 682, 69 deg. 32' N., 146 deg. 21' W., cutbank on west side of Canning River, Upper Kingak, Quad. 682, Canning District, northern Alaska. Coll. by R.H. Morris - June, Sept. 1952.]; R. H. Morris, 1952. Cutbank on west side of Canning River, lat 69°30'45" N., long 146°18'45" W. Black fissile shale containing limestone concretions 50 feet below top of Kingak shale. Upper Jurassic, upper Oxfordian or Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 21027)
, Mt Michelson
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 21027, Shaviovik River, main fork of most easterly branch, lat 69°22' N., long 146°32' W. (Imlay, 1955, p. 79, 80). Buchia rugosa (Fischer) and B. mosquensis (von Buch). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); George Gryc, 1947. East Fork of Shaviovik River about 16 km west of mouth of Cache Creek at Canning River. lat 69°22' N., long 146°32' W., Mt. Michelson quadrangle. Black shale containing limestone concretions and beds of ironstone and some limestone. Kingak Shale. isolated outcrop. Latest Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 21027. (orig. #47AGr8f). Jurassic-Kingak. SE 1/4 NE1/4 682, lat. 69°21'30", Long 145°31', near the main fork of the most easterly branch of the Shaviovik River, Canning River area, Alaska, Black shale with calcareous nodules, poorly exposed, probably underlying upper Cretaceous rocks, along strike of shale beds on the Canning River that have been called Jurassic, but are also lithologically similar to the Lower Cretaceous beds in the Colville area. Gryc - June, 1947]; George Gryc, 1947. From same locality and about same stratigraphic position as Mes. loc. 21026. Upper Jurassic, Upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1955, USGS PP 274-D, p. 80)
AG 882
(Mesozoic loc. 29135)
, Mt Michelson
, Many USGS Mesozoic localities near the Canning River, northeast Alaska. Mesozoic Iocs. 24014, 21028, 25598, and 29882 (Imlay, 1955, p. 79, 80; Keller and others, 1961, p. 193) from lat 69°30'45" N. to 69°33' N.; long 146°18' W. to 146°23' W.; Mesozoic Iocs. 29134-29136 near Shublik Island at lat 69°24' N., long 146° 10' W. Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) and Buchia concentrica ( Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); British Petroleum Alaska (Inc.) , 1964. Canning River near Shublik Island and about 1.6 km west of mouth of Cache Creek, lat 69°24' N., long 146°10' W., SE. cor.
T. 1 N., R. 24 T., Mt. Michelson Quadrangle, Kingak Shale. Late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 29135 (AG 882) Upper Jurassic - Kingak Sh. Same loc. as 29134. Collector: British Petroleum, 1964]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras?) cf. A. (P.?) prorsum Spath
AG 887
(Mesozoic loc. 29136)
, Mt Michelson
, Many USGS Mesozoic localities near the Canning River, northeast Alaska. Mesozoic Iocs. 24014, 21028, 25598, and 29882 (Imlay, 1955, p. 79, 80; Keller and others, 1961, p. 193) from lat 69°30'45" N. to 69°33' N.; long 146°18' W. to 146°23' W.; Mesozoic Iocs. 29134-29136 near Shublik Island at lat 69°24' N., long 146° 10' W. Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) and Buchia concentrica ( Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); British Petroleum Alaska (Inc.) 1964. At same place as
USGS Mesozoic loc. 29135. Kingak Shale. Late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 29136 (AG 887) Upper Jurassic - Kingak Sh. Same loc. as 29134. Collector: British Petroleum, 1964]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 29856)
, Mt Michelson
, Ignek Mesa - Ignek Valley, 6.8 miles S. 75 deg E of Katakturuk Canyon. Concretions in black silty clay shale about 80 feet below basal Ignek Sandstone.(desc. from E&R report; USGS Mesozoic loc. 29856. Ignek Mesa in Ignek Valley, 6.8 miles S. 75° E. of Katakturuk Canyon, lat 69°33'30" N., long 145°20' W., northeast Alaska. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); R. L. Detterman. 1969. Ignek Mesa in Ignek Valley. 11 km S. 75° E. of Katakturuk Canyon, lat 69°33'30" N., long 145°20' W., east-central part of sec. 6, T. 2 N.. R. 28 E., Mt. Michelson Quadrangle. Fossils from concentrations in black silty clay shale of Kingak Shale about 24 m below top. Earlv Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 29856 (69 ADt40) Kingak Fm. Oxfordian.Ignek Mesa - Ignek Valley, 6.8 miles S 75° E of Katakturuk Canyon. Lat. 69°33'30" N., Long. 145°20' W., concretions in black silty clay sh about 80 ft. below basal Ignek SS, Mt. Michelson quad., NE Alaska. Coll. by R.L. Detterman, 1969]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) dettermani Imlay, n. sp.
AG 26
(Mesozoic loc. 29137)
, Mt Michelson
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 29137. Fire Creek in Ignek Valley, lat 69°32' N., long 145°09' W., northeast Alaska. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25) (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); British Petroleum Alaska (Inc.), 1964. About 0.5 km south of Fire Creek in NW. cor. NE1/4 sec. 13, T. 2 N.. R. 28 E., Mt. Michelson Quadrangle, Kingak Shale. Earlv Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 29137 (AG 26) Upper Jurassic - Kingak Sh. Fire Creek, Ignek Valley. Lat. 69°32' N., Long. 145°09' W., Northern Alaska, Brit. Pet. 1964]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) dettermani Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 14495)
, Mc Carthy
, Second eastern tributary of McCarthy Creek above Dimond Creek half a mile from McCarthy Creek. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1928. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83); F. H. Moffit, 1928. 0.8 km east of McCarthy Creek on mountain slope south of second tributary north of
Dimond Creek, sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 15 E., McCarthy (C-5) Quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation. Dark-gray shale, probably 305-610 m above base of formation. Late Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. 28AM-F32. Second eastern tributary of McCarthy Creek above Diamond Creek, one half mile from McCarthy Creek; NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Quad. 601, Copper River Region, Chinitna Valley District, Alaska. Coll: F.H. Moffit. August 14, 1928.]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) sp. A
(Mesozoic loc. 14496)
, Mc Carthy
, F. H. Moffit, 1928. 0.8 km east of McCarthy Creek on mountain slope south of second tributary north of
Dimond Creek, sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 15 E., McCarthy (C-5) Quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation. Dark-gray shale, probably 305-610 m above base of formation. Late Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. 28-F32 (14495).]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) sp. A
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) sp. B
(Mesozoic loc. 14497)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, east side at edge of west glacier. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1928. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83); F. H. Moffitt, 1928. East side of McCarthy Creek at edge of west glacier, probably in SW1/4 sec. 13 T. 3 S., R. 14 E., McCarthy ( C-5) Quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation. Probably same stratigraphic data as Mesozoic loc. 14495. Late Oxfordian to earlv late Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. 28AM-F34. East side of McCarthy Creek at edge of the West Glacier, NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Quad. 601, Copper River Region, Chitina Valley District, Alaska. Coll: F.H. Moffit. August 15, 1928.]
