(Mesozoic locs. M2442, M2445-2457)
, Point Hope
, Mesozoic localities M2442, 2455, 2456, 2457. Pt. Hope 1:250,000 quad. Lat. 68 deg. 12'30" N., long. 165 deg. 20' W. Coll: Tailleur, Anderson, Miller, 1964.
(Mesozoic loc. M2443)
, Point Hope
, Pt. Hope 1:250,000 quad. Lat. 68 deg. 27' N., long. 165 deg. 16' W. NE. of Maktak Mtn. and E. of Ipewik River. Coll: Tailleur, Anderson, Miller, 1964.
(Mesozoic loc. M2444)
, Point Hope
, Pt. Hope 1:250,000 quad. Lat. 68 deg. 52' N., long. 165 deg. 58' W. Just SE. of triangulation station Sharpy in Igrarok Hills. Coll: Tailleur, Anderson, Miller, 1964.
(Mesozoic loc. M2445)
, Point Hope
, Pt. Hope 1:250,000 quad. Lat. 68 deg. 11' N., long. 165 deg. 06' W. NE. of triangulation station Kukpuk. Coll: Tailleur, Anderson, Miller, 1964.