Report on Referred Fossils |
Stratigraphic range: |
Jurassic |
Kinds of fossils: |
Mollusks |
Quadrangle or area: |
McCarthy C-5 quad. |
Shipment No.: |
A-61-17 |
Referred by: |
Jones, David L.
MacKevett, E. M., Jr.
Report prepared by: |
Imlay, Ralph W.
Date: |
11/09/1961 |
The Jurassic beds in the McCarthy area of the Chitina Valley represents at least the lower part of the Lower Jurassic, the Bathonian or basal part of the Callovian stages, and the upper Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian stages. The Lower Jurassic fossils are in general rather poorly preserved. Many of the identifications are querried and hence have little value in determining the exact age within the Lower Jurassic. Thus collections F-3A and F-45 contain ammonites resembling Wahneroceras which, if correctly identified, are good evidence for a Hettangian age. However, the specimens do not show certain critical features necessary for the identication of the genus. In contrast the Sinemurian stage of the Lower Jurassic is represented by Arnioceras (locs. F-4 and F-35) which in northwest Europe ranges through the lower and midle parts of the stage. The ammonites Crucilobiceras (Loc. F-1) and Microderoceras (Mes. loc. 14472) could be either uppermost Sinemurian or lower Pliensbachian. In addition the pelecypod "Entolium" semiplicatum (Hyatt) is probably indicative of a Sinemurian age as it occurs in abundance with ammonites of that age in eastern Oregon and locally in the Sierra Nevada (Sailors Canyon Formation). The Weyla-bearing limestone has furnished no fossils of age value other than Weyla itself, which genus is known only from the Lower Jurassic. I understand that Si Muller has examined the Weylas from the McCarthy area and identified some of them with a species that occurs in Nevada and Oregon in beds of late Pliensbachian to Toarcian age. Most of the collections from the Jurassic shale above the Weyla-bearing limestone contain species of Buchia of late Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian age. These include Buchia concentrica (Sowerby) (locs. F-17, F-19, F-34, F-50, 61-ABC-26, Mes. loc. 14495 and 14496), B. rugosa (Fischer) at many localities, and B. mosquensis (von Buch) at a few localities. Of these species, B. concentrica (Sowerby) is of late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian age (see Prof. Paper 314-G, p. 159, 165). Near the top of its range elsewhere in Alaska it is associated with B. rugosa (Fischer) and less commonly with B. mosquensis (von Buch), both of which range higher into beds of probably Portlandian age. The ammonite Prionodoceras (locs. 61-ABC-27, 61-ABC-36, 14495, 14496 and 14497) in the Boreal region is of late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian age and is commonly associated with Buchia concentrica (Sowerby). I suspect that it was collected lower than B. rugosa (Fischer), but I would be much interested in knowing your conclusions concerning the stratigraphic positions and ranges of these fossils in the McCarthy area. Three of the collections (locs. 61-60, F-28, 61-ABC19) from the shale above the Weyla-bearing limestone are of considerable interest because they contain genera of ammonites that have been found in the Cook Inlet area in the middle part of the Bowser member of the Tuxedni formation and in the lower part of the Chinitna formation. In my paper dealing with the Callovian ammonites from Alaska (Prof. Paper 249-B) I referred the ammonites in question to Procerites? (pl. 54) and Reineckeia (pl. 55). As your collections do not contain any of the ammonites, such as Cadoceras and Kepplerites, that are common in the Chinitna formation, I suspect that the collections represent older beds equivalent to some part of the Bowser member. In any case their age is either Bathonian, or early Callovian and they are distinctly older than the beds containing Buchia. We still lack descriptions of localities F-6, F-50 and 61-19. When these arrive, Mesozoic numbers will be assigned to the collections and a list sent to you. Also, sometime we would like to have a quadrangle map, or maps, showing the exact occurrences of the fossil localities. Any stratigraphic information that you can furnish relating to the localities to the tops or bottoms of formation, or to marker beds, will be nice to have in our record books.
*** Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector): [Note by R.B. Blodgett: Collections referred by David Jones for Ed MacKevett]
User Note module to be added |
F-10 of MacKevett, 1961
(Mesozoic loc. 28534)
, Mc Carthy
, F-1: Latitude 61 deg. 30'13" ; Longitude 142 deg. 51'3". From loc. near fault contact with Nikolai greenstone (description from transmittal sheet of Jones for Imlay E&R report of 11/9/61)[Note by R.B. Blodgett: memorandiums from MacKevett to Imlay of Dec. 19, 1961 and January 3, 1962 both state that collection F-1 was mislabelled, and should have been labelled F-10.] [E.M. MacKevett, Jr., 1961. On ridge west of McCarthy Creek, SW1/4NW1/4NW1/4 sec. 26, T. 3 S., R. 14 E., McCarthy (C-5) quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Upper member of McCarthy Formation, a few feet (about 1 m) below upper contact. Early Pliensbachian. (from Imlay, 1981, p. 25)]
F-3 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 33'25" ; Longitude: 142 deg. 49'30". Upper part of "McCarthy" shale. (description from transmittal sheet of Jones)
"Entolium" semiplicatum (Hyatt)
F-3A of MacKevett, 1961
(Mesozoic loc. 28536)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 33'25"; Longitude 142 deg. 49'30". Upper part of "McCarthy" shale. (description from transmittal sheet of Jones); [Many localities in upper member of McCarthy Formation, in McCarthy C-4, C-5, and B-4, quadrangles, Wrangell Mountains, eastern Alaska (MacKevett, 1970a, b, 1971). Ammonites include Arietites (loc. 29870), Arnioceras (locs. 28535, 28536, 28538, 28688), Crucilobiceras (loc. 28537, 28540, 28671-73), and Microderoceras (loc. 14472). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 22)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Lower Jurassic. Orig. No. F-3A. Lat. 61 degs. 33 min. 25 sec.; Long. 142 degs. 49 min. 30 sec. Upper part of McCarthy limestone. Below the Weyla-Bearing ls. Collector: E.M. Mackevett, 7/61]
F-4 of MacKevett, 1961
(Mesozoic loc. 28535)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 32'4"; Longitude 142 deg. 38'9". Ammonite float--from McCarthy ls.? (description from transmittal sheet of Jones accompanying Imlay E&R report of 11/9/61) [E.M. MacKevett, 1961. South-central part NW1/4SE1/4 sec. 11, T. 4 S., R. 15 E., McCarthy (C-5) quadrangle. Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Float from upper member of McCarthy Formation. Early Sinemurian. (from Imlay, 1981, p. 25)]; Many localities in upper member of McCarthy Formation, in McCarthy C-4, C-5, and B-4, quadrangles, Wrangell Mountains, eastern Alaska (MacKevett, 1970a, b, 1971). Ammonites include Arietites (loc. 29870), Arnioceras (Iocs. 28535, 28536, 28538, 28688), Crucilobiceras (loc. 28537, 28540, 28671-73), and Microderoceras (loc. 14472). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 22)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Lower Jurassic. Orig. No. F-4. Lat. 61 degs. 32 min. 04 sec.; Long 142 degs. 38 min. 09 sec. Ammonite float -- from McCarthy ls. (?). Below the Weyla-Bearing ls. Collector: E.M. Mackevett, 7/61]
F-6 of MacKevett, 1961
(Mesozoic loc. 28533)
, Mc Carthy
, No description provided in transmittal sheet of Jones. (from Imlay E&R report, 11/9/61) [E.M. MacKevett, Jr., 1961. SE1/4NE1/4NW1/4 sec. 2, T. 4 S., R. 14 E., McCarthy (C-5) quadrangle. Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Upper member of McCarthy Formation. About 1,000 ft (305 m) stratigraphically above base of member. Early Sinemurian (from Imlay, 1981. p. 25)]
F-9 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 34'56" ; Longitude 142 deg. 50'8". Silty shale below Weyla horizon. (description from transmittal sheet of Jones)
F-35 of MacKevett, 1961
(Mesozoic loc. 28538)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 31'36" ; Longitude 142 deg. 40'58". Upper part of "McCarthy" shale. (description from transmittal sheet of Jones appended to Imlay E&R report of 11/9/61) [E.M. MacKevett, 1961. A little south of USGS Mesozoic loc. 28537. Early Sinemurian. (from Imlay, 1981, p. 25)]; [Many localities in upper member of McCarthy Formation, in McCarthy C-4, C-5, and B-4, quadrangles, Wrangell Mountains, eastern Alaska (MacKevett, 1970a, b, 1971). Ammonites include Arietites (loc. 29870), Arnioceras (Iocs. 28535, 28536, 28538, 28688), Crucilobiceras (loc. 28537, 28540, 28671-73), and Microderoceras (loc. 14472). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 22)]; [[USGS Mes. Cat.: Lower Jurassic. 61 degs. 31 min. 36 sec. lat.; Long. 142 degs. 40 min. 58 sec. Upper part of "McCarthy" shale. Below the Weyla-bearing limestone. Collector: E.M. Mackevett, 7/61]
F-36 of MacKevett, 1961
