(USGS Mesozoic loc. M5093)
, Ketchikan
, Pelecypods in thin bedded black (carbonaceous) slaty limestone interbedded with siltstone & slate that overlies rhyolitic volcanics to the south. Unit may correlate with with Halobia-bearing black limestone in Threemile Cove on SW Gravina Island. Mid-low tidal zone; about 2.25 miles SSW of Bostwick Point.
(USGS Mesozoic loc. M5094)
, Ketchikan
, Thin to medium bedded gritty, conglomeratic, and locally massive limestone that overlies "Halobia"-bearing beds at 766FMid-upper tidal zone; about 2.20 miles SSW of Bostwick Point
Heterastridium cf. H. conglobatum Reuss
(USGS Mesozoic loc. M5095)
, Ketchikan
, Pelecypods, brachiopods in thin bedded limestone that overlies "Goofball" bearing beds at 767F. Limestone is about 50 feet thick and is overlain (to north) by fine grained sedimentary rocks and intermediate volcanics. Upper tidal zone; about 2.15 miles SSW of Bostwick Point.
nondescript terebratuloid brachiopods
indeterminate small pectenacid pelecypods
one "shape" vaguely suggestive of a coiled cephalopod