, Chandler Lake
, Latitude: 68.85773; Longitude: 152.59596. Tuluvak Formation. Lithologic details: Very fine-grained, dark gray sandstone, parallel bedded, non-graded, laterally continuous.
Mytiloides mytiloides (Mantell)
, Chandler Lake
, Latitude: 68.88625; Longitude: 152.50837. Formation: Tuluvak. Lithologic details: Very fine-grained, medium to dark gray sandstone to silty shale, horizontally bedded with minor cross-beds.
Pholadomya aff. P. subelongata Meek
, Chandler Lake
, Latitude: 68.41120; Longitude: 150.90540. Formation: Okpikruak. Siltstone with thin-bedded sandstone. Weathers dark grey-black and brown-red respectively. Contains abundant flute casts and crawling traces.
Buchia sublaevis (Keyserling)?
, Chandler Lake
, Latitude: 68.41120; Longitude: 150.90540. Formation: Okpikruak. Siltstone with thin-bedded sandstone. Weathers dark grey-black and brown-red respectively. Contains abundant flute casts and crawling traces.
, Chandler Lake
, Latitude: 68.41120; Longitude: 150.90540. Formation: Okpikruak. Siltstone with thin-bedded sandstone. Weathers dark grey-black and brown-red respectively. Contains abundant flute cast and crawling traces.
, Chandler Lake
, Latitude: 68.41080; Longitude: 150.90440. Formation: Okpikruak. Litholic details: From the same exposure as 03DL34.
Buchia sublaevis (Keyserling)?
, Chandler Lake
, Latitude: 68.41080; Longitude: 150.90440. Formation: Okpikruak. From the same exposure as 03DL34.
Buchia sublaevis (Keyserling)?
, Chandler Lake
, Latitude: 68.41010; Longitude: 150.90320. Formation: Okpikruak. From the same exposure as 03DL34.
, Chandler Lake
, Latitude: 68.41010; Longitude: 150.90320. Formation: Okpikruak. From the same exposure as 03DL34.
Buchia cf. B. uncitoides (Pavlow)