(Mesozoic loc. M2045)
, De Long Mts
, 68 deg. 17'00" N., 164 deg. 25'57" W. South end quarter-mile long cut W. bank Kukpuk, W. leg of N. loop. Gray, medium-bedded turbidite and mudstone.
Inoceramus anglicus (= I. comancheanus Cragin)
(Mesozoic loc. M2046)
, Point Hope
, 68 deg. 11'45" N., 165 deg. 03'10" W. SW. bank S. bend before S. loop Kukpuk. Rubble and subcrop of mudstone and dark gray thin bed turbidite.
(Mesozoic loc. M2047)
, Point Hope
, 68 deg. 10'45" N., 165 deg. 5'35" W. Low spur W. bank Kukpuk, N. edge shale lowland on E. leg of S. loop. Top of thick bed ss. zone.
(Mesozoic loc. M2048)
, Point Hope
, 68 deg. 09'40" N., 165 deg. 17'50" W. Moderate high clay bank S. side Kukpuk middle W. leg of S. loop. Thin bedded, grayish green graywacke in dark mounds. Aucella aggregrate.
Buchia cf. B. "sublaevis"
(Mesozoic loc. M2049)
, Point Hope
, 68 deg. 09'50" N., 165 deg. 18'15" W. West bank Kukpuk, 1,000' down from 321b. Thin-bed, cyclic graywacke.
Buchia cf. B. "sublaevis"
(Mesozoic loc. M2050)
, Point Hope
, About 68 deg. 12'50" N., 165 deg. 19' W. Cobble of coquina from gravel bar. Similar rock not found in otc. upstream.
Indeter. shell scraps in coquinoid nodule