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Authors: |
Detterman, Robert L.
Hartsock, John K.
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Date: |
/1966 |
Title: |
Geology of the Iniskin-Tuxedni Region, Alaska [last half of single issue publication] |
512 , , 78 p., 6 pls. |
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U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper: |
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Article\Abst.\Chapter\report |
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(Mesozoic loc. 21318)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 126 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Imlay, 1982, p. 14 provides following description: "R.W. Imlay and D.J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, on Tonnie Creek 1 to 1.05 miles (1.6 km) S. 51 deg. E. of Tonnie Peak. Same location as USGS Mesozoic loc. 27099. Twist Creek Siltstone. 50-125 ft (15-38 m) above base."]; [21318 R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula on Tonnie Creek 1.0 to 1.05 miles S 51'°E of Tonnie Peak, Bowser member of the Tuxedni formation, 50 to 125 feet above base. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 469)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 21318. Orig. no. 48AI35. Middle Jurassic-Tuxedni Fm. Bowser Memb. Same geographic location as no. 21292. Tonnie Creek 1.00 to 1.05 miles S. 51° E. of Tonnie Peak. Small limestone concretions in gray siltstone, 50 to 125 feet above the base of the Bowser Member. Same location U.S.G.S. Mes. loc. no. 20001. July 18, 1948]
Amberleya cf. A. densinodosa Huddleston
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Oppelia (Liroxyites) kellumi Imlay
Megasphaeroceras rotundum Imlay
Megasphaeroceras cf. M. rotundum Imlay
Dettermanites vigorosus Imlay
Leptosphinctes (Prosisphinctes?) delicatus Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 27099)
, Iliamna
, Bowser member of Tuxedni formation. 75-100 feet above base. (description from Imlay E&R report of 12/30/58; Shipment A-58-14) [Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated Nov. 24, 1958, provides following description: "Bowser member; 75-100 feet above base; rusty weathering silty shale with siltstone interbeds and small limy conc., Tonnie Creek, 0.81 mi. N. 55 deg. W. of I.B.A. No. 1; Coords. 9.12-12.18, 59 deg. 45'30"N., 153 deg. 15'05"W."][Shown as locality 126 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Imlay, 1982, p. 14 provides following description: "R.L. Detterman, 1958. Iniskin Peninsula, on Tonnie Creek 0.81 mile N. 55 deg. W. of Iniskin Bay Association No. 1 well. Lat. 59 deg. 45'30" N., long. 153 deg. 15'05" W. Same location as USGS Mesozoic loc. 21318. Twist Creek Siltstone, 75-100 ft (23-30 m) above base."]; [27099 R. L. Detterman, 1958. Iniskin Peninsula on Tonnie Creek 0.81 mile N 55° W of Iniskin Bay Association No. 1 well. Bowser member of the Tuxedni formation, 75 to 100 feet above base. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 469)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 27099. 57ADt2. Upper Jurassic. Bowser Member of Tuxedni fm. 75-100' above base. Silty shale, rusty weathering, with siltst. interbeds & small limy core. Tonnie Ck., 0.81 mile N55°W of IBA #1 well. Coords. 9.12, 12.18. Lat. 59°45'30" N., Long. 153°15'05" W. R.L. Detterman 1958.]
Amberleya cf. A. densinodosa Huddleston
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Oppelia (Liroxyites) kellumi Imlay
Megasphaeroceras rotundum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 20001)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 129 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Imlay, 1982, p. 14 provides following description: "Helmuth Wedow, Jr., and L.B. Kellum, 1944. Iniskin Peninsula, on northeast side of Tonnie Creek about 200 ft (61 m) downstream from top of a cascade, which is 0.9 mile (1.4 km) S. 48 deg. E. of Tonnie Peak. Twist Creek Siltstone, about 100 ft (30.5 m) above base."][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Jurassic - Tuxedni, Bowser. Orig. no. 44AWWF68. SW Alaska, Cook Inlet Region, Iniskin Peninsula. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek about 200 feet downstream from top of lower cascade mentioned in loc. 19999. The top of the cascade is about 0.9 mile S 55 deg. E from Tonnie Peak. 100 feet above base of Bowser mbr. Concretions in shale series. Collected by Wedow and Kellum, Sept. 26, 1944."]; [20001 Helmuth Wedow, Jr., and L. B. Kellum 1944. Iniskin Peninsula, northeast side of Tonnie Creek 0.9 mile S 48° E of Tonnie Peak. Bowser member of Tuxedni formation, about 100 feet above base. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 469)]
Amberleya cf. A. densinodosa Huddleston
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Oppelia (Liroxyites) kellumi Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 20754)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 130 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46Akr177. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2.0 N 32 W of Front Mt. (Lat. 59 deg. 44.5' N., Long. 153 deg. 14.5 W). Lower middle Bowser member - fine-grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner, August 2, 1946"]
(Mesozoic loc. 21314)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 125 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 06'15" N., 152 deg. 43'39" W.][Imlay, 1982, p. 13 provides the following description: "R.W. Inlay and D.J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, on Cliff Creek 3.66 miles (5.8 km) N. 87 deg. E. of Tonnie Peak. Same location as USGS Mesozoic locs. 11034 and 19934. Twist Creek Siltstone, 10-100 ft (3-30 m) above base."]; [21314 R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948.
Iniskin Peninsula. Same as Mes. Loc. 11034. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 469)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 21314. Orig. No. 48AI30. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. Bowser Member. Geographical location same as no. 21292. Cliff Creek 3.66 miles N. 87° E. of Tonnie Peak. Small limestone concretions in gray siltstone, 10 to 75 ft above the base of the member, Same location as USGS Mes. Loc. nos. 11034 & 19934. July 16, 1948]
Amberleya cf. A. densinodosa Huddleston
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Macrophylloceras cf. M. grossicostatum Imlay
Oppelia (Liroxyites) kellumi Imlay
Megasphaeroceras rotundum Imlay
Dettermanites vigorosus Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21315)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 124 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Imlay, 1982, p. 13 provides the following description: "R.W. Imlay and D.J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, on Cliff Creek near USGS Mesozoic locs. 21313 and 19943. Twist Creek Siltstone, float from lower 175 ft. (53 m).; [21315 R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula on Cliff Creek near Mes. loc. 21313. Bowser member of the Tuxedni formation, float from lower 175 feet. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 469)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 21315. Orig. No. 48AI31. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm., Bowser Memb. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Cliff Creek near location of lots 211313 (48AI29), 21314 (48AI30), Float, from lower 175 feet of Bowser Memb. July 16, 1948]
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Oppelia (Liroxyites) kellumi Imlay
Megasphaeroceras rotundum Imlay
Megasphaeroceras cf. M. rotundum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21313)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 124 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Imlay, 1982, p. 13 provides the following description: "R.W. Imlay and D.J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, on Cliff Creek just below a cascade. Same location and stratigraphic position as USGS Mesozoic locs. 11036 and 19943."]; [21313 R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula. Same as Mes. Loc. 11036. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 469)];[USGS Mes. Cat.: 21313. Orig. no. 48AI29. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. - Bowser M. Same geographical loc. as no. 21292. Cliff Creek, 3.60 miles N. 88° E . of Tonnie Peak. Small limestone concretions in gray siltstone 125 to 175 feet above the base of the member and just below waterfalls. Same location as U.S.G.S. Mes. Loc. No. 11036, 19943. July 16, 1948]
Amberleya cf. A. densinodosa Huddleston
Macrophylloceras cf. M. grossicostatum Imlay
Oppelia (Liroxyites) kellumi Imlay
Megasphaeroceras rotundum Imlay
Leptosphinctes cliffensis Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 19943)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 124 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Imlay, 1982, p. 13 provides the following description: "Helmuth Wedow, Jr., 1944. Iniskin Peninsula, on Cliff Creek about 200 ft (67 m) downstream from a prominent cascade, 1 1/4 miles (2 km) above junction with Fitz Creek and 3.35 miles (5.3 km) east of Tonnie Peak. Twist Creek Siltstone, 125-175 km (38-53 m) above base."]; [19943 Helmuth Wedow, Jr., 1944. Iniskin Peninsula, on Cliff Creek 1 1/2 miles above junction with Fitz Creek and 3.35 miles east of Tonnie Peak. Bowser member of the Tuxedni formation, 125 to 175 feet above base. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 468)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 19943. 44AWW 12. Tuxedni - Bowser member. SW Alaska, Cook Inlet region, Iniskin Peninsula. Cliff Creek about 200 ft. downstream from Prominent Cascade (McCann Falls) which is about 1.25 miles upstream from its confluence with Fitz Creek or 3.5 miles N 85 E of Tonnie Peak. Strat. Pos. 400 ft. above the base of the Bowser. Lithology - Gray sandy shale with thin beds of coarse grained sandstone with calc. concretions. Coll. H. Wedow. July 1944.]
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Oppelia (Liroxyites) kellumi Imlay
Megasphaeroceras rotundum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 19934)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 127 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Imlay, 1982, p. 13 provides following description: "Helmuth Wedow, Jr., 1944. Iniskin Peninsula, small tributary on right side of Cliff Creek about 5,100 ft (1,554 m) above junction with Fitz Creek and 2.42 miles (3.9 km) S. 14 deg. W. of mouth of Fitz Creek. Twist Creek Siltstone, about 85 ft (26 m) above base."]; [19934 Helmuth Wedow, Jr., 1944, Iniskin Peninsula, small tributary on right side of Cliff Creek, 2.42 miles S 14° W of mouth of Fitz Creek. Bowser member of the Tuxedni formation, about 85 feet above base. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 468)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 19934. 44AWW F-3. Jurassic -Tuxedni, Bowser member. SW Alaska, Cook Inlet, Iniskin Peninsual. Mouth of small tributary on the right side of Cliff Creek, about 5100 ft. upstream from the confluence of Cliff and Fitz creeks and 2.55 miles S 14° W of mouth of Fitz Creek. Strat. Pos. 85 ft. above base of Bowser member of Tuxedni. Lithology - Sandy shale interbedded with siltstone and calcareous concretions.] Collector not listed, but obviously H. Wedow based on adjacent entries.
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
Megasphaeroceras cf. M. rotundum Imlay
Dettermanites vigorosus Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 26593)
, Iliamna
, Bowser member of Tuxedni Formation. 20 feet below lowermost sandstone on Cliff Creek. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/22/58; Shipment A-58-1)[Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated 12/18/57 provides following description: "Bowser member of Tuxedni formation; 20 feet below lowermost sandstone; rust-brown weathering silty shale; Cliff Creek; Coords: 11.58-13.21, 59 deg. 46'20"N, 153 deg. 11'W, Section 3, T.58S-R.23.W."][Shown as locality 131 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Imlay, 1982, provides the following description: "R.L. Detterman, 1957. Iniskin Peninsula, on Cliff Creek near USGS Mesozoic loc. 21313, lat. 59 deg. 49'20" N., long. 153 deg. 11'00" W. Twist Creek Siltstone, 200 ft (61 m) above base." (Note by R.B. Blodgett: the lat. 59 deg. 49'20" is incorrect; judging by the map location in Detterman and Hartsock, the earlier given of 59 deg. 46'20" appears to be correct)]; [26593 R. L. Detterman, 1957. Inisikin Peninsula on Cliff Creek near Mes loc. 21313. Bowser member of the Tuxedni formation, 200 feet above base. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 469)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 26593. 57ADt5. Bowser Member of Tuxedni Fm. Middle? Jurassic. 20' below lowermost ss & about 200' above Cynthia Falls Mem. Rust brown weathering silty sh. on Cliff Ck. Coords. 11.58-13.21. Lat. 59° 46'20", Long. 153° 11'00" W., Sec. 3, T. 5 S., R. 23 W., Iniskin Pen., Alaska. Coll. by Detterman, 1957]
Macrophylloceras cf. M. grossicostatum Imlay
Megasphaeroceras rotundum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21310)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 134 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI3. Middle Jurassic-Tuxedni Fm. Bowser member. Same geographic location as no. 21292. On gulch described under lot 21308 (48AI1), & same location as no. 21309. From sandstone about 500 feet above the base of the Bowser member. July 8, 1948."]
(Mesozoic loc. 22709)
, Kenai
, 0.3 mile above mouth of tributary described under 50 AGz139. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 128 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 06'15" N., 152 deg. 43'34" W.][Imlay, 1982, p. 13 provides the following description: "Arthur Grantz, 1951, Tuxedni Bay area, about 0.3 mile (0.5 km) above mouth of tributary entering Bear Creek from southeast at a point 2.53 miles (4 km) from Tuxedni channel. Twist Creek Siltstone, about 100 ft (30.5 m) above base."]; [22709 Arthur Grantz, 1951. Tuxedni Bay area, 0.3 mile above mouth of tributary entering Bear Creek from southeast at point 2.53 miles from Tuxedni channel. Bowser member of the Tuxedni formation, about 100 feet above base. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 469)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 22709 - Jurassic-Alaska - 51AGz-140. Aug. 24, 1951 - Bowser. 0.3 miles from the mouth of tributary described in #22706.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22710)
, Kenai
, 0.36 mile above mouth of tributary described under 50AGz139. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 132 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 06'11" N., 152 deg. 43'29" W.][Imlay, 1982, p. 13 provides the following description: "Arthur Grantz, 1951. Tuxedni Bay area, about 0.5 mile (0.8 km) above mouth of same tributary described under Mesozoic loc. 22709, Twist Creek Siltstone, about 260 ft (79.6 m) above base."]