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) sp. B
(Mesozoic loc. 28577)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'15"; Longitude 142 deg. 37'40". From limy interbeds in shale section ca 250' above Weyla-bearing ls. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones); M. C. Blake, 1961. On ridge just south of a rock glacier in SE1/4 SE1/4 sec. 14, T. 3 S., R. 15 E., lat 61°36'15" N., long 142°37'10" W., McCarthy (C-5) Quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation, about 76 m above the top of the Nizina Mountain Formation. Early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: (61ABC-27). Upper Jurassic. McCarthy C-5 Quad. Alaska. Lat. 61°36'15"; Long. 142°37'40". From limy interbeds in shale section. About 250' above Weyla-bearing limestone. Coll. by M.C. Blake - 7-61.]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Amoeboceras (Amoebites?) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 28578)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 34'12"; Longitude 142 deg. 46'25". From U.Jurassic shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones); M. C. Blake, 1961. Same data as USGS Mesozoic loc. 14495. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); Data for USGS Mesozoic loc. 14495 is: "F. H. Moffit, 1928. 0.8 km east of McCarthy Creek on mountain slope south of second tributary north of Dimond Creek, sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 15 E., McCarthy (C-5) Quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation. Dark-gray shale, probably 305-610 m above base of formation. Late Kimmeridgian." (from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p.22); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: (61ABC-36) Upper Jurassic - McCarthy C-5 Quad. Alaska. Lat. 61°34'12", Long. 142°46'25". From Upper Jurassic shale above Weyla horizon. Coll. by M.C. Blake, Jr. 7-61.]
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) sp. A
(Mesozoic loc. 28579)
, Mc Carthy
, No data provided in transmittal sheets associated with E&R report; D. L. Jones, 1961. About 2.4 km east of McCarthy Creek and 0.8 km north of Lubbe Creek in NE1/4 NW1/4 sec. 5, T. 4 S., R. 15 E. McCarthy Creek (C-5) Quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation, about 457 m above contact with Nizina Mountain Formation. Late Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: (61-17). Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian). McCarthy C-5 Quad. Alaska. Lat. 61°33'17"; Long. 142°44'01". In Jur shale above Weyla bearing horizon. Coll. by Dave Jones - '61.]
(Mesozoic loc. 28700)
, Mc Carthy
, E. M. MacKevett, Jr.. 1962. West of Nizina River and northeast of West Fork in SE1/4 SE1/4 sec. 19. T. 3 S., R. 16 E., McCarthy (C-5) Quadrangle. Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation. Dark-gray sandstone and a few limy beds less than 305 m above contact with Nizina Mountain Formation. Late Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [62AMK-51 (Sta. 104). Upper Jurassic, west of Nizina River and north of West Fork. McCarthy C-5 quad., Alaska. Coll. by MacKevett 7/6/62]
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) sp. A
(Mesozoic loc. 24156)
, Talkeetna Mts
, On south tributary of upper Tyone Creek, 2.23 miles N 11 1/2 degrees of 4610 ft. VABM Wal. (description from E&R report); Arthur Grantz, R. D. Hoare, and R. W. Imlay, 1952. Lat 62°10.0' N., long 147°22.0' W., Talkeetna Mountains (A-1). Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Lower (?) third of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: pages containing this record and its neighbors are missing from Hand-written Catalogue.]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 24162)
, Talkeetna Mts
, 1.0 miles S 48 1/2 degrees E of main headwater fork of Little Nelchina River. Naknek Formation, sandstone member. (description from E&R report); Arthur Grantz, R. D. Hoare. and R. W. Imlay, 1952. Lat 62°06.3' N., long 147°36.7' W., Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Near top of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24);[USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: pages containing this record and its neighbors are missing from Hand-written Catalogue.]
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 24165)
, Talkeetna Mts
, South side of Little Nelchina River, 1.32 miles below main headwater fork. Lowest fourth of Naknek Formation, siltstone member. (description from E&R report); USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 24165, 24166, 24168, 24837, and 24841. Near headwaters of Little Nelchina River in central and east-central part of Talkeetna Mountains A-2 quadrangle, Talkeetna Mountains, Cook Inlet region. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside and C. distans (Whitfield). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: pages missing]; Arthur Grantz, R. D. Hoare, and R. W. Imlay. Lat 62°09.4' N., long 147°35.8' W., south side of Llttle Nelchina River, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle. southern Alaska. Lower third of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras iniskinense Imlay
Holcophylloceras cf. H. mesoicum (Dietrich)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 24166)
, Talkeetna Mts
, North side of Little Nelchina River, 1.77 miles below main headwater fork. Lowest fourth of Naknek siltstone member. (description from E&R report); USGS Mesozoic locs. 24165, 24166, 24168, 24837, and 24841. Near headwaters of Little Nelchina River in central and east-central part of Talkeetna Mountains A-2 quadrangle, Talkeetna Mountains, Cook Inlet region. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside and C. distans (Whitfield).(description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: pages missing]; Arthur Grantz, R. D. Hoare, and R. W. Imlay, 1952. Lat 62°07.5' N., long 147°35.0' W., on north side of Little Nelchina River. Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Lower third of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 24167)
, Talkeetna Mts
, South side of north branch of Little Nelchina River, 0.43 miles from the main headwater fork. Lower half of siltstone member of Naknek Formation. (description from E&R report); Arthur Grantz. R. D. Hoare. and R. W. Imlay, 1952. Lat. 62°09.4' N., long 147°38.6' W., on north side of Little Nelchina River. Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Lower third of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Late middle to late Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: pages containing this record and its neighbors are missing from Hand-written Catalogue.]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras iniskinense Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 24168)
, Talkeetna Mts
, North branch of Little Nelchina River, 3.28 miles from main headwater fork. Lowest fourth of Naknek Formation, siltstone member. (description from E&R report); USGS Mesozoic locs. 24165, 24166, 24168, 24837, and 24841. Near headwaters of Little Nelchina River in central and east-central part of Talkeetna Mountains A-2 quadrangle, Talkeetna Mountains, Cook Inlet region. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside and C. distans (Whitfield). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: pages missing]; Arthur Grantz, R. D. Hoare, and R. W. Imlay, 1952. 62°08.5' N., 147°44.3' W., Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Near base of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 24175)
, Talkeetna Mts
, 3.53 miles N 80 1/2 degrees W of main headwater fork of Little Nelchina River. Ammonite from float above this locality. Aucellas in place.(description from E&R report); R. D. Hoare, 1952. Lat. 62°07.49' N., long 147°44.7' W., Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Middle third of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Buchia concentrica (Sowerby) found in place. Ammonites occur as float derived from higher beds. Late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: pages containing this record and its neighbors are missing from Hand-written Catalogue.]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 24834)
, Talkeetna Mts
, From float-Lower siltstone member of Naknek Formation (description from E&R report); Arthur Grantz and L. F. Fay, 1953. Lat 62°07.7' N., long 147°41.9' W., Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Float from lower third of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Late middle to late Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: pages containing this record and its neighbors are missing from Hand-written Catalogue.]
