Reference Detail of

Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Upper Triassic (?)
Kinds of fossils: Molluscs, spongiomorphs?
Quadrangle or area: Petersburg C-4 Quad., Alaska
Shipment No.: A-79-31
Referred by: Brew, David A.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 10/06/1980

This report covers 5 collections from Rookery Island in Duncan Canal. unfortunately, none of the fossil material is well-enough preserved for generic identification. Most of the fossils occur as molds (holes-in-the-rock) with no shell material preserved. The shapes of the large bivalves are not like any I have seen in the Permian of southeastern Alaska. The presence of a possible spongiomorph, Heterastridium?, and possible monotids makes it likely that this is Upper Triassic, but nothing positively identifiable is present to support this opinion. The material has been discarded, as you requested, except for 79DB171F.

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79DB171A , Petersburg , Calcareous schistose grit with shale chips and pebbles and some black chert pebbles; Permo-Triassic(?). Collector: D.A. Brew, 1979.
outline traces of large bivalved molluscs
79DB171B , Petersburg , Same locality as 79DB171A.
79DB171F , Petersburg , Same locality as 79DB171A.
spongiomorphs of indeterminate affinities
79DB171G , Petersburg , Same locality as 79DB171A.
large monotids?
79DB171H , Petersburg , Same locality as 79DB171A.
bivalve molds