Collection 67APa 237 (= 58ABe110) contains a species of Beudanticeras similar to the genotype species B. dupinianum (d'Orbigny). It appears to be identical with a small ammonite from northern Alaska described as Pusozia? sp. juv. by Imlay (1961, Prof. Paper 335, p. 56 pl. 13, figs. 21-23). The genus ranges through the Albian stage and is unknown from Aptian and Cenomanian beds. Collection 67APa 238 (= 53APa 348) contains three fragments of pelecypods that resemble Buchia or Aucellina, but are not elongated posteriorly as in those genera. Erle Kauffman of the National Museum excluded them from belonging to the genera Inoceramus or Isognomon. Collection 53APa 348, from which I reported Aucellina dowlingi McLearn, is now in Menlo Park. If you want us to re-examine that specimen, the branch photographer at Monlo Park would probably be able to find it. You can contact him through the branch clerk, Vi Joyce.
While searching for the affinities of the ammonite in collection 67APa 237, we found an older collection 53APa 342 (Mes. loc. 24678) from the Middle Fork of the Koyukok River 8 miles above the North Fork. This collection contains several ammonites of which one was identified by Imlay as Lemurocerns cf. L. belli McLearn. It is apparent now that the ammonite belongs to Arcthoplites talkeetnanus (Imlay) (see Jones, 1967, Prof. Paper 547, p. 39, pl. 7, figs. 26-31, pl. 8, figs. 1-18) and is of Albian age.