, Sutwik Island
, Sutwik Island (D-4) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 48 min. 02 sec. N; Longitude 157 deg. 16 min. 52 sec. W. Section 17, T. 39 S., R. 50 W. East shore of Amber Bay. 0.5 mile NW of triangulation station Gale. Hoodoo Formation.
, Sutwik Island
, Same as M6960 except about 1-1/2 miles NW of triangulation station Gale. Latitude 56 deg. 48 min. 44 sec. N; Longitude 157 deg. 18 min. 20 sec. W. Hoodoo Formation.
, Sutwik Island
, Same as M6960 except about 2 miles NW of triangulation station Gale. Latitude 56 deg. 49 min. 12 sec. N; Longitude 157 deg. 18 min. 20 sec. W. Hoodoo Formation.
, Chignik
, Chignik (A-3) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 03 min. 55 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 41 min. 55 sec. W. Section 32, T. 47 S., R. 60 W. 1.2 miles N 40 deg E of stream mouth at head of Feet Bay, Hoodoo Formation.
Inoceramus kusiroensis Nagao & Matsumoto
, Chignik
, Chignik (A-1) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 14 min. 20 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 08 min. 15 sec. W. Section 35, T. 45 N., R. 57 W. Castle Cape. Hoodoo Formation.
, Sutwik Island
, Sutwik Island (D-5) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 47 min. 05 sec. N; Longitude 157 deg. 25 min. W. Section 21, T. 39 N., R. 51 W. West shore Amber Bay. 1.6 miles NW of Cape Ayutka. Hoodoo Formation.
Diplomoceras notabile (Whiteaves)
Neophylloceras ramosum (Meek)
, Sutwik Island
, Same as M6965 except 1.3 miles NW of Cape Ayutka. Latitude 56 deg. 46 min. 55 sec. N; Longitude 157 deg. 24 min. 55 sec. W. Hoodoo Formation.
Diplomoceras notabile (Whiteaves)
Inoceramus balticus var. kunimiensis Nagao & Matsumoto
, Sutwik Island
, Same as M6965 except 0.2 mile N of Cape Ayutka, Section 28. Latitude 56 deg. 46 min. N; Longitude 157 deg. 24 min. W.
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
, Sutwik Island
, Same as M6965 except 0.3 mile west of Cape Ayutka, on north shore of Aniakchak Bay. Latitude 56 deg. 45 min. 55 sec. N; Longitude 157 deg. 24 min. 25 sec. W.
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
, Sutwik Island
, Same as M6965 except 0.5 mile NW of Cape Ayutka, on north shore of Aniakchak Bay. Latitude 56 deg. 46 min. 10 sec. N; Longitude 157 deg. 24 min. 40 sec. W. Hoodoo Formation.
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
, Sutwik Island
, Sutwik Island (D-5) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 46 min. 35 sec. N; Longitude 157 deg. 24 min. 10 sec. W. Section 28, T. 39 S., R. 51 W. West shore of Amber Bay, 0.7 mile NW of Cape Ayutka. Chignik Formation.
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
, Chignik
, Chignik (A-2) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 09 min. 48 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 39 min. 05 sec. W. Section 28, T. 46 S., R. 60 W. 1.1 miles N 12 deg. W of mouth of Spoon Creek. Chignik Formation.
, Chignik
, Same as M6971 except Latitude 56 deg. 09 min. 39 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 39 min. 09 sec. W. Section 33. 1 mile N 15 deg. W of mouth of Spoon Creek. Chignik Formation.
Possible worm tube fillings
, Stepovak Bay
, Stepovak Bay (D-4) Quadrangle. Latitude 55 deg. 58 min. 15 sec. N; Longitude 159 deg. 14 min. 45 sec. W. Section 6, T. 49 S., R. 64 W. 6.1 miles N 25 deg. W of Three Star Point. Chignik Formation.
Inoceramus schmidti (Michael)
, Chignik
, Chignik (B-2) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 19 min. 50 sec. N to 56 deg. 20 min. 35 sec N; Longitude 158 deg. 32 min. 10 sec. W to 158 deg. 33 min. 50 sec. W. Section 26 and 34, T. 44 S., R. 59 W. NW shore of Chignik Lagoon. Chignik Formation.
77-ADt-133 plus 105 feet
, Chignik
, Same as M6974 except 105 feet above base. Chignik Formation.
Inoceramus balticus var. kunimiensis Nagao & Matsumoto
Inoceramus schmidti (Michael)
77-ADt-133 unit 3
, Chignik
, Same as M6974 except 910 feet above base. Chignik Formation.
Inoceramus schmidti (Michael)
, Chignik
, Same as M6974 except northeast along shore, 1,000 feet above base. Chignik Formation.
, Chignik
, Chignik (B-3) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 15 min 48 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 41 min. 51 sec. W. Section 30, T. 45 S., R. 60 W. North side of Chignik River, 2-1/2 miles downstream from village, at old coal mine. Chignik Formation.
Canadoceras newberryanum (Meek)
, Chignik
, Chignik (B-2) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 23 min. N; Longitude 158 deg. 29 min. 35 sec. W. Section 12, T. 44 S., R. 59 W. West shore of Chignik Bay, 0.2 mile east of triangulation station House. Chignik Formation near base.
Inoceramus schmidti (Michael)
, Chignik
, Same as M6979 except 0.1 mile northeast along shore about 50-75 feet higher in section. Chignik Formation.
Inoceramus schmidti (Michael)
, Chignik
, Same as M6979 except about 2.6 miles northeast of triangulation station House. Latitude 56 deg. 25 min. 59 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 34 min. 20 sec. W. Chignik Formation.
, Chignik
, Chignik (B-2) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 19 min. 25 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 37 min. 21 sec. W. Section 32, T. 44 S., R. 59 W. Parallel Creek, 1.3 miles upstream from mouth. Chignik Formation.
Inoceramus schmidti (Michael)