(Mesozoic loc. 28537)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 31'42"; Longitude 142 deg. 41'6" Ammonites and pelecypods? from Jur. silty ls. above McCarthy shale. (description from memorandum of D.L. Jones to Ralph Imlay, dated Nov. 3, 1961 appended to Imlay E&R report of 11/9/61) [E.M. MacKevett, 1961. NE. cor. sec. 16, T. 4 S., R. 15 E., McCarthy (C-5) quadrangle. Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Upper member of McCarthy Formation; probably in middle part of member. Early Sinemurian. (from Imlay, 1981, p. 25)]; [Many localities in upper member of McCarthy Formation, in McCarthy C-4, C-5, and B-4, quadrangles, Wrangell Mountains, eastern Alaska (MacKevett, 1970a, b, 1971). Ammonites include Arietites (loc. 29870), Arnioceras (locs. 28535, 28536, 28538, 28688), Crucilobiceras (loc. 28537, 28540, 28671-73), and Microderoceras (loc. 14472). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 22)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Lower Jurassic. McCarthy C-5 Quadrangle. Orig. No. F-36. Lat. 61 degs. 31 min. 42 sec.; Long. 142 degs. 41 min. 06 sec. Ammonites and pelecypods (?). From Jurassic silty ls. above McCarthy shale. Below Weyla-bearing ls. Collector: E.M. Mackevett, 7/61]
F-42 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 31'54" ; Longitude 142 deg. 41'30". Ammonite from Jur. silty ls. below Weyla-bearing horizon. (description from memorandum sent by D.L. Jones to Ralph Imlay, dated Nov. 3, 1961)
F-43 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 32'54" ; Longitude 142 deg. 44'48". Silty shale below Weyla-bearing ls. (description from transmittal sheet of D.L. Jones)
"Entolium" semiplicatum (Hyatt)
F-45 of MacKevett, 1961
(Mesozoic loc. 28540)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 32'18" ; Longitude 142 deg. 41'48". Float ca 400' below Weyla ls. (description from transmittal sheet of D.L. Jones appended to Imlay E&R report of 11/9/61) [E.M. MacKevett, 1961. NW1/4SW1/4NE1/4 sec. 9, T. 4 S., R. 15 E., McCarthy (C-5) quadrangle. Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Float collected about 400 ft (122 m) below top of upper member of McCarthy Formation. Early Pliensbachian. (from Imlay, 1981, p. 25)]; [Many localities in upper member of McCarthy Formation, in McCarthy C-4, C-5, and B-4, quadrangles, Wrangell Mountains, eastern Alaska (MacKevett, 1970a, b, 1971). Ammonites include Arietites (loc. 29870), Arnioceras (locs. 28535, 28536, 28538, 28688), Crucilobiceras (loc. 28537, 28540, 28671-73), and Microderoceras (loc. 14472). (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 22)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Lower Jurassic. McCarthy C-5 Quadrangle. Orig. No. F45. Lat. 61 degs. 32 min. 18 sec.; Long. 142 degs. 41 min. 48 sec. About 400 ft. below Weyla ls. (float). Collector: E.M. MacKevett, 7/61]
F-46 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 32'24" ; Longitude 142 deg. 41'51". Ca 200' below base of Weyla-bearing ls. (description from tranmittal sheet of D.L. Jones)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 11379)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, mouth of third eastern tributary below west glacier. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1922. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 53)
"Entolium" semiplicatum (Hyatt)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 14493)
, Mc Carthy
, Ridge east of McCarthy Creek and south of Lubbe Creek (5 1/2 miles north of East Fork), 1 mile north of Dimond Creek (4 miles north of East Fork). Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1928. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 53)
"Entolium" semiplicatum (Hyatt)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 14026)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek Valley 2 1/2 miles north-northwest of Bonanza Peak; altitude 4,400 feet. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1927. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 53)
"Entolium" semiplicatum (Hyatt)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 14027)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek Valley 3 miles northeast of Bonanza Peak; altitude 4,650 feet. Collector, Fred H. Moffit. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 53)
"Entolium" semiplicatum (Hyatt)
(Mesozoic loc. 14030)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek Valley near creek on east side, 2 1/2 miles from west glacier. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1927. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 53) [F.H. Moffit, 1927. McCarthy Creek valley, near creek on east side, 2.5 mi (4 km) from the glacier, NE1/4NE1/4 sec. 36, T. 3 S., R. 14 E., McCarthy (C-5) quadrangle. Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Upper member of McCarthy Formation, probably a few hundred feet (100 m) above base. Late Sinemurian. (from Imlay, 1981, p. 25)]
"Entolium" semiplicatum (Hyatt)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 14472)
, Mc Carthy
, Head of easternmost northern tributary of Mill Creek, tributary of Lakina River. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1922. (from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 54)
"Entolium" semiplicatum (Hyatt)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 14482)
, Mc Carthy
, Same as locality 14472. (which is: Head of easternmost northern tributary of Mill Creek, tributary of Lakina River. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1922). [from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 54]
"Entolium" semiplicatum (Hyatt)
, Mc Carthy
, No data provided in transmittal sheets.