Amberleya cf. A. densinodosa Huddleston
(Mesozoic loc. 21282)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 133 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 06'26" N., 152 deg. 42'40" W.][Imlay, 1982, p. 13 provides following description: "R.W. Imlay and D.J. Miller, 1948. Tuxedni Bay area, on tributary entering Bear Creek from the southeast, 4.75 miles (7.6 km) S. 22 deg. W. of Fossil Point. Twist Creek Siltstone, 300 ft. (91 m) above base."];[21282 R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Tuxedni Bay area, on tributary entering Bear Creek from the southeast 4.75 miles S 22° W of Fossil Point. Bowser member of the Tuxedni formation, about 300 feet above base. (description from Imlay, 1961, p. 469)]
Amberleya cf. A. densinodosa Huddleston
Oppelia (Liroxyites) kellumi Imlay
Megasphaeroceras rotundum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 20736)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 141 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 43'08" N., 153 deg. 21'39" W.][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni Formation. 46AMd32. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 5.2 mi N. 70 deg. W. of Front Mt. Upper Bowser member, medium grained sandstone. Coll. Minard. July 2, 1946"]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites?) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 20739)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 154 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 42'54" N., 153 deg. 21'46" W.][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr134. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 4.65 mi. N. 72 W. of Front Mt. Upper Bowser member medium grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 7, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 20740)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 158 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 42'42" N., 153 deg. 21'51" W.][Entry (card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality registrer provides following description: "Mesozoic - Upper Tuxedni formation. 135. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 4.65 mi. N 75 deg. W of Front Mt. Medium grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 7, 1946" - Note by R.B. Blodgett, register gives number as "135", but as preceding USGS Mesozoic loc. number had 46AKr134 as its field number, it seems logical to conclude that this locality is 46AKr135]
(Mesozoic loc. 20738)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 159 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 42'52" N., 153 deg. 21'38" W.][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr133. Upper Bowser Member, Cook Inlet, Alaska 4.65 mi N 72 deg. W of Front Mt. Upper Bowser member medium grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 7, 1946"]
(Mesozoic loc. 22537)
, Iliamna
, Tuxedni formation, probably Bowser member. Pt. 12F on first tributary to Portage Creek north from Right Arm of Iniskin Bay, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 151 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
(Mesozoic loc. 22539)
, Iliamna
, Tuxedni formation, possibly Cynthia Falls member, Pt. 50 yds. southwest along bluff from pt. 12F, on first tributary to Portage Creek north from Right Arm of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 152 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
(Mesozoic loc. 22545)
, Iliamna
, Probably Bowser member. Pt. K126 on first tributary to Portage Creek north from Right Arm of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 152 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
(Mesozoic loc. 22548)
, Iliamna
, Tuxedni formation, possibly Cynthia Falls member, Pt. about 50 yds. southwest along bluff from pt. 12F on first tributary to Portage Creek north of Right Arm of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 153 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
(Mesozoic loc. 20742)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 163 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic
Fossil Locality register provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr141. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 4.6 mi N. 40 deg. W of Front Mt. Upper Bowser member - shell-beds in medium grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 8, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 20732)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 164 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AMd31. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 4.1 mi. N. 62 deg. W. of Front Mt. Upper Bowser member calc. concr. in fine grained ss. Coll. Minard. July 2, 1946"]
(Mesozoic loc. 22553)
, Iliamna
, Right Arm of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 168 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
(Mesozoic loc. 20729)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 179 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr114. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 4.65 mi. N. 57 deg. W. of Front Mt. (Lat. 59 deg. 44.5' N., Long. 153 deg. 14.5' W.) Upper Bowser member shell beds in fine grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 2, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 22538)
, Iliamna
, K110 on Right Arm of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 182 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
Oppelia aff. O. chinitnana Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22536)
, Iliamna
, K.110 Right Arm of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 182 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
(Mesozoic loc. 20741)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 185 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 20'29" N., 153 deg. 20'29" W.][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr137. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 4.0 mi N 69 W of Front Mt. Upper Bowser member - medium grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 7, 1946"]
(Mesozoic loc. 22550)
, Iliamna
, Probably Bowsher member. On Right Arm of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 188 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 43'15" N., 153 deg. 20'49" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 20728)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 177 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr117. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 4.9 miles N 56 deg. W of Front Mt. (Lat. 59 deg. 44.5' N., Long. 153 deg. 14.5' W.) In upper part of Bowser member a fine gain ss. sheds medium grained ss. shell in medium grained cal. concr. in fine grained ss. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner, July 2, 1946"]
Trigonia doroschini Eichwald
(Mesozoic loc. 22416)
, Iliamna
, Probably Bowser member. On east side of Iniskin Bay about 1 mile north of the mouth of Keystone Creek, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Arctocephalites(?) or Cranocerphalites(?). Kirschner's Camp 2, E. side Iniskin Bay. Bowser sandstone. 6/17/50."][Shown as locality 190 of Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'57" N., 153 deg. 23'02" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 20733)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 192 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 42'06" N., 153 deg. 22'24" W.]Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AMd24. Cook Inlet Alaska, 5.25 miles N. 73 deg. W. of Front Mt. Upper Bowser member shell beds in medium grained ss. Coll. Minard. July 2, 1946"]
(Mesozoic loc. 20764)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 193 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 42'57" N., 153 deg. 22'40" W.][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Upper Tuxedni formation. 46AKr187. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 5.0 mi. N 83 deg. W of Front Mt. fine grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 7, 1946"]
Trigonia cornobrium Eichwald
Trigonia doroschini Eichwald
(Mesozoic loc. 20743)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 139 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 41'48" N., 153 deg. 17'35" W.][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr152. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1.8 mi. N. 85 deg. W. of Front Mt. Lower middle Bowser member - arenaceous siltstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 27, 1946"]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites?) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 20744)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 140 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 41'36" N., 153 deg. 18'27" W. (Note this differs somewhat from lat/long given below)][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr154. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2.7 mi. S. 84 deg. W. of Front Mt. (Lat. 59 deg. 44.5' N., Long. 153 deg. 14.5' W). Lower middle Bowser member - arenaceous siltstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 27, 1946."]
Arctocephalites? cf. A.? alticostatus Imlay
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites?) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 20751)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 143 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr164. 1.4 mi N. 40 deg. W. of Front Mt. Middle Bowser member arenaceous siltstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 30, 1946."]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites?) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 20752)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 143 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr166. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1.4 mi N. 40 deg. W. of Front Mt. Middle Bowser member, arenaceous siltstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 30, 1946."
Astarte carlottensis Whiteaves
Arctocephalites? alticostatus Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 20745)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 148 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. Cook Inlet, Alaska, along creek between points 1.9 mi. N. 16 deg. W. and 1.2 mi N. 08 deg. E. of Front Mt. Middle to upper Bowser member fine grained ss (at or near location nos. 11,042 through 11,046, USGS Bull. 789). Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 29, 1946."]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites) cf. A. pompeckji (Madsen)
Parareineckeia cf. P. shelikofana Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22443)
, Iliamna
, Probably Bowser member. 2 1/2 miles N23E of Mt. Pomeroy, or 0.65 mile S6E of hill 1160 (hill just southeast of large landslie), southern part of Iniskin Peninsula. Coll. Grantz 6/15/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "2 1/2 mi. E 23 E Mt. Pomeroy, 0.65 mi. S 6 E hill 1160 (hill just southeast of large land slide) southern Iniskin, Bowser member"][Shown as locality 149 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 41'44" N., 153 deg. 20'40" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 20746)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 155 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr156. Same Loc. as 20745. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 29, 1946."]
Parallelodon cumshewaensis Whiteaves
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites?) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 22455)
, Iliamna
, Probably Bowser member. 1.15 miles N 23 1/2 W of Peak 1750, Iniskin Peninsula. Coll. Grantz 6/28/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "1.15 N 23 1/2 W pk. 1750, S.W. Iniskin. Bowser member."][Shown as locality 165 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'30" N., 153 deg. 20'29" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 20747)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 169 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr157. Same Loc. as 20745. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 29, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 22454)
, Iliamna
, Probably Bowser member. 0.95 miles N12 1/2 W of Peak 1750, Iniskin Peninsula. Coll. Grantz 6/28/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "0.95 N 121/2 W Pk 1750, S.W. Iniskin. Bowser member."][Shown as locality 170 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'21" N., 153 deg. 20'17" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 20748)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 172 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr158. Same Loc. as 20745. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 29, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 21320)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 175 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI49. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. - Bowser member. Same geographical location as no. 21292. On stream entering Bowser Creek from southeast. 4.7 miles S 15 deg. E. of Tonnie Peak. From siltstone about 400 feet below the top of the Bowser member. Probably at or or near the location of 11044. July 21, 1948."]; [D. J. Miller and R. W. Imlay, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, 4.7 miles S. 15° E. of Tonnie Peak, Chinitna formation, near base. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
(Mesozoic loc. 20730)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 195 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 41'08" N., 153 deg. 16'56" W.][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr97. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1.6 mi. S 75 deg. W of Front Mt. Upper Bowser member shell beds in fine grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. June 28, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 20731)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 195 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 41'08" N., 153 deg. 16'56" W.][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr96. Cook Inlet, Alaska, Same locality as 20730. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. June 28, 1946."]
Macrophylloceras grossicostatum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21311)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 157 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'28" N., 153 deg. 04'54" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI16. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni F. - Bowser Member. Same geographic location as no. 21292. First tributary entering Park Creek from the southwest along the ?mouth(word indistinct). 1.92 miles N 89 deg. E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. From siltstone about 500 ft below the top of Bowser member. July 11, 1948."]
Macrophylloceras grossicostatum Imlay
Calliphylloceras freibrocki Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21312)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 161 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'27" N., 153 deg. 04'50" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI17. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. Bowser Mbr. Geographical location same as no. 21292. On stream described under 21311 (48AI16). 1.9 miles N. 86 deg. E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. From siltstone and sandstone about 500 ft below top of the Bowser member & first above lot 21311 (48AI16). July 11, 1948."]
Macrophylloceras grossicostatum Imlay
Calliphylloceras freibrocki Imlay
Kheraiceras intermedium Imlay
Xenocephalites hebetus Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22436)
, Iliamna
, Tuxedni formation, Bowser member. Pt. A13 on first tributary to Park Creek above its mouth. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Arctocephalites(?), Phylloceras(?) Pelecypods. Pt. A13 on first tributary to Park Cr. up from mouth. Bower member on map. 7/12/50"][Shown as locality 161 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'27" N., 153 deg. 04'50" W.]
Macrophylloceras grossicostatum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22549)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 44F on tributary to Brown Creek from east. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 180 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
(Mesozoic loc. 22547)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 42F on tributary to Brown Creek, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 181 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
(Mesozoic loc. 22544)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 43F on tributary to Brown Creek from east, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 184 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
(Mesozoic loc. 27100)
, Iliamna
, Bowser member of Tuxedni formation. 25-50 feet above lowermost conglomerate. (description from Imlay E&R report of 12/30/58; Shipment A-58-14) [Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated Nov. 24, 1958, provides following description: "Bowser member; 25-50 feet above lowermost conglomerate; greenish-gray siltstone and silty shale; Tonnie Creek, 0.94 mi. N. 61 deg. W. of I.B.A. No. 1; Coords. 9.02-12.22, 59 deg. 45'31"N., 153 deg. 15'09"W."][Shown as locality 135 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 20005)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 135 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni, Bowser member. Orig. no. F-72. SW Alaska, Cook Inlet region, Iniskin Peninsula. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek about 700 feet upstream from the top of the lower cascade which is about 0.7 mile upstream from trail crossing at mouth of canyon and 0.85 mile S 56 1/2 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. 400 feet above base of the Bowser. Gray shales with 6" stringers of hard gray fine-grained sandstone. Shales have many small concretions. Collected by Kellum, Oct. 30, 1944."]
(Mesozoic loc. 20006)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 138 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Middle Jurassic, Tuxedni, Bowser member. Orig. no. F-73. SW Alaska, Cook Inlet region, Iniskin Peninsula. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek about 900 feet upstream from the top of the lower cascade and about 150 feet downstream from the second falls, 0.80 mile S 55 1/2 deg. E from Tonnie Peak. 540 feet above base of Bowser. Gray shale with stringers 3-6" thick of soft argillaceous sandstone. Collected by Kellum and Wedow, Oct. 3, 1944."]
(Mesozoic loc. 20007)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 145 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Middle Jurassic-Tuxendi, Tonnie Siltstone. Orig. no. F-74. SW Alaska, Cook Inlet region, Iniskin Peninsula. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek about 350 feet upstream from the second falls and 0.78 miles S 54 deg. E of Tonnie Peak, about 100 feet above stream level. 30 feet above the base of the Tonnie member of the Chinitna formation. Ferruginous sandstone series. Collection by Kellum and Wedow, Oct. 3, 1944."]
