Report on Referred Fossils |
Stratigraphic range: |
Upper Jurassic |
Kinds of fossils: |
Mollusks |
Quadrangle or area: |
Illiamna A-2 & A-3, Head of Alaska Peninsula |
Shipment No.: |
A-67-19 |
Referred by: |
Detterman, Robert L.
Report prepared by: |
Imlay, Ralph W.
Date: |
12/05/1967 |
The fossils collected from near the mouth of Douglas River in the Kamishak Bay area are typical of the Naknek Formation and range in age from late Oxfordian to early Portlandian. The fossils of age significance include the pelecypods Buchia concentrica (Sowerby) of late Oxfordian to middle Kimmeridgian age (Imlay, 1955, Prof. Paper 274-D, p.83) and Buchia rugosa (Fischer) of middle Kimmeridgian to early Portlandian age (Imlay, 1955 Prof. Paper 274-D, p.74, 75), and the ammonite Perishinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) of Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian age (Imlay, 1961, Prof. Paper 374-D, p. D-7). The species of Dichotomosphinctes present is the same as illustrated by Imlay (1961, Prof. Paper 374-D, pl. 4, fig. 6) from the Naknek Formation and likewise is associated with Buchia concentrica (Sowerby).
*** Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector): These collections were made by Standard Oil from north shore of Kamishak Bay, but east of the area that I worked. We need the information to complete the map and Standard would like to have them identified, also. They are going to supply me with the sections as soon as they work them up.
User Note module to be added |
, Iliamna
, Yellowish-brown pebbly sandstone, overlies local unconformity; possibly Cretaceous(?); easternmost of two offshore islands at mouth of Douglas River; 2.5 miles N. 55 deg. E. of mouth of river; Lat. 59 deg. 05' N., long. 153 deg. 42'15" W.
, Iliamna
, Section unknown, but underlies 14827-7; south side of westernmost island at mouth of Douglas River; 0.6 mile N. 35 deg. E. of mouth of river; Lat. 59 deg. 04' N., long. 153 deg. 45' W.
(Mesozoic loc. 29899)
, Iliamna
, Section unknown; approximately same position as 14828-1; east tip of same island as 14828-1; 1 mile N. 40 deg. E. of mouth of Douglas River. Lat. 59 deg. 04'20" N., long. 153 deg. 44'50" W.; USGS Mesozoic loc. 29899. On east tip of westernmost island 1 mile N. 40°E. of mouth of Douglas River, lat 59°64'20" N., long 153°44'50" W. Iliamna quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula. Buchia concentrica (Sowerby) and Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); Continental Oil Company, 1967. South side of Kamishak Bay on east tip of westernmost island that is 1.6 km N. 40° E. of mouth of Douglas River, Iliamna (A-3) Quadrangle, at head of Alaska Peninsula. Naknek Formation. Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 27); [Entry in USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: 29899 (14828-2) Naknek Formation, Upper Jurassic. On east tip of westernmost island one mile N40°E of mouth of Douglas River. Lat. 59°04'20" N., Long. 153°44'50" W. at head of Alaska Peninsula]
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) cf. P.(D.) muhlbachi Hyatt
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
, Iliamna
, Section unknown, northeast tip of same island as 14828-1; 1 mile N. 30 deg. E. of mouth of Douglas River; Lat. 59 deg. 04'25" N., long. 153 deg. 44'55" W.
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
, Iliamna
, Section unknown, but somewhat lower than 14828-2 and 14828-6, north side of western island; .9 mile N. 20 deg. E. of mouth of Douglas River; 59 deg. 04'30" N., long. 153 deg. 45'15" W.
, Iliamna
, Section unknown, but lower than 14828-12; north side of island; 1 mile N. 10 deg. W. of mouth of Douglas River; Lat. 59 deg. 04'35" N., long. 153 deg. 46' W.
, Iliamna
, Approximately same stratigraphic position as 67ADt1520B; 2.3 miles N. 85 deg. W. of mouth of Douglas River on south shore Kamishak Bay. Lat. 59 deg. 04' N., long. 153 deg. 49'30" W.
, Iliamna
, Near same locality as 14829-6, but slightly higher in section. Same lat. and long.
, Iliamna
, Section unknown; stratigraphic position about the same as 14828-1; mouth of Douglas River; Lat. 59 deg. 03'45" N. long. 153 deg. 45'50" W.