(Mesozoic loc. M1259)
, De Long Mts
, Tiglukpuk Fm., Ipewik River, 68 deg. 36'25" N., 164 deg. 12'30" W. [Tailleur provided further information in his transmittal sheet: "Buchia concentrica?; Phylloceras?, belemnites, brachiopods, in part typical of fauna from Tiglukpuk fm. (Kimmeridgian-Oxfordian). But pyritized, isolated, in atypical clay shale. From cutbank W. bank of Ipewik River at 68 deg. 36'25" lat., 164 deg. 12'30" long., 1/2 mile downstream from northernmost point on river. Within a few hundred feet of base of unconformably overlying graywacke unit. (coords. 4.9, 10.9)"
Brachiopod, genera and species not determined
(Mesozoic loc. M1260)
, De Long Mts
, Fortress Mtn. Fm., lat. 68 deg. 33'55", long. 164 deg. 28'. [Tailleur provided further information in his transmittal sheet: "Isolated pelecypods in interbedded graywack-mudstone sequence that is believed correlative with Cretaceous (Albian) Fortress Mountain fm. Stratigraphic position uncertain but probably as much as 4,000 ft. above base. Cutbank on S. bank of Ipewik River at 68 deg. 33'55" lat., 164 deg. 28' long., at upstream end of western "Switchbacks" of river. (coords 3.3, 10)"]
Aucellina dowlingi McLearn
(Mesozoic loc. M1261)
, De Long Mts
, Tiglukpuk Fm., lat. 68 deg. 33'10" N., long. 164 deg. 28' W. [Tailleur provided further information in his transmittal sheet: "Buchia coquina with oil shale, ferruginous, baritic paper shale typical of Tiglukpuk fm. with clay shale like matrix of Tr14. Again within a few hundred feet of base of Kfm? sequence. Along banks of abnormally flat-floored small tributary at end of east loop western "Switchbacks" of Ipewik, 68 deg. 33'10" lat., 164 deg. 28' long. (coords 3.3, 9.9)]
(Mesozoic loc. M1262)
, De Long Mts
, Fortress Mtn. Fm.? Lat 68 deg. 32'50" N., long. 164 deg. 34'30" W. [Tailleur provided further information in his transmittal sheet: "Interbedded graywacke and mudstone of Kfm?. Stratigraphic position unknown but perhaps about same level as Tr33. On cutbank north side of Ipewik River at upstream foot of sharp kink 68 deg. 32'50" lat., 164 deg. 34'30" long. (coords. 2.7, 9.7)"]
Inoceramus scrap sp. - indeter.
(Mesozoic loc. M1263)
, Point Hope
, Fortress Mtn. Fm.? Lat. 68 deg. 30'40" N, long. 165 deg. 08' W. [Tailleur provided further information in his transmittal sheet: "Interbedded graywacke and subordinate mudstones of probable Kfm. Stratigraphic position unknown. Low cutbank and ribs east side near north end of south (illegible word) of Ipewik River. 68 deg. 30'40" lat., 165 deg. 08' long. (coords. 18.7, 8.8)"]