(Mesozoic loc. 20010)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 145 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Jurassic - Tuxedni. Orig. no. F-77. SW Alaska, Cook Inlet region, Iniskin Peninsula. Southwest side of Tonnie Creek about 1300 feet upstream from the first cascades (which are about 0.7 mile upstream from the trail at the mouth of the canyon) 0.70 mile S 48.6 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. Collection was made inside the third falls. 110 feet above base of Tonnie siltstone member. Very dark gray sandstone. Collected by Wedow and Kellum, Oct. 6, 1944."]
(Mesozoic loc. 20011)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 145 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Jurassic - Tuxedni. Orig. no. F-78. SW Alaska, Cook Inlet region, Iniskin Peninsula. In Tonnie Creek about 100 feet upstream from USGS Mes. loc. no. 20010, just above crest of third falls, 0.7 mile S 48.6 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. 140 feet above base of Tonnie siltstone member. Coquina in a conglomeratic bed. Collected by Wedow and Kellum, Oct. 6, 1944."]
Trigonarca? cf. T. tumida Whiteaves
Arctocephalites? alticostatus Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 20012)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 156 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Jurassic - Tuxedni. Orig. no. F-79. SW Alaska, Cook Inlet region, Iniskin Peninsula. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek about 300 feet upstream from USGS Mes. loc. 20010 and 0.66 miles S 48.6 deg. E of Tonnie Peak and about 30 feet above stream level. 370 feet above base of Tonnie member. Hard steel grey fine-grained sandstone. Collected by Wedow and Kellum, Oct. 6, 1944."]
(Mesozoic loc. 21319)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 176 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orgin. no. 48AI36. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm., Bower memb. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Tonnie Creek, 0.65 miles S 35 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. From sandstone "shell bed" in interbedded sandstone-siltstone unit about 350' below the top of the Bowser memb. Same loc. as lot 20014. July 19, 1948."]
Kepplerites cf. K. tychonis Ravn
(Mesozoic loc. 20014)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as loclaity 176 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Upper Jurassic, Chinitna. Orig. no. F-81. SW Alaska, Cook Inlet region, Iniskin Peninsula. In Tonnie Creek about 300 feet upstream from crest of fourth falls which are formed by a massive boulder conglomerate (See also loc. 20013) or 0.50 mile S 41 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. 850 feet above base of Tonnie Member. Hard gray sandstone and coquina. Collected by Wedow and Kellum, Oct. 6, 1944."]
Cidarid echinoid fragments
(Mesozoic loc. 20015)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 187 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Jurassic - Tuxedni. Orig. no. F-82. SW Alaska, Cook Inlet region, Iniskin Peninsula. In Tonnie Creek about 1000 ft. upstream from crest of fourth falls which are formed by an outcropt of massive boulder conglomerate (See also loc. 20013) and 0.42 mile S 44 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. 1060 ft above base of Tonnie member. Coquina zone in thick bedded dark gray sandstone. Collected by Wedow and Kellum, Oct. 6, 1944."]
(Mesozoic loc. 21309)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 142 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI2. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. Bowser Member. Same geographical section as no. 21292. On Gulch described under lot 21308 (48AI1) 2.3 miles S 86 deg. W of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. Float from Bowser member around 100 ft below 21308 (48AI1). July 8, 1948."]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites?) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 21308)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 144 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI1. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. Bowser. Same geographic location as no. 21292. Gulch draining northward into Giakema Creek from peak on axis of Tonnie syncline. 2.4 miles S 84 deg. W of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. From siltstone about 800 feet above the base of the Bowser member. July 8, 1948."]
Arctocephalites? alticostatus Imlay
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 21310)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 144 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI3. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. Bowser member. Same geographical location as no. 21292. On gulch described under lot 21308 (48AI1), & same location as no. 21309. From sandstone about 500 feet above the base of the Bowser member. July 8, 1948."]
Parallelodon simillimus (Whiteaves)
(Mesozoic loc. 21773)
, Iliamna
, Tuxedni formation, Bowser member. From boulder on tidal meadow at base of Cynthia Falls sandstone, 1 1/2 miles northeast of mouth of Fitz Creek, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Ammonites from boulder on tidal meadow at base of Cynthia Falls sandstone 1 1/2 miles northeast of mouth of Fitz Creek. Collected by Don J. Miller. Cranocephalites or Defonticeras? Page 67, September 13, 1949][Shown as locality 191 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'58" N., 153 deg. 06'34" W.]
Xenocephalites hebetus Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21779)
, Iliamna
, Tuxedni formation?, Bowser member?. From Don Miller's point B 79 coll. 48AMr140 (Mes. loc. 21336), at point 1.23 miles S. 67 deg. E. of Horn Mountain on north side of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Pelecypods and belemnites from Miller's point B 79, collection 48AMr140, in canyon east of Horn Mtn. Page 66, 1949. September 12, 1949."][Detterman and Hartsock, 1966, p. 39 (faunal list), loc. 173 on Pl. 3][Shown as locality 173 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'09" N., 153 deg. 04'21" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22531)
, Iliamna
, Horn Creek 0.8 mile north of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 173 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'09" N., 153 deg. 04'21" W.]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites?) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 22532)
, Iliamna
, Tuxedni Formation, Bowser member. On Horn Creek 0.5 mile north of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 174 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'06" N., 153 deg. 04'28" W.]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites?) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 27101)
, Iliamna
, Bowser member of Tuxedni formation. Near top of member. (description from Imlay E&R report of 12/30/58; Shipment A-58-14) [Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated Nov. 24, 1958, provides following description: "Bowser member; near top; massive, mottled green sandstone, faulted and tightly folded; Horn Creek, 1.02 mi. N. 16 deg. W. of mouth; Coords. 15.05-20.87, 59 deg. 52'58"N., 153 deg. 05'W."][Shown as locality 174 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'06" N., 153 deg. 04'28" W.]
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
(Mesozoic loc. 22530)
, Iliamna
, Probably Bowser member. Horn Creek 0.9 mile north of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 183 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'12" N., 153 deg. 04'16" W.]
Cidarid echinoid fragments
(Mesozoic loc. 22698)
, Seldovia
, On ridge 1.5 miles N. 39 1/2 E. of head of Lake Hickerson. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 146 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 58'29" N., 152 deg. 54'24" W.]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites) pompeckji (Madsen)
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites) costidensus Imlay
Parareineckeia hickersonensis Imlay
Siemiradzkia? cf. S. aurigera (Oppel)
, Seldovia
, Bowser member of Tuxedni formation. Upper part of member. (description from Imlay E&R report of 12/30/58; Shipment A-58-14) [Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated Nov. 24, 1958, provides following description: "Bowser member; upper part; olive gray siltstone with limestone conc.; divide between Hickerson L. and Blue L. 1.5 mi. N. 56 deg. E. of head of Hickerson L., Coords. 3.39-9.53, 59 deg. 58'15"N., 152 deg. 54'W."][Shown as locality 171 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 58'22" N., 152 deg. 54'17" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22699)
, Seldovia
, On ridge 1.62 miles N. 51 E. of head of Lake Hickerson. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 178 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 58'20" N., 152 deg. 54'10" W.]
Kheraiceras cf. K. intermedium Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22700)
, Seldovia
, On ridge 1.7 miles N. 51 E. of head of Lake Hickerson. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 186 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 58'15" N., 152 deg. 54'02" W.]
Kheraiceras cf. K. intermedium Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 27103)
, Seldovia
, Bowser member of Tuxedni formation. Upper third. (description from Imlay E&R report of 12/30/58; Shipment A-58-14) [Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated Nov. 24, 1958, provides following description: "Bowser member; upper 1/3; ridge north of Hickerson L., 0.8 mi. N. 43 deg. E. of head of Hickerson L., greenish-gray sandstone with limestone conc.; Coords. 2.67-9.22, 59 deg. 58'N., 152 deg. 55'25"W."][Shown as locality 167 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 57'50" N., 152 deg. 54'56" W.]
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
(Mesozoic loc. 27104)
, Seldovia
, Bowser member of Tuxedni formation. Near contact with Chinitna. (description from Imlay E&R report of 12/30/58; Shipment A-58-14) [Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated Nov. 24, 1958, provides following description: "Bowser member; near contact with Chinitna fm. greenish-gray sandstone and boulder conglomerate; ridge north of Hickerson L.; 0.8 mi. N. 43 deg. E. of head of lake; Coords. 2.54-9.09, 59 deg. 57'56"N., 152 deg. 55'38"E."][Shown as locality 189 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 57'57" N., 152 deg. 54'50" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22711)
, Kenai
, 0.38 mile above mouth of tributary described under 51AGz139. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 136 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 06'07" N., 152 deg. 43'30" W.]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites) cf. A. pompeckji (Madsen)
(Mesozoic loc. 22712)
, Kenai
, 0.45 mile above mouth of tributary described under 51AGz139. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 137 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 06'05" N., 152 deg. 43'23" W.]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites) cf. A. pompeckji (Madsen)
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites) costidensus Imlay
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites?) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 22713)
, Kenai
, 0.62 mile above mouth of tributary entering Bear Creek from the southeast 2.53 miles from Tuxedni Channel. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 147 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 06'00" N., 152 deg. 43'18" W.]
Xenocephalites hebetus Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22714)
, Kenai
, 0.67 mile above mouth of tributary entering Bear Creek from the southeast 2.53 miles from Tuxedni Channel. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 150 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 05'56" N., 152 deg. 43'12" W.]
Xenocephalites vicarius Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22715)
, Kenai
, 0.72 mile above mouth of same tributary as in lot 51AGz145. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 160 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 05'51" N., 152 deg. 42'59" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21284)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 162 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 06'07" N., 152 deg. 41'32" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI84. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Formation. Same geographical location as no. 21261. Near head of first stream entering Tuxedni Bay southeast of Bear Creek; 4.6 miles S 72 deg. W of Fossil Point. Gray siltstone just below sandstone beds marking top of Bowser equivalent? About 1,400 feet stratigraphically higher than 21281 (48AI80). Aug. 3, 1948."]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites) pompeckji (Madsen)
(Mesozoic loc. 21272)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 166 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 09'45" N., 152 deg. 38'19" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI68. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Formation. Same geographical location as no. 21261. West short of Chisik Island, 1.25 miles S 61 deg. E of Fossil Point. Gray sandstone 1 feet below the base of the "channel" conglomerate. Probably about 1,500 ft stratigraphically above unit -.5.1 of Stanton, Martin section. July 18, 1948." (note by R.B. Blodgett: entry difficult to read, unclear in several places)]; [D.J. Miller and R.W. Imlay, 1948. Tuxedni Bay area, west shore of Chisik Island, 1.25 miles S. 81° E . of Fossil Point, 1 ft below base of channel conglomerate, Chinitna formation, near base. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Kheraiceras intermedium Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21273)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 194 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 09'54" N., 152 deg. 38'19" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI69. Middle Jurassic - Tuxedni Formation. Same geographic location as 21261. Northwest shore of Chisik Island. 1.3 miles N 40 deg. E of Fossil Point Gray siltstone, probably ?0-100 ft. stratigraphically above collection 21712 (orig. no. 48AI68). Probably at top of Bowser member. July 29, 1948." (note by R.B. Blodgett: entry indistinct in places, hard to impossible to read)]; [D.J. Miller and R.W. Imlay, 1948. Tuxedni Bay area, northwest shore of Chisik Island, 1.3 miles N. 90° E. of Fossil Point, from 50 to 100 ft above lowest exposure, Chinitna formation, near base. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Arctocephalites (Cranocephalites) pompeckji (Madsen)
(Mesozoic loc. 22559)
, Iliamna
, Float 50 yards upstream from K121. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 198 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 42'39" N., 153 deg. 21'14" W.]; [David Hill, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, 4.4 miles N. 63° W. of Front Mountain. Float near base of Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) alticostatus Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22445)
, Iliamna
, 300 yards north of Keystone Creek (3rd stream north of Mt. Pomeroy) on east shore of Iniskin Bay. Coll. by Grantz, 6/18/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "300 yds. N. of Keystone Ck. (3rd stream N of Mt. Pomeroy) along E. shore of Iniskin Bay. Bowser member."][Shown as locality 203 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'12" N., 153 deg. 23'15" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22446)
, Iliamna
, 250 yards north of Keystone Creek along east shore of Iniskin Bay. Coll. Grantz 6/18/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "250 yds. N Keystone Ck. along E. Shore Iniskin Bay. Bowser member."][Shown as locality 203 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'12" N., 153 deg. 23'15" W.]; [A. Grantz, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, 250 yd north of mouth of Keystone Creek, 5.45 miles S. 72° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, basal beds. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Kheraiceras martini Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22447)
, Iliamna
, 200 yards north of Keystone Creek along east shore of Iniskin Bay. Coll. by Grantz 6/18/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "200 yds. N. Keystone Ck. along E. shore Iniskin Bay. Bowser member."][Shown as locality 203 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'12" N., 153 deg. 23'15" W.]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 22448)
, Iliamna
, From Keystone Creek northward 175 yards to gouge zone along east shore of Iniskin Bay. Coll. Grantz 6/19/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "0-175 yds. N. Keystone Ck. along E. shore Iniskin Bay. Bowser member."][Shown as locality 211 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'03" N., 153 deg. 23'16" W.]; [A. Grantz, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, from mouth of Keystone Creek northward 175 yd, 5.5 miles S. 70° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, near base. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Macrophylloceras grossicostatum Imlay
Kheraiceras magniforme Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 20755)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 211 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'03" N., 153 deg. 23'16" W.][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr189. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 5.6 mi. S 72 deg. W of Front Mt. (Same locality as 11,057 USGS Bull. 789) Upper Bowser member fine-grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 7, 1946."]; [C. E. Kirschner, 1946. Iniskin Peninsula, 5.6 miles S. 72° W. of Front Mountain. Same as loc. 11057. Chinitna formation, near base. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]; [C. E. Kirschner, 1946. Iniskin Peninsula, 5.6 miles S. 72° W. of Front Mountain. Same as loc. 11057. Chinitna formation, near base. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) tychonis Ravn
Kepplerites (Seymourites) sp.