Holcophylloceras cf. H. mesoicum
(Mesozoic loc. 24837)
, Talkeetna Mts
, Near base of lower siltstone member of Naknek Formation. (description from E&R report); USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 24165, 24166, 24168, 24837, and 24841. Near headwaters of Little Nelchina River in central and east-central part of Talkeetna Mountains A-2 quadrangle, Talkeetna Mountains, Cook Inlet region. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside and C. distans (Whitfield). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 24837. Orig. no. 53AGz-272. Naknek fm. - Upper Jurassic. Nelchina District, Talkeetna Mts, (A-2), 62°07'14" N., 147°32'40 1/2" W., near the base of the lower siltstone member. Coll. A. Grantz and L. Fay, 1953]; Arthur Grantz and L. F. Fay, 1953. Lat 67°07.25' N., long 147°32.7' W.. Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Lower third of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 24841)
, Talkeetna Mts
, and at a point about 150 feet upstream. Near base of lower siltstone member of Naknek Formation (description from E&R report); USGS Mesozoic locs. 24165, 24166, 24168, 24837, and 24841. Near headwaters of Little Nelchina River in central and east-central part of Talkeetna Mountains A-2 quadrangle, Talkeetna Mountains, Cook Inlet region. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside and C. distans (Whitfield). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 24841. Orig. no. 53AFy-17. Naknek fm. - Upper Jurassic. Nelchina District, Talkeetna Mts., (A-2), 62°06'45" N., 147°48'32" W., and at a point about 150', upstream, near base of the lower siltstone member. Coll. L. Fay, 1952]; L. F. Fay, 1953. Lat 62°06.7' N., long 147°43.5' W. and also at a point 46 m farther west, Talkeetna Mountains (A-2) Quadrangle, southern Alaska. Lower third of main siltstone and shale member of Naknek Formation. Early Oxfordian.(description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) lilloetense Reeside
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
Martin 24 of Martin, 1913
(Mesozoic loc. 8575)
, Anchorage
, G. C. Martin, 1913. From concretions on talus across the stream from the lowest outcrop on the creek entering Boulder Creek from the northwest 9 km upstream from mouth of East Boulder Creek, Anchorage (D-3) Quadrangle, Naknek Formation. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. 24. Upper Jurassic. Near lowest outcrop on creek entering Boulder Creek from N.W. Elev. 3000 ft. Upper Matanuska Valley, Alaska. (concretion on talus). Coll. G.C. Martin, Aug. 20, 1913. N.B. p. 20.]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 22701)
, Seldovia
, Naknek formation, south side of Red Glacier, 0.2 mile above present terminus. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 305 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 57'41" N., 152 deg. 48'56" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1951. South side of Red Glacier. 0.3 km above present terminus near center of west half of sec. 36, T. 2 S., R. 21 W., Seldovia (D-8) Quadrangle, on Peninsula between Tuxedni Bay and Chinitna Bay]; Arthur Grantz, 1951. South side of Red Glacier. 0.3 km above present terminus near center of west half of sec. 36, T. 2 S., R. 21 W., Seldovia (D-8) Quadrangle,
On Peninsula between Tuxedni Bay and Chinitna Bay west of Cook Inlet. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member 30.5-53 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Jurassic-Alaska - 51AGz123 - Aug. 9, 1951 - near the base of the Naknek. South side of Red Glacier 0.2 miles above the present terminus.]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 11002)
, Iliamna
, A. A. Baker, 1921. Chinitna Bay area, south shore, a little east of Sea Otter Point in NW1/4 sec. 14. T. 4 S., R. 22 W., Iliamna (D-1) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 61-76 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. ABF-11. South shore Chinitna Bay, Peninsula between Chinitna Bay and Iniskin Bay. Cook Inlet, Alaska. Lower Naknek. Coll. A.A. Baker, July 7, 1921. For F.H. Moffit.]
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) cf. C. (C.) lilloetense Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 11013)
, Iliamna
, A. A. Baker, 1921. Chinitna Bay area, south shore, a little east of Sea Otter Point in NW1/4 sec. 14. T. 4 S.,R. 22 W., Iliamna (D-1) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 61-76 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. ABF-21. South shore of Chinitna Bay, Peninsula between Chinitna Bay and Iniskin Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Lower Naknek. Coll. A.A. Baker, July 8, 1921, for F.H. Moffit.]
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
(Mesozoic loc. 11015)
, Iliamna
, A. A. Baker, 1921. Chinitna Bay area, south shore, a little east of Sea Otter Point in NW1/4 sec. 14. T. 4 S., R. 22 W., Iliamna (D-1) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 61-76 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. ABF-22. South shore of Chinitna Bay, Peninsula between Chinitna Bay and Iniskin Bay. Cook Inlet, Alaska. Lower Naknek. Coll. A.A. Baker, July 8, 1921, for F.H. Moffit.]
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) hyatti Reeside
Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) alaskense Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 11016)
, Iliamna
, A. A. Baker, 1921. Chinitna Bay area, south shore, a little east of Sea Otter Point in NW1/4 sec. 14. T. 4 S., R. 22 W., Iliamna (D-1) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 61-76 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. ABF-23. South shore Chinitna Bay, Peninsula between Chinitna Bay and Iniskin Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska. Lower Naknek. Coll. A.A. Baker, July 9, 1921, for F.H. Moffit.]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 11017)
, Iliamna
, A. A. Baker, 1921. Chinitna Bay area, south shore, a little east of Sea Otter Point in NW1/4 sec. 14. T. 4 S., R. 22 W., Iliamna (D-1) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 61-76 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. ABF-24. South shore Chinitna Bay, Peninsula between Chinitna Bay and Iniskin Bay. Cook Inlet, Alaska. Lower Naknek. Coll. A.A. Baker, July 7, 1921, for F.H. Moffit.]
Phylloceras iniskinense Imlay
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) cf. C. (C.) lilloetense Reeside
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 11018)
, Iliamna
, A. A. Baker, 1921. Chinitna Bay area, south shore, a little east of Sea Otter Point in NW1/4 sec. 14. T. 4 S., R. 22 W., Iliamna (D-1) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 61-76 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. AFG-25. South shore Chinitna Bay, Peninsula between Chinitna Bay and Iniskin Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska. Lower Naknek. Coll. A.A. Baker, July 8, 1921 for F.H. Moffit.]
