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Authors: |
Martin, G. C.
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Date: |
/1926 |
Title: |
Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Alaska |
776 , , 493 p., |
Host: |
U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin : |
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Article\Abst.\Chapter\report |
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, Point Hope
, 1 1/2 miles southeast of Wevok (description from Collier, 1906, p. 23) [Martin, 1926, p. 112 gives following description: "1 1/2 miles southwest of Wevok. Chert, cherty limestone, and shale. A.J. Collier, 1904"]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
, Point Hope
, 3 1/2 miles southeast of Wevok (description from Collier, 1906, p. 23) [Martin, 1926, p. 112 gives following description: "3 1/2 miles southeast of Wevok. A.J. Collier, 1904"]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
, Point Hope
, 3 miles east-southeast from Wevok (description from Collier, 1906, p. 23) [Martin, 1926, p. 112 gives following description: "3 miles east-southeast of Wevok. A.J. Collier, 1904"]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
, Point Hope
, 4 miles southeast from Wevok (description from Collier, 1906, p. 23) [Martin, 1926, p. 112 gives following description: "4 miles southeast of Wevok. A.J. Collier, 1904"]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
, Point Hope
, 2 to 3 1/4 miles southeast of Wewok (description from Collier, 1906, p. 34) [Martin, 1926, p. 112 gives following description: "About 2 to 3 1/2 miles southeast of Wevok. Chert. C.W. Washburne, 1904"]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
, Point Hope
, no description given in Collier, 1906, p. 24 [Martin, 1926, p. 112 gives following description: "About half a mile southeast of camp near Wevok. Chert. C.W. Washburne, 1904"]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
, Point Hope
, Cobblestone on point of spit (description from Collier, 1906, p. 24) [Martin, 1926, p. 112 gives following description: "Cobblestone on beach at south side of Point Hope. C.W. Washburne, 1904"]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
, Point Hope
, 2 1/2 miles north of Cape Lewis (description from Collier, 1906, p. 24) [Martin, 1926, p. 112 gives following description: "3 1/2 miles north of Cape Lewis. Chert 450 or 500 feet thick, which is conformably underlain and overlain by fossiliferous limestone. From the underlying limestone the fossils of lot 4AW39 were obtained. C.W. Washburne, 1904"]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
, Point Hope
, Southeast of Wevok (description from Collier, 1906, p. 24)[Martin, 1926, p. 112 gives following description: "(?)Southeast of Wevok. Collier and Washburne, 1904"]
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3106)
, Karluk
, Northeast shore of Cold Bay about 3 miles northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. Fine conglomerate. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3105)
, Ugashik
, Northeast shore of Cold Bay about 4 miles northwest of Cape Kekurnoi, or N. 16° W. of Lathrop's store. Thin fossiliferous bed at top of 200 feet of dark shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202)
1-126 of S.R. Capps, 1921
(Mesozoic loc. 10818)
, Karluk
, North shore of Cold Bay 4 miles northwest of mouth of bay. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202); [S. R. Capps, 1921. Puale Bay, northeast shore, 4 miles northwest of mouth of bay. Shelikof formation, middle member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Cadoceras doroschini (Eichwald)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 2944)
, Karluk
, Base of cliffs 2 miles southeast of Cape Yaklog. G.C. Martin, 1903. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3104)
, Karluk
, Southwest shore of Cold Bay near Cape Yaklog. Conglomerate 100 feet above base of bed 3 in section on p. 198. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3104A)
, Karluk
, Southwest shore of Cold Bay near Cape Yaklog. From bed 2 of section on p. 198. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3103)
, Karluk
, Southwest shore of Cold Bay 1 mile east of Lathrop's store or half a mile inside entrance to bay. Thin bed of conglomerate intercalated in sandstone and shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202)
C of S.R. Capps, 1921
(Mesozoic loc. 10824)
, Karluk
, Southwest shore of Cold Bay. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202); [S.R. Capps, 1921. Puale Bay, southwest shore. Shelikof formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj
Cadoceras doroschini (Eichwald)?
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3117)
, Karluk
, Near head of small creek that enters Cold Bay at Lathrop's store. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 2945)
, Karluk
, Southwest shore of Cold Bay 1 mile above Lathrop's store. G.C. Martin, 1903. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202)
3 of S.R. Capps, 1921
(Mesozoic loc. 10822)
, Karluk
, Head of creek above store. Cold Bay. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202); [3 of S.R. Capps, 1921. S. R. Capps, 1921. Puale Bay, southwest side, head of small creek near Cape Aklek. Shelikof formation, middle member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Cadoceras doroschini Eichwald?
Cadoceras grewingki Pompeckj?
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 2943)
, Karluk
, Near mouth of Oil Creek, Dry Bay. G.C. Martin, 1903. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202); [G.C. Martin, 1903. Kanatak area, Dry Bay, near mouth of Oil Creek, Alaskan Peninsula. Shelikof formation, middle member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Cadoceras schmidti Pompeckj
954 of T.W. Stanton, 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3113)
, Karluk
, West side of Oil Creek, 500 feet above creek and half a mile above its mouth, or 4 miles west of Cold Bay. Calcareous nodules in sandy shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202); [T.W. Stanton, 1904. Four miles west of Puale Bay on west side of Oil Creek, 5 mile above its mouth and at an elevation of 500 ft above the creek. Shelikof formation, middle member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3112)
, Karluk
, Oil Creek about 2 miles above its mouth, or 5 miles west of Cold Bay. Sandy shale. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202)
952 of Martin (1926, p. 202)
, Karluk
, Oil Creek about 250 yards below residue deposit. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (Description from Martin, 1926, p. 202)
1 of Martin (1926, - 1 of Martin (1926, p. 202)
(Mesozoic loc. 10787)
, Karluk
, Dry Bay, three-fourths of a mile north of the mouth of Rex Creek, at an elevation of 1,150 feet. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202)
1-57 of S.R. Capps, 1921
(Mesozoic loc. 10790)
, Karluk
, About 3 1/2 miles above mouth of Rex Creek. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202); [S. R. Capps, 1921. Puale Bay area, about 3½ miles above mouth of Rex Creek, Alaskan Peninsula. Shelikof formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 69)]
Cadoceras grewingki Pompeckj?
1-101 of S.R. Capps, 1921
(Mesozoic loc. 10803)
, Ugashik
, Wide Bay near barabara on point 1 1/2 miles south of mouth of Big Creek. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202); [S. R. Capps, 1921. Wide Bay near point 1½ miles south of mouth of Big Creek. Shelikof formation, lower member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 70)]
Cadoceras doroschini (Eichwald)?
1-105 of S.R. Capps, 1921
(Mesozoic loc. 10805)
, Ugashik
, Wide Bay, stratigraphically 1,000 feet, more or less, above 1-104. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202); [S. R. Capps, 1921. Wide Bay, about 1 mile west of mouth of Pass Creek. Shelikof formation, lower member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 70)]
Cadoceras grewingki Pompeckj?
1-118 of Martin (1926, p. 202)
(Mesozoic loc. 10814)
, Ugashik
, North shore of Wide Bay, 4 miles from its southwest end. Loose boulder. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 202); [S. R. Capps, 1921. Wide Bay, north shore, about 4 miles from its southwest end. Loose boulder derived from the Shelikof formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 70)]
Cadoceras? (with narrow umbilicus)
M5 of Ernest Marquardt, 1921)
(Mesozoic loc. 11072)
, Ugashik
, About 3 miles northwest of shore of Wide Bay, on creek that enpties into bay 4 miles southeast of mouth of Lee Creek. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 203); [Ernest Marquardt, 1921. Wide Bay, about 3 miles northwest of shore on creek that empties into bay 4 miles southwest of mouth of Des Moines (Lee) Creek. Shelikof formation, probably base of middle member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 70)]
1-116 of Martin (1926, p. 203)
(Mesozoic loc. 10812)
, Ugashik
, Same as 1-115 but higher in section. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 203);[S. R. Capps, 1921. Wide Bay area, near head of creek that enters Wide Bay from northwest at southwest end of bay. Shelikof formation, probably base of middle member. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 70)]
Cadoceras wosnessenskii Grewingk
1-117 of Martin (1926, p. 203)
(Mesozoic loc. 10813)
, Ugashik
, Same as 1-116 but higher in section. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 203); [S. R. Capps, 1921. Same locality as 10812 but higher in the section. Shelikof formation. (description from Imlay, 1953, p. 70)]
Cadoceras stenoloboide Pompeckj
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3123)
, Karluk
, Southwest shore of Cold Bay near upper end, one fourth mile north of fault that cuts the conglomerate cliff. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 203)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3102)
, Karluk
, Southwest shore of Cold Bay, half a mile south of northwest end. Lower part of beds exposed in cliff north of fault. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 203)
1-65 of Martin (1926, p. 203)
(Mesozoic loc. 10792)
, Karluk
, About 200 feet feet below base of Naknek formation on Bear Creek-Salmon Creek divide, 4 1/2 miles east-southeast of mouth of Salmon Creek. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 203)
1-79 of Martin (1926, p. 203)
(Mesozoic loc. 10793)
, Ugashik
, About 300 feet below base of Naknek formation on shore of Portage Bay, half a mile southwest of Kanatak Village. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 203)
Coniopteris burejensis (Zalessky) Seward
1 of Martin (1926, p. 203)
(Mesozoic loc. 11958)
, Ugashik
, Tributary of Kanatak Creek from the west about half a mile above wagon road and about 1 1/2 mile north of Kanatak. Upper Jurassic (probably Chinitna shale). G.C. Martin, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 203)
(Mesozoic loc. 11346)
, Ugashik
, West bank of head of north branch of Big Creek, Wide Bay. Shale just below Naknek formation. W.R. Smith, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 203)
(Mesozoic loc. 7571)
, Ugashik
, Talus slope at head of Crooked Creek Pass. W.R. Smith, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 203)
(Mesozoic loc. 2977)
, Seldovia
, West side of Seldovia Bay, opposite village, one-fourth mile southeast of 2978. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136); West side of Seldovia Bay, opposite village, one-fourth mile southeast of locality 905. (description from Moffit, 1906, p. 21)
(Mesozoic loc. 2978)
, Seldovia
, Point Naskowhak, at entrance to Seldovia Bay. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136); Entrance at harbor, west point, Seldovia. (description from Moffit, 1906, p. 21)
Pinna cf. P. expansa Hyatt
(Mesozoic loc. 2979)
, Seldovia
, Three-fourths of a mile west of 2978. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136); Three-fourths of a mile west of locality No. 905. (description from Moffit, 1906, p. 21)
(Mesozoic loc. 6385)
, Seldovia
, East shore of Cook Inlet, 1 mile southwest of Point Naskowhak. U.S. Grant, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136)
(Mesozoic loc. 6385)
, Seldovia
, East shore of Cook Inlet, 1 mile southwest of Point Naskowhak. U.S. Grant, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136)
(Mesozoic loc. 6384)
, Seldovia
, East shore of Cook Inlet, about one-third of the way from Point Naskowhak (which is at south entrance to Seldovia Bay) to Dangerous Cape. U.S. Grant, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136)
(Mesozoic loc. 2980)
, Seldovia
, Shore of Cook Inlet, 2 miles west of Seldovia Bay. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136); Shore of Cook Inlet, 2 miles west of Seldovia Bay. (description from Moffit, 1906, p. 21)
(Mesozoic loc. 2981)
, Seldovia
, Same locality as 2980, but 200 feet higher. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136); Same locality as 907A, but 200 feet higher. (description from Moffit, 1906, p. 21)
Pinna cf. P. expansa Hyatt
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 7237)
, Seldovia
, About 2 3/4 miles southwest of Point Naskowhak. G.C. Martin, 1911. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136)
(Mesozoic loc. 7236)
, Seldovia
, Three miles southwest of Point Naskowhak. G.C. Martin, 1911. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136)
Pecten (small ribbed form)
Pecten (large smooth form)
(Mesozoic loc. 2982)
, Seldovia
, Shore of Cook Inlet, 3 miles west of Seldovia Bay. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136); Shore of Cook Inlet, 3 miles west of Seldovia Bay. (description from Moffit, 1906, p. 21)
(Mesozoic loc. 2983)
, Seldovia
, Port Graham, 1 1/2 miles southeast of coal mine. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 136); Port Graham 1 1/2 miles southeast of coal mine. (description from Moffit, 1906, p. 21)
949 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3109)
, Karluk
, Cold Bay NE shore nearly a mile W. of entrance to Bay. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 186 states: "Northeast shore of Cold Bay about a mile northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. T.W. Stanton, 1904."] [Imlay E&R report of 5/26/71 states: "About one mile northwest of Cape Kekurnoi (probably should be Chignik Point) and 200 or 300 feet stratigraphically lower than loc. 3110. This occurrence is 200 to 300 feet above the Triassic Monotis-bearing beds at Mes. loc. 19806 (= F78 of Kellum).] [Imlay, 1981, USGS Prof. Paper 1148, p. 27, gives the following locality description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Northeast shore of Puale Bay, about 1 mile (1.6 km) northwest of Chignik Point, Alaska Peninsula. A short distance southwest of locality 3110 and midway between that locality and Triassic Mesozoic loc. 19806 that contains Monotis. Unnamed beds. Hettangian."]