Cosmoceras (Gulielmiceras) alaskanum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22428)
, Iliamna
, At Pt. 5E on reef just off Pt. 94D between Keystone Creek and Pomeroy Creek on east side of Iniskin Bay. Probably correlates with brown weathering siltstone on beach at Pt. 94D. Coll. Hartsock 6/19/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cranocephalites(?) and Arctocephalites(?), and Inoceramus. Pt. 5E, on reef just offshore mouths of Keystone Cr. and Pomeroy Cr., E. side Iniskin Bay. Probably correlates with brown-weathering siltstone above beach level at 94D. 6/19/50."][Shown as locality 229 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'57" N., 153 deg. 23'18" W.]; [J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, reef between mouths of Keystone Creek and Pomeroy Creek, 5.6 miles S. 70° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, near middle of lower third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Kheraiceras abruptum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22431)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 94D between mouths of Keystone and Pomeroy Creeks on east side of Iniskin Bay. From 10 feet of gray-weathering siltstone at beach level. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cranocephalites(?). Pt. 94D between mouths of Keystone and Pomeroy Creeks, E. side of Iniskin Bay. These specimens came from 10' of gray-weathering siltstone and sandstone at beach level; Tonnie or Bowser? 6/14/50."][Shown as locality 232 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'55" N., 153 deg. 23'14" W.]; [J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, from 10 ft of siltstone on beach between mouths of Keystone and Pomeroy Creeks 5.7 miles S. 69° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, middle of lower third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Kheraiceras abruptum Imlay
Kepplerites (Seymourites) alticostatus Imlay
Kepplerites (Seymourites) ingrahami (McLearn)
(Mesozoic loc. 22412)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 94D between mouths of Keystone and Pomeroy Creeks on east side of Iniskin Bay. From 10 feet of red-brown weathering siltstone overlying gray siltstone at beach level. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cranocephalites(?). Pt. 94D between mourth of Keystone and Pomeroy Creeks. Specimens came from 10' of red-brown weathering siltstone overlying gray siltstone at beach level; Tonnie or Bowser?"][Shown as locality 232 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'55" N., 153 deg. 23'14" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22413)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 98D at mouth of Pomeroy Creek on east side of Iniskin Bay. From fine-grained sandstone on south side of stream. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Kepplerites(?) and pelecypods. Pt. 98D, at mouth of Pomeroy Creek, E. side of Iniskin Bay. Taken from outcrop of fine-cse. silty, dark sandstone on S. side stream. Bowser or possibly Tonnie; stratigraphic position determinable from fossils? 6/15[19/50."][Shown as locality 234 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'53" N., 153 deg. 23'14" W.]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) abruptus (McLearn)
(Mesozoic loc. 22433)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 2E at mouth of first stream south of Pomeroy Creek on east side of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Kepplerites(?) and Cranocephalites(?). Pt. 2E, at mouth of first stream south of Pomeroy Cr., E. side Iniskin Bay. 6/14/50, 6/15/50, 6/18/50. Mapped as Chinitna fmn."][Shown as locality 236 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'53" N., 153 deg. 23'16" W.]; [J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, at mouth of first creek south of Pomeroy Creek, 5.5 miles S. 69° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, middle of lower third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Kheraiceras abruptum Imlay
Kepplerites (Seymourites) alticostatus Imlay
Kepplerites (Seymourites) abruptus (McLearn)
(Mesozoic loc. 22432)
, Iliamna
, Sea cliff from 30 to 150 yds. south along beach from Pt. 95D on east side of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33) [Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cranocephalites(?) and pelecypod. Seacliff about 30 to 150 yards south along beach from Pt. 95D. This is mapped as Chinitna formation; what is Cranocephalites doing here? 6/14/50."][Shown as locality 238 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'49" N., 153 deg. 23'13" W.]; R. W. Juhle and R. D. Hoare, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, sea cliff from 30 to 150 yd south- ward from Mes. loc. 22422 on east shore of Iniskin Bay. Chinitna formation, lower part of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Phylloceras (Partschiceras) grantzi Imlay
Cadoceras catostoma Imlay
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
Gowericeras spinosum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 20726)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 240 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'01" N., 153 deg. 22'23" W.][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation Bowser member. 46AKr132. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 5.3 miles S 69 deg. W of Front Mt. (Lat. 59 deg. 44.5' N., Long. 153 deg. 14.5' W) In upper part of Bowser member, a fine grained sandstone. Coll. C.E. Kirschner, July 4, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 22422)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 95D on sea cliff south of Pomeroy Creek on east side of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cadoceras. Pt. 95D on seacliff S. of Pomeroy Cr., E. side Iniskin Bay. Chinitna fmn. 6/18/50][Shown as locality 242 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'43" N., 153 deg. 23'25" W.]; [J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, talus from sea cliff 5.62 miles S. 67° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, lower part of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
(Mesozoic loc. 22419)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 96D about 1/4 mile upstream on south side of Pomeroy Creek, east side of Iniskin Bay. From red-weathering siltstone. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Arctocephalites or Cranocephalites(?). Pt. 96D about 1/4 mile up stream just south of Pomeroy Creek, E. side Iniskin Bay. Red-weathering siltstone; not sure if Bowser, Tonnie, or Chinitna; according to Kirschner's map, should be Chinitna. 6/14/.50."][Shown as locality 245 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'53" N., 153 deg. 22'50" W.]; [R. W. Juhle, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, mile up the stream just south of Pomeroy Creek, 5.42 miles S. 67° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, lower third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Cadoceras wosnessenskii (Grewingk)
(Mesozoic loc. 22411)
, Iliamna
, Float in stream bed a little above Pt. 96D in first stream south of Pomeroy Creek. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Piece of fossiliferous float in stream bed little above 96D, first stream S. of Pomeroy Cr. Probably comes from massive sandstone bed about 1/4 mile further up stream. Is age determination possible? The red-weathering siltstone at 96D may be Bowser, Tonnie, or Chinitna. 6/14/50."][Shown as locality 250 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'57" N., 153 deg. 22'23" W.]; [J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, float in first stream south of Pomeroy Creek, 5.4 miles S. 67° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, lower third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Phylloceras (Partschiceras) subobtusiforme Imlay
Cadoceras wosnessenskii (Grewingk)
(Mesozoic loc. 20727)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 261 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'48" N., 153 deg. 21'55" W.][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: Mesozoic-Tuxedni formation Bowser member. 46AKr129. Alaska, Cook Inlet, 5.1 miles S. 67 deg. W of Front Mt. (Lat. 59 deg. 44.5' N., Long. 150 [note by R.B. Blodgett: should be 153] deg. 14.5' W) In upper part of Bowser member a fine grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 4, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 22456)
, Iliamna
, 1.0 miles N33W of Peak 1750, west of head of Oil Bay. Coll. by Grantz 6/28/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "1.0 mi. N33W Pk. 1750, S.W. Iniskin. Tonnie or Bowser?"][Shown as locality 197 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'11" N., 153 deg. 20'58" W.]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) abruptus (McLearn)
(Mesozoic loc. 21333)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 199 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI50. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie memb. Same geographical location as no. 21292. On stream entering Bowser Creek from southeast, 4.32 miles S 19 deg. E. of Tonnie Peak. Gray siltstone near base of Tonnie member. July 21, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, on stream entering Bowser Creek from southeast, 4.32 miles S. 19° E. of Tonnie Peak, a little below middle of the lower third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Lilloetia buckmani (Crickmay)
(Mesozoic loc. 22558)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 89E on synclinal axial stream entering Right Arm of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 208 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
(Mesozoic loc. 22427)
, Iliamna
, Pt. K49 on east side of Bowser Creek valley below Front Mountain. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Arctocephalites(?). Base of Tonnie(?) below Front Mt., East side Bowser Creek valley, Pt. K49 (Kirschner's pt.) 6/28/50."][Shown as locality 210 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 41'40" N., 153 deg. 15'52" W.]; [R. W. Juhle and J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, east side of valley of Bowser Creek 0.9 mile S. 87° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, basal sandstone. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Calliphylloceras freibrocki Imlay
Kheraiceras magniforme Imlay
Kheraiceras? parviforme Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 20737)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 217 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 41'09" N., 153 deg. 16'42" W.][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AMd20. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1.6 mi S. 64 deg. W. of Front Mt. Upper Bowser Member in medium grained sandstone. Coll. Minard. June 28, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 20753)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 218 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 42'07" N., 153 deg. 15'13" W.][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr168. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 0.75 mi. N 52 deg. W of Front Mt. Top Bowser member - fine-grained sandstone. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 30, 1946."]; [C. E. Kirschner, 1946. Iniskin Peninsula, 0.75 mile N. 52° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, at base. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Cadoceras (Paracadoceras) tonniensis Imlay
Kepplerites (Seymourites) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 21334)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 220 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orign. no. 48AI51. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie Memb. Same geographical location as no. 21292. On stream entering Bowser Creek from southeast. 4.42 miles S 20 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. From siltstone near middle of Tonnie member. July 21, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, on stream entering Bowser Creek from southeast, 4.42 miles S. 20° E. of Tonnie Peak, a little above middle of the lower third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Kheraiceras intermedium Imlay
Kheraiceras? parviforme Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 26592)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna Formation. Middle of lower part on upper part of Bowser Creek. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/22/58; Shipment A-58-1)[Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated 12/18/57 provides following description: "Chinitna formation; middle of lower part is concretions in blue-gray silty clay shale and clay stone; upper Bowser Creek; Coords: 9.95-9.37, 59 deg. 43'05"N, 153 deg. 10'35"W. Section 29, T.5S-R.23W."[Shown as locality 222 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
Inoceramus ambiguus Eichwald
(Mesozoic loc. 21349)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 223 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI53. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Formation. Same geographical location same as no. 21292. On stream entering Bowser Creek from the southeast, 4.62 miles S 21 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. Limestone concretion in siltstone about 100 feet above the base of Chinitna formation. July 21, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, on stream entering Bowser Creek from the southeast, 4.62 miles S. 21° E. of Tonnie Peak, about 100 ft above base of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj
(Mesozoic loc. 20749)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 225 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AKr160. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1.2 mi N 09 deg. E of Front Mt. Upper Bowser member, fine grained sandstone (at or near location No. 11,047 USGS Bull. 789). Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 29, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 20761)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 225 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Lower Chinitna formation. 46AKr163. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 0.8 mi. N. 20 deg. E. of Front Mt. Dark gray arenaceous siltstone fossils commonly in calcareous concretions. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 29, 1946."]; [C. E. Kirschner, 1946. Iniskin Peninsula, 0.8 mile N. 20° E. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
(Mesozoic loc. 22453)
, Iliamna
, 0.7 mile N36W of Peak 1750, west of head of Oil Bay. Coll. by Grantz 6/27/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "0.7 mi. N36W Pk. 1750, S.W. Iniskin. Lower Chinitna or Tonnie?"][Shown as locality 227 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'07" N., 153 deg. 20'11" W.]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 20750)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 230 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1.2 mi N 09 deg. E of Front Mt. Upper Bowser member, fine grained sandstone (at or near location no. 11,896 USGS Bull. 789). Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 29, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 20735)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 231 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 41'07" N., 153 deg. 16'29" W.][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AMd21. Cook Inlet Alaska, 1.6 mi. S 64 deg. W of Front Mt. Upper Bowser member medium grained sandstone. Coll. Minard. June 28, 1946."]
