not given
, Charley River
, Yukon River, three-quarters of a mile below Coal Creek. Collector, A.H. Brooks, 1906. (description from Mertie, 1937, p. 152); [No locality description given, Shown as map number 18 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of E.M. Kindle" of Dover and Miyaoka (1988)]
Streptorhynchus cf. S. pelargonata
Productus cf. P. koninckianus
Productus cf. P. transversalis
Marginifera? cf. M. splendens
Spirifer cf. S. cameratus
Spiriferella cf. S. artiensis
Squamularia cf. S. perplexa
not given
, Charley River
, Yukon River, south bank just below Coal Creek. Collector, Eliot Blackwelder, 1915. (description from Mertie, 1937, p. 152); [No locality description given, shown as map number 24 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of E. Blackwelder" in Dover & Miyaoka, 1988]
not given
, Charley River
, Yukon River, south bank three-quarters of mile below mouth of Coal Creek. Collector, G.H. Girty, 1918. (description from Mertie, 1937, p. 152); [No locality description given, shown as map number 25 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of G.H. Girty" in Dover & Miyaoka, 1988]
not given
, Charley River
, Yukon River, southwest bank about three-quarters of a mile downstream from mouth of Coal Creek. Collector, J.B. Mertie, Jr., 1925. (description from Mertie, 1937, p. 152); [No locality description given, shown as map number 27 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of J.B. Mertie" in Dover & Miyaoka, 1988]
, Charley River
, Shown as map number 31 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of D.M. Hopkins" in Dover & Miyaoka (1988)
Indet. bryozoan fragments
Indet. orthotetid brachiopod (perhaps Derbyia)
Indet. brachiopod fragments
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as map number 56 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of E.E. Brabb" in Dover & Miyaoka (1988)
, Charley River
, No description given, shown as map number 60 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of E.E. Brabb" in Dover & Miyaoka (1988)
, Charley River
, Shown as map number 65 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of E.E. Brabb" in Dover & Miyaoka (1988)
Poorly preserved brachiopods
, Charley River
, No description given, shown as map number 70 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of E.E. Brabb" in Dover & Miyaoka (1988)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as map number 77 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of E.E. Brabb" in Dover & Miyaoka (1988)
, Charley River
, Unnamed clastic unit with thin limestone interbeds; Charley River C-6 Quad., lat. 65°30.2'N, long. 143°34.6'W. (from E&R report); [No locality description given, shown as map number 78 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of E.E. Brabb" in Dover & Miyaoka (1988)]
indet. punctate spiriferoid
, Charley River
, Unnamed clastic unit; Charley River B-6 Quad., lat. 65°29.4' N., long. 143°34.3' W. (description from E&R report); [No locality description, shown as map number 79 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of E.E. Brabb" in Dover & Miyaoka, 1988]
Collier 27
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 1 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: Indeterminate, loc. isn't visible on Sheet 2. [not visible on the sheet]
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 2 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°21'54" N., 143°18'47"' W.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 3 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°21'35" N., 143° 25'11" W.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 4 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°22'04" N., 143°27'30" W.
XIV j 22
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 5 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°54'33" N., 141°00'10'' W.
XIV j 25
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 6 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°55'20" N., 141°01'17" W.
XIV k 25
(none assigned)
, No locality description given, shown as locality 7 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°55'22" N., 143°03'01" W.
XIV q 31
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 8 on map, br>Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65º56'48" N., 143°03'27" W.
Aucella crassicollis Keyserling
XIV r 43
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 9 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°57'38"' N., 143°04'26" W.
XIV s 4
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 10 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°50' 42" N., 141°04'20" W.
XIV s 43
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 11 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°59'29" N, 143°04'37" W.
XV j 30
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 12 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°46'26" N., 143°00'10" W.
Aucella crassicollis Keyserling
XV l 30
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 13 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°46'26"' N., 143°00'39" W.
Aucella crassicollis Keyserling
not given
(USGS loc. 842-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given in Dover and Miyaoka, 1988, shown as locality 15 on map. Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°21'20" N, 143°22'40" .
Ambocoelia cf. A. umbonata
none given
(USGS loc. 846-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 16 on map of Dover and Miyaoka, 1988. Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°21'20" N., 143°22'40" W.
not given
(USGS Mes. loc. 3784)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 19 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°19'47" N., 142°54'55"' W.
none given
(USGS loc.. 847-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 17 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°27'30" N., 143°40'58" W.
none given
(USGS loc. 841-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 14 on map. Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°21'54" N., 143°18'47" W.
Stropheodonta cf. S. calvini
No Data
(USGS loc. 156-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 20 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°20'36"' N., 143°15'31" W.
Favosites cf. F. limitaris
No Data
(USGS loc. 168-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 20 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°20'36"' N., 143°15'31" W.
Favosites cf. F. hemisphericus
No Data
(USGS loc. 169-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 20 on map. Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°20'36"' N., 143°15'31" W.
No Data
(USGS loc. 170-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 20 on map. Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°20'36"' N., 143°15'31" W.
Favosites cf. F. limitaris
Reticularia fimbriata var.
No Data
(USGS loc. 171-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 21 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°21'26" N., 143°24'37"W.