Glossozamites? schrenckii?
Undetermined slender bivalve
Ammonite (coarse-ribbed discoid specimen)
Ammonite (another coarse-ribbed discoid genus)
Ammonite (nearly smooth discoid specimen)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3520)
, Karluk
, Northeast shore of Cold Bay about a mile northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 186)
Glossozamites? schrenckii?
Undetermined slender bivalve
Ammonite (coarse-ribbed discoid specimen)
Ammonite (another coarse-ribbed discoid genus)
Ammonite (nearly smooth discoid specimen)
950 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3110)
, Karluk
, N.E. shore of Cold Bay 1 mi. NW. of Cape and 200 to 300 ft. above 949. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 186 shows that the original collection was separated into two separate localities [3110 containing Ammonites (two or three other genera of Jurassic aspect) and 3110a contain Terebratula], the locality which is given as follows: "3110. Northeast shore of Cold Bay a short distance northwest of 3109, and 200 to 300 feet higher. T.W. Stanton, 1904." and "3110a. Same locality as 3110. Boulder on beach. T.W. Stanton, 1904."] [Imlay, 1981, p. 27 gives the following description: "T.W. Stanton, 1904. Northeast shore of Puale Bay about 1 mile (1.6 km) northwest of Chignik Point and 5,400 ft (1,646 m) N. 18 deg. W. of most easterly point of Puale Bay, Karluk (C4-C5) quadrangle. Alaska Peninsula. Unnamed beds. Hettangian."][Northeast shore of Cold Bay a short distance northwest of 3109, and 200 or 300 feet higher. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 186)]; [USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 3110, 12394, 19803, 25694 and 29268 on peninsula between Puale Bay and Alinchak Bay about 1 mile N. 65° W. of Cape Kekurnoi, Alaska Peninsula. Waehneroceras. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 22)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Jura? Or Trias? 950. East shore Cold Bay, about 1 mile N.W. Cape on east side of entrance to bay, 200 to 300 feet above loc. 949, Shelikof Straits. Colls. T.W. Stanton and R.W. Stone, Aug. 22, 1904.]
Ammonites (two or three other genera of Jurassic aspect)
951 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3111)
, Karluk
, E. shore of Cold Bay near waterfall about 1 1/2 mi. NW of Cape. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 186 separates original collection into 3 separate localities (3111 - containing Trigonia? (imperfect specimen of glabrae; 3111a - containing Gryphaea; and 3111b - containing Ammonite (coarse-ribbed discoid specimen with following description: "3111. Northeast shore of Cold Bay a short distance south of a large waterfall about 1 1/2 miles northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. T.W. Stanton, 1904", "3111a. Same locality as 3111, but in a different matrix. T.W. Stanton, 1904" and "3111b. Same locality as 3111, but not in place. T.W. Stanton, 1904"] [Imlay, E&R report of 5/26/71 gives following description: "USGS Mes. loc. 3111 about 1 1/2 miles northwest of Cape Kekurnoi and loc. 12396 from 2 miles north of Cape were probably collected near Mes. loc. 21237 and ROC 1282 and 1283."][Northeast shore of Cold Bay a short distance south of a large water fall about 1 1/2 miles northwest of Cape Kekurnoi. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 186)]; [USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 3111, 12396, and 21237 on east side of Puale Bay about 8,400 feet northwest of Cape Kekurnoi, Alaska Peninsula. Coroniceras. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 22)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Jura? or Trias? (Probably Lower Jura). 951. East shore Cold Bay, 200 yards south of large waterfall about 1 1/2 miles N.W. of Cape at east side of entrance to bay, Shelikof Straits. Colls. T.W. Stanton and R.W. Stone, Aug. 22, 1904.]
Trigonia? (imperfect specimen of Glabrae?)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3111a)
, Karluk
, Same locality as 3111, but in different matrix. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 186)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3111b)
, Karluk
, Same locality as 3111, but not in place. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 186)
Ammonite (coarse-ribbed discoid specimen)
S.R. Capps, 1921, 1-127
(Mesozoic loc. 10820)
, Karluk
, Capps (1923, USGS Bulletin 739-C, p. 94) states: North shore of Cold Bay, 1 1/3 miles northwest of mouth of bay. [Imlay E&R report of 5/26/71 states: About 1-1/3 miles northwest of mouth of Puale Bay. [Imlay, 1981, USGS Prof. Paper 1148, p. 27 gives following locality description: S.R. Capps, 1921. Northeast shore of Puale Bay about 1 1/3 miles (1.8 km) northwest of Chignik Point. Contains Paracaloceras as at Mesozoic loc. 12396 and ROC loc. 1241 but also contains one specimen of Schlotheimia preserved in a different matrix and some Late Triassic mollusks. Unnamed beds. Early Sinemurian (mostly). Some late Hettangian and Late Triassic.][North shore of Cold Bay 1 1/3 miles northwest of mouth of Bay. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 186)]
(Mesozoic loc. 12076)
, Karluk
, South shore of Cape Kekurnoi. Cold Bay. W.R. Smith, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 186)
Trigonia (imperfect specimen of Glabrae?)
Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904 (unnumbered)-12
(Mesozoic loc. 3130)
, Karluk
, 1/8 mi. N. of 3129. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 186 gives following description: "3130. South shore of Alinchak Bay. Lawrence Martin, 1904." and "3130a. South shore of Alinchak Bay, near 3130. Not in place. Lawrence Martin, 1904"]
Ammonite (coarse-ribbed discoid specimen)
Ammonite (another coarse-ribbed discoid genus)
Ammonite (nearly smooth discoid specimen)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 3130a)
, Karluk
, South shore of Alinchak Bay, near 3130. Not in place. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 186)
W.R. Smith, 1923, 1
(Mesozoic loc. 12075)
, Karluk
, Southwest shore of Alinchak Bay. W.R. Smith, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 186) [W.R. Smith, 1923. Southwest shore Alinchak Bay, Karluk (D-4) quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula. Probably same place as locality ROC 3002 and USGS Mesozoic loc. 29268. Unnamed beds. Early and middle Hettangian. (description from Imlay, 1981, p. 27)]
Lima cf. L. gigantea Sowerby
Ammonites (two or three other genera of Jurassic aspect)
G.C. Martin (unnumberedB)-Aug. 30, 1910
(Mesozoic loc. 6697)
, Anchorage
, Doone Creek at mouth of gulch, 3950 foot point on traverse of Aug. 30. Float. Talkeetna formation. [Doone Creek, at mouth of gulch, 3,950-foot point on traverse of August 30. Float. G.C. Martin, 1910. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 222)
Pecten sp. a (smooth form)
Pecten b (strongly ribbed Vola type)
"USGS Mesozoic loc. 6706"
(Mesozoic loc. 6706)
, Anchorage
, A.H. Brooks, 1910. Creek entering Chickaloon River from west one mile above Government Bridge at elevation of 2000 feet. Talkeetna formation. [Grantz letter of May 2, 1961 states locality is in Anchorage D-4 quad. with the coordinates of 3.0 -9.0]; Creek entering Chickaloon River from west 1 mile above Government Bridge, altitude 2,000 feet. G.C. Martin, 1910. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Pecten sp. b (strongly ribbed Vola type)
G.C. Martin 1910 (unnumberedC)-Aug. 30, 1910
(Mesozoic loc. 6707)
, Anchorage
, G.C. Martin. Float from base of falls on creek entering Chickaloon River from west one mile above Government. Talkeetna formation. [Grantz letter of May 2, 1961 states locality is in Anchorage D-4 quad. with the coordinates of 2.85 -9.35]; Creek entering Chickaloon River from west 1 mile above Government Bridge. Float from base of falls. G.C. Martin, 1910. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Brooks & Martin 1910 (unnumberedA)-Aug. 30, 1910
(Mesozoic loc. 6708)
, Anchorage
, Float above falls on creek entering Chickaloon River from west one mile above Government Bridge. Talkeetna formation. [Grantz letter of May 2, 1961 states locality is in Anchorage D-4 quad. with the coordinates of 2.85 -9.35]; Creek entering Chickaloon River from west 1 mile above Government Bridge. Float above falls. G.C. Martin, 1910. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Brooks & Martin 1910 (unnumberedB)-Aug. 30, 1910
(Mesozoic loc. 6709)
, Anchorage
, A.H. Brooks and G.C. Martin, 1910. Creek entering Chickaloon River from west one mile above Government Bridge at altitude of 2200 feet. Talus collection but probably from bed of stream as a large collection was made at this place. Talkeetna formation. [Grantz letter of May 2, 1961 states locality is in Anchorage D-4 quad. with the coordinates of 2.85 -9.35]; Creek entering Chickaloon River from west 1 mile above Government Bridge. Talus at altitude 2,200 feet. G.C. Martin, 1910. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
G.C. Martin (unnumberedA)-Aug. 30, 1910
(Mesozoic loc. 6693)
, Anchorage
, G.C. Martin, 1910. Creek entering Chickaloon River from west 1 mile above Government Brige at elevation of 2200 feet. Talkeetna formation. [Grantz letter of May 2, 1961 states locality is in Anchorage D-4 quad. with the coordinates of 2.85 -9.35]; Creek entering Chickaloon River from west 1 mile above Government Bridge, altitude 2,200 feet. G.C. Martin, 1910. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Pecten sp. a (smooth form)
Pecten sp. b (strongly ribbed Vola type)
Pecten sp.c (large, flat, coarse ribbed)
Martin, Mertie and Overbeck 1913 (unnumberedA)-Aug. 16, 1913
(Mesozoic loc. 8569)
, Anchorage
, Martin, Mertie and Overbeck, Aug. 16, 1913. Float from black limestone at mouth of creek on west side of Chickaloon River 3 miles above Government Bridge. Talkeetna formation. [Grantz letter of May 2, 1961 states locality is in Anchorage D-4 quad. with the coordinates of 4 to 5 - 10.0]; West side of Chickaloon River at mouth of creek, 3 miles above Government Bridge. Black limestone float. G.C. Martin, 1913. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Trigonia? (of glabrae type)
Pecten sp. a (smooth form)
Pecten sp. b (strongly ribbed Vola type)
Pecten (fine-ribbed form)
Martin, Mertie and Overbeck 1913 (unnumberedB)-Aug. 16, 1913
(Mesozoic loc. 8570)
, Anchorage
, Martin, Mertie and Overbeck, Aug. 16, 1913. Breccia float at loc. 8569 [Grantz letter of May 2, 1961 states locality is in Anchorage D-4 quad. with the coordinates of 4 to 5 - 10.0]; Same as 8569. Breccia float. G.C. Martin, 1913. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Pecten sp. b (strongly ribbed Vola type)
Pecten (fine-ribbed form)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6700)
, Anchorage
, Crest of spur between first and second tributaries entering East Fork of Boulder Creek above its mouth, altitude 4,780 feet. Shaly and cherty beds interstratified with tuff. R.M. Overbeck, 1913. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Cladophlebis hirta? Moller
Dictyophyllum nilssoni (Brongniart) Göppert
Otozamites bornholmiensis? Möller
Nilssonia polymorpha Schenk
Pagiophyllum falcatum Bartolin
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6698)
, Anchorage
, About three-fourths mile up the next to the lowest creek entering the East Fork of Boulder Creek from the south. Sandstone and shale interbedded with tuff. J.M. Mertie, 1913. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Pterophyllum rajmahalense Morris
Pterophyllum sequale (Brongniart) Nathorst
Ctenophyllum angustifolium? Fontaine
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6701)
, Anchorage
, Float from same locality as 6698. G.C. Martin, 1913. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Otozamites pterophylloides Brongniart
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6699)
, Talus from cliff about one-third mile upstream from 6698. J.B. Mertie, 1913. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Otozamites pterophylloides Brongniart
J.B. Mertie 1913 (unnumbered)-July 31, 1913
(Mesozoic loc. 8565)
, Anchorage
, J.B. Mertie, July 31, 1913. Float from 7630 feet up the next to lowest Creek entering the East Fork of Boulder Creek from south. Sandstone and shale interbedded with tuff. Talkeetna formation. [Grantz letter of May 2, 1961 states locality is in Anchorage D-3 quad. with the coordinates of 1.1 -8.2]; Same creek as 6698, about 1 1/4 miles above mouth. J.B. Mertie, 1913. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