Phylloceras cf. P. alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 21350)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 304 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'46" N., 153 deg. 01'53" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI24. Upper Jurassic - Naknek Formation. Location (Geographical) same as no. 21292. Near head of first stream entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek. Float, probably from Naknek Formation. July 14, 1948."]; R. W. Imlay, 1948. Near head of first stream entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek. Center of SE1/4 sec.
22, T. 4 S., R. 22 W., Iliamna (D-1) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 15-31 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25)
Phylloceras iniskinense Imlay
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 21351)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 309 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'56" N., 153 deg. 00'37" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI27. Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. Geographical location same as no. 21292. South shore of Chinitna Bay, 5.0 miles N 71 deg. E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. Arkosic sandstone in lower part of Naknek formation. July 1? & Aug. 10, 1948."]; R. W. Imlay, 1948. Eight km N. 71°E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek and slightly southeast of Mesozoic loc. 11002. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 137 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) cf. C. (C.) lilloetense Reeside
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) alaskense Reeside
Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) cf. C. (S.) stella Arkell
(Mesozoic loc. 21352)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 313 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'47" N., 153 deg. 00'07" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI85. Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. Geographical locaton same as 21291. South shore of Chinitna Bay. 5.1 miles N. 74 deg. E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. Gray siltstone about 75 feet above the highest Cardioceras bearing sandstone. Aug. 10, 1948."]; R. W. Imlay, 1948. South shore of Chinitna Bay, 8 km N. 74° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek, and 0.8 km southeast of Mesozoic loc. 21350 in east-central part of same section. Naknek Formation, Snug Harbor Siltstone Member. 183 m above base. Late middle to late 0xfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras iniskinense Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21782)
, Iliamna
, Naknek formation, from large blocks below basal Naknek, 0.8 to 0.9 miles west of Gull Island along south shore of Chinitna Bay, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Cardioceras, from float below basal Naknek, (from large talus blocks) 0.8 to 0.9 miles west of Gull I. along south shore of Chinitna Bay."][Shown as locality 308 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 50'00" N., 153 deg. 00'50" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1949. South shore of Chinitna Bay. 1.3-1.4 km west of Gull Island at same place as Mesozoic loc. 11002. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 61-76 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. 49AGz15. Jurassic - Naknek. Same geographic location as (for?) 21775. Cardioceras, from float below basal Naknek (from large talus block) 0.8 to 0.9 miles west of Gull Island along south shore of Chinitna Bay. Coll. Grantz. 1949.]
Phylloceras iniskinense Imlay
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 21783)
, Iliamna
, Naknek formation, from upper half of the massive sandstone beds of the lower Naknek just below the black, limy siltstone of the middle Naknek, 0.7 miles west of Gull Island on south shore of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Ammonite (Phylloceras?) from the upper half of the massive sandstone beds of the lower Naknek, immediately below the black limey siltstone of the middle Naknek, 0.7 miles of west of Gull Island, south shore."][Shown as locality 310 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'51" N., 153 deg. 00'28" W.];Arthur Grantz, 1949. South shore of Chinitna Bay, 1 km west of Gull Island and 0.3 km southwest of Mesozoic 1oc.-21351. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 244 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 49AGz35. Jurassic-Naknek Fm. Cook Inlet Region, west side of Cook Inlet & Chinitna Bay district, NE1/4, NW1/4, NW1/4 Quadrangle 585, Alaska. Ammonite (Phylloceras) from the upper half of the massive sandstone beds of the lower Naknek, immediately below the ??? limey siltstone of the Middle Naknek, 0.7 miles west of Gull Island, south shore. Coll. Grantz, 1949.]
Phylloceras iniskinense Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21784)
, Iliamna
, Naknek formation, lower part, about 0.8 mile west of Gull Island on south shore of Chinita Bay, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Macrofossils from the massive sandstone beds of the lower Naknek about 0.8 miles west of Gull Island, south shore."][Shown as locality 209 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 10'07" N., 152 deg. 38'05" W.]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 49AGz36. Jurassic-Naknek Fm. Same geographic location as No. 21783, Macrofossils from the massive sandstone beds of the lower Naknek about 0.6 miles west of Gull Island, south shore. Coll. Grantz, 1949.]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 21785)
, Iliamna
, Naknek formation, from limy siltstone of middle part, 0.6 miles west of Gull Island on south shore of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Ammonite (Phylloceras?) from the limey siltstone of middle Naknek 0.6 miles west of Gull Island, south shore."][Shown as locality 313 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'47" N., 153 deg. 00'07" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1949. South shore of Chinitna Bav at same place as Mesozoic loc. 21352. Naknek Formation, Snug Harbor Siltstone Member, 183 m above base. Late middle to late Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 49AGz37. Jurassic-Naknek Fm. Same geographical locality as No. 21783. Ammonite Phylloceras from the limey siltstone of the Middle Naknek 0.6 miles west of Gull Island, South shore. Coll. Grantz, 1949.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21786)
, Iliamna
, Naknek formation, probably same locality as preceding 49AGz37, but label was separated in transit. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Ammonite probably from the limey siltstone of the middle Naknek 0.6 miles west of Gull Island, south shore of Chinitna Bay. (Separated from label in transit)."][Shown as locality 313 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'47" N., 153 deg. 00'07" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1949. South shore of Chinitna Bay, 1 km west of Gull Island, a little southeast of Mesozoic loc. 21783 in the same section, Iliamna (D-1) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation. Snug Harbor Siltstone Member. 183 m above base, Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 49AGz45. Jurassic-Naknek. Same geographical locality as No. 21783. Ammonite probably from the limey siltstone of the Middle Naknek. 0.6 miles west of Gull Island, South shore - Chinitna. Coll. Grantz, 1949.]
Phylloceras iniskinense Imlay
934a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3041)
, Iliamna
, Oil Bay above Cadoceras zone. Near large waterfall. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 167 states: "Northeast shore of Oil Bay near large waterfall. Forty-six feet above base of bed 1 of section. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; T. W. Stanton, 1904. East shore of Oil Bay near a large waterfall. SE1/4 sec. 12, T. 6 S., R. 24 W., Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet, southern
Alaska. Naknek Formation, float from higher beds exposed in cliffs. Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); {USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 934a. Jurassic - above Cadoceras Zone. Oil Bay, east shore near a large waterfall. Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, July 10, 1904.]
Phylloceras cf. P. alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) alaskense Reeside
934c of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3043)
, Iliamna
, Oil Bay. 15 ft. above base of No. 11 of sec. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 179 states: "Northeast shore of Oil Bay. Stratum 15 feet above base of bed 8 of section on. p. 173. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; T. W. Stanton, 1904. East shore of Oil Bay, west-central margin of sec. 18, T. 6 S., R. 23 W., Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet, southern Alaska. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 4.6 m above base of bed no. 8 and 30 m above base of member drawn at base of bed no. 14 (Martin, 1926, p. 173). Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 934c. Upper Jurassic. Oil Bay, east shore 15 ft. above base of no. 11 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, July 10, 1904.]
