Sample: Sample No. 78Ek19C
Locality: Field No. 78Ek19C
Description: Latitude: 68o 30'13" N., Longitude: 159o 18'08" W. (description from Mayfield et al., 1984)
Location: Alaska No Data
Lat.: 68o30'13 " Long.: 159o18'08 "
Title: Reconnaissance Geologic Map of Southeastern Misheguk Mountain Quadrangle, Alaska ,  1984
Report by: C. F. Mayfield , Steven M. Curtis , Inyo Ellersieck , Irv L. Tailleur
Age: Pennsylvanian-Early Permian
Formation: Siksikpuk Formation
Comment:Fossil age: Pennsylvanian to Early Permian
Map unit: TrlPs1
Fossil type: Radiolaria
Identified by B.K. Holdsworth
Shown as locality 17 on Sheet 1
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Radiolarian Radiolaria identifed by B.K. Holdsworth