G.C. Martin 1913 (unnumbered)-coll. by prospector
(Mesozoic loc. 8561)
, Anchorage
, G.C. Martin, 1913. Near head of Boulder Creek. Collected by a prospector. [Grantz letter of May 2, 1961 states locality is in either Anchorage D-3 or D-4 quads.]; Near head of Boulder Creek. Collected by prospector. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Pecten sp. b (strongly ribbed Vola type)
(Mesozoic loc. 3698)
, Anchorage
, Adolf Knopf, 1906. Tahneta Range, head of Matanuska River. Tuffs associated with lavas and coarse pyroclastics. Talkeetna Formation. [Grantz letter of May 2, 1961 states locality is in Anchorage D-2 quad. (same general locality as Mes. locs. 24106, 24107, and 24108. 1.91 to 2.02 miles N. 28 1/2 deg. E. of southeast summit of Gunsight Mountain. Talkeetna fm. - 10.3-8.25]; Tributary to Squaw Creek heading under 6,375-foot peak at east end of Sheep Mountain. Fossiliferous tuff associated with lave and coarse pyroclastic rocks. Adolph Knopf, 1906. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
Pecten sp. a (smooth form)
Pecten sp. b (strongly ribbed Vola type)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6319)
, Mc Carthy
, South side Chitistone River, east side of lowest large tributary, about 4 miles above Nizina River. Near base of Chitistone limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6320)
, Mc Carthy
, South side of Chitistone River, west side of lowest large tributary, about 4 miles above Nizina River. Near base of Chitistone limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6333)
, Mc Carthy
, South side of Chitistone River, at Potter's mine, about 4 1/2 miles above Nizina River. Near base of Chitistone limestone. S.R. Capps, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 4810)
, Mc Carthy
, South side of Chitistone River. Talus slide near Houghton-Alaska Co.'s prospect. F.H. Moffit, 1907. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6321)
, Mc Carthy
, Mountain north of Texas Creek, Copper Creek valley. Probably well up in the formation. F.H. Moffit, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8885)
, Mc Carthy
, Valley of Nikolai Creek, about a quarter of a mile east of Nikolai mine. About 500 feet above base of Chitistone limestone. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8884)
, Mc Carthy
, Valley of Nikolai Creek, about 0.3 mile N. 70° E. of Nikolai mine. About 800 feet above base of Chitistone limestone. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8882)
, Mc Carthy
, Valley of Nikolai Creek, about two-thirds mile east of Nikolai mine. About 1,000 feet above base of Chitistone limestone. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Corals? (large radiating masses, inorganic?)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8883)
, Mc Carthy
, Valley of Nikolai Creek, about two-thirds mile east of Nikolai mine, 200 or 300 yards northwest of 8882. From about 1,2000 feet above base of Chitistone limestone. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Martin and Overbeck 1913 (unnumbered)-Aug. 31, 1913
(Mesozoic loc. 8589)
, Anchorage
, Martin and Overbeck, Aug. 31, 1913. Sheep Mountain at altitude of 3900 feet on creek flowing southeast from 6375- foot peak. Talkeetna formation. [Grantz letter of May 2, 1961 states locality is in Anchorage D-2 quad. with the coordinates of 10.52 - 6.45]; Sheep Mountain, altitude 3,400 feet, on creek flowing southeast from 6,375-foot peak. G.C. Martin, 1913. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 223)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6306)
, Mc Carthy
, Valley of Nikolai Creek, about two-thirds mile northest of Nikolai mine. About 2,000 feet above base of Chitistone limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6312)
, Mc Carthy
, Valley of Nikolai Creek, northeast of Nikolai Mine. F.H. Moffit, 1909. This lot was apparently obtained either from approximately the same locality as 6306 or from a locality about a quarter of a mile north of it. The writer believes that the material in this lot is probably mixed, the cephalopods comming from the Chitistone limestone at or near locality 6306 and the Pseudomonotis coming the McCarthy shale at a locality about a quarter of a mile farther north. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8886)
, Mc Carthy
, Valley of Nikolai Creek, small gulch 0.56 mile N. 50° E. from Nikolai mine. Boulder probably frm horizon of lot 6306. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8887)
, Mc Carthy
, Valley of Nikolai Creek, about 0.6 mile N. 48° E from Nikolai mine. Boulder probably from about the same horizon as 6306. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6303)
, Mc Carthy
, Nikolai Creek. Boulder in bed of creek. F.H. Moffit, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6330)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek. Said to be 10 feet above base of Chitistone limestone. Given to F.H. Moffit, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
(Mesozoic loc. 11384)
, Mc Carthy
, Upper part of Chitistone limestone on ridge between McCarthy Creek and East Fork. Elevation 5,000 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Orthoceras cf. O. shastense Hyatt and Smith
Tropites (more compressed than T. subbullatus Hauer)
Discotropites aff. D. sandlingensis Hauer
(Mesozoic loc. 11385)
, Mc Carthy
, Ridge between McCarthy Creek and East Fork. Elevation 5,100 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
(Mesozoic loc. 11386)
, Mc Carthy
, Same locality as 11385, in float that could not have traveled more than 50 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Halobia cf. H. austriaca Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6300)
, Mc Carthy
, Jumbo Creek, on spur 0.4 mile southwest of Bonanza Peak. Base of Chitistone limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 4808)
, Mc Carthy
, Near the Bonanza mine and Bonanza Creek. Talus material probably from the lower 1,000 or 1,500 feet of the Chitistone limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1907. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 4809)
, Mc Carthy
, Jumbo Creek near the Bonanza mine. Talus material, probably from lower 1,000 or 1,5000 feet of the Chitistone limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1907. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 2209)
, Mc Carthy
, East of Lakina Glacier. Limestone mapped as Chitistone. A.C. Spencer, 1900. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
3 of F.H. Moffit, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 11366)
, Mc Carthy
, Top of ridge between west headwater branchof Gilahena River and west fork of Lakina River. F.H. Moffit, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 16)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
F42 of Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9960)
, Mc Carthy
, Chokosna River. Chitistone limestone bluff, three-quarters of a mile southeast by east from mouth of creek flowing from Kuskulana Pass. Massive limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Trachyceras (Protrachyceras)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 10252)
, Mc Carthy
, Berg Creek. F.H. Moffit, 1919. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 10253)
, Mc Carthy
, Berg Creek. F.H. Moffit, 1919. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 10254)
, Mc Carthy
, Berg Creek. F.H. Moffit, 1919. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
Halobia (with broad ribs)
F 28 cited in Martin, 1926, p. 17
(Mesozoic loc. 9946)
, Mc Carthy
, Gulch tributary to Dry Creek from east at elevation 3,400 feet. Chitistone limestone in gulch at elevation about 3,700 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
F 1 on Martin, 1926, p. 17
(Mesozoic loc. 9919)
, Mc Carthy
, At bench mark 3664 , on north fork of Strelna Creek. Thin, vertical limestone beds, in places shaly, 150 feet north of base of Chitistone limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
Halobia (nearly smooth species)
F 9 on Martin, 1926, p. 17
(Mesozoic loc. 9927)
, Mc Carthy
, East branch of east fork of Strelna Creek, 300 feet north of F 8, 100 feet higher on hill. Black thin bedded limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
F 11 on Martin, 1926, p. 17
(Mesozoic loc. 9929)
, Mc Carthy
, North branch of east fork of Strelna Creek, 1,300 feet east-northeast of locality 10 (on north branch of east fork of Strelna Creek, at elevation of 4,250 feet, about 4,700 feet southwest of bench mark 6270). F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
Halobia (with broad ribs)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8925)
, Mc Carthy
, 8,200 feet S. 67° W. from forks of east fork of Strelna Creek; elevation, 4,500 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8148)
, Mc Carthy
, South fork of Strelna Creek on east side of first large creek near its mouth. Upper part of Chitistone limestone (?). (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8946)
, Mc Carthy
, South fork of Rock Creek, on trail leading to west fork of Strelna Creek; elevation, 4,800 feet. Probably thin plate of Chitistone limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1912 (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Corals? (large radiating masses, inorganic?)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 2194)
, Mc Carthy
, Near pass between head of Pass Creek and Rock Creek. Talus just under reef of heavy-bedded limestone. F.C. Schrader, 1900. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Hinnites? cf. Halobia occidentalis Whiteaves
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8938)
, Valdez
, About 11,800 feet S. 80 1/2° E. from Alice Peak; elevation, 4,800 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
(Mesozoic loc. 4805)
, Valdez
, Talus from lower 200 feet of Chitistone limestone on Copper Creek. Moffit and Maddren, 1907. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
2, 23
(Mesozoic loc. 4805)
, Valdez
, Hoodoo or Mullen claim on Copper Creek. About 200 feet above base of Chitistone limestone. Moffit and Maddren, 1907. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8152)
, Valdez
, Clear Creek. Blue limestone above roadhouse. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8159)
, Valdez
, Clear Creek. Talus slope below the Chitistone and the overyling thin-bedded limestone. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8931)
, Mc Carthy
, About 6,600 feet N. 44° E. of Dixie Pass; elevation 5,500 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Pecten? (large coarse-ribbed species)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8923)
, Mc Carthy
, West side of Lime Creek valley; elevation, 4,900 feet. Moffit and Mertie, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8932)
, Mc Carthy
, About 5,850 feet N. 31° W. from Ammann's cabin on Kluvesna River. F.H. Moffit, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8165)
, Mc Carthy
, Nugget Creek near forks. Fault block of Chitistone limestone. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8167)
, Mc Carthy
, Divide between Nugget and Roaring creeks. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8166)
, Mc Grath
, Divide between Nugget and Roaring creeks. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 4806)
, Mc Carthy
, Crawford's Skyscraper claim on Roaring Creek. Lower 100 feet of Chitistone limestone. Moffit and Maddren, 1907. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 17)
22 F 25
(Mesozoic loc. 11387)
, Mc Carthy
, Ridge between McCarthy Creek and East Fork, elevation about 5,900 feet. Near top of Nizina limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1922 (description from Martin, 1926, p. 22)
F 38 of Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9956)
, Mc Carthy
, Chokosna River. On ridge northeast of F 37; elevation about 5,200 feet. Dark bluish-gray or black thin-bedded limestone, Triassic. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia (with broad ribs)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8169)
, Mc Carthy
, Divide between Nugget and Roaring Creeks. Thin bedded shale. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8154)
, Mc Carthy
, Ridge south of Clear Creek. Gray limestone. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics?