934d of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3044)
, Iliamna
, Oil Bay, 170 ft. above base of No. 11, not in place. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 179 states: "Northeast shore of Oil Bay. Talus at outcrop of strata 170 feet above base of bed 8. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; T. W. Stanton. 1904. Slightly south of Mesozoic locality 3043 and 62 m above base of unnamed lower sandstone member of the Naknek Formation. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 934d. Upper Jurassic-Cardioceras Zone. Oil Bay, east side, Talus 170 ft. above base of no. 11 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. No. 11 refers to Stanton's notebook & not to Martin's description on p. 173 of Bull. 776. Coll. T.W. Stanton, July 10, 1904.]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
934e of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3045)
, Iliamna
, Oil Bay, 80 feet above base of No. 13 of sec. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 179 states: "Northeast shore of Oil Bay. 80 feet above base of bed 7. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; T. W. Stanton, 1904. Slightly south of Mesozoic locality 3044. Nakrek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 24 m above base of bed no. 7 and 160 m above base of member. Late early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 943e. Juarassic-Cardioceras Zone. Oil Bay, east side, 80 ft. above base of no. 13 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, July 11, 1904.]
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
934f of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3046)
, Iliamna
, Oil Bay 150 ft. above base of No. 13 of sec. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "Northeast shore of Oil Bay. 150 feet above base of bed 7. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; Many localities in Snug Harbor Siltstone Member of the Naknek Formation between Iniskin Bay and Tuxedni Bay, Cook Inlet region (Martin, 1926, p. 178-180; Detterman and Hartsock, 1966, p. 51). Amoeboceras (loc. 3046 only) and Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3046. Orig. No. 934f. Jurassic - Cadoceras Zone. Oil Bay, east side, 150 ft. above base of no. 13 of section, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, July 10, 1904]; T. W. Stanton, 1904. Slightly south of Mesozoic locality 3044. Naknck Formation, 46 m above base of bed no. 7 and 181 m above base of unnamed lower sandstone member (Martin, 1926, p. 173). Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras?) spiniferum Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 10988)
, Iliamna
, F. H. Moffit, 1921. West shore of Oil Bay about 0.8 km from head on point near center of SE1/4 sec. 14, T. 6 S., R. 24 W., Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet, southern Alaska. Naknek Formation, at top of unnamed lower sandstone member. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. No. F-10. West side of Oil Bay, about 1/2 mile from head, Peninsula between Chinitna Bay and Iniskin Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska. Naknek Formation. Coll. F.H. Moffit, August 10, 1921]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 11050a)
, Iliamna
, A. Baker, 1921. Probably at head of Edelman Creek in east-central part of sec. 32, T. 5 S., R. 23 W.. Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet, southern Alaska. Naknek Formation, talus from below Chinitna-Naknek contact. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat: Orig. No. ABF-59, 60, 61. 8400 more or less feet up creek taking us to peak east of CY peak, Peninsula between Chinitna Bay and Iniskin Bay, Cook Inlet Alaska. Alaska. Chinitna shale. Coll. A.A. Baker, August 8, 1921, for F.H. Moffit.]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) dettermani Imlay, n. sp.
ABF66, 67
(Mesozoic loc. 11055)
, Iliamna
, A. A. Baker, 1921. West shore of Oil Bay at second point down bay from gravel spit near mouth of Bowser Creek, near center of SE1/4 sec. 14, T. 6 S., R. 24 W., Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet, southern Alaska. Naknek Formation, at top of unnamed lower sandstone member, but possibly reworked. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat: Orig. No. ABF 66, 67. Near contact of Chinitna-Chisik at second point down bay from gravel spit near Bowser Creek, Peninsula between Chinitna Bay and Iniskin Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska. Coll. A.A. Baker, August 11, 1921, for F.H. Moffit.]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 11056)
, Iliamna
, A. A. Baker, 1921. East shore of Oil Bay, N. 61° E., from Mt. Pomeroy, a little south of Mesozoic loc. 3046. in SW1/4 sec. 18, T. 6 S., R. 23 W., Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet, southern Alaska. Naknek Formation, near top of unnamed lower sandstone member. Early Oxfordian.(description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. No. ABF69. East coast Oil Bay N. 61 E. from Pomeroy Mountain, Peninsula between Chinitna Bay and Iniskin Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska. Naknek Formation. Coll. A.A. Baker, August 12, 1921, for F.H. Moffit.]
Phylloceras iniskinense Imlay
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
(Mesozoic loc. 20723)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 312 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'21" N., 153 deg. 16'13" W.]; Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Naknek fm. 46AKr102. 1.4 miles S. 28 deg. W. of Front Mountain. Base of siltstone unit (compare to loc. no. 11,056, Bull. 789) Hard medium to dark gray siltstone in thick siltstone unit. Quad. 585: NW1/4 of the NW1/4. Coll. Chas. E. Kirschner, 6/29/46."]; C. E. Kirschner, 1946. East shore of Oil Bay at about
same place as USGS Mesozoie locality 11056. Naknek Formation, near base of Snug Harbor Siltstone Member. Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield)
(Mesozoic loc. 22418)
, Iliamna
, About 50 feet above base of Naknek formation on west side of Oil Bay. Coll. by Hartsock 6/26/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cardioceras(?). Pt. K33 (Kirschner's point) on west side Oil Bay. About 50' above base of Naknek. 6/26/50. Banded sandstone."][Shown as locality 303 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'14" N., 153 deg. 18'24" W.]; R. D. Hoare and J. K. Hartsock, 1950. West shore of Oil Bay, NE cor. SE1/4SE1/4 sec. 14, T. 6 S.. R. 24 W., Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet, southern Alaska. Naknek Formation, about 15 m above base of unnamed lower sandstone member. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 50AHa21 Upper Jurassic. Naknek fm. + or - 50 feet base of Naknek fm. on west side of Oil Bay at Pt.K.33. Coll. by Hartsock and Grantz, June 22, 1950.]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 22426)
, Iliamna