(Mesozoic loc. 28547)
, Mc Carthy
, "Plotted on photos which haven't arrived. - From Weyla horizon" (from transmittal sheet of Jones) [no further data provided]; [USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 28546-28548, 28678, and 28679 in southern part of McCarthy C-5 quadrangle, southern Wrangell Mountains. Upper part of Lubbe Creek Formation. Weyla dufrenoyi (d'Orbigny), identified by S. W. Müller. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23)];[USGS Mes. Cat.: Lower Jurassic. Orig. No. 61ABC-12. Lat. 61 degs. 32 min. 47 sec.; Long 142 degs. 43 min. 10 sec. Locality in Weyla-bearing limestone. Collector: M.C. Blake, Jr., 7/61]
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 35'55"; Longitude 142 deg. 40'41". Coquina ls. from top of Weyla-bearing horizon. [Note by R.B. Blodgett: the word Weyla was crossed out and that of oyster written over it in pencil] (above description from Memorandum by D.L. Jones (dated Nov. 2, 1961) to R.W. Imlay)
F-8 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 35'2"; Longitude 142 deg. 45'16". Near base of Weyla-bearing ls. (description from transmittal sheet of D.L. Jones)
F-12 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 34'44"; Longitude 142 deg. 48'21". From Weyla-bearing ls. (description from transmittal sheet of D.L. Jones)
F-33 of MacKevett, 1961
(Mesozoic loc. 28546)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 33'23"; Longitude 142 deg. 35'20". Near top of Weyla-bearing ls. (description from transmittal sheet of D.L. Jones); [USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 28546-28548, 28678, and 28679 in southern part of McCarthy C-5 quadrangle, southern Wrangell Mountains. Upper part of Lubbe Creek Formation. Weyla dufrenoyi (d'Orbigny), identified by S. W. Müller. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Lower Jurassic. Orig. No. F-33. Lat. 61 degs. 23 min. 33 sec.; Long. 142 degs. 35 min. 20 sec. Locality near top of Weyla-bearing limestone. Collector: E.M. Mackevett, 7/61]
F-37 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 32'28"; Longitude 142 deg. 39'34". From Jur. Weyla-bearing ls. (description from transmittal sheet of D.L. Jones)
F-47 of MacKevett, 1961
(Mesozoic loc. 28548)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 32'30"; Longitude 142 deg. 42'0". Near top of Weyla-bearing ls.; [USGS Mesozoic Iocs. 28546-28548, 28678, and 28679 in southern part of McCarthy C-5 quadrangle, southern Wrangell Mountains. Upper part of Lubbe Creek Formation. Weyla dufrenoyi (d'Orbigny), identified by S. W. Müller. (description from Imlay and Detterman, 1973, p. 23)]; [USGS Mes. Cat.: Lower Jurassic. Orig. No. F-47. Lat. 61 degs. 32 min. 30 sec.; Long. 142 degs. 42 min. 00 sec. Near top of Weyla-bearing ls. Collector: E.M. Mackevett, 7/61]
, Mc Carthy
, No data provided in transmittal sheets.
(Mesozoic loc. 28579)
, Mc Carthy
, No data provided in transmittal sheets associated with E&R report; D. L. Jones, 1961. About 2.4 km east of McCarthy Creek and 0.8 km north of Lubbe Creek in NE1/4 NW1/4 sec. 5, T. 4 S., R. 15 E. McCarthy Creek (C-5) Quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation, about 457 m above contact with Nizina Mountain Formation. Late Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: (61-17). Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian). McCarthy C-5 Quad. Alaska. Lat. 61°33'17"; Long. 142°44'01". In Jur shale above Weyla bearing horizon. Coll. by Dave Jones - '61.]
