(Mesozoic loc. M6893)
, Sutwik Island
, Sutwik Island (D-4) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 54 min. 52 sec. N; Longitude 157 deg. 03 min. 25 sec. W. SW 1/4 Section 3, T. 38 S., R. 49 W., Hill 515, isolated hill 1.8 miles NW of beach. Staniukovich Formation, thin-bedded, rusty, silty sandstone.
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. M6894)
, Sutwik Island
, Sutwik Island (D-4) Quadrangle. Same as M6893 except about 50 feet lower in section. Staniukovich Foramtion.
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. M6895)
, Sutwik Island
, Sutwik Island (D-4) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 37 min. 09 sec. N; Longitude 157 deg. 02 min. 37 sec. W. NW-1/4 Section 26, T. 37 S., R. 49 W., Hill 620. Staniukovich Formation, rusty weathering silty sandstone, thin.
(Mesozoic loc. M6896)
, Sutwik Island
, Sutwik Island (D-3) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 56 min. 13 sec. N; Longitude 156 deg. 59 min. 48 sec. W. Section 21, T. 37 S., R. 48 W., 2.8 miles N 60 deg. W. of triangulation station NAKOL. Rusty, thin siltstone and sandstone, Staniukovich Formation.
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. M6897)
, Stepovak Bay
, Stepovak Bay (D-4) Quadrangle. Latitude 55 deg. 57 min. 25 sec. N; Longitude 159 deg. 13 min. 05 sec. W., Section 1., T. 49 S., R. 64 W., 5.6 miles N 53 deg. W of Perryville. Staniukovich Formation, volcanic sandstone, greenish.
Buchia uncitoides (Pavlow) ??
(Mesozoic loc. M6898)
, Stepovak Bay
, Stepovak Bay (D-4) Quadrangle. Section 2, same general locality as M6897 except about 1/2 mile northeast of ADt-81. Staniukovich Formation, thin-bedded rusty sandstone.
Buchia cf. B. blanfordiana (Stoliczka)
(Mesozoic loc. M6899)
, Chignik
, Chignik (B-2) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 28 min. N; Lagitude 158 deg. 30 min. 50 sec. W. Section 12, T. 43 S., R. 59 W., ridge south side of Thompson Valley. 4.1 miles N 73 deg. W. of stream mouth at beach. Staniukovich Formation, thin, light-tan sandstone with coquina beds.
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mosozoic loc. M6901)
, Chignik
, Chignik (B-2) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 29 min. N; Longitude 158 deg. 27 min. 02 sec. W., ridge north of Thompson Valley; 2.8 miles N. 30 deg. W. of stream mouth. Section 5, T. 43 S., R. 58 W. Staniukovich Formation, greenish sandstone with coquina beds.
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. M6902)
, Chignik
, Chignik (B-2) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 26 min. 56 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 31 min. 57 sec. W. Section 23, T. 43 S., R. 59 W., 4.5 miles N 85 deg. W of mouth of Neketa Creek. Staniukovich Formation, greenish sandstone.
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. M6903)
, Chignik
, Chignik (B-3) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 19 min. 03 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 40 min. 02 sec. W. Section 5, T. 45 S., R. 60 W., ridge south of Parallel Creek, 2.7 miles west of Chignik Lagoon Cannery. Staniukovich Formation, thin-bedded greenish sandstone.
Buchia cf. B. rugosa (Fischer)
(Mesozoic loc. M6904)
, Chignik
, Chignik (B-2) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 25 min. 59 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 34 min. 20 sec. W. Section 27, T. 43 S., R. 59 W., 4.7 miles N 64 deg. W of mouth of Through Creek. Staniukovich Formation, gray-green sandstone and siltstone.
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. M6905)
, Chignik
, Chignik (B-2) Quadrangle. Same as M6904 except about 0.1 mile east along ridge. Higher in section. Staniukovich Formation, thin olive-gray siltstone.
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. M6906)
, Chignik
, Chignik (B-2) Quadrangle. Same as M6904 except about 0.5 mile east. Higher in section. Staniukovich Formation, thin gray sandstone.
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. M6907)
, Sutwik Island
, Sutwik Island (D-6) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 51 min. 51 sec. N; Longitude 157 deg. 59 min. 30 sec. W. Section 26, T. 38 S., R. 55 W., 3.5 miles N 81 deg. W of mouth of Hidden Creek. Staniukovich Formation, thin, gray-green sandstone.
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
(Mesozoic loc. M6908)
, Chignik
, Chignik (D-1) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 51 min. 32 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 03 min. 30 sec. W. Section 29, T. 38 S. R. 55 W., east flank Aniakchak Volcano, 3.5 miles S 60 deg. E of Vent Mountain. Staniukovich Formation, thin sandstone.
(Mesozoic loc. M6909)
, Chignik
, Chignik (D-1) Quadrangle. Latitude 56 deg. 50 min. 30 sec. N; Longitude 158 deg. 13 min. W. Section 32, T. 38 S., R. 56 W., 3.7 miles S 40 deg. W of Vent Mountain. Staniukovich Formation, thin, slabby greenish sandstone and grit.
Buchia cf. B. blanfordiana (Stoliczka)