Favosites cf. F. hemisphericus
Favosites cf. F. limitaris
No Data
(USGS loc. 172-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 22 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°21'54" N., 143°18'47" W.
No Data
(USGS loc. 173-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 23 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°27'42" N., 143°42'03" W.
No Data
(USGS loc. 174-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 23 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°27'42"' N., 143°42'03" W.
No Data
(USGS loc. 2065-SD)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 26 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°21'20"' N., 143°32'40" W.
(USGS Mes. loc. 13429)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 28 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65'20'25", N., 143°20'06" W.
Aucella cf. A. crassicollis Keyserling
(Mesozoic loc. 18068)
, Charley River
, (SW1/4NE1/4 641) Devonian?, west side of Woodchopper Creek, about 2 1/4 miles from mouth of creek, Circle-Fortymile district. [Dover & Miyaoka 1968 states: No locality description given, shown as locality 29 on map: Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°18'52' N., 143°24''43" W.]
(USGS Mes. loc. 18069-PC)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 30 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°20'11' N., 143°24'39" W.
60ABa 791
(Mesozoic loc. M1021)
, Charley River
, West bank Kandik River about 3 1/2 miles west of U. S. - Canadian border. (from Jones E&R) No locality description given, shown as locality 32 on map of Dover & Miyaoka, 1988 Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°48'57' N., 143°07'46" W.
Pelecypods, poorly preserved
60ABa 797
(Mesozoic loc. M1022)
, Charley River
, West bank of Kandik River, about 2 miles upstream from mouth of Big Sitdown Cr. (description from E&R); No locality description given in Dover & Miyaoka, 1988, shown as locality 33 on map. Collections and observations of E.E. Brabb. Collection deposited in the U.S. National Museum (Smithsonian Institution. Fossils identified by J.E. Reeside. Digitization of map point yields 65°45'14" N., 141°15'15"W.
Buchia cf. B. crassicollis
60ABa 1063
, Charley River
, Grayish-black, fine- to coarse-grained, fetid limestone. Contains abundant fossils including brachiopods, bryozoa or corals, and Pelmatozoa columnals. Mapped as Woodchopper volcanics (Middle Devonian) by Mertie (see USGS Bull 616, p. 78-60). Charley River B-5 quad.; north bank Yukon River opposite Woodchopper Roadhouse.(from original E&R report); [Dover & Miyaoka, 1988 has no locality description given, shown as locality 35 on map, lat./long based on digitization of map location: 65º21'54" N, 143º18'47". Collection from collections of Earl Brabb. Kept in the U.S. National Museum (Smithsonian Institution), Washington, D.C.
Plethorhyncha? sp.(may be undetermined uncinuloid)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as map number 34 on Sheet 2 under "Collections of E.E. Brabb" in Dover & Miyaoka (1988). Lat./long based on digitization of map location: 65º21.071" N, 143º08.603'. Deposited in the U.S. National Musuem (Smithsonian Institution), Washington, D.C. Fossils identified by E.E. Brabb.
Fossils, including bryozoa
60ABa 1064
, Charley River
, Dark-gray, fine-grained limestone with brachiopods, Pelmatozoa columnals, bryozoa, and favositid-like corals. Mapped as Woodchopper volcanics (M. Dev.) by Mertie. Charley River B-5 quad.; south bank Yukon River, approx. 3.7 miles downstream from Woodchopper Roadhouse. [Shown as locality 36 on Sheet 2 of Dover & Miyaoka, 1988, but no locality description given. Collection kept in U.S. National Museum (Natural History), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Collections of E.E. Brabb.]
indet. fenestrate bryozoans
Plasmophyllum (Mesophyllum) sp.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 37 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°27'21"' N., 143°40'59" W.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 38 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°27'15" N., 143°41"08" W.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, Lower Miss.(?) shale; northeast valley slope of Yukon River. (from E&R report); [No locality description given, shown as locality 39 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°33'24" N., 143°41'10" W.]
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 40 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°35'05" N., 143°52'15" W.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 41 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°20'45" N., 143°07'14" W.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 42 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°18'36" N., 143°08'46"' W.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 43 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°18'51" N., 143°07'15" W.
60ABa 1203
(Mesozoic loc. M1025)
, Charley River
, Jurassic(?) limestone; fossil found in float at base of limestone slope on west side of the Woodchopper Creek valley. (from E&R report); [No locality description given, shown as locality 44 on map , already have lat. Long. from earlier entry.
60ABa 1206
(Mesozoic loc. M1023)
, Charley River
, East bank of Woodchopper Creek about 1 mile, airline, south of mouth. (from E&R report); [No locality description given, shown as locality 45 on map of Dover & Miyaoka, 1988 (sheet 2).]
Buchia "sublaevis" Keyserling
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 46 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°17'08"' N., 143°12'26"' W.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 47 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°17'03" N., 143°12'28" W.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 48 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°19'19" N., 143°19'26" W.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 49 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°20'11'"N., 143°24'39" W.
(USGS loc. M1266)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 50 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°20'00'' N., 143°13'20" W.
(none assigned)
, Charley River
, No locality description given, shown as locality 51 on map Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65°23'47'' N., 143°33'37' W.