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8157)
, Mc Carthy
, First creek south of Clear Creek. Gray limestone. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8158)
, Mc Carthy
, Clear Creek. Thin-bedded limestone and shale. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8928)
, Mc Carthy
, North fork of Strelna Creek, elevation 3,000 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8149)
, Mc Carthy
, North fork of Strelna Creek. Shale area 600 feet south of first large branch on east. F.H. Moffit, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics?
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8930)
, Mc Carthy
, Left branch of north fork of Strelna Creek, mouth of gulch about 1,400 feet above forks. F.H. Moffit, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8150)
, Mc Carthy
, North fork of Strelna Creek, 2,000 feet north of first large branch on east. F.H. Moffit, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8151)
, Mc Carthy
, First branch of north fork of Strelna Creek near its mouth. Float. F.H. Moffit, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8929)
, Mc Carthy
, 4,700 feet N. 57° E. from forks of north fork of Strelna Creek, elevation 4,000 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8147)
, Mc Carthy
, 300 feet above canyon of upper Strelna Creek. F.H. Moffit, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics?
F 3 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9921)
, Mc Carthy
, North fork of Strelna Creek, 235 feet upstream from F 2 (where trail to Rock Creek leaves Strelna Creek). Thin-bedded black limestone, dipping about 25° W. About 50 feet stratigraphically below F 2. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
F 5 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9923)
, Mc Carthy
, Locality 8, east branch of east fork of Strelna Creek at elevation 4,200 feet. Black shale, argillite, impure limestone, folded and faulted, about 100 feet stratigraphically above exposure of Chitistone limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
F 6 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9924)
, Mc Carthy
, East branch of east fork of Strelna Creek, upstream from F 5, at elevation 4,300 feet. Calcareous argillite with shale beds. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics (small fine-ribbed form)
F 10 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9928)
, Mc Carthy
, North branch of east fork of Strelna Creek, elevation 4,250 feet; 4,700 feet southwest of bench mark 6270. Alternating beds of shale and calcareous shale. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
Halobia (with broad ribs)
F 12 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9930)
, Mc Carthy
, On ridge between Dixie Pass branch of Strelna Creek and Clear Creek, 1,500 feet south-southwest of bench mark 6270. Thin shaly limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics?
F 14 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9932)
, Mc Carthy
, South brow of round-topped hill on ridge between the east branch of the east fork of Strelna Creek and the small creek between Squaw and Clear Creeks; elevation, 5,500 feet. Black shale and limestone, Triassic. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
F 27 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9945)
, Mc Carthy
, Dixie Pass branch of Strelna Creek, elevation 4,000 feet. Thin dark limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
F 16 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9934)
, Mc Carthy
, Locality 566 (1914). West branch of Rock Creek, 2,500 feet. East-northeast of hill 5,350 (map); elevation 4,700 feet. Massive gray shaly limestone 100 feet above exposure of Chitistone; Triassic. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 24)
Halobia (with broad ribs)
F 17 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9935)
, Mc Carthy
, On top of ridge between forks of Rock Creek, 1,500 feet southeast of northwest end of ridge. Limestone beds with shaly partings; Triassic. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 25)
Halobia (with broad ribs)
Tropites cf. T. subbullatus Hauer
Discotropites cf. D. sandlingensis Hauer
Juvavites (Anatomites) subintermittens Hyatt and Smith
F 23 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9941)
, Mc Carthy
, Float at base of limestone (Chitistone cliffs) above F 22, which is 3,000 feet northwest by north of Dixie Pass, elevation 4,600 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 25)
Halobia (with broad ribs)
F 25 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9943)
, Mc Carthy
, Locality 22. Gulch tributary to Rock Creek (east fork) from north side, 7,000 feet above forks; elevation 4,500 feet. Thin-bedded limestone and shale. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 25)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8933)
, Valdez
, Creek entering Kotsina River from north at junction of Kotsina and Kluvesna Rivers, elevation 3,400 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 25)
Pecten (two or three species)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8943)
, Valdez
, Outcrop by side of trail at gulch on north side of Kotsina River about 1 1/2 miles below Kluvesna Bridge. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 25)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8942)
, Valdez
, About 10 feet above trail at same locality as 8943. Limestone a few feet above 8943. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 25)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8941)
, Valdez
, About 100 feet above trail at same locality as 8943. Limestone above 8943 and 8942. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 25)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8944)
, Valdez
, Float from same locality as 8943. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 25)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 9482)
, Mc Carthy
, Streams entering Chitina River at camp 12, about 3 miles above mouth of Canyon Creek, elevation 2,365 feet. Thin-bedded shale and limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6323)
, Mc Carthy
, Idaho Gulch near junction with Copper Creek. F.H. Moffit, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6335)
, Mc Carthy
, Idaho Gulch about one-third mile above mouth. S.R. Capps, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6317)
, Mc Carthy
, Dan Creek about 1 1/5 miles miles below mouth of Copper Creek. F.H. Moffit, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis?
13 of Oscar, 1899
, Mc Carthy
, Boulder on flood plain of Nizina River. Oscar Rohn, 1899. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8889)
, Mc Carthy
, About 100 feet southwest of summit of 6,550-foot peak north of headwaters of Nikolai Creek. Probably 1,500 or 2,000 feet above base of McCarthy formation. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8890)
, Mc Carthy
, About 0.3 mile southeast of summit of 6,550-foot peak north of headwaters of of Nikolai Creek. Nearly the same horizon as 8889. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8891)
, Mc Carthy
, About 0.2 mile south-southwest of summit of 6,550-foot peak north of headwaters of of Nikolai Creek. From nearly the same horizon as 8889. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6311)
, Mc Carthy
, Mountain north of headwaters of Nikolai Creek, about 1 2/3 miles N. 20° E. of Nikolai mine, elevation 6,000 feet. Near the locality and horizon of 8889. F.H. Moffit, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6314)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, forks N. 33° E. of Bonanza Peak, elevation 3,850 feet. F.H. Moffit, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
22 F 21 of F.H. Martin, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 11382)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, eastern tributary 6 miles north of mouth of East Fork, or about 1 1/2 miles north of Mother Lode camp, south of and 500 feet higher than 22 F 20. F.H. Moffit, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
22 F 26 of F.H. Martin, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 11388)
, Mc Carthy
, Ridge between McCarthy Creek and East Fork, 100 yards north of 22 F 25 and only a short distance above it stratigraphically. F.H. Moffit, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 2200)
, Mc Carthy
, Float along edge of Kennicott Glacier, 7 miles above Pot Hole. Schrader and Spencer, 1900. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
7 of Oscar Rohn, 1899
, Mc Carthy
, West lateral moraine of Kennicott Glacier. Oscar Rohn, 1899. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8881)
, Mc Carthy
, Mountain north of Fourth of July Pass, elevation 4,300 feet feet, on southeast side. Thin-bedded shaly limestone. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
no fossils listed at this locality
F 51 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9968)
, Mc Carthy
, Falls of Bear Creek tributary to Fohlin Creek, elevation 3,2000 feet. (Float). F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 57 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9974)
, Mc Carthy
, Bear Creek, a quarter of a mile west of Fourth of July Pass and 200 feet higher. Thin-bedded limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8874)
, Mc Carthy
, Fohlin Creek about 1 mile above mouth of Bear Creek. Float from east bank of creek. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6813)
, Mc Carthy
, Fohlin Creek about 1 mile above mouth of Bear Creek. Float from east same locality as 8874. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
F 62 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9979)
, Mc Carthy
, Fohlin Creek 12,200 feet north of mouth of Bear Creek. Talus below cliff of thin shale and limy argillite. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
22 F 4 of F.H. Moffit, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 11367)
, Mc Carthy
, South side of Lakina River S. 50° W. from mouth of Fohlin Creek, 1,000 feet above Lakina River. F.H. Moffit, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
22 F 2 of F.H. Moffit, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 11368)
, Mc Carthy
, South side of Lakina River S. 50° W. from mouth of Fohlin Creek, 1,600 feet above Lakina River. F.H. Moffit, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 30)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 2207)
, Mc Carthy
, West slope of ridge on west side of north fork of Lachina River. Schrader and Spencer, 1900. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 2199)
, Mc Carthy
, Ridge west of north banch of Lachina River, north of triangulation station 75. Schrader and Spencer, 1900. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 43 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9961)
, Mc Carthy
, Float in gulch below cliff on Mill Creek at locality F 44. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31) [Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska; Mill
Creek tributary to Lakina River on west side near forks of creek, 2.5 miles (4 km) from Lakina River; from float in gulch below cliff. Coll.: F. H. Moffitt, field no. 43, Sept. 3, 1916. McCarthy 1:250,000 quadrangle. Wrangellia terrane. (from Grant-Mackie and Silberling, 1990 p. 253)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 44 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9962)
, Mc Carthy
, Mill Creek, tributary to Lakina River on west side. Shale and thin limestone near forks of creek, 2 1/2 miles from Lakina River. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
22 F 2 of F.H. Moffit, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 11365)
, Mc Carthy
, Ridge south of west branch of Lakina River, 800 feet higher than little lake south of trail. F.H. Moffit, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 36 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9953)
, Mc Carthy
, One mile south of mouth of creek that comes down from Kuskulana Pass into Chokosna River. Thin shale and limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 40 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9958)
, Mc Carthy
, Chokosna River, 1 mile southeast of mouth of creek flowing from Kuskulana Pass. Shale and thin limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 41 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9959)
, Mc Carthy
, Chokosna River, about 1 1/2 miles southeast of mouth of creek flowing from Kuskulana Pass. Thin-bedded shale and limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
1 of Oscar Rohr, 1899
, Mc Carthy
, West side of Kuskulana River. Oscar Rohn, 1899. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
2 of Oscar Rohr, 1899
, Mc Carthy
, West side of Kuskulana River, a short distance north of No. 1. Oscar Rohn, 1899. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 2202)
, Mc Carthy
, Creek on north side of Kuskulana River, near camp 16. A.C. Spencer, 1900. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 29 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9947)
, Mc Carthy
, Squaw Creek, elevation 3,100 feet. Dark limestone in beds as much as 2 feet thick. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8156)
, Mc Carthy
, First creek south of Clear Creek. Black calcareous shale. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Unidentified small pelecypods
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 2206)
, Mc Carthy
, Head of Rock Creek. Black slaty limestone in thin-bedded limestone and slate series. F.C. Schrader, 1900. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8160)
, Mc Carthy