, About 200 yards south along beach from loc. 50AHa21 in lower member of Naknek on west side of Oil Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cardioceras. 200 yards south along beach from Pt. K33, west side Oil Bay. Lower member Naknek. 6/26/50. Banded sandstone."][Shown as locality 307 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'08" N., 153 deg. 18'17" W.]; R. D. Hoare and J. K. Hartsock, 1950. West shore of Oil Bay, about 213 m south of USGS Mesozoie loc. 22418 and 427 m south of first major point down bay from gravel spit near mouth of Bowser Creek. SE corner SE1/4 sec. 14, T. 6 S., R. 24 W., Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet. Naknek Formation, 48 m above base of unnamed lower sandstone member. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 50AHa21a Upper Jurassic, Naknek fm. Lower member, 200 yards south of Pt. K.33 on west side of Oil Bay. Coll. Hoare and Hartsock, June 26, 1950.]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) alaskense Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 22449)
, Iliamna
, About 40 feet below top of upper siltstone member of Naknek formation from cove just northeast of Scott Island on southwest tip of Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "On shore of Iniskin Bay just N.E. of Scott Island S.W. tip of Iniskin Peninsula. U. Siltstone member of Naknek."][Shown as locality 314 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 38'45" N., 153 deg. 25'02" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1950. East shore of Iniskin Bay northeast of Scott Island on southwest tip of Iniskin Peninsula, NE1/4 sec. 19, T. 6 S., R. 24 W., Iliamna (C-2) Quadrangle west of Cook Inlet, southern Alaska. Naknek Formation, 198-206 m above base and 12 m below top of Snug Harbor Siltstone Member. Late Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 50AGz15, Upper Jurassic, 40' below top of siltstone member of Naknek fm. from cove on east shore of Iniskin Bay just N.E. of Scott Island on southwest tip of Iniskin Peninsula. Coll. by Grantz 6/19/50]
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) cf. P.(D.) muhlbachi Hyatt
(Mesozoic loc. 22450)
, Iliamna
, From lower siltstone member of Naknek formation just northeast of Scott Island at southwest tip of Iniskin Peninsula. Coll. by Grantz 6/21/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Same as 15. L. Sts. member Naknek."][Shown as locality 311 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 38'58" N., 153 deg. 24'59" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1950. East shore of Iniskin Bay in NE cor. NE1/4 sec. 19, T. 6 S., R. 24 W., about 0.3 km north of Mesozoie loc. 22449 in Iliamna (C-2) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation, 61-69 m above base of Snug Harbor Siltstone Member. Late middle to late Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 50AGz16, Upper Jurassic, siltstone member of Naknek fm., from lower part of member, from cove on east shore of Iniskin Bay N.E. of Scott Island on southwest tip of Iniskin Peninsula. Coll. by Grantz 6/21/50]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras iniskinense Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 30764)
, Iliamna
, Iliamna B-2 quad., west shore of Cook Inlet, 100 yds. north of mouth of Sunday Creek, sec. 29, T. 8 S., R. 26 W., upper part of Naknek Formation. Detterman and Reed (1980, p. B39 - Table 2) provide the following information: Fortification Bluff area. Snug Harbor Siltstone Member of Naknek Formation. Shown as locality 6 on Plate 1. [Note by R.B. Blodgett, digitization of locality 6 on Plate 1 gives approx. lat/long of 59° 26.81'N, 153° 44.49'W (NAD83/WGS84)]; R. L. Detterman, 1974. On peninsula between Ursus Cove and Bruin Bay 91 m north of mouth of Sunday Creek, northwest of Augustine Island, Iliamna (B-2) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet, southern Alaska. Naknek Formation, upper part. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 74ADt9. Upper Jurassic Naknek Fm. West shore, Kamishak Bay, Iliamna B-2 quad., Alaska. 100 yards north of mouth of Sunday Creek, sec. 29, T. 8 S., R. 26 W. Medium to massive greenish sandstone and siltstone, upper part of formation. Coll. by R.L. Detterman, 1974.]
940a of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3096)
, Iliamna
, West bank of Douglas River 1 mi. above mouth. Kamishak Bay, Alaska. Upper Jurassic, Aucella beds above unconformity. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 180 states: "West bank of Douglas River 1 mile above mouth. Lower part of bed 1 of section on p. 175, above unconformity. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; T. W. Stanton and G. C. Martin, 1904. South side of
Kamishak Bay on west bank of Douglas River about 1.6 km above its mouth, Iliamna (A-3) Quadrangle, at
head of Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.) entry: Orig. no. 940a. Jurassic-Aucella beds. Kamishak Bay, w. bank of Douglass River, 1 mile above its mouth, Cook Inlet, Alaska. Colls. Stanton, G.C. & L. Martin, July 23, 1904.]
(Mesozoic loc. 25832)
, Iliamna
, West Douglas Island [Note by R.B. Blodgett: No further information given in E&R report, however, Kirschner's transmittal sheet indicate that Kirschner (of Standard Oil Co. of California) made this collection on August 10, 1955 and he provides the coordinates of 2.0/1.1 on the Iliamna quadrangle sheet, which is an obvious error as these match with the geographic feature "Douglas Island" as he used it elsewhere. The coordinates indicate Iliamna A-8 quad., but an obvious error]; Mesozoic loc. 25832 on westernmost of two offshore islands 0.6 mile N. 35° E. of mouth of Douglas River. Buchia rugosa (Fischer) and B. mosquensis (von Buch). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 27);[USGS Mes. Cat.: 25832 CEK776. Upper Jurassic Naknek Fm. Iliamna quad., West Douglas Island, Alaskan Pen., Alaska. Coll. by Kirschner, 1955.];C. E. Kirschner, 1955. South side of Kamishak Bay on
west end of Douglas Island, Iliamna (A-3) Quadrangle,
at head of Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.):
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 25833)
, Iliamna
, Mouth Douglas River [Note by R.B. Blodgett: No further information given in E&R report; however, Kirschner's transmittal sheets indicate Kirschner (of Standard Oil. Co. of California) collected the sample on August 11, 1955 and that the locality has the coordinates of 19.8/0.9 on the Iliamna quadrangle sheet]; Mesozoic loc. 25833 near mouth of Douglas River, coordinates 19.8-0.9, Iliamna quadrangle,
head of Alaska Peninsula. Buchia rugosa (Fischer) and B. mosquensis (von Buch). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 27); C. E. Kirschner, 1955. South side of Kamishak Bay near
mouth of Douglas River, coordinates 19.8-0.9 on the
Iliamna (A-3) Quadrangle, at head of Alaska Peninsula, Naknek Formation. Early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27);[Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.: 25833. CEK787. Upper Jurassic Naknek Fm. Iliamna quad., mouth of Douglas River, Alaskan Pen., Alaska. Coordinates 19.8-0.9. Coll. by Kirschner, 1955.]