(Mesozoic loc. 21335)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 235 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI52. Upper Jurassic- Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie Memb. Same geographical location as 21292. On stream entering Bowser Creek from southeast 4.52 miles S 21 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. From siltstone near top of Tonnie member. Probably the same locality as U.S.G.S. Mes. loc. nos. 10986, & 10987. July 21, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, on stream entering Bowser Creek from southeast, 4.52 miles S. 21° E. of Tonnie Peak, near top of the lower third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
(Mesozoic loc. 20760)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 241 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'42" N., 153 deg. 16'28" W.][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Upper Chinitna formation. 46AKr109. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1.7 mi S 50 deg. W of Front Mt. Dark gray arebaceiys suktstibe [SIC, probably meant arenaceous siltstone - comment by R.B. Blodgett]. Fossils commonly in calcareous concretions. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 27, 1946."]; [C. E. Kirschner, 1946. Iniskin Peninsula, 1.7 miles S. 50° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Kheraiceras varicostatum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 20758)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 253 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'31" N., 153 deg. 16'36" W.][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Chinitna formation. 46AKr91. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2.1 mi. S 54 deg. W of Front Mt. Dark gray arenaceous siltstone: Fossil commonly found in calcareous concretion. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. June 27, 1946."][Note by R.B. Blodgett: same field number (46AKr91) assigned to collection from USGS Mesozoic locality 20757]
(Mesozoic loc. 22425)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 35E on east side of Bowser Creek valley below Front Mountain. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Ammonite. Pt. 35E, east side of Bowser Creek valley, below Front Mountain. Not sure if Tonnie or Chinitna siltstone. 6/27/50."][Shown as locality 255 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'47" N., 153 deg. 16'18" W.]; [R. W. Juhle, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, east side of valley of 'Bowser Creek 1.4 miles S. 61° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, base of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
(Mesozoic loc. 22423)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 31E near mouth of Bowser Creek on west side of Oil Bay, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Belemnites. Pt. 31E, near mouth of Bowser Creek, West side Oil Bay. Chinitna formation. 6/26/50."][Shown as locality 260 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'57" N., 153 deg. 19'12" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 20734)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 262 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 41'59" N., 153 deg. 15'04" W. (Note that this differs from lat./long. given below)][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Tuxedni formation. 46AMd43. Cook Inlet, Alaska, .55 mi N 58 deg. W of Front Mt. (Lat. 59 deg. 44.5' N., Long. 153 deg. 14.5' W) Tonnie member toh, fine grained sandstone. Coll. Minard. July 30, 1946."]
Trigonia doroschini Eichwald
(Mesozoic loc. 20762)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 263 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 42'04" N., 153 deg. 14'49" W.][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Base Chinitna formation. 46AKr169. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 0.55 mi. N. 57 deg. W. of Front Mt. Arenaceous siltstone (at very base). Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. July 30, 1946."]; [C. E. Kirschner, 1946. Iniskin Peninsula, 0.55 mile N. 57° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, top of lower third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Cadoceras (Paracadoceras) tonniensis Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22429)
, Iliamna
, Pt. K.39 near mouth of Bowser Creek on west side of Oil Bay, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Pseudocadoceras(?). Pt.K39 (Kirschner's point), near mouth Bowser Creek, west side Oil Bay. Chinitna formation. 6/26/50."][Shown as locality 267 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'45" N., 153 deg. 18'53" W.]; [R. Hoare, R. W. Juhle, J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, west side of Oil Bay 3.6 miles S. 53° W. of Front Mountain, Chinitna formation, near base of upper third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
(Mesozoic loc. 20757)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 267 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Chinitna formation. 46AKr91. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 3.5 miles S. 53 W. of Front Mt. Upper middle Chinitna formation dark gray arenaceous siltstone - fossils commonly in calcareous concretions. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. June 25, 1946."][Note by R.B. Blodgett - same field number (46AKr91) also assigned to USGS Mesozoic locality 20758]; [C. E. Kirschner, 1946. Iniskin Peninsula, 3.5 miles S. 53° W. of Front Mountain on southwest side of Oil Bay. Chinitna formation, near base of upper third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) stenoloboide Pompeckj
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
(Mesozoic loc. 22430)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 37E below Front Mountain. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Ammonites. Pt. 37E, below Front Mountain. Chinitna or Tonnie Siltstone? 6/27/50."][Shown as locality 268 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'37" N., 153 deg. 16'19" W.]; [R. W. Juhle and J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, 1.5 miles S. 59° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, base of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj
(Mesozoic loc. 22451)
, Iliamna
, 0.5 mile N.15E. of Peak 1750 (which is 8,000 feet east of Mt. Pomeroy), just west of head of Oil Bay. Coll. Grantz 6/27/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "0.5 mi. N15E Pk. 1750, first gully W. camp 2, Oil Bay. Chinitna formation (Pk. 1750 is 8000' E. of Mt. Pomeroy."][Shown as locality 271 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'45" N., 153 deg. 19'17" W.]; [ A. Grantz, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, west of head of Oil Bay, 3.75 miles S. 55° W. of Front Mountain, Chinitna formation, near base of upper third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
(Mesozoic loc. 22452)
, Iliamna
, 0.55 mile N6W of Peak 1750 just west of head of Oil Bay. Coll. by Grantz 6/27/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "0.55 mi. N6W Pk. 1750 second gully W. camp 2, Oil Bay. Chinitna formation."][Shown as locality 266 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'53" N., 153 deg. 19'38" W.]; [A. Grantz, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, 3.8 miles S. 56° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, near base of upper third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
(Mesozoic loc. 20759)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 272 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'36" N., 153 deg. 18'43" W.][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Chinitna formation. 46AKr105. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2.3 mi. S 44 deg. W of Front Mt. Upper middle Chinitna formation. Dark gray arenaceous siltstone. Fossils commonly in calcareous concretions. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. June 29, 1946."]; [C. E. Kirschner, 1946. Iniskin Peninsula, northeast corner of Oil Bay, 2.3 miles S. 44° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, near top of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 68)]
(Mesozoic loc. 22442)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 28 on tributary from west to Brown Creek about 3 miles above its mouth. Sandstone probably at top of Bowser. Coll. by Hill 8/11/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Ammonites, pelecypods, Pt. 28 on tributary to Brown C. from W. about 3 miles up from north. Sandstone outcrop, probably top of Bowser member. 8/11/50."][Shown as locality 205 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]; [D. M. Hill, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, 2.8 miles N. 35° E. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, near base of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Macrophylloceras grossicostatum Imlay
Lilloetia lilloetensis Crickmay
(Mesozoic loc. 22438)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 85E on first tributary to Park Creek above its mouth. One Cadoceras in place 40 feet stratigraphically below top of massive sandstone. The other ammonites from talus at base of cliffs below Pt. 85E. Coll. Hartsock 7/13/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cadoceras, Arctocephalites(?) Pelecypod. One Cadoceras in place 40' stratigraphically below top ???? ss. marking top of Bowser, Pt. 85E on frist trib. to Park Cr. up from mouth. Other Cadoceras and Arctocephalites(?) from talus at base of cliff below Pt. 85E. 7/13/50"][Shown as locality 206 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'22" N., 153 deg. 04'00" W.]; [ J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, 2.15 miles S. 86° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. Massive sandstone at base of Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj
Xenocephalites vicarius Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21341)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 206 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'22" N., 153 deg. 04'00" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description:"Orig. no. 48AI15. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Fm. Same geographic location as no. 21292. First tributary entering Park Creek from the southeast above the mouth, 2.62 miles S 86 deg. E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. Siltstone about 200 feet above the base of the Chinitna formation. July 11, 1948."]; R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, first tributary entering Park Creek from the southeast above the mouth, 2.62 miles S. 86° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek, about 200 ft above base of middle third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Xenocephalites hartsocki Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22437)
, Iliamna
, Brown weathering siltstone about 100 yds. upstream from A10 on same side of stream, first tributary to Park Creek above its mouth. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Arctocephalites(?). Brown-weathering siltstone outcrop about 100 yd. upstream from A10, same side stream, on first trib. to Park Cr. up from mouth. Bowser or Tonnie? 7/12, 13,/50"][Shown as locality 207 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'21" N., 153 deg. 03'58" W.]; [J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, 2.15 miles S. 88° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. Chinitna formation, basal sandstone. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj
Xenocephalites vicarius Imlay
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 21277)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 214 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'01" N., 153 deg. 03'37" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI?? (too light to read) NW 1/4 of Quad. no. (Chinitna Bay area). First creek entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek. 3.17(uncertain if no. is correct?) N. 77 deg. E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. From gray siltstone near middle of Tonnie member. Coll: Imlay & Miller. N.B. 48-1, pp. 3-17, 29, 47-50 (Miller) July ?1, 1948."] - note by R.B. Blodgett: page was copied too light, needs darker copy to read better.
(Mesozoic loc. 22420)
, Iliamna
, Pt. A32 on first creek entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Ammonites. Pt. A32 on first creek entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek. Chinitna or Tonnie siltstone?"][Shown as locality 219 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'58" N., 153 deg. 03'30" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22421)
, Iliamna
, Pt. A33 on first creek entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Ammonites. Point A33 on first creek entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek. Chinitna or Tonnie siltstone? July 9, 1950."][Shown as locality 226 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'56" N., 153 deg. 03'27" W.]; [D. M. Hill and A. Grantz, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, first creek entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek, 3.08 miles N. 80 ° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. Chinitna formation, top of lower third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras wosnessenskii (Grewingk)
(Mesozoic loc. 21348)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 237][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI25. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Fm. Geographical location same as no. 21292. First stream entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek, 3.42 (number slightly illegible, comment by R.B. Blodgett) miles N 83 E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. From siltstone, in place, near middle of the lower reddish-brown weathering siltstone of the Chinitna formation, and float, probably not far from source. July 14, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, first stream entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek, 3.42 miles N. 83 ° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek, a little below middle of the middle third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Phylloceras (Partschiceras) subobtusiforme (Pompeckj)
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj
Cadoceras wosnessenskii (Grewingk)
Cadoceras (Paracadoceras) multiforme Imlay
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
(Mesozoic loc. 21340)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 252 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'19" N., 153 deg. 03'43" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI14. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Fm. Same geographic location as no. 21292. Fist tributary entering Park Creek from the southeast above the mouth, 2.95 miles S 86 deg. E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. From reddish-brown weathering siltstone, about 900 feet above the base of the Chinitna formation. July 11, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, first tributary entering Park Creek from the southeast above the mouth, 2.95 miles S. 86° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek, about 900 ft above base of middle third of Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Lilloetia lilloetensis Crickmay
(Mesozoic loc. 22556)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 258 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'18" N., 153 deg. 03'36" W.][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Upper Jurassic-Chinitna Fm. Orig. No. 46-AK-r-192. 4 miles S 84 E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek, Iniskin Peninsula, Alaska. About upper part of middle third of formation. Coll. by Kirschner. 8/30/46"]; [C. E. Kirschner, 1946. Iniskin Peninsula, 4 miles S. 84° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek, Chinitna formation, upper part of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Lilloetia buckmani (Crickmay)
(Mesozoic loc. 22541)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 16F on Brown Creek. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 265 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 21327)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 212 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI43. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie member. Same geographical location as no. 21282. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek Valley near head; 2,600 ft S 43 deg. E of Tonnie Peak, measured section, gray siltstone 70 feet above base of Tonnie member. July 20, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, near head of Tonnie Creek, 2,600 ft S. 43° E. of Tonnie Peak, 70 ft above base of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 21330)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 212 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI46. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. - Tonnie Member. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Same locality as lot 21327 (orig. no. 48AI43) but nearer Tonnie Creek. From siltstone about 10 feet above the base of the Tonnie Member. July 20, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, same as loc. 21327 but nearer Tonnie Creek, about 70 ft above base of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) abruptus (McLearn)
(Mesozoic loc. 21328)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 212 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI44. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie Mbr. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek valley, near head, 2500 ft. S 43 deg. E of Tonnie Peak; measure section. From interbedded sandstone-siltstone, 90 to 100 ft. above the base of the Tonnie member. July 20, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, near head of Tonnie Creek, 2,500 ft S. 43° E. of Tonnie Peak, from 90 to 100 ft above base of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Cadoceras (Paracadoceras) tonniensis Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21332)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 212 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI48. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie Memb. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Float from same locality as lot 21328 (orig. no. 48AI44). Probably from the same beds. July 20, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, near head of Tonnie Creek, float from same locality as 21328, about 90 to 100 ft above base of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Lilloetia buckmani (Crickmay)
(Mesozoic loc. 21326)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 212 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI42. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie Member. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Divide between Tonnie Creek & Forky Creek; 2850' S 55 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. Gray siltstone about 100 feet above base of Tonnie member. July 19, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1949. Iniskin Peninsula, divide between Tonnie Creek and Forky Creek, 2,850 ft S. 55° E. of Tonnie Peak, about 100 ft above base of Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Cadoceras (Paracadoceras) tonniensis Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21329)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 215 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI45. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie Memb. Same geographical description for location as no. 21292. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek valley near head. 2,400 S 39 deg. E of Tonnie Peak; measured section. From gray siltstone 150-155 feet above the base of the Tonnie member. July 20, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, near head of Tonnie Creek, 2,400 ft S. 39° E. of Tonnie Peak, from 130 to 155 ft above base of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Xenocephalites hebetus Imlay
Xenocephalites vicarius Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21325)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 228 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI41. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. - Tonnie member. Geographical location same as no. 21292. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek valley near head; 2,400 ft. S 50 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. From siltstone about 350 ft. above the base of the Tonnie member. July 19, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, northeast side of Tonnie Creek Valley near head, 2,400 ft S. 50° E. of Tonnie Peak, from siltstone about 350 ft above base of Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
(Mesozoic loc. 21321)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 228 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI37. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie Siltstone. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek valley, near head, 2,100 feet S 45 deg. of Tonnie Peak; measured section. From gray siltstone 350 feet above the base of the Tonnie member. July 19, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, northeast side of Tonnie Creek Vslley near head, 2,100 ft S. 45° E. of Tonnie Peak. From 350 ft above base of Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Xenocephalites vicarius Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21324)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 233 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'55" N., 153 deg. 03'17" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI40. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie Member. Same geographical location as 21292. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek valley near head; 2,000 ft. S 37 deg. E of Tonnie Peak. Float probably from siltstone about 400 feet above the base of the Tonnie Member. July 19, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, northeast side of Tonnie Creek valley near head, 2,000 ft S. 37° E. of Tonnie Peak, float obtained about 400 ft above base of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) tonniensis Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21331)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 233 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'55" N., 153 deg. 03'17" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI47. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie member. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Tonnie Creek near head, 2,000 feet S 30 deg. E of Tonnie Peak; measured section. From silty sandstone, 425 feet above the base of the Tonnie member. July 20, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay 'and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, near head of Tonnie Creek, 2,000 ft S. 30° E. of Tonnie Peak, 425 ft above base of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) tonniensis Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21322)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 243 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI38. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. Tonnie siltstone member. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Northeast side of Tonnie Creek valley near head, 1750 ft. S 35 deg. E of Tonnie Peak, measured section. Large limestone concretion in siltstone. 565 to 585 ft. above the base of the Tonnie member. July 19, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, northeast side of Tonnie Creek valley near head, 1,750 ft S. 35° E. of Tonnie Peak, from limestone concretions 565 to 585 ft above base of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
Lilloetia buckmani (Crickmay)
Lilloetia mertonyarwoodi Crickmay
(Mesozoic loc, 21323)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 256 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI39. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie Siltstone. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Southwest side of Tonnie Creek valley near head; 1,800 ft S 16 deg. E of Tonnie Peak; measured section. From siltstone (number indistinct) ft above the base of the Tonnie member. July 19, 1948."]
