, Iliamna
, Lower Naknek formation; massive siltstone about 200-300 feet above contact with Chisik Member; along shore of Cook Inlet between Ursus Cove and Iliamna Bay; 0.6 mile N. 42 deg. E. of south tip of Ursus Head. Coords. 6.0-4.03; C2 quad; 59 deg. 33'28" N., 153 deg. 34'50" W. [Note by R.B. Blodgett, the 8 on 28" Lat. is indistinct, may also be 23"]. Detterman and Reed (1980, p. B39 - Table 2) provide the following information: Fortification Bluff area. Snug Harbor Siltstone Member of Naknek Formation. Shown as locality 5 on Plate 1]
one guard probably belongs to Pachyteuthis
(Mesozoic loc. 28520)
, Iliamna
, Lower Naknek formation; about 200 feet above Chisik Member; massive siltstone with few thin sandstone interbeds. Shore of Cook Inlet; 1.22 miles N. 30 deg. E. of tip of Ursus Head; Coord 6.21-4.67; C-2 quad; 59 deg. 34' N., 153 deg. 34'30" W.; USGS Mesozoic loc. 28520, 1.22 miles N. 30°E. of tip of Ursus Head; Mesozoic loc. 28521, 0.22 mile N. 62° E. of tip of Ursus Head. Ursus Cove on west side of Cook Inlet. Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 25); USGS Mes. Cat: 28520. (61AD-45). Upper Jurassic - Lower Naknek fm. about 200' above Chisik Mbr. Massive siltstone with few thin sandstone interbeds. Shore of Cook Inlet; 1.22 miles N. 30° of the tip of Ursus Head; Coords. 6.21 & 4.67 C-2 quad; 59°34' N., 153°34'30" W. Coll. by R.L. Detterman, 1961. Alaska]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic locl. 25821)
, Iliamna
, Lower Naknek formation; massive siltstone about 300 feet above Chisik Member; Shore of Cook Inlet; 0.22 miles N. 62 deg. E. of tip of Ursus Head; Coords 5.80-3.71; float; C-2 quad; 59 deg. 33'18" N., 153 deg. 35'15" W. [Detterman and Reed (1980, p. B39 - Table 2) provide the following information: Fortification Bluff area. Snug Harbor Siltstone Member of Naknek Formation. Shown as locality 5 on Plate 1]; USGS Mesozoic loc. 28520, 1.22 miles N. 30°E. of tip of Ursus Head; Mesozoic loc. 28521, 0.22 mile N. 62° E. of tip of Ursus Head. Ursus Cove on west side of Cook Inlet. Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 26); [USGS Mes. Cat: 28521 (61-AHe-55). Upper Jurassic - Lower Naknek fm.; Alaska. Massive siltstone about 300' above Chisik Mbr., shore of Cook Inlet; 0.22 miles N. 62° E of tip of Ursus Head; Coords. 5.80 -3.71; float; C-2 quad; 59°33'18" N., 153°35'15" W. Coll. by R.L. Detterman - 1961]
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
, Iliamna
, Same as 61AHe55; float
, Iliamna
, Lower Naknek formation; massive brownish-gray siltstone with beds of grit about 400-500 feet above Chisik Member; Cove at southeast corner of Bruin Bay - inside bay; 1.3 miles S. 8 deg. E. of point at entrance to Bruin Bay; coords 6.3-9.45; B-3 quad; 59 deg. 21'30" N., 153 deg. 59' W.