, Divide between Clear Creek and Rock Creek, ridge east of Dixie Pass, elevation 6,100 feet. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8162)
, Mc Carthy
, Divide between Clear Creek and Rock Creek, trail on ridge south of 6,270-foot peak, elevation 6,100 feet. Theodore Chapin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 13 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9931)
, Mc Carthy
, Ridge 200 feet north of F 12 (on ridge between Dixie Pass branch of Strelna Creek and Clear Creek, 1,500 feet south-southwest of bench mark 3270). F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 8 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9926)
, Mc Carthy
, Locality 9. East branch of east fork of Strelna Creek; elevation 5,200 feet; 5,000 feet south of bench mark 6270. Alternating beds of soft shale and calcareous limestone. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 2 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9920)
, Mc Carthy
, North fork of Strelna Creek where trail to Rock Creek leaves Strelna Creek. Thin shale and limestone dipping about 20° W. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 18 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9936)
, Mc Grath
, Gulch leading from west branch of Rock Creek to saddle between Rock Creek and East Fork of Copper Creek. Pseudomonotis common in float of this gulch up to elevation 5,200 feet, above which talus is all very fine. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 19 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9937)
, Valdez
, Highest point on ridge between East Fork of Copper Creek, Pass Creek, and Rock Creek. Zone of shaly limestone, 8 to 10 feet thick, with abundant Pseudomonotis. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 20 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9938)
, Mc Carthy
, Locality 18, on west branch of Rock Creek, 2,200 feet from forks. 150 feet northeast of exposure of Chitistone limestone. Alternating shale and calcareous shale or argillite. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 31)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 21 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9939)
, Mc Carthy
, West branch of Rock Creek, 400 feet from mouth. Alternating shale and hard argillite beds. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 32)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 22 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9940)
, Mc Carthy
, Locality 19, 3,000 feet northwest by north of Dixie Pass, elevation 4,600 feet; 200 feet below outcrops of Chitistone limestone. Hard brown-weathering limestone or calcareous shale. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 32)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
F 26 of F.H. Moffit, 1916
(Mesozoic loc. 9944)
, Mc Carthy
, Gulch tributary to east branch of Rock Creek from north side, 200 feet from east branch. Thin shale and limestone or calcareous shale. F.H. Moffit, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 32)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
Halorites cf. H. americanus Hyatt
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8945)
, Mc Carthy
, Rock Creek, elevation 3,475 feet. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 32)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 4804)
, Valdez
, Magpie Creek, 1 mile above junction with Elliott Creek. F.H. Moffit, 1907. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 32)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6380)
, Seldovia
, North side of Port Graham, latitude 59° 21' 8", longitude 151° 48'. U.S. Grant, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 50)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6381)
, Seldovia
, South side of Port Graham, latitude 59° 20' 42", longitude 151° 49' 45". U.S. Grant, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 50)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6383)
, Seldovia
, South side of Port Graham, latitude 59° 20' 46", longitude 151° 49' 57". U.S. Grant, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 50)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6382)
, Seldovia
, South side of Port Graham, latitude 59° 21' 2", longitude 151° 50' 24". U.S. Grant, 1909. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 50)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 6573)
, Seldovia
, South shore of Port Graham about a quarter of a mile northwest of wharf (same locality as 6382). G.C. Martin, 1910. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 51)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 7452)
, Seldovia
, South shore of Port Graham 1 mile below the wharf. G.C. Martin, 1911. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 51)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 7235)
, Seldovia
, South shore of Port Graham 1 1/2 miles below wharf. G.C. Martin, 1911. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 51)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 7234)
, Seldovia
, South shore of Port Graham 1 2/3 miles below wharf. G.C. Martin, 1911. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 51)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 10546)
, Seldovia
, North shore of Port Graham near mouth of small stream northeast of cannery. A.C. Gill, 1918. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 51)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
(Mesozoic loc. 9899)
, Ketchikan
, Threemile Cove, north shore, just west of low gap leading northward to Thompson Cove. Limestone lenses to massive conglomerate. Theodore Chapin, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
(Mesozoic loc. 9535)
, Ketchikan
, Thompson Cove, north shore. Black slate interbedded with graywacke and limestone an doverlying the massive conglomerate exposed at the mouth of the cove. Theodore Chapin, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
3 of G.C. Martin, 1914
(Mesozoic loc. 8831)
, Ketchikan
, South arm of Threemile Cove, on south east of wooded island. Large limestone nodule in conglomerate. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
2 of G.C. Martin, 1914
(Mesozoic loc. 8830)
, Ketchikan
, South arm of Threemile Cove. Massive limestone outcrop near anchorage behind wooded island, apparent at least 100 or 200 feet above 8834. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
(Mesozoic loc. 9531)
, Ketchikan
, Inlet 2 1/2 miles north of Dall Head. Massive gray limestone beds near the head of the inlet. At the mouth of the inlet is massive conglomerate, which passes up into sandstone and slate. The limestone overlies the slate apparently conformably, although the slate is crumpled, and the relations are not evident. Theodore Chapin, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
(Mesozoic loc. 9536)
, Ketchikan
, Open Bay, 5 miles north of Dall Head. Thin bedded limestone apparently overlying the massive conglomerate exposed along the west coast of Gravina Island. The limestone is blue and weathers brown. Interbedded with it is black slate. Theodore Chapin, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
7 of G.C. Martin, 1914
(Mesozoic loc. 8835)
, Ketchikan
, Reef west of cabin on north arm of Threemile Cove. Thin-bedded limestone interstratified with shale, about 20 or 30 feet below 8834. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
Trachyceras? (small fragment)
1 of G.C. Martin, 1914
(Mesozoic loc. 8829)
, Ketchikan
, North arm of Threemile Cove. Float on outcrop of shale and thin limestone beds of localities 8834 and 8835. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
(Mesozoic loc. 9900)
, Ketchikan
, Threemile Cove, east shore, 200 yards north of low pass leading to east coast of island. Lenses of limestone interbedded with black slates. Theodore Chapin, 1916. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
Isastraea cf. I. profunda Reuss
Thamnasteraea cf. T. rectilamellosa Winkler
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 10097)
, Ketchikan
, Threemile Cove. Lenticular limestone interbedded with slate. Edwin Kirk, 1917. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
, Ketchikan
, "Cove 3 miles north of Dall Head." Exact locality not known. E.M. Kindle (?), 1906. (description from Martin, 1926 , p. 72)
, Ketchikan
, Threemile Cove, 300 yards north of 15 ACh 111. Thin beds of limestone interbedded with conglomeratic sandstone and slate. These beds are believed to overlie the massive gray limestone (15 ACh 111). Their relations, however, are concealed. Theodore Chapin, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
(Mesozoic loc. 9537)
, Ketchikan
, Open Bay, 5 miles north of Dall Head. From same locality but from beds overlying those of 9536 conformably. Theodore Chapin, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
(Mesozoic loc. 9538)
, Ketchikan
, Open Bay, 5 miles north of Dall Head, immediately north of 15 ACh 130. Overlying the beds at 15 ACh 130 a conglomerate occurs which grades into an impure gritty limestone with quartz and limestone pebbles and many fossils at 15 ACh 132. These conglomeratic beds pass upward into black slate. Theodore Chapin, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
15 ACh 122
(Mesozoic loc. 9534)
, Ketchikan
, Northeast shore of Thompson Cove. Small fault block adjoining that of 15 ACh121. Theodore Chapin, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72).
, Ketchikan
, Northeast shore of Thompson Cove. Small fault block of limestone. Theodore Chapin, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 72)
Isocrinus gravinae Bather
(Mesozoic loc. 9532)
, Ketchikan
, Threemile Cove, 300 yards southeast of north end of cove and about 700 yards of 15 ACh 112. Black slate and limestone, apparently the rocks of 15 ACh 111 and 112 and the red-weathering gritty limestone. Theodore Chapin, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 73)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
(Mesozoic loc. 9533)
, Ketchikan
, Thompson Cove. Halobia slate similar to that at 15 ACh 113. At this locality it occupies a fault block on the south arm of the cove and lies between conglomerate and nodule limestone. Theodore Chapin, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 73)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
(Mesozoic loc. 8704)
, Ketchikan
, Threemile Cover, "north of the center of small bay on the northern limb of the appressed pitching syncline." Probably about 100 feet above 8834. P.S. Smith, 1913. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 73)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8705)
, Ketchikan
, Open Bay. P.S. Smith, 1913. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 73)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
, Ketchikan
, Dall Ridge, one-fourth mile northeast of Thompson Cove. Thin beds of limestone apparently interbedded sandstone and slate. Theodore Chapin, 1915. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 73)
(Mesozoic loc. 9539)
, Craig
, Head of Clover Bay, Prince of Wales Island. Small block of limestone inclosed in granite. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 75)
(Mesozoic loc. 9540)
, Craig
, Klakas Inlet, west coast of Prince of Wales Island, opposite Max Cove. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 75)
(Mesozoic loc. 9541)
, Dixon Entrance
, Max Cove, Klakas Inlet, west coast of Prince of Wales Island. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 75)
Several obscure undetermined corals
(Mesozoic loc. 9542)
, East shore of Keete Inlet, west coast of Prince of Wales Island, 1 1/2 miles from head of inlet. Limestone interbedded with green slate and andesite. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 75)
Fragments and obscure imprints of pelecypods, most Aviculidae
Lot 12 of G.C. Martin, 1914
, Petersburg
, Next to the northernmost of Screen Islands. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 77)
Aviculopecten? aff. A. fasciculatus
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8839)
, Petersburg
, Near south end of the southernmost of the Screen Islands, 100 or 200 feet below 8838. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 78)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 8838)
, Petersburg
, South end of the southernmost of Screen Islands. Nearly the highest beds exposed on this island. G.C. Martin, 1914. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 78)
3 of G.H. Girty, 1918
, Petersburg
, Near north end of northernmost of Screen Islands. G.H. Girty, 1918. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 78)
(3) of J.E. Spurr, 1898
, Mt Katmai
, Upper end of Naknek Lake. Shingle of green sandstone or arkose on beach near Savanoski. J.E. Spurr, 1898. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
F of C.N. Fenner, 1919
(Mesozoic loc. 10249)
, Mt Katmai
, East arm of Naknek Lake, near Savanoski Camp. Sandstone in place and in loos slabs on lake short. C.N. Fenner, 1919. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211); C. N. Fenner, 1919. From sandstone in place and in loose slabs on shore south of Iliuk Arm of Naknek Lake near Savanoski camp (abandoned), Mt. Katmai Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): page (p. 126) missing]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
9 of W.R. Smith, August 1923
(Mesozoic loc. 12081)
, Mt Katmai
, Float in tributary east of Savanoski River. W.R. Smith, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 12081. Orig. No. 9. Jurassic - Naknek. Float in tributary of Savonski River, Cold Bay, Katmai, SW Alaska, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. W.R. Smith, August, 1923.]