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 29253)
, Iliamna
, USGS Mesozoic locs. 24957, 25839, 29250, 29253, M5341, M 5345, and M 5348. Cliffs on south side
of Kamishak Bay extending 2-10 miles west-northwest from the mouth of Douglas River, lat 59°03'45" N. to 59°04'30" N., long 153°49'30" W. to 154°02' W., Iliamna quadrangle, head of Alaska Peninsula. Buchia rugosa (Fischer) and B. mosquensis (von Buch). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 27);Marvin Mangus, 1965. South side of Kamishak Bay about 1.6 km from beach and 19.5 km S. 67° E. of VABM McNeil, Iliamna (A-3) Quadrangle, at head of Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 29253 (65AP363). Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. South side of Kamishak Bay about 1 mile from beach & 12.2 miles S67°E of VABM McNeil, Iliamna quad., Alaska Pen. Coll. by Mangus, 1965]
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. 29899)
, Iliamna
, Section unknown; approximately same position as 14828-1; east tip of same island as 14828-1; 1 mile N. 40 deg. E. of mouth of Douglas River. Lat. 59 deg. 04'20" N., long. 153 deg. 44'50" W.; USGS Mesozoic loc. 29899. On east tip of westernmost island 1 mile N. 40°E. of mouth of Douglas River, lat 59°64'20" N., long 153°44'50" W. Iliamna quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula. Buchia concentrica (Sowerby) and Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); Continental Oil Company, 1967. South side of Kamishak Bay on east tip of westernmost island that is 1.6 km N. 40° E. of mouth of Douglas River, Iliamna (A-3) Quadrangle, at head of Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: 29899 (14828-2) Naknek Formation, Upper Jurassic. On east tip of westernmost island one mile N40°E of mouth of Douglas River. Lat. 59°04'20" N., Long. 153°44'50" W. at head of Alaska Peninsula]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) cf. P.(D.) muhlbachi Hyatt
(Mesozoic loc. 26003)
, Mt Katmai
, Mt. Katmai quad. Kamishak River [Note by R.B. Blodgett, no additional information given in E&R report, however, Kirschner in his transmittal sheets gives the coordinates of this locality on the Mt. Katmai quad. sheet as 16.0/13.3, and notes that it was collected by himself (an employee then of the Standard Oil. Co. of California, on Aug. 14, 1955]; C. E. Kirschner, 1955. On ridge east of the Kamishak
River, coordinates 16.0-13.3. Mt. Katmai Quadrangle on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian.(description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): CEK 800. Upper Jurassic. Naknek Fm. Mt. Katmai Quad., Kamishak River, Coordinates 16.0-13.3, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. Collector: C.E. Kirschner, 1955]
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 29254)
, Afognak
, USGS Mesozoic locs. 24956, 29249, 29254 on west shore of Kaguyak Bay. Mesozoic loc. 24956 is 1 mile north of abandoned village of Kaguyak, coordinates 0.82, 10.38; Mesozoic loc. 29254 is on small island 0.7 mile -S. 18° E. of abandoned village, Afognak quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula. Buchia mosquensis(von Buch) and B. rugosa (Fischer). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 27); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 29524 (65AP375). Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. From small island 0.7 miles S18°E of abandoned site of Kaguyak, Afognak quad., Alaska Pen. Coll. by Mangus, 1965]; Marvin Mangus, 1965. From small island 1.1 km S. 18° E. of abandoned site of Kaguyak in the Shelikof Strait, Afognak Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Early Tithonian (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. 29255)
, Afognak
, Marvin Mangus, 1965. From same island as USGS Mesozoic loc. 29254. Naknek Formation. Early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 29255 (65AP376). Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. From same island as 29254. Coll. by M. Mangus, 1965.]
F of C.N. Fenner, 1919
(Mesozoic loc. 10249)
, Mt Katmai
, East arm of Naknek Lake, near Savanoski Camp. Sandstone in place and in loos slabs on lake short. C.N. Fenner, 1919. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211); C. N. Fenner, 1919. From sandstone in place and in loose slabs on shore south of Iliuk Arm of Naknek Lake near Savanoski camp (abandoned), Mt. Katmai Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): page (p. 126) missing]
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
4 of W.R. Smith, 1923
(Mesozoic loc. 12077)
, Mt Katmai
, East side of Kejulik Pass, below Gas Creek. W.R. Smith, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C) entry: 12077. Orig. No. 4. Jurassic-Naknek. East side of Kejulic Pass below Gas Creek, Cold Bay, Katmai, SW. Alaska, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. W.R. Smith, 1923.]; W. R. Smith, 1923. East side of Kejulik Pass below Gas Creek, Mt. Katmai Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
L.M. No. 3 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3124)
, Mt Katmai
, West side of Katmai Bay 2 1/2 mi. SW. of village. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 211 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay 2 1/2 miles southwest of village, or half a mile south of lagoon. Talus of dark sandy shale that is somewhat higher than the beds that yielded lot 3101. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [West side of Katmai Bay 2 1/2 miles southwest of village, or half a mile south of lagoon. Talus of dark sandy shale that is somewhat higher than the beds that yielded lot 3101. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3124. Orig. no. 3. Jurassic. W. side of Katmai Bay, 1/2 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.] [Note discrepancy in loc. description with that given in Martin, 1926]; Lawrence Martin, 1904. West side of Katmai Bay, 0.8 km north of camp on west side of Shelikof Strait, Mt.
Katmai Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Late Oxfordian to early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 3124. Orig. no. 3. Jurassic. W. side Katmai Bay, 1/2 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904, N.B. 2, p. 29.]
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
Phylloceras iniskinense Imlay, n. sp.