, Mc Carthy
, No data provided in transmittal sheets.
, Mc Carthy
, No data provided in transmittal sheets.
, Mc Carthy
, No data provided in transmittal sheets.
Buchia cf. B. rugosa (Fischer)
, Mc Carthy
, No data provided in transmittal sheets.
Inoceramus cf. I. ambiguus Eichwald
F-7 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 35'46"; Longitude 142 deg. 50'29". Fairly high in Jur. shale section. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
F-11 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 35'8"; Longitude 142 deg. 48'54". From Jur. shale a short distance above Weyla horizon. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
F-13 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'30"; Longitude 142 deg. 50'. High in Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
F-17 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'18"; Longitude 142 deg. 51'2". In Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
F-19 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'47"; Longitude 142 deg. 49'44". Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
Buchia cf. B. concentrica (Sowerby)
F-20 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'11"; Longitude 142 deg. 48'26". Float from near head of McCarthy Cr. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
F-27 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'54"; Longitude 142 deg. 31'39". From Jur. limy shale in "amphitheater". (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
F-28 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'58"; Longitude 142 deg. 31'55". From Jur. silty ls. above Weyla horizon--in "amphitheater". (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
Reineckeia? cf. R.? shelikofana Imlay
F-30 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 35'15"; Longitude 142 deg. 35'5". Aucellas from U. Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
F-31 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 34'36"; Longitude 142 deg. 35'25". Lower part of Upper Jur. shale above Weyla horizon. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
F-32 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 34'32"; Longitude 142 deg. 35'36". Ca 300' above Weyla-bearing ls. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
F-39 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Note by R.B. Blodgett, this collection was reported by Imlay as F-34 -- subsequent letter from E.M. MacKevett to R. Imlay, dated Jan. 3, 1962, states: "The collection labelled F-34 was mislabelled on this end of the line. Its correct number is F-39 (st. 280), and its location is 850 feet S. 16 1/2 deg. E. of F-38, which is plotted on the location map that I sent you."
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
F-38 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 34'40"; Longitude 142 deg. 44'27". High in Jur. shale a few feet below contact with conglomerate. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
F-40 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 34'10"; Longitude 142 deg. 44'3". Aucellas from Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
F-41 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 37'26"; Longitude 142 deg. 43'51". Ca 800' above Jur. Weyla-bearing ls.--from dark shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
Buchia cf. B. rugosa (Fischer)
F-48 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 32'36"; Longitude 142 deg. 42'12". From black shale float above Weyla-bearing ls. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
F-50 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, No data provided in transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones. (Subsequent letter from E.M. MacKevett to Ralph Imlay, dated Dec. 19, 1961, indicates that a geologic map was sent from which geographic information was intended to be gathered from).
Buchia concentrica (Sowerby)
F-52 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 38'25"; Longitude 142 deg. 42'45". High in Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
F-53 of MacKevett, 1961
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'11"; Longitude 142 deg. 41'1". Low in Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 34'56"; Longitude 142 deg. 45'45". Near medial part of Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 34'58"; Longitude 142 deg. 46 deg. 46'55". Lower part of Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'37"; Longitude 142 deg. 39'7". A few hundred feet above Weyla-bearing ls. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
Reineckeia? cf. R.? shelikofana Imlay
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'45"; Longitude 142 deg. 38'45". Lower part of Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
Buchia cf. B. rugosa (Fischer)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'48"; Longitude 142 deg. 38'22". In Jur. shale ca 1,000' above marker, Weyla-bearing ls. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'54"; Longitude 142 deg. 37'44". In Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 37'46"; Longitude 142 deg. 39'15". Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude: 61 deg. 36'15"; Longitude 142 deg. 37'57". Low in Upper Jur. shale section. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
Buchia cf. B. concentrica (Sowerby)
(Mesozoic loc. 28577)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'15"; Longitude 142 deg. 37'40". From limy interbeds in shale section ca 250' above Weyla-bearing ls. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones); M. C. Blake, 1961. On ridge just south of a rock glacier in SE1/4 SE1/4 sec. 14, T. 3 S., R. 15 E., lat 61°36'15" N., long 142°37'10" W., McCarthy (C-5) Quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation, about 76 m above the top of the Nizina Mountain Formation. Early Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: (61ABC-27). Upper Jurassic. McCarthy C-5 Quad. Alaska. Lat. 61°36'15"; Long. 142°37'40". From limy interbeds in shale section. About 250' above Weyla-bearing limestone. Coll. by M.C. Blake - 7-61.]