C of C.N. Fenner, 1919
(Mesozoic loc. 10246)
, Mt Katmai
, Cliffs of canyon a few miles east of Ukak Camp, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. C.N. Fenner, 1919. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
D of C.N. Fenner, 1919
(Mesozoic loc. 10247)
, Mt Katmai
, Shaly strata at altitude of 2,500 to 2,900 feet, west spur of Buttress Mountain, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. C.N. Fenner, 1919. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
H of C.N. Fenner, July 31, 1919
(Mesozoic loc. 10264)
, Mt Katmai
, Single specimen in sandstone in vicinity of Katmai Camp, south side of Mount Katmai. C.N. Fenner, 1919. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 10264. Orig. No. H. Upper Jurassic. Sandstone in vicinity of Katmai camp, southerly side of Mt. Katmai, Alaska. Coll. C.N. Fenner, July 31, 1919, for Nat. Geogr. Soc.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
I of C.N. Fenner, 1919
(Mesozoic loc. 10265)
, Mt Katmai
, Shale with indistinct fossils from contact with one of the andesitic intrusions in vicinity of the "spire," north side of Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. C.N. Fenner, 1919. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 10265. Orig. No. I. Upper Jurassic - Naknek. Shale with indistinct fossils from contact with one of the andesitic intrusions in vicinity of the spire of north side Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska. Coll. C.N. Fenner, July 11, 1919, for Nat. Geog. Soc.]
8 of W.R. Smith, 1923
(Mesozoic loc. 12080)
, Mt Katmai
, Baked Mountain, north side of Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. W.R. Smith, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 12080. Orig. No. 8. Jurassic-Naknek. Broken Mountain. N. side of Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Cold Bay-Katmai, SW Alaska, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. W.R. Smith, August, 1923.]
3 of Jack Lee, 1923
(Mesozoic loc. 11960)
, Mt Katmai
, Near Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. Jack Lee, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11960. Orig. no. 3. Jurassic - probably Naknek formation. Near Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska Peninsula, Southwestern Alaska. Coll. Jack Lee, 1923.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
(4) of J.E. Spurr, 1898
, Mt Katmai
, Katmai Pass. J.E. Spurr, 1898. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
(8) of J.E. Spurr, 1898
, Mt Katmai
, Five miles southeast of Katmai Pass. J.E. Spurr, 1898. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
(2) of J.E. Spurr, 1898
, Mt Katmai
, Bluff above Katmai. J.E. Spurr, 1898. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
(7) of J.E. Spurr, 1898
, Mt Katmai
, Bluff back of Katmai. J.E. Spurr, 1898. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
(10) of J.E. Spurr, 1898
, Mt Katmai
, Katmai Point. J.E. Spurr, 1898. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
942 of Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904
(Mesozoic loc. 3101)
, Mt Katmai
, Katmai Bay, 3 mi. SW of Katmai village [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 211 states: "West side of Katmai Bay, 3 miles southeast of Katmai Village. Dark-gray sandstone with thinner bands of lighter color. T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [ West side of Katmai Bay, 3 miles southeast of Katmai Village. Dark-gray sandstone with thinner bands of lighter color. T.W. Stanton, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3101. Orig. no. 942. Jurassic-Aucella beds. Katmai Bay about 3 miles S.W. of Katmai village, Shelikof Straits, Alaska. Coll. T.W. Stanton, Aug. 9, 1904.]
Gastropods (undetermined)
L.M. No. 3 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3124)
, Mt Katmai
, West side of Katmai Bay 2 1/2 mi. SW. of village. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 211 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay 2 1/2 miles southwest of village, or half a mile south of lagoon. Talus of dark sandy shale that is somewhat higher than the beds that yielded lot 3101. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [West side of Katmai Bay 2 1/2 miles southwest of village, or half a mile south of lagoon. Talus of dark sandy shale that is somewhat higher than the beds that yielded lot 3101. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3124. Orig. no. 3. Jurassic. W. side of Katmai Bay, 1/2 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.] [Note discrepancy in loc. description with that given in Martin, 1926]; Lawrence Martin, 1904. West side of Katmai Bay, 0.8 km north of camp on west side of Shelikof Strait, Mt.
Katmai Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Late Oxfordian to early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 3124. Orig. no. 3. Jurassic. W. side Katmai Bay, 1/2 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904, N.B. 2, p. 29.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
Pecten (large, smooth form)
L.M. No. 4 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3125)
, Mt Katmai
, Katmai same as 3124 (200 ft. north). [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 211 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay. Talus 200 feet north of 3124. Lawrence Martin, 1904."];[West side of Katmai Bay. Talus 200 feet north of 3124. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 211)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3125. Orig. no. 4. Jurassic. W. side of Katmai Bay, 1/2 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Straits, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.]
L.M. No. 4a [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3126)
, Mt Katmai
, Same as 3125 [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay. Talus at same locality as 3125. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [ West side of Katmai Bay. Talus as same locality as 3125. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3126. Orig. No. 4a. Jurassic. West shore of Katmai Bay. 1/2 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Straits Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 12, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.]
L.M. No. 5 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3127)
, Mt Katmai
, West shore of Katmai Bay 1/2 mi. N. of 3124 [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay. Talus half a mile north of 3124 and at about the same horizon. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [West side of Katmai Bay. Talus half a mile north of 3124 and at about the same horizon. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3127. Orig. No. 5. Jurassic. S. shore of Katmai Bay, 1 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Straits Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.]
Pecten (large, smooth form)
L.M. No. 5a [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3128)
, Mt Katmai
, Same as 3127 [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "West side of Katmai Bay. Talus at same locality as 3127. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [West side of Katmai Bay. Talus at same locality as 3127. Lawrence Martin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]; [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C.) entry: 3128. Orig. No. 5a. Jurassic. S. shore Katmai Bay, 1 mile N. of camp, Shelikof Straits Region, Alaska. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 13, 1904. N.B. 2, p. 29.]; Lawrence Martin, 1904. On north shore of Katmai Bay, 1.6 km north of camp on west side of Shelikof Strait, Mt. Katmai Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
A of C.N. Fenner, 1919
(Mesozoic loc. 10244)
, Mt Katmai
, Cliffs near Beach Camp, Katmai Bay. C.N. Fenner, 1919. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
Gastropods (undetermined)
E of C.N. Fenner, 1919
(Mesozoic loc. 10248)
, Mt Katmai
, Naknek formation, about 500 feet above sea level on Bear Mountain, Katmai Bay, Alaskan Peninsula, Alaska. C.N. Fenner, 1919. (description from Imlay, 1959, p. 166); [Highly fossiliferous stratum on Baer Mountain, near Lagoon Camp, Katmai Bay, north of camp and about 500 feet above sea level. C.N. Fenner, 1919. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
Pecten (large, smooth form)
3 of W.R. Smith, 1923
(Mesozoic loc. 12276)
, Karluk
, USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 3133-3136, 10825, 11333, 12276, 21353, and many others. Puale Bay area, Karluk quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula (Martin, 1926, p. 212-218). Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 12276. Orig. no. 3. Jurassic-Naknek. Head of central and principle tributary of Bear Creek flowing into north arm of Alinchak Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. W.R. Smith, 1923]; [Head of central and principal tributary of Bear Creek, flowing into north arm of Alinchak Bay, Alaska Peninsula. W.R. Smith, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 12276. Orig. No. 3. Jurassic-Naknek. Head of central and principal tributary of Bear Creek flowing into north arm of Alinchak Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. W.R. Smith, 1923.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
B of S.R. Capps, 1921
(Mesozoic loc. 10823)
, Karluk
, Oilwell Creek, Cold Bay. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 10823. Orig. No. B. Jurassic. Naknek. Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Oil Creek, Cold Bay. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
D of S.R. Capps, 1921
(Mesozoic loc. 10825)
, Karluk
, USGS Mesozoic locs. 3133-3136, 10825, 11333, 12276, 21353, and many others. Puale Bay area, Karluk quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula (Martin, 1926, p. 212-218). Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat. page missing (p. 42) from handwritten catalogue PDF volume for this locality]; [Oilwell Creek, Cold Bay. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
(Mesozoic loc. 11325)
, Karluk
, 3 miles up Teresa Creek from shore. A.A. Baker, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11325. Orig. No. 4. Jurassic-Naknek. 7700' up Teresa Creek from camp #3, Cold Bay Field, Alaska. Coll. A.A. Baker, July 6, 1922.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
(Mesozoic loc. 11332)
, Karluk
, 1 mile north of saddle at head of Teresa Creek. A.A. Baker, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11332. Orig. No. 5. Jurassic=Naknek. In small outcrop one mile north of Teresa Creek, Cold Bay field, Alaska. Coll. A.A. Baker, July 6, 1922.]
Gastropods (undetermined)
L.M. No. 11 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3135)
, Karluk
, Creek entering marshes at head of Cold Bay 1 mi. from head, 1/2 mi. up creek. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "Creek entering marshes at head of Cold Bay, 1 mile from head and one-fourth mile up creek. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; USGS Mesozoic locs. 3133-3136, 10825, 11333, 12276, 21353, and many others. Puale Bay area, Karluk quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula (Martin, 1926, p. 212-218). Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3135. Orig. No. 11. Jurassic. Creek entering marshes at head of Cold Bay about a mile from the head 1/2 mile up creek (see sta. 9, N.B. 3, p. 16) Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 28, 1904]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
L.M. No. 12 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3136)
, Karluk
, 25 ft. E. of 3135. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "Creek entering marshes at head of Cold Bay, about 25 feet east of 3135. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; USGS Mesozoic locs. 3133-3136, 10825, 11333, 12276, 21353, and many others. Puale Bay area, Karluk quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula (Martin, 1926, p. 212-218); Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C.) entry: 3136. Orig. no. 12. Jurassic. Creek entering marshes head of Cold Bay about a mile from the head. 1/2 mile up Creek (see sta. 9, N.B. 3, p. 16) 25 ft. E. of No. 11, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 28, 1904]; Lawrence Martin, 1904. From 0.8 km up creek entering marshes at head of Puale Bay, Karluk (D-5) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Late middle Oxfordian or Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
Phylloceras? (coarse sculptured)
Belemnites (slender form)
Belemnites (large phragmocone)
L.M. No. 7 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3131)
, Karluk
, 1/2 mi. above forks of Becharof Creek 2 1/2 mi. E. of Becharof Lake. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "Becharof Creek, half a mile above forks and 2 1/2 miles east of Becharof Lake. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3131. Orig. No. 7. Upper Jurassic. 1/2 mile above forks of Becharof Creek, on Excelsior claim #32, 2 1/2 miles E. of Becharof Lake, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 24, 1904, N.B. 3, p. 9]
L.M. No. 8 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3132)
, Karluk
, Same as 3131. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "About 100 yards upstream from 3131, in somewhat lower beds. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; [About 100 yards upstream from 3131, in somewhat lower beds. Lawrence Martrin, 1904. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)]; Martin, G.C., 1926, Mesozoic stratigraphy of Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 776. [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3132. No. 8. Upper Jurassic. 1/2 mile above forks of Becharof Creek on Excelsion claim #32, 2 1/2 miles E. of Becharof Lake, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 24, 1904, N.B. 3, p. 9.]