L.M. No. 5a [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3128)
, Mt Katmai
, Same as 3127 [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay. Talus at same locality as 3127. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [West side of Katmai Bay. Talus at same locality as 3127. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]; [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C.) entry: 3128. Orig. No. 5a. Jurassic. S. shore Katmai Bay, 1 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Straits Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.]; Lawrence Martin, 1904. On north shore of Katmai Bay, 1.6 km north of camp on west side of Shelikof Strait, Mt. Katmai Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
L.M. No. 12 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3136)
, Karluk
, 25 ft. E. of 3135. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "Creek entering marshes at head of Cold Bay, about 25 feet east of 3135. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; USGS Mesozoic locs. 3133-3136, 10825, 11333, 12276, 21353, and many others. Puale Bay area, Karluk quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula (Martin, 1926, p. 212-218); Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C.) entry: 3136. Orig. no. 12. Jurassic. Creek entering marshes head of Cold Bay about a mile from the head. 1/2 mile up Creek (see sta. 9, N.B. 3, p. 16) 25 ft. E. of No. 11, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 28, 1904]; Lawrence Martin, 1904. From 0.8 km up creek entering marshes at head of Puale Bay, Karluk (D-5) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Late middle Oxfordian or Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 10795)
, Ugashik
, About 1,000 feet above base of Naknek shale, 3 miles southeast of Mount Lee and 1 mile west of shore of Becharof Lake. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C): 10795. Orig. No. 1-82. Jurassic-Naknek. 1000' more or less above base of Naknek shale 3 miles SE of Mt. Lee, and 1 mile west of shore of Becharof Lake, Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]; S. R. Capps, 1921. 1.6 km west of shore of Becharof Lake, and 4.8 km southeast of Mt. Lee, Ugashik (C-l) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation, about 305 m above its base. Lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 10796)
, Ugashik
, About 1,000 feet above base of Naknek shale, three-fourths of a mile southeast of I-82. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C): 10796. Orig. No. 1-83. Jurassic-Naknek. 1000' more or less above base of Naknek shale, 3/4 mile SE of 1-82, Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]; S. R. Capps, 1921. 1.6 km southeast of Mesozoic loc. 10795, Ugashik (C-l) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation, about 305 m above its base. Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) cf. P.(D.) muhlbachi Hyatt
(Mesozoic loc. 10798)
, Ugashik
, USGS Mesozoic loc. 10798. Five miles southeast of Mount Peulik, west of Puale Bay and north of Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Cardioceras cf. C. canadense Whiteaves. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 10798. Orig. No. I-89. Jurassic. Naknek. Five miles S.E. of Mt. Peulik, Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921]; S. R. Capps, 1921. Eight km south of Mt. Peulik, Ugashik (C-2) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Early to early middle Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Cardioceras (Vertebriceras) whiteavesi Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 10817)
, Ugashik
, Southeast shore of Becharof Lake between extreme south end of lake and the fish village. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 10817. Orig. No. 1-122. Jurassic-Naknek. SE shore of Becharof Lake, between extreme S. end of lake and the fish village, Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]; S. R. Capps, 1921. Southeast shore of Becharof Lake between extreme south end of lake and the fishing village, Ugashik (C-l) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 31492)
, Sutwik Island
, Jim Case and Tom Ovenshine, 1978. On hill 154 m high about 3.2 km northwest of ocean in SE cor. sec. 3, T. 38 S., R. 49, Sutwik Island (D-4) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Staniukovich Formation. Late Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 28); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.) entry: 31492 (78ACe34) Upper Jurassic. Staniukovich Fm. SE corner sec. 3, T. 38 S., R. 49 W., Sutwik Island (D-4) quad., Alaska Peninsula. Coll. by Jim Case and Tom Ovenshine, 1978]
Phylloceras cf. P. knoxvillensis Stanton
33 of W.R. Smith, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 11359)
, Chignik
, W. R. Smith, 1922. Gates of Crater Aniakchak at head of Aniakchak River. West-central part of sec. 8, T. 38 S., R. 55 W., Chignik (D-l) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 28); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.) entry: Orig. no. 33. Gates of Crater, head of Aniskohak River, Alaska. Coll. W.R. Smith, Augst 30, 1922]
(Mesozoic loc. 25708)
, Chignik
, no description given in Imlay E&R report (9/30/55). Listed as "Upper Jurassic (Naknek fm.) locality near Chignik Lagoon"; USGS Mesozoic loc. 25696, 25698, 25708, 25710, 25711, 25713-25715. Chignik Bay area, Chignik quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula. Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington D.C.) entry: 25709. 55AKe12. Upper Jurassic-Naknek Fm. Gray green slabby cal. siltst. & thin ls. near top of upper 100' of Naknek Fm. on beach on north side of Chignik Lagoon, Alaskan Pen., Alaska. Coll. by Keller & Cass, 1955]; A. S. Keller, 1955. Beach on north side of Chignik Lagoon. East-central part of sec. 33, T. 44 S., R. 59 W., Chignik (B-2) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. From green slabby calcareous siltstone and thin beds of limestone near top of upper 30.5 m of exposed Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 28)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 25709)
, Chignik
, no description given in Imlay E&R report (9/30/55). Listed as "Upper Jurassic (Naknek fm.) locality near Chignik Lagoon"; A. S. Keller, 1955. Same place as USGS Mesozoic loc.
25708 but from near middle of upper 30.5 m of exposed Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 28); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 25709. 55AKe13. Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. Near middle of upper 100' of Naknek Fm. on beach on north side of Chignik Lagoon, Alaska Pen., Alaska]
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 25710)
, Chignik
, no description given in Imlay E&R report (9/30/55). Listed as "Upper Jurassic (Naknek fm.) locality near Chignik Lagoon"; USGS Mesozoic loc. 25696, 25698, 25708, 25710, 25711, 25713-25715. Chignik Bay area, Chignik quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula. Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 25710. 55AKe14. Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. Near base of upper 150' of Naknek on beach on north side of Chignik Lagoon, Alaskan Pen., Alaska. Coll. by Keller & Cass, 1955]; A. S. Keller, 1955. Same place as USGS Mesozoic loc. 25708 but from near base of upper 30.5 m of exposed Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 28)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 25712)
, Chignik
, no description given in Imlay E&R report (9/30/55). Listed as "Upper Jurassic (Naknek fm.) locality near Chignik Lagoon"; A. S. Keller, 1955. Beach on north side of Chignik Lagoon. About 0.5 km west of USGS Mesozoic loc. 25708 in north-central part of SE1/4 sec. 33, T. 44 S., R. 59 W., Chignik (B-2) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 28); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 25712. 55AKe16a. Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. About 45' above base of Naknek on beach on north side of Chignik Lagoon, Alaska Pen., Alaska. Coll. by Keller & Cass, 1955]
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 25713)
, Chignik
, no description given in Imlay E&R report (9/30/55). Listed as "Upper Jurassic (Naknek fm.) locality near Chignik Lagoon"; USGS Mesozoic loc. 25696, 25698, 25708, 25710, 25711, 25713-25715. Chignik Bay area, Chignik quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula. Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 25713. 55AKe17. Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. From 50' of gray-green slabby siltstone containing ls. as concretions & thin beds about 45-90 feet above base of Naknek on beach of north side of Chignik Lagoon, Alaskan Pen. Alaska. Coll. by Keller & Cass, 1955.]; A. S. Keller, 1955. Same place as USGS Mesozoic loc.
25712 but from 15 m of gray-green slabby siltstone containing calcareous concretions and thin beds of limestone from 14-27 m above lowermost part of the Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 28)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 25715)
, Chignik
, no description given in Imlay E&R report (9/30/55). Listed as "Upper Jurassic (Naknek fm.) locality near Chignik Lagoon"; USGS Mesozoic loc. 25696, 25698, 25708, 25710, 25711, 25713-25715. Chignik Bay area, Chignik quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula. Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 25715. 55AKe19. Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. From 165 to 205 feet above base of Naknek Fm. on beach on north side of Chignik Lagoon, Alaskan Pen., Alaska. Coll. by Keller & Cass, 1955]; A. S. Keller, 1955. Same place as USGS Mesozoic loc. 25712 but from 50-63 m above lowermost exposures. Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 28)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 5799a)
, Chignik
, W. W. Atwood, 1908. Opposite Alaska Packers cannery on north side of Chignik Lagoon. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 28); USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington D.C.) entry: 5799A. Upper Jurassic. near no. 58 (5799). Chignik Bay Region, Alaska (descr. for 5799 (Orig. no. 58. Upper Cretaceous. Chignik Lagoon, about opposite Alaska Packers Cannery, Cannery Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. H.M. Eakin. Aug. 26, 1908. N.B. IV, p. 32.]
Phylloceras alaskanum Imlay, n. sp.