(Mesozoic loc. 21343)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 201 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'12" N., 153 deg. 01'37" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI19. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Fm. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Gulch entering Chinitna Bay from north, 2.81 miles S 84 deg. E of Horn Mtn. From siltstone about 1,200 feet below the base of the upper, gray weathering siltstone of the Chinitna Fm. July 12, 1948."]; [ R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Gulch entering Chinitna Bay from north, 2.81 miles S. 84° E. of Horn Mountain, about 1,200 ft below top of middle third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
(Mesozoic loc. 27096)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna formation. 300 to 400 feet above base. (description from Imlay E&R report of 12/30/58; Shipment A-58-14) [Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated Nov. 24, 1958, provides following description: "Lower Chinitna formation. 300-400 feet above base, section faulted; lithology similar to 58ADt24; Horn Creek, 1.34 mi. N. 01 deg. E. of mouth; Coords. 15.35-21.25, 59 deg. 53'15"N., 153 deg. 04'25"W."][Shown as locality 239 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'23" N., 153 deg. 04'08" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21337)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 244 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'19" N., 153 deg. 04'05" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AMr141. Upper Jurassic. Chinitna Fm. Same geographic location as 21292. Stream described under 21336 (orig. no. 48AMr140), at point ?.3 (number indistinct - note by R.B. Blodgett) miles S 83 deg. E of Horn Mountain. Reddish-brown-weathering siltstone, probably near middle of lower unit of Chinitna formation. Sept. 12, 1948."]; [ D. J. Miller, 1948. North side of Chinitna Bay, east branch of large stream east of Horn Mountain at point 1.3 miles S. 83 ° E. of Horn Mountain, Chinitna formation probably near middle of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
(Mesozoic loc. 22527)
, Iliamna
, Horn Creek 1.2 miles of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 247 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'25" N., 153 deg. 04'00" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21781)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna formation, lower member, from fore of cascade about 50 yards east of Miller's point B 83, in tributary to canyon east of Horn Mountain. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Ammonites, pelecypods and belemnites from fore of cascade about 50 yards east of Miller's point B 83, in tributary to canyon east of Horn Mtn. From dark siltstone, probably Chinitna. Page 66, September 12, 1949."][Shown as locality 248 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'31" N., 153 deg. 04'04" W.]; [J.K. Hartsock, 1949. North side of Chinitna Bay, tributary to large canyon east of Horn Mountain, from face of Cascade about 50 yd east of loc. 21338, Chinitna formation, near middle of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
(Mesozoic loc. 21338)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 248 on Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'31" N., 153 deg. 04'04" W.]][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AMr142. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Fm. Same geographical location as no. 21242. Stream described under 21336 (orig. no. 48AMr140) at point 1.36 miles N. 87 deg. E of Horn Htn. Reddish-brown weathering sandstone probably near middle of lower unit of Chinitna formation. Sept. 12, 1948."]; [D.J. Miller, 1948. North side of Chinitna Bay. East branch of large stream east of Horn Mountain at point 1.36 miles N. 87° E. of Horn Mountain, Chinitna formation, probably near middle of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
(Mesozoic loc. 27097)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna formation. 400 to 500 feet above base. (description from Imlay E&R report of 12/30/58; Shipment A-58-14) [Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated Nov. 24, 1958, provides following description: "Lower Chinitna formation; 400-500 feet above base; dk. gray siltstone with elliptical limestone conc. and beds; Horn Creek, 1.42 mi. N. of mouth of creek; Coords. 15.31-21.32, 59 deg. 53'20"N., 153 deg. 04'30"W. Section in fault zone."][Shown as locality 248 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'31" N., 153 deg. 04'04" W.]
Cadoceras doroschini Eichwald
(Mesozoic loc. 21774)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna formation, lower member from gully trending south at point 6D on beach on south side of Chinitna Bay opposite Gull Island, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Ammonite and pelecypod from gully running south from point 6D on beach, south side of Chinitna Bay, Stratigraphic position, Lower member of Chinitna formation. Collected by Don J. Miller, Page 56, September 2, 1949."][Shown as locality 251 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'59" N., 153 deg. 01'48" W.]; [J. K. Hartsock, 1949. Iniskin Peninsula, south side of Chinitna Bay opposite Gull Island in south trending gully, Chinitna formation, near top of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
(Mesozoic loc. 27098)
, Seldovia
, Chinitna formation. Near top of lower member. (description from Imlay E&R report of 12/30/58; Shipment A-58-14) [Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated Nov. 24, 1958, provides following description: "Lower Chinitna formation; near top of lower member; dk. olive-gray siltstone and greenish sandstone, with limy conc.; in stream 0.74 mi. S. 49 deg. W. head of Hickerson L.; Coords. 1.56-8.15, 59 deg. 57'05"N., 152 deg. 57'15"W."][Shown as locality 269 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 57'02" N., 152 deg. 58'07" W.]
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 270 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 56'37" N., 153 deg. 01'37" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22685)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, north side of Chisik Island, 1.62 miles southwest of northern tip. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 196 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 09'55" N., 152 deg. 38'18" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22687)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, north side of Chisik Island, 1.64 miles southwest of northern tip. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 196 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 09'55" N., 152 deg. 38'18" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21288)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 200 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 05'51" N., 152 deg. 41'01" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI83. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie member. Same geographical location as no. 21261. Head of stream entering Bear Creek from southwest at first outcrop above the mouth 5.2 miles S 17 deg. W of Fossil Point. Gray siltstone, about 2,200 feet stratigraphically above coll. 21281 (48AI80). Aug. 3, 1948."]; [R.W. Imlay and D.J. Miller, 1948. Tuxedni Bay area, head of stream entering Bear Creek from the southeast at first outcrop above mouth, 5.2 miles S. 17° W. of Fossil Point. Chinitna formation, lower third, about 600 ft above base. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj
(Mesozoic loc. 21286)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 202 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 09'56" N., 152 deg. 38'17" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI70. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. - Tonnie Member. Same geographic location as no. 21261. Northwest shore of Chisik Island, 1.35 miles N 88 deg. E. of Fossil Point. Sandy siltstone, about 30 feet stratigraphically above collection 21273 (48AI69). Probably from basal Tonnie member. July 29, 1948."]; [R.W. Imlay and D.J. Miller, 1948. Tuxedni Bay area, northwest shore of Chisik Island, 1.35 miles N. 88° E. of Fossil Point, about 30 ft above base of Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Calliphylloceras freibrocki Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22686)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, north side of Chisik Island, 1.8 miles southwest of northern tip. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 204 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 09'39" N., 152 deg. 38'13" W.]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 22688)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, north side of Chisik Island, 1.63 miles southwest of northern tip. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 209 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 10'07" N., 152 deg. 38'05" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22689)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, north side of Chisik Island, 1.29 miles southwest of the northern tip. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 209 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 10'07" N., 152 deg. 38'05" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21287)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 209 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 10'07" N., 152 deg. 38'05" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI71. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm - Tonnie member. Same geographical location on no. 21261. Northwest shore of Chisik Island, 1.57 N. 77 deg. E. of Fossil Point. Gray, sandy siltstone, about 80 feet stratigraphically above collection 21273 (48AI69). Probably Tonnie Mbr. July 29, 1948."]; [R.W. Imlay and D.J. Miller, 1948. Tuxedni Bay area, northwest shore of Chisik Island, 1.57 miles N. 77° E. of Fossil Point, about 80 ft above base of Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) tychonis Ravn
(Mesozoic loc. 22690)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, north side of Chisik Island, 0.87 mile southwest of northern tip. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 213 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 10'20" N., 152 deg. 37'48" W.]
Kheraiceras intermedium Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22683)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 5.24 miles north of the southern tip. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 216 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 09'38" N., 152 deg. 38'10" W.]
Macrophylloceras grossicostatum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22684)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 5.25 miles north of the southern tip. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 216 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 09'38" N., 152 deg. 38'10" W.]
Kheraiceras abruptum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22682)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 5.17 miles north of the southern tip. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 221 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 09'27" N., 152 deg. 38'04" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22543)
, Kenai
, Point A72 on northwest side of Chisik Island just southeast of conglomerate point. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 221 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 09'27" N., 152 deg. 38'04" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21285)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 224 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 09'16" N., 152 deg. 37'54" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI67. Upper Jurassic - Tuxedni Fm. - Tonnie Member. Same geographicaly location as no. 21261. West shore of Chisik Island, 1.5 miles S 70 deg. E of Fossil Point. Hard gray siltstone about 20' feet below top of sandstone unit from which issue many springs. Probably about same horizon stratigraphically as coll. 21287 (48AI71). July 29, 1948."]; [R.W. Imlay and D.J. Miller, 1948. Tuxedni Bay area, west shore of Chisik Island, 1.5 miles S. 70° E. of Fossil Point, about 20 ft below top of sandstone unit from which issue many springs. Chinitna formation, near top of lower third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Kepplerites (Seymourites) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 22681)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 3.93 miles north of southern tip, middle third of "lower" Chinitna siltstone. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 246 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 08'56" N., 152 deg. 37'28" W.]
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
(Mesozoic loc. 21344)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 246 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 08'56" N., 152 deg. 37'28" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI20. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Formation. Same geographical description of location as no. 21292. Gulch entering Chinitna Bay from north, 2.8 miles S 88 deg. E of Horn Mtn. Reddish-brown weathering siltstone, about 500 feet below the base of the gray weathering siltstone of the Chinitna formation. July 12, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Gulch entering Chinitna Bay from north 2.8 miles S. 88° E. of Horn Mountain, about 500 ft below the top of the middle third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras doroschini Eichwald
Cadoceras wosnessenskii (Grewingk)
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
(Mesozoic loc. 22680)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 3.91 miles north of southern tip, middle third of "lower" Chinitna. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 249 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 08'48" N., 152 deg. 37'22" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22679)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, float from same locality as lot 51AGz55. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[shown as locality 254 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 08'37" N., 152 deg. 37'12" W.]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) multicostatum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22678)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 3.82 miles north of southern tip, middle third of "lower" Chinitna siltstone. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 254 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 08'37" N., 152 deg. 37'12" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21291)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 257 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 10'33" N., 152 deg. 35'53" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI72. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Fm. Same geographical location as no. 21261. North shore of Chisik Island, 2.46 miles N. 76 deg. E. of Fossil Pt. From hard gray-weathering gray siltstone. 75-100 ft. stratigraphically below the sandstone unit near middle --(indistinct word) of the Chinitna formation. July 29, 1948."]; [R.W. Imlay and D.J. Miller, 1948. Tuxedni Bay area, north shore of Chisik Island, 2.86 miles N. 76° E. of Fossil Point. Chinitna formation, middle third, from 75 to 100 ft below the sandstone unit at the base of upper third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) striatum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22677)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 3.47 miles north of southern tip, upper third of "lower" Chinitna siltstone. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 259 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 08'26" N., 152 deg. 36'57" W.]
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
(Mesozoic loc. 22676)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 3.46 miles north of southern tip, from upper third of "lower" Chinitna siltstone. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 264 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock,1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 08'17" N., 152 deg. 36'46" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22551)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 273 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 40'07" N., 153 deg. 16'37" W.][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Upper Jurassic-Naknek Fm. Orig. No. 46-AK-r-101. Basal beds, interbedded thin sandstone and siltstone. 2.85 miles S 25 W of Front Mountain, Iniskin Peninsula, Alaska."]