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) sp.
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 36'15"; Longitude 142 deg. 36'47". Fairly high in Upper Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
Buchia cf. B. rugosa (Fischer)
, Mc Carthy
, Latr. 61 deg. 35'51"; Longitude 142 deg. 39'16". Possibly same stratigraphic horizon as "Amphitheater" ..(illegible word)... (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
(Mesozoic loc. 28578)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 34'12"; Longitude 142 deg. 46'25". From U.Jurassic shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones); M. C. Blake, 1961. Same data as USGS Mesozoic loc. 14495. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); Data for USGS Mesozoic loc. 14495 is: "F. H. Moffit, 1928. 0.8 km east of McCarthy Creek on mountain slope south of second tributary north of Dimond Creek, sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 15 E., McCarthy (C-5) Quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation. Dark-gray shale, probably 305-610 m above base of formation. Late Kimmeridgian." (from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p.22); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: (61ABC-36) Upper Jurassic - McCarthy C-5 Quad. Alaska. Lat. 61°34'12", Long. 142°46'25". From Upper Jurassic shale above Weyla horizon. Coll. by M.C. Blake, Jr. 7-61.]
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) sp.
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 35'10"; Longitude 142 deg. 47'45"; From limy siltstone above Weyla-bearing horizon. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
, Mc Carthy
, Latitude 61 deg. 30'29"; Longitude 142 deg. 47'33". From U. Jur. shale. (description from transmittal sheets of D.L. Jones)
Buchia cf. B. concentrica (Sowerby)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 11373)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, east side of west glacier, about halfway up glacier. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1922. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 11374)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, first tributary on east side below glacier, near mouth. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1922. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 11376)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, north side of second tributary on east side below glacier. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1922. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 11378)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, boulder 2 miles below glacier and 1 mile east of creek. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1922. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83)
Buchia cf. B. rugosa (Fischer)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 11380)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, east side of first tributary below glacier, 200 yards up the tributary. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1922. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83)
Buchia cf. B. rugosa (Fischer)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 14032)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, east side, 2 1/4 miles south of glacier. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1927. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 14034)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, east side, 200 yards south from creek and 1 mile from glacier. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1927. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83)
Buchia cf. B. rugosa (Fischer)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 14035)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek Valley, a short distance southeast of end of east glacier. Talus below cliff. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1927. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83)
(Mesozoic loc. 14495)
, Mc Carthy
, Second eastern tributary of McCarthy Creek above Dimond Creek half a mile from McCarthy Creek. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1928. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83); F. H. Moffit, 1928. 0.8 km east of McCarthy Creek on mountain slope south of second tributary north of
Dimond Creek, sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 15 E., McCarthy (C-5) Quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation. Dark-gray shale, probably 305-610 m above base of formation. Late Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 23); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. 28AM-F32. Second eastern tributary of McCarthy Creek above Diamond Creek, one half mile from McCarthy Creek; NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Quad. 601, Copper River Region, Chinitna Valley District, Alaska. Coll: F.H. Moffit. August 14, 1928.]
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) sp.
Buchia mosquensis (von Buch)
Buchia cf. B. concentrica (Sowerby)
No Data
(Mesozoic loc. 14496)
, Mc Carthy
, Same as locality 14495. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1928. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83)
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) sp.
Buchia concentrica leguminosa Stoliczka
(Mesozoic loc. 14497)
, Mc Carthy
, McCarthy Creek, east side at edge of west glacier. Collector, Fred H. Moffit, 1928. (description from F.H. Moffit, 1938, USGS Bull. 894, p. 83); F. H. Moffitt, 1928. East side of McCarthy Creek at edge of west glacier, probably in SW1/4 sec. 13 T. 3 S., R. 14 E., McCarthy ( C-5) Quadrangle, Wrangell Mountains, southern Alaska. Root Glacier Formation. Probably same stratigraphic data as Mesozoic loc. 14495. Late Oxfordian to earlv late Kimmeridgian. (description from Imlay, 1981, USGS PP 1190, p. 24); [USGS Mesozoic Catalogue: Orig. no. 28AM-F34. East side of McCarthy Creek at edge of the West Glacier, NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Quad. 601, Copper River Region, Chitina Valley District, Alaska. Coll: F.H. Moffit. August 15, 1928.]
Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) sp.