L.M. No. 9 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3133)
, Karluk
, 3/4 mi. above forks of Becharof Cr. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "About three-fourths mile above forks of Becharof Creek, in lower beds than 3132. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 3133-3136, 10825, 11333, 12276, 21353, and many others. Puale Bay area, Karluk quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula (Martin, 1926, p. 212-218). Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3133. Orig. No. 9. Upper Jurassic. 1/2 mile above forks of Becharof Creek on Excelsior Claim #32, 2 1/2 miles E. of Becharof Lake, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 24, 1904, N.B. 3, p. 9]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
L.M. No. 10 [L.M. is Lawrence Martin]
(Mesozoic loc. 3134)
, Karluk
, Same as 3133. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 212 gives following description: "About 100 yards upstream from 3133. Lawrence Martin, 1904."]; USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 3133-3136, 10825, 11333, 12276, 21353, and many others. Puale Bay area, Karluk quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula (Martin, 1926, p. 212-218). Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26);[USGS Mes. Cat.: 3134. Orig. No. 10. Upper Jurassic. 3/4 mile above forks of Becharof Creek on Excelsior claim #32, 2 1/2 miles E. of Becharof Lake, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. L. Martin, Aug. 24, 1904, N.B. 3, p. 9]
F 22 AB 6
(Mesozoic loc. 11333)
, Karluk
, West side of range across from Alinchak Bay. Basal Naknek. A.A. Baker, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11333. Orig. No. 6. Jurassic-basal Naknek. About 1 1/2 miles above camp. #15 on creek heading just SW of High, Cold Bay field, Alaska. Coll. A.A. Baker, August 15, 1922.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
F 22 AB 7
(Mesozoic loc. 11334)
, Karluk
, 1,600 feet southwest of junction of East Fork and Kejulik River. A.A. Baker, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11334. Orig. No. 7. Jurassic-Naknek. 1600' SW from junction of east fork and the Kejulik River, Cold Bay field, Alaska. Coll. A.A. Baker, August 22, 1922.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
F 22 AB 8
(Mesozoic loc. 11329)
, Karluk
, About 1 mile northwest of Kejulik River, about 2 miles southwest of point where two large tributaries come into river. A.A. Baker, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11329. Orig. No. 8. Jurassic-Naknek. Northwest of Kejulik River, about one mile from camp, #16 and SW of point were two large tributaries come into river about 2 miles. Cold Bay field, Alaska. Coll. A.A. Baker, August 22, 1922.]
F 22 AB 9
(Mesozoic loc. 11330)
, Karluk
, 2 miles up from Kejulik River, along eastern tributary mentioned in 11329. A.A. Baker, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11331. Orig. No. 9. Jurassic-Naknek. Two miles up from Kejulik River along eastern tributary mentioned in No. 8, Cold Bay field, Alaska. Coll. A.A Baker August 15, 1922.]
F 22 AB 10
(Mesozoic loc. 11331)
, Karluk
, In canyon near head of East Fork of Kejulik River. A.A. Baker, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11331. Orig. No. 10. Jurassic-Naknek. In canyon near head of east fork of Kejulik River, Cold Bay field, Alaska. Coll. A.A. Baker, August 31, 1922.]
Aucella cf. A. erringtoni (Gabb)
Belemnites (large phragmocone)
F 34 of W.R. Smith, 1922, coll. by Dr. Laymore
(Mesozoic loc. 11360)
, Karluk
, Fossil Creek, north of Lake Becharof. Collected by Doctor Laymore for W.R. Smith, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11360. Orig. No. 34. Fossil Creek, north of Lake Becharof, Alaska. Coll. Dr. Laymore, 1922.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
F 38 of W.R. Smith, 1922
, Karluk
, Near mouth of Kejulik River. W.R. Smith, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212)
4 of W.R. Smith, 1923
(Mesozoic loc. 12077)
, Mt Katmai
, East side of Kejulik Pass, below Gas Creek. W.R. Smith, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C) entry: 12077. Orig. No. 4. Jurassic-Naknek. East side of Kejulic Pass below Gas Creek, Cold Bay, Katmai, SW. Alaska, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. W.R. Smith, 1923.]; W. R. Smith, 1923. East side of Kejulik Pass below Gas Creek, Mt. Katmai Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
5 of W.R. Smith, 1923
(Mesozoic loc. 12078)
, Mt Katmai
, Upper part of Gas Creek, lowest exposed beds. W.R. Smith, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 12078. Orig. No. 5. Jurassic-Naknek. Upper part Gas Creek, lowest exposed rocks, SW. Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Cold Bay-Katmail. Coll. W.R. Smith, 1923.]
6 of W.R. Smith, 1923
(Mesozoic loc. 12079)
, Mt Katmai
, Mountain top east of Yori Pass. W.R. Smith, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 12079. Orig. No. 6. Jurassic-Naknek. Mountain top E. of Yori Pass, Cold Bay-Katmai, SW Alaska. Alaska Peninsula. Coll. W.R. Smith, 1923.]
(Mesozoic loc. 10827)
, Karluk
, 2 miles southeast of Bellim Bay, Becharof Lake. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212); Page missing from handwritten copy of USGS Mesozoic Catalogue.
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
(Mesozoic loc. 10794)
, Ugashik
, Shore of creek between Lake Ruth and Becharof Lake at upper Indian village. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 212);[USGS Mes. Cat.: 10794. Orig. No. 1-80. Jurassic-Naknek. On shore of creek between Lake Ruth & Becharof Lake, at upper Indian village, Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
(Mesozoic loc. 10817)
, Ugashik
, Southeast shore of Becharof Lake between extreme south end of lake and the fish village. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue (Washington, D.C.): 10817. Orig. No. 1-122. Jurassic-Naknek. SE shore of Becharof Lake, between extreme S. end of lake and the fish village, Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]; S. R. Capps, 1921. Southeast shore of Becharof Lake between extreme south end of lake and the fishing village, Ugashik (C-l) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Aucella cf. A. erringtoni (Gabb)
(Mesozoic loc. 10795)
, Ugashik
, About 1,000 feet above base of Naknek shale, 3 miles southeast of Mount Lee and 1 mile west of shore of Becharof Lake. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C): 10795. Orig. No. 1-82. Jurassic-Naknek. 1000' more or less above base of Naknek shale 3 miles SE of Mt. Lee, and 1 mile west of shore of Becharof Lake, Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]; S. R. Capps, 1921. 1.6 km west of shore of Becharof Lake, and 4.8 km southeast of Mt. Lee, Ugashik (C-l) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation, about 305 m above its base. Lower Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Aucella cf. A. erringtoni (Gabb)
(Mesozoic loc. 10796)
, Ugashik
, About 1,000 feet above base of Naknek shale, three-fourths of a mile southeast of I-82. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat. (Washington, D.C): 10796. Orig. No. 1-83. Jurassic-Naknek. 1000' more or less above base of Naknek shale, 3/4 mile SE of 1-82, Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]; S. R. Capps, 1921. 1.6 km southeast of Mesozoic loc. 10795, Ugashik (C-l) Quadrangle, on Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation, about 305 m above its base. Kimmeridgian or early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27)
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
F 229 B 3
(Mesozoic loc. 11324)
, Ugashik
, In gulch, 2,250 feet S. 60° E. from forks in Peulik Creek. A.A. Baker, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11324. Orig. No. 3. Jurassic-Naknek. In gulch 2,250 S. 60 E. from forks in Leulic Creek just below camp #3, Cold Bay Field, Alaska. Coll. A.A. Baker, June 29, 1922.]
Aucella cf. A. erringtoni (Gabb)
(Mesozoic loc. 10797)
, Ugashik
, Basal conglomerate of Naknek formation. On Barabara or Little Ugashik Creek, about 1 mile below its head. Float boulder. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 10797. Orig. No. 1-87. Jurassic-Chisik Cgl. On Barabara, on Little Ugashik Creek about 1 mile below its head, Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Fossils from float boulders. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]
(Mesozoic loc. 7517)
, Ugashik
, Basal conglomerate of Naknek formation. Pearl Creek. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [NOTE: USGS Mesozoic Catalogue entry for 7517 is from a locality in Texas.]
Cladophlebis cf. C. haiburnensis (Lindley and Hutton)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 7620)
, Ugashik
, Top of bluff on south bank of Pearl Creek, N. 7° E. (magnetic) from Standard Oil derrick. G.C. Martin, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [NOTE: USGS Mesozoic Catalogue entry for this number is located in Texas]
Zamites megaphyllus (Philips) Seward
(Mesozoic loc. 10798)
, Ugashik
, 5 miles southeast of Mount Peulik. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 10798. Orig. No. 1-89. Jurassic-Naknek. Five miles S.SE of Mt. Peulik, Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
Aucella cf. A. erringtoni (Gabb)
Cardioceras cf. C. canadense Whiteaves
(Mesozoic loc. 10799)
, Ugashik
, 5 miles south-southwest of Mount Lee. S.R. Capps, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 10788. Orig. No. 1-93. Jurassic-base of Naknek. Five miles S.SW of Mt. Lee. Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
(Mesozoic loc. 10816)
, Ugashik
, Base of Naknek formation. Becharof-Crooked Creek divide. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 10816. Orig. No. 1-121. Jurassic-base Naknek. Becharof-Crooked Creek divide, Cold Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. S.R. Capps, 1921.]
(Mesozoic loc. 11068)
, Ugashik
, Half a mile southwest of G 4. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11068. Orig. No. G-3. Half a mile southeast of G4, Cold Bay District, Alaska. Coll. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. for S.R. Capps.]
(Mesozoic loc. 11069)
, Ugashik
, On summit of Crooked Creek-Becharof Lake divide. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11069. Orig. No. G-4. On summit of Crooked Creek, Becharof Lak divide, Cold Bay District, Alaska. Coll. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. for S.R. Capps]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
(Mesozoic loc. 11070)
, Ugashik
, On ridge three-fourths of a mile north of G 4. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213);[USGS Mes. Cat.: 11070. Orig. No. G-5. On ridge 3/4 mile north of G-4. Cold Bay District, Alaska. Coll. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. for S.R. Capps.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
F7 of W.R. Smith, June 24, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 11345)
, Ugashik
, Across divide at head of Ugashik Creek. W.R. Smith, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213);[USGS Mes. Cat.: 11345. Orig. No. 7. Naknek. Creek opposite Ugashik Creek, across divide from Ugashik Creek, Cold Bay oil field, Alaska. Coll. W.R. Smith, June 24, 1922.]
Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904 (unnumbered)-6
(Mesozoic loc. 3119)
, Ugashik
, Kanata Bay, 12 mi. SW. of Cold Bay. Coll. by Jack Lee. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 213 gives following description: "Kanata Bay, 12 miles southwest of Cold Bay. Received from Jack Lee, 1904."]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3119. Jurassic. Kanata Bay, about 12 miles S.W. of Cold Bay, Shelikof Straits, Alaska. Received from P.W. Francis thro. R.W. Stone, 1904.]
F 7 of Ernest Marquardt, 1921
(Mesozoic loc. 11067)
, Ugashik
, Northeast fork of Big Creek, 2 miles above its mouth. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11067. Orig. No. F-7. Northeast fork of Big Creek, 2 miles above its mouth. Cold Bay District, Alaska. Coll. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. for S.R. Capps]
P.10 of W.R. Smith, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 7572)
, Ugashik
, East wall of canyon of Moore Creek, 3 miles from head. Thin-bedded sandstone in thick member of arkose in Naknek formation. W.R. Smith, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [NOTE: USGS Mes. Cat. number for this locality is in Texas!!!!}
Polypodium oregonense Fontaine
(Mesozoic loc. 11073)
, Ugashik
, About 3 miles south-southwest of south end of Ugashik Lakes. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11073. Orig. No. N-2. From point about 3 miles S.S.W. of S.W. end of Ugashik Lake, Cold Bay Distr., Alaska. Coll. Ernest Marquardt, 1921. for S.R. Capps]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
F 18 of W.R. Smith, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 11354)
, Ugashik
, 8 miles southwest of Wide Bay. W.R. Smith, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11354. Orig. No. 18. Naknek. Eight miles SW of Wide Bay, Alaska. Coll. W.R. Smith, August 7, 1922.]