(Mesozoic loc. 22435)
, Iliamna
, From massive sandstone at top of Chinitna formation on east side of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cadoceras and Pseudocadoceras(?). South along beach 200 yards from Pt. 13E, E. side of Iniskin Bay. Col. from massive sandstone bed at top of Chinitna formation. 6/20/50."][Shown as locality 280 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'20" N., 153 deg. 24'20" W.]; A. Grantz and J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, 6.25 miles S. 66° W. of Front Mountain on east shore of Iniskin Bay. Chinitna formation, upper 200 ft. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Cadoceras doroschini Eichwald
Cadoceras wosnessenskii (Grewingk)
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
(Mesozoic loc. 22415)
, Iliamna
, Pt. 27E on north slope of Mt. Pomeroy about 300 feet stratgraphically below base of Chisik conglomerate. [Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Pseudocadoceras. North slope of Mt. Pomeroy about 300' stratigraphically below base of Chisik conglomerate. Collected at Pt. 27E in Chinitna formation. 6/22/50."][Shown as locality 284 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'39" N., 153 deg. 22'07" W.]; [A. Grantz, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, north slope of Mt. Pomeroy, 5 miles S. 63° W. of Front Mountain, Chinitna formation, 300 ft below top. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) pomeroyense Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22417)
, Iliamna
, North slope of Mt. Pomeroy about 300 feet stratigraphically below base of Chisik conglomerate. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Immature forms of Pseudocadoceras(?). North slope Mt. Pomeroy, about 300 feet stratigraphically below base of Chisik conglomerate. Col. at pt. 25E, in Chinitna fmn. 6/22/50."][Shown as locality 285 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'42" N., 153 deg. 22'21" W.]
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
(Mesozoic loc. 22434)
, Iliamna
, Alongshore reef between Pts. 12E and 13E. From upper 100 feet of gray siltstone with calcareous layers underlying massive sandstone bed at top of Chinitna formation. East side of Iniskin Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cadoceras and Pseudocadoeras(?). Alongshore reef between Pts. 12E and 13E. Upper 100' of gray siltstone with limy layers underlying massive sandstone bed at top of Chinitna formation, East side of Iniskin Bay. 6/20/50."][Shown as locality 289 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'32" N., 153 deg. 23'53" W.]; [A. Grantz and J. K. Hartsock, 1950. Iniskin Peninsula, 5.9 miles S. 67° W. of Front Mountain on east shore of Iniskin Bay. Chinitna formation, from 100 ft of siltstone lying 200 ft below top. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Phylloceras (Partschiceras) subobtusiforme (Pompeckj)
Cadoceras wosnessenskii (Grewingk)
Xenocephalites hebetus Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 20763)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 292 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'35" N., 153 deg. 23'46" W.][Entry card in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality Catalogue (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Upper Chinitna formation. 46AKr190. Cook Inlet, Alaska, 6.0 mi N. 57 deg. W. of Front Mt. Dark gray arenaceous siltstone. Fossils common in calcareous concretions. Coll. Charles E. Kirschner. June 6, 1946."]; [C. E. Kirschner, 1946. Iniskin Peninsula, east shore of Iniskin Bay, 6 miles S. 67° W. of Front Mountain. Chinitna formation, near top of middle third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Calliphylloceras freibrocki Imlay
Cadoceras tenuicostatum Imlay
Cadoceras doroschini Eichwald
Cadoceras wosnessenskii (Grewingk)
Cadoceras kialagvikense Imlay
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
Kepplerites (Seymourites) multus (McLearn)
Kepplerites (Seymourites) ingrahami (McLearn)
Kepplerites (Seymourites) mcevoyi (McLearn)
(Mesozoic loc. 26590)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna Formation. Labeled basal 100 feet of Naknek fm. South Shore Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/22/58; Shipment A-58-1)[Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated 12/18/57 provides following description: "Naknek formation; basal 100 feet; dark greenish to gray siltstone with interbeds of yellowish green sandstone, limestone lenses and concretions; Coords: 17.2-17.48; 59 deg. 49'55"N, 153 deg. 01'25"W. South shore Chinitna Bay."][Shown as locality 274 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 50'03" N., 153 deg. 01'02" W. - this differs drastically from that given above in transmittal sheet of Detterman.]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) multicostatum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21342)
, Seldovia
, [Shown as locality 276 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'06" N., 152 deg. 59'22" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI18. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Fm. Cook Inlet region. D-12 district, NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of quadrangle no. --------. Chinitna Bay area. Coll. Ralph Imlay & Don Miller 1948. nb? PA 3-17, 29, 47-50. Cliff on north shore of Chinitna Bay, 4.02 miles S 83 deg. E of Horn Mtn. From gray weathering siltstone about 70 feet below the top of the Chinitna Fm. July 12, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Cliff on north shore of Chinitna Bay 4.0 miles S. 83° E. of Horn Mountain, about 70 ft below top of the upper third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) multicostatum Imlay
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) stenoloboide Pompeckj
(Mesozoic loc. 21346)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 278 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 50'04" N., 153 deg. 01'06" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI22. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Fm. Same geographic location as no. 21292. Cliff on south shore of Chinitna Bay, 4.88 miles N 69 deg. E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. From gray weathering siltstone near the top of the Chinitna formation at or near USGS loc. nos. 10994, 10996, 10997, 11003, 11007, 11009, 11011, 11012, and 7519. July 13, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, cliff on south shore of Chinitna Bay 4.88 miles N. 69° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek, near top of upper third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) multicostatum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 26591)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna Formation. Labeled upper 50 feet of Chinitna formation. South Shore Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/22/58; Shipment A-58-1)[Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated 12/18/57 provides following description: "Chinitna formation; upper 50 feet, olive gray siltstone; south shore Chinitna Bay; Coords: 17.04-17.45, 59 deg. 49'55"N, 153 deg. 01'55"N, 153 deg. 01'30"W."][Shown as locality 278 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 50'04" N., 153 deg. 01'06" W. - this differs drastically from that given above in Detterman's transmittal sheet]
(Mesozoic loc. 21776)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna formation, upper member, 1.1 miles west of Gull Island, south shore of Chinitna Bay, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Cadoceras, from float below undifferentiated thick siltstone of the upper member of the Chinitna Formation, 1.1 miles west of Gull Island, south shore of Chinitna Bay."][Detterman and Hartsock, 1966, p. 48 (faunal list), loc. 288 on Pl. 3][Shown as locality 288 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 50'54" N., 153 deg. 01'12" W.]; [A. Grantz, 1949. Iniskin Peninsula, south shore of Chinitna Bay 1.1 miles west of Gull Island. Float from thick siltstone of the upper third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) multicostatum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21347)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 288 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 50'04" N., 153 deg. 01'12" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI23. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Fm. Same geographical location as no. 21292. Talus at base of cliff on south shore of Chinitna Bay, 4.73 miles N 68 deg. E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. Gray siltstone, probably from the Chinitna Formation. July 13, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, talus at base of cliff on south shore of Chinitna Bay, 4.73 miles N. 68° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek, probably derived from same beds in same cliff as lot 21346, Chinitna formation, upper third. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) multicostatum Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21778)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna formation, upper member, from lower half of the upper half of upper member, 1.0 to 1.1 miles west of Gull Island on south shore of Chinitna Bay, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Macrofossils from the lower half of the massive siltstone of the upper half of the upper Chinitna, 1.0 to 1.1 miles west of Gull Island, south shore."][Detterman and Hartsock, 1966, p. 48 (faunal list), loc. 293 on Pl. 3] [Note by R.B. Blodgett: locality number mistakenly entered as 48AGz34 in text of E&R report, but correctly listed as 49AGz34 in transmittal sheet of Grantz][Shown as locality 293 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 50'03" N., 153 deg. 01'20" W.]; [A. Grantz, 1949. Iniskin Peninsula, south shore of Chinitna Bay from 1.0 to 1.1 miles west of Gull Island, lower half of the massive siltstone forming the upper half of the upper third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) multicostatum Imlay
Pseudocadoceras chinitnense Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 21339)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 296 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'15" N., 153 deg. 03'20" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Upper Juarrris - Chinitna Fm. Orig. no. 48AI13. Same geographical description as no. 21292. First tributary entering Park Creek from northeast above the mouth, 3.1 miles S 84 deg. E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. Reddish brown-weathering siltstone about 1,200 ft above base of Chinitna Fm. July 11, 1948."]; [R. W. Imlay and D. J. Miller, 1948. Iniskin Peninsula, first tributary entering Park Creek from the southeast above mouth, 3.1 miles S. 84° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek, about 1,200 ft above base of middle third of Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 67)]
(Mesozoic loc. 21777)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna formation, lower part of upper member, 1.2 to 1.3 miles west of Gull Island on south shore of Chinitna Bay, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Macrofossils from the siltstone with thin lime and lime concretion beds of the lower part of the upper Chinitna 1.2 to 1.3 miles west of Gull Island, south shore of Chinitna Bay."][Detterman and Hartsock, 1966, p. 48 (faunal list), loc. 297 on Pl. 3][Shown as locality 297 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 50'01" N., 153 deg. 01'20" W.]; [A. Grantz, 1949. Iniskin Peninsula, south shore of Chinitna Bay from 1.2 to 1.3 miles west of Gull Island from siltstone and thin limestones in the lower part of the upper third of the Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 66)]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) multicostatum Imlay
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) stenoloboide Pompeckj
Pseudocadoceras chinitnense Imlay
(Mesozoic loc. 22526)
, Iliamna
, Horn Creek 1.3 miles north of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 298 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'22" N., 153 deg. 03'52" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22524)
, Iliamna
, Horn Creek 1.6 miles north of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 299 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'32" N., 153 deg. 03'44" W.]
Cadoceras (Paracadoceras) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 22525)
, Iliamna
, Horn Creek 1.4 miles north of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 300 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'30" N., 153 deg. 03'54" W.]
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 300 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'30" N., 153 deg. 03'54" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22458)
, Iliamna
, 2.2 miles N 23 1/2 W of Mt. Chinitna. Coll. by Grantz 7/8/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "2.2 mi. N 23 1/2 W Mt. Chinitna. Top of L. Chinitna formation."][Shown as locality 301 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'36" N., 153 deg. 02'26" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21775)
, Iliamna
, Chinitna formation, upper member, from gully in ridge on north side of Chinitna Bay NNW of Gull Island. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Pelecypods from gully in ridge on north side of Chinitna Bay, north-northwest from Gull Island. From dark siltstone of Upper member of the Chinita formation. Page 62, September 10, 1949."][Detterman and Hartsock, 1966, p. 48 (faunal list), loc. 295 on Pl. 3][Shown as locality 295 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 53'23" N., 153 deg. 01'47" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22704)
, Seldovia
, Chinitna foramtion, south side of Red Glacier, 0.4 miles above present terminus, near top of Chinitna. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 279 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966]
, Seldovia
, [Shown as locality 282 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 56'55" N., 152 deg. 58'35" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22702)
, Seldovia
, Chinitna formation, south side of Red Glacier, 0.45 mile above present terminus, near top of Chinitna. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 286 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 58'18" N., 152 deg. 50'05" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22703)
, Seldovia
, Chinitna formation, south side of Red Glacier, 0.6 miles above present terminus, near top of Chinitna. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 290 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 58'00" N., 152 deg. 49'14" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22668)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, upper part. West side of Chisik Island, 1.83 miles north of southern tip, 20 to 40 feet below base of Chisik Conglomerate. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 275 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 07'01" N., 152 deg. 35'23" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22669)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation. West side of Chisik Island, 1.835 miles north of southern tip, 60 to 80 feet below base of Chisik conglomerate. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 275 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 07'01" N., 152 deg. 35'23" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21289)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 277 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 07'07" N., 152 deg. 35'27" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI54. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Fm. Same geographical location as no. 21261. West shore of Chisik Island, 4.33 miles S 41 deg. E. of Fossil Point. Hard(?) gray-weathering siltstone, about 100 feet below top of the Chinitna. July 26, 1948."]
(Mesozoic loc. 22554)
, Kenai
, Pt. 3G on northwest side of Chisik Island just below Chisik conglomerate. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Shown as locality 281 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 07'13" N., 152 deg. 35'33" W.]; [Arthur Grantz, 1950. Chisik Island, west shore, near top of Chinitna formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
(Mesozoic loc. 22670)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 1.86 miles north of southern tip, 240 feet below base of Chisik conglomerate. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 283 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 07'17" N., 152 deg. 35'39" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22671)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 1.88 miles north of southern tip. From middle of upper Chinitna. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 287 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 07'21" N., 152 deg. 35'43" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21290)
, Kenai
, [Shown as locality 287 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 07'21" N., 152 deg. 35'43" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI55. Upper Jurassic - Chinitna Fm. Same geographical location as no. 21261. West shore of Chisik Island, 3.94 miles S 43 deg. E of Fossil Point. Hard(?) gray-weathering gray siltstone, about 350-375 feet stratigraphically below tthe top of the Chinitna. July 26, 1948."; [R.W. Imlay and D.J. Miller, 1948. Tuxedni Bay area, west shore of Chisik Island, 3.94 miles S. 43° E. of Fossil Point. Chinitna formation, upper third, from 300 to 375 ft below top. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 65)]
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) multicostatum Imlay
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) stenoloboide Pompeckj
(Mesozoic loc. 22672)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 3.4 miles north of southern tip, from talus under lower quarter of upper Chinitna. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 291 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 07'40" N., 152 deg. 36'01" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22673)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 3.0 miles north of southern tip. From talus under second quarter above base of upper Chinitna. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 294 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 07'49" N., 152 deg. 36'10" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22675)
, Kenai
, Chinitna formation, west side of Chisik Island, 3.35 miles north of southern tip, near top of "lower" Chinitna siltstone. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 302 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 08'01" N., 152 deg. 36'25" W.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22418)
, Iliamna
, About 50 feet above base of Naknek formation on west side of Oil Bay. Coll. by Hartsock 6/26/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cardioceras(?). Pt. K33 (Kirschner's point) on west side Oil Bay. About 50' above base of Naknek. 6/26/50. Banded sandstone."][Shown as locality 303 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'14" N., 153 deg. 18'24" W.]; R. D. Hoare and J. K. Hartsock, 1950. West shore of Oil Bay, NE cor. SE1/4SE1/4 sec. 14, T. 6 S.. R. 24 W., Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet, southern Alaska. Naknek Formation, about 15 m above base of unnamed lower sandstone member. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 50AHa21 Upper Jurassic. Naknek fm. + or - 50 feet base of Naknek fm. on west side of Oil Bay at Pt.K.33. Coll. by Hartsock and Grantz, June 22, 1950.]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 22426)
, Iliamna
, About 200 yards south along beach from loc. 50AHa21 in lower member of Naknek on west side of Oil Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Cardioceras. 200 yards south along beach from Pt. K33, west side Oil Bay. Lower member Naknek. 6/26/50. Banded sandstone."][Shown as locality 307 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'08" N., 153 deg. 18'17" W.]; R. D. Hoare and J. K. Hartsock, 1950. West shore of Oil Bay, about 213 m south of USGS Mesozoie loc. 22418 and 427 m south of first major point down bay from gravel spit near mouth of Bowser Creek. SE corner SE1/4 sec. 14, T. 6 S., R. 24 W., Iliamna (C-1) Quadrangle, west of Cook Inlet. Naknek Formation, 48 m above base of unnamed lower sandstone member. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 50AHa21a Upper Jurassic, Naknek fm. Lower member, 200 yards south of Pt. K.33 on west side of Oil Bay. Coll. Hoare and Hartsock, June 26, 1950.]
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 21350)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 304 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 48'46" N., 153 deg. 01'53" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI24. Upper Jurassic - Naknek Formation. Location (Geographical) same as no. 21292. Near head of first stream entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek. Float, probably from Naknek Formation. July 14, 1948."]; R. W. Imlay, 1948. Near head of first stream entering Chinitna Bay east of Park Creek. Center of SE1/4 sec.
22, T. 4 S., R. 22 W., Iliamna (D-1) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 15-31 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25)
Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 21782)
, Iliamna
, Naknek formation, from large blocks below basal Naknek, 0.8 to 0.9 miles west of Gull Island along south shore of Chinitna Bay, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Cardioceras, from float below basal Naknek, (from large talus blocks) 0.8 to 0.9 miles west of Gull I. along south shore of Chinitna Bay."][Shown as locality 308 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 50'00" N., 153 deg. 00'50" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1949. South shore of Chinitna Bay. 1.3-1.4 km west of Gull Island at same place as Mesozoic loc. 11002. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 61-76 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. 49AGz15. Jurassic - Naknek. Same geographic location as (for?) 21775. Cardioceras, from float below basal Naknek (from large talus block) 0.8 to 0.9 miles west of Gull Island along south shore of Chinitna Bay. Coll. Grantz. 1949.]
Cardioceras martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 21351)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 309 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'56" N., 153 deg. 00'37" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI27. Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. Geographical location same as no. 21292. South shore of Chinitna Bay, 5.0 miles N 71 deg. E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. Arkosic sandstone in lower part of Naknek formation. July 1? & Aug. 10, 1948."]; R. W. Imlay, 1948. Eight km N. 71°E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek and slightly southeast of Mesozoic loc. 11002. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 137 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25)
Cardioceras distans (Whitfield)
Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) alaskense Reeside
Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 21784)
, Iliamna
, Naknek formation, lower part, about 0.8 mile west of Gull Island on south shore of Chinita Bay, Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Macrofossils from the massive sandstone beds of the lower Naknek about 0.8 miles west of Gull Island, south shore."][Shown as locality 209 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 10'07" N., 152 deg. 38'05" W.]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 49AGz36. Jurassic-Naknek Fm. Same geographic location as No. 21783, Macrofossils from the massive sandstone beds of the lower Naknek about 0.6 miles west of Gull Island, south shore. Coll. Grantz, 1949.]
Cardioceras martini Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 21783)
, Iliamna
, Naknek formation, from upper half of the massive sandstone beds of the lower Naknek just below the black, limy siltstone of the middle Naknek, 0.7 miles west of Gull Island on south shore of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Ammonite (Phylloceras?) from the upper half of the massive sandstone beds of the lower Naknek, immediately below the black limey siltstone of the middle Naknek, 0.7 miles of west of Gull Island, south shore."][Shown as locality 310 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'51" N., 153 deg. 00'28" W.];Arthur Grantz, 1949. South shore of Chinitna Bay, 1 km west of Gull Island and 0.3 km southwest of Mesozoic 1oc.-21351. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member, 244 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 49AGz35. Jurassic-Naknek Fm. Cook Inlet Region, west side of Cook Inlet & Chinitna Bay district, NE1/4, NW1/4, NW1/4 Quadrangle 585, Alaska. Ammonite (Phylloceras) from the upper half of the massive sandstone beds of the lower Naknek, immediately below the ??? limey siltstone of the Middle Naknek, 0.7 miles west of Gull Island, south shore. Coll. Grantz, 1949.]
(Mesozoic loc. 22701)
, Seldovia
, Naknek formation, south side of Red Glacier, 0.2 mile above present terminus. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 305 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 57'41" N., 152 deg. 48'56" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1951. South side of Red Glacier. 0.3 km above present terminus near center of west half of sec. 36, T. 2 S., R. 21 W., Seldovia (D-8) Quadrangle, on Peninsula between Tuxedni Bay and Chinitna Bay]; Arthur Grantz, 1951. South side of Red Glacier. 0.3 km above present terminus near center of west half of sec. 36, T. 2 S., R. 21 W., Seldovia (D-8) Quadrangle,
On Peninsula between Tuxedni Bay and Chinitna Bay west of Cook Inlet. Naknek Formation, unnamed lower sandstone member 30.5-53 m above base. Early Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Jurassic-Alaska - 51AGz123 - Aug. 9, 1951 - near the base of the Naknek. South side of Red Glacier 0.2 miles above the present terminus.]
Cardioceras martini Reeside
Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) sp.
(Mesozoic loc. 27095)
, Seldovia
, Naknek fm. Lower 200 ft. (description from Imlay E&R report of 12/30/58; Shipment A-58-14) [Transmittal sheet of Detterman, dated Nov. 24, 1958, provides following description: "Lower Naknek formation; basal 200 feet; brownish-gray sandstone and siltstone, massive, concretionary weathering; south shore Hickerson Lake; Coords. 2.38-7.31, 59 deg. 56'20"N, 152 deg. 55'50"W, 1.44 mi. S. 11 deg. E. head of Hickerson Lake."][Shown as locality 306 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 56'04" N., 152 deg. 55'55" W.]]
(Mesozoic loc. 22450)
, Iliamna
, From lower siltstone member of Naknek formation just northeast of Scott Island at southwest tip of Iniskin Peninsula. Coll. by Grantz 6/21/50. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "Same as 15. L. Sts. member Naknek."][Shown as locality 311 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 38'58" N., 153 deg. 24'59" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1950. East shore of Iniskin Bay in NE cor. NE1/4 sec. 19, T. 6 S., R. 24 W., about 0.3 km north of Mesozoie loc. 22449 in Iliamna (C-2) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation, 61-69 m above base of Snug Harbor Siltstone Member. Late middle to late Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 50AGz16, Upper Jurassic, siltstone member of Naknek fm., from lower part of member, from cove on east shore of Iniskin Bay N.E. of Scott Island on southwest tip of Iniskin Peninsula. Coll. by Grantz 6/21/50]
Buchia aff. B. concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 20723)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 312 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 39'21" N., 153 deg. 16'13" W.]; Entry (card) in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Mesozoic - Naknek fm. 46AKr102. 1.4 miles S. 28 deg. W. of Front Mountain. Base of siltstone unit (compare to loc. no. 11,056, Bull. 789) Hard medium to dark gray siltstone in thick siltstone unit. Quad. 585: NW1/4 of the NW1/4. Coll. Chas. E. Kirschner, 6/29/46."]; C. E. Kirschner, 1946. East shore of Oil Bay at about
same place as USGS Mesozoie locality 11056. Naknek Formation, near base of Snug Harbor Siltstone Member. Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26)
Buchia aff. B. concentrica (Sowerby)
Cardioceras distans var. depressum Reeside
(Mesozoic loc. 22449)
, Iliamna
, About 40 feet below top of upper siltstone member of Naknek formation from cove just northeast of Scott Island on southwest tip of Iniskin Peninsula. (description from Imlay E&R report of Feb. 13, 1951; Shipment AF-50-33)[Transmittal sheet of Hartsock, dated Nov. 6, 1950 provides this description: "On shore of Iniskin Bay just N.E. of Scott Island S.W. tip of Iniskin Peninsula. U. Siltstone member of Naknek."][Shown as locality 314 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 38'45" N., 153 deg. 25'02" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1950. East shore of Iniskin Bay northeast of Scott Island on southwest tip of Iniskin Peninsula, NE1/4 sec. 19, T. 6 S., R. 24 W., Iliamna (C-2) Quadrangle west of Cook Inlet, southern Alaska. Naknek Formation, 198-206 m above base and 12 m below top of Snug Harbor Siltstone Member. Late Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 26); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 50AGz15, Upper Jurassic, 40' below top of siltstone member of Naknek fm. from cove on east shore of Iniskin Bay just N.E. of Scott Island on southwest tip of Iniskin Peninsula. Coll. by Grantz 6/19/50]
(Mesozoic loc. 21785)
, Iliamna
, Naknek formation, from limy siltstone of middle part, 0.6 miles west of Gull Island on south shore of Chinitna Bay. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Ammonite (Phylloceras?) from the limey siltstone of middle Naknek 0.6 miles west of Gull Island, south shore."][Shown as locality 313 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'47" N., 153 deg. 00'07" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1949. South shore of Chinitna Bav at same place as Mesozoic loc. 21352. Naknek Formation, Snug Harbor Siltstone Member, 183 m above base. Late middle to late Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 49AGz37. Jurassic-Naknek Fm. Same geographical locality as No. 21783. Ammonite Phylloceras from the limey siltstone of the Middle Naknek 0.6 miles west of Gull Island, South shore. Coll. Grantz, 1949.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21786)
, Iliamna
, Naknek formation, probably same locality as preceding 49AGz37, but label was separated in transit. (description from Imlay E&R report of 1/16/50)[Grantz transmittal sheet of Nov. 23, 1949 provides following description: "Ammonite probably from the limey siltstone of the middle Naknek 0.6 miles west of Gull Island, south shore of Chinitna Bay. (Separated from label in transit)."][Shown as locality 313 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'47" N., 153 deg. 00'07" W.]; Arthur Grantz, 1949. South shore of Chinitna Bay, 1 km west of Gull Island, a little southeast of Mesozoic loc. 21783 in the same section, Iliamna (D-1) Quadrangle. Naknek Formation. Snug Harbor Siltstone Member. 183 m above base, Oxfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25); [USGS Mes. Cat.: Orig. no. 49AGz45. Jurassic-Naknek. Same geographical locality as No. 21783. Ammonite probably from the limey siltstone of the Middle Naknek. 0.6 miles west of Gull Island, South shore - Chinitna. Coll. Grantz, 1949.]
(Mesozoic loc. 21352)
, Iliamna
, [Shown as locality 313 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 59 deg. 49'47" N., 153 deg. 00'07" W.][Entry in USGS Mesozoic Fossil Locality register (Washington, D.C.) provides following description: "Orig. no. 48AI85. Upper Jurassic - Naknek Fm. Geographical locaton same as 21291. South shore of Chinitna Bay. 5.1 miles N. 74 deg. E of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek. Gray siltstone about 75 feet above the highest Cardioceras bearing sandstone. Aug. 10, 1948."]; R. W. Imlay, 1948. South shore of Chinitna Bay, 8 km N. 74° E. of dock at mouth of Fitz Creek, and 0.8 km southeast of Mesozoic loc. 21350 in east-central part of same section. Naknek Formation, Snug Harbor Siltstone Member. 183 m above base. Late middle to late 0xfordian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 25)
Buchia aff. B. concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 22667)
, Kenai
, Naknek formation, west side of Chisik Island from 250 to 500 yards north of southern point. (description from Imlay E&R report of Dec. 20, 1951; shipment AF-51-40)[Shown as locality 315 on Pl. 3 of Detterman and Hartsock, 1966 - Note by R.B. Blodgett: digitization of this point gives approx. lat. 60 deg. 06'08" N., 152 deg. 33'57" W.]
Buchia cf. B. concentrica (Sowerby)