Aucella cf. A. erringtoni (Gabb)
12 of W.R. Smith, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 11348)
, Ugashik
, Imuya Bay, south of Wide Bay. W.R. Smith, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11348. Orig. No. 12. Naknek. Erma Bay-south of Wide Bay, Cold Bay, Alaska. Coll. W.R. Smith, July 5, 1922]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
F 26 of W.R. Smith, August 28, 1922
(Mesozoic loc. 11356)
, Sutwik Island
, East bank near head of Lava Creek. W.R. Smith, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11356. Orig. No. 26. Naknek. East bank near head of Lava Creek, Alaska. Coll. W.R. Smith, August 28, 1922]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
F 33 of W.R. Smith, Aug. 30, 1922
, Chignik
, Gates of crater at head of Aniakchak River. W.R. Smith, 1922. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11359. Orig. No. 33. Gates of Crater - head of Aniskohak River. Alaska. Coll. W.R. Smith, August 30, 1922.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
Stanton, Martin, et al., 1904 (unnumbered)-5
(Mesozoic loc. 3118)
, Chignik
, Hook Bay on north shore of Chignik Bay. [Note by RBB: Martin, 1926, USGS Bull. 776, p. 213 gives following description: "Hook Bay, on north shore of Chignik Bay. Received from C.J. Brun by T.W. Stanton, 1904."]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: 3118. Jurassic-Aucella beds. Hook Bay an arm of the n. shore Chignik Bay, Shelikof Straits, Alaska. Received from Thos. J. Brown by R.W. Stone, 1904.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
59 of W.W. Atwood, Aug. 29, 1908
(Mesozoic loc. 5800)
, Chignik
, Hood Bay Creek near coal mine about 5 miles north of Hook Bay. W.W. Atwood, 1908. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 5800. Orig. No. 59. Upper Jurassic. Hook Bay Creek, near coal mine, Chignik By Region, Alaska. Coll. W.W. Atwood, Aug. 29, 1908. N.B. 4, p. 33.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
50 of W.W. Atwood, Aug. 16, 1908
(Mesozoic loc. 5794)
, Chignik
, North side of Chignik Bay, on mountain top north of Bear Creek. W.W. Atwood, 1908. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 5794. Orig. No. 50. Upper Jurassic. North side of Chignik Bay on Mt. top N. of Bear Creek, Alaska. Coll. W.W. Atwood. Aug. 16, 1908. N.B. IV, p. 31.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
56 of W.W. Atwood, Aug. 22, 1908
(Mesozoic loc. 5798)
, Chignik
, Chignik Lake. Fine-grained dark-colored sandstone exposed along the shore in the southwest arm of the lake. W.W. Atwood, 1908. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 5798. Orig. No. 56. Upper Jurassic. S.W. shore of Chignik Lake, Chignik Bay Region, Alaska. Coll. W.W. Atwood. Aug. 22, 1908. N.B. 4, p. 32.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
58A of W.W. Atwood, 1908
(Mesozoic loc. 5779a)
, Chignik
, Chignik Lagoon, about opposite Alaska Packer's Association cannery. W.W. Atwood, 1908. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 5799A. No. 58A. Upper Jurassic. Near no. 58 (5799). Chignik Bay Region, Alaska.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
2 of Ernest Marquardt, 1923
(Mesozoic loc. 11959)
, Chignik
, Hills between Chiaktuak Creek and Chignik Lake. Ernest Marquardt, 1923. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 213); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 11959. Orig. No. 2. Upper Jurassic or Cretaceous-probably Naknek form. Hills between Chiaktuak Creek and Chignik Lake, Southwestern Alask, Alaska Peninsula. Coll. Ernest Marquardt, Augst 25, 1923.]
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 7824)
, Stepovak Bay
, Float from north shore of Ivanof Bay and from creek 1 mile east of Perry. Probably derived from concretionary shale exposed in cliffs on north shore of the bay. G.C. Martin, 1912. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 218); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 7824. Upper Jurassic. North shore of Ivanof Bay, and from creek 1 mile east of Perry, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. Float. Coll. G.C. Martin, July 9 & 11, 1912.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
15 of W.W. Atwood, 1908
(Mesozoic loc. 5574)
, Port Moller
, Bold Bluff Point, Herendeen Bay. W.W. Atwood, 1908. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 218); [USGS Mes. Cat.:5574. Orig. No. 15. Upper Jurassic. Bold Bluff Point, Herendeen Bay, Alaskan Peninsula. Colls. Atwood & Eakin. June 26, 1908. N.B. 2, p. 34.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
14 of W.W. Atwood, 1908
(Mesozoic loc. 5573)
, Port Moller
, East base of Pinnacle Mountain, Herendeen Bay. Bed 5 of section on p. 210. W.W. Atwood, 1908. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 218); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 5574. Orig. No. 14. Upper Jurassic. East base of Pinnacle Mountain, Herendeen Bay, Alaskan Peninsula. Colls. W.W. Atwood & H.M. Eakin. June 26, 1908. N.B. 2, p. 34.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
21 of W.W. Atwood, 1908
(Mesozoic loc. 5578)
, Port Moller
, Canyon on east face of Pinnacle Mountain, Herendeen Bay. Bed 3 in section on p. 210. W.W. Atwood, 1908. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 218); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 5578. Orign. No. 21. Upper Jurassic. Canyon in east face of Pinnacle Mountain, west shore Herendeen Bay, Alaskan Peninsula. Colls. Atwood & Eakin. June 30, 1908. N.B. 3, p. 30.]
Aucella cf. A. bronni Rouiller
22 of W.W. Atwood, 1908
(Mesozoic loc. 5579)
, Port Moller
, Canyon on east face of Pinnacle Mountain. Bed 1 of section on p. 210. W.W. Atwood, 1908. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 218); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 5579. Orig. No. 22. Upper Jurassic. In canyon on east side Pinnacle Mountain, Herendeen Bay, Alaskan Peninsula. Colls. Atwood & Eakin. June 30, 1908. N.B. 3, p. 30.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
Pecten (large smooth form)
24 of W.W. Atwood, 1908
(Mesozoic loc. 5581)
, Port Moller
, Crow Point, Herendeen Bay. W.W. Atwood, 1908. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 218); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 5581. Orig. No. 24. Upper Jurassic. Crow Point, Hereneen Bay, Alaskan Peninsula. Colls. Atwood & Eakin. June 28, 1908. N.B. 3, p. 31.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
26 of W.W. Atwood, 1908
(Mesozoic loc. 5583)
, Port Moller
, Crow Point, Herendeen Bay. W.W. Atwood, 1908. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 218); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 5583. Orig. No. 26. Upper Jurassic. Crow Point, Herendeen Bay, Alaskan Peninsula, Series 24-27 & 12. Colls. Atwood & Eakin. June 28, 1908. N.B. 3, p. 31.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
Pecten (large smooth form)
27 of W.W. Atwood, 1908
(Mesozoic loc. 5584)
, Port Moller
, Crow Point, Herendeen Bay. W.W. Atwood, 1908. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 218); [USGS Mes. Cat.: 5584. Orig. No. 27. Upper Jurassic. Crow Point, Herendeen Bay, Alaskan Peninsula. Series 12, 24, 25, 26, 27. Colls. Atwood & Eakin. June 28, 1908. N.B. 3, p. 31.]
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
Pecten (large smooth form)
, Port Moller
, Bluff south of Moss Valley, Herendeen Bay. Sidney Paige, 1905. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 218)
Aucella cf. A. pallasi Keyserling
84 of G.C. Martin and Overbeck
(Mesozoic loc. 8895)
, Charley River
, South bank of Yukon River, about 1 mile above Nation River. Ten-foot bed of dark noncystalline limestone which is probably not more than 50 feet (unconformably) above the crystalline Carboniferous limestone. Martin and Overbeck, 1914. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99) Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location (Sheet 1 of Miyaoka, 1990): lat. 65º10'45", long. 141º41'52"
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 9384)
, Charley River
, South bank ot Yukon River, about 1 mlle above NatIon River. same localIty and bed as 8895. Elliot Blackwelder, 1915. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99). Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: lat.65º11'20", long. 141º42'53" (see loc. 45 of Miyaoka, 1990).
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 9385)
, Charley River
, Hillside about one-third of a mile northeast of the mouth oi Nation River. Probably same bed as 9384 and apparently near the same locality and bed aa 5054. Elliot Blackwelder, 1915. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99) Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location (see loc. 48 of Miyaoka, 1990, which is lat. 65º12'04", long. 141º41'19"
Popanoceras (Parapoponoceras)?
Trachyceras (Protrachyceras)? cf, T. lecontei Hyatt and Smith
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 9386)
, Charley River
, Hillsfde ebout one-third of a mile northeast of tbe mouth of Nation River. Same locality as 9385, but top of 25-foot lImestone (upper part of same bed). Elliot Blackwelder, 1915. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99) Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location (see loc. 45 of Miyaoka, 1990).
Coral? (doubtfully organic)
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 4054a)
, Charley River
, Mountain north oi Yukon River, about a quarter of a mile northeast of the mouth of Natlon Rlver. Fifteen-foot bed of llmestone in a shale and sandstone series. E.M. Kindle, 1906. (description from Martin, 1926, p. 99). Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location shown as loc. 36 in Miyaoka 1990: Lat. 65º12"00"; Long. 141º42'14".
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 4054b)
, Charley River
, Same locality as 4054a, but limestone of somewhat different texture. E.M. Kindle, 1906. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 9387)
, Charley River
, Hillside about one-third of a mile northeast of tbe mouth of Nation River. Shale about 25 feet above 9385. Eliot Blackwelder, 1915. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99) Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location (loc. 48 of Miyaoka, 1990), which 65º12'04", 141º41'19".
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 9388)
, Charley River
, Hillside about one-third of a mile northeast of the mouth of Nation River. Black shaly limestone abut 15 feet above 9387. Eliot Blackwelder, 1915. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99) Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location (loc. 42) of Miyaoka, 1990
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 8896)
, Charley River
, South bank of Yukon River, about 1 mile above Nation River, a short distance downstream from 8895. About 30 feet above 8895, in a series of calcareous shale and shaly limestone. MartIn and Overbeck, 1914. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99.)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 8897)
, Charley River
, South bank af Yukon River, about 1 miIe above Nation River. About 10 feet above 8896. Martin and Overbeck. 1914. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 8898)
, Charley River
, South bank of Yukon River, about 1 mile above Nation River. Float from river bank between 8897 and 8899. Martin and Overbeck, 1914. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 9383)
, Charley River
, South bank of Yukon River, about 1 mile above Nation River. Calcareous shale and shaly limestone about 260 feet above 9384. Eliot Blackwelder, 1915. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 8899)
, Charley River
, South bank of Yukon River, about 1 mile above Nation River, downstream from 8897. About 300 feet (atratigraphically) above 8897. Martin and Overbeck, 1914. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99)
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 9382)
, Charley River
, South bank of Yukon River, about 1 mlle above Nation River. Calcareous shale and ahaly limestone about 350 feet abve 9384. ElIot Bhckwelder, 1915. (from Martin, 1926), p. 99). Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location shown as loc. 45 in Miyaoka, 1990: 65º11'20", 141º42'53".
Pseudomonotis subcircularis (Gabb)
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 10266)
, Charley River
, Trout Creek, Tributary to Yukon River from the south about 2 miles below old Montauk roadhouae, about 3 miles above mouth ot creek. ShaIy limestone. 0, C. Martin, 1919. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99). Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65º04'56", 141º41'46".
Pseudomonotis (apparently distinct from subcircularis)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 10267)
, Charley River
, Same locality as 10266. G.C. Martin, 1919. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99) Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65º04'56", 141º41'46".
Pseudomonotis (apparently distinct from subcircularis)
Halobia cf. H. superba Mojsisovics
No Data
(USGS Mesozoic loc. 9321)
, Charley River
, Trout Creek, about 4 miles from mouth. Probably same locality as 10266. Preston J. Hllliard, 1915. (from Martin, 1926, p. 99). Approx. lat/long based on digitization of map location: 65º04'56", 141º41'46".
Pseudomonotis (apparently distinct from subcircularis)