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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Upper Triassic and ?
Kinds of fossils: Marine invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Sitka (B-1) and Sumdum (B-6) quads
Shipment No.: A-58-11
Referred by: Loney, R. A.
Report prepared by: Silberling, Norman J.
Date: 02/25/1959

Portions or all of collections 58ALy36, 204, 221, 136b, 290, 330, and 494 are being retained for the P&S reference collections. These collections will be deposited at the Menlo Park laboratory and will be assigned USGS locality number in Menlo Park. As requested, the remainder of the material that was not destroyed in preparation is being returned.

The faunal lists of the material for the various collections covered by this report are as follows:

User Note module to be added
58ALy36 , Sitka , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Collection from calc. gy bk slate & dk gy ls-thin bedded, +or- 150 ft. thick section not in direct contact with any other unit-prob below Jurassic(?) slate. Coords: 8.50, 0.34. [West side of West Channel, Pybus Bay. 8.50 in. right, 0.34 in. up from SW corner of Sitka (B-1) quad. (description from Silberling E&R report of 2/25/59)]
Monotis subcircularis Gabb
58ALy37 , Sitka , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Thin bedded clastic or sandy ls-about 300' stratig. below Ly36-but exposure not continuous and minor folds are present. Coords: 8.43, 0.38.
a few small indeterminate pelecypods
58ALy204 , Sitka , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Thin bedded gy bk calc slate & dk gy ls, 250' +or- in isolated outcrop-fossils from 5' zone about 50' up from base of section. Coords: 8.20, 6.26. [Islet on east side Pybus Bay. 8.20 in. right, 6.26 in. up from SW corner of Sitka (B-1) quad. (description from Silberling E&R report of 2/25/59)]
Monotis subcircularis Gabb
58ALy221 , Sitka , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Thin bedded gy bk calc slate &dk gy ls-exact stratig. position of collection in doubt. Slate lies below Jurassic slate and above Permian ls. Coords: 10.20, 6.38. [East side Pybus Bay. 10.20 in. right, 6.38 in. up from SW corner of Sitka (B-1) quad. (description from Silberling E&R report of 2/25/59)]
Monotis subcircularis Gabb
58ALy136 , Sitka , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Thin bedded dark gray limestone and calcareous gray black slate-Triassic near base. Halobias. Coords: 6.48, 7.12.
58ALy136b , Sitka , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Thin bedded dark gray limestone and calcareou gray black slate-near top of sequence at 136-but much structural disturbance - Halobia(?). Coords: 6.46, 7.20. [West side Pybus Bay. 6.46 in. right, 7.20 in. up from SW corner of Sitka (B-1) quad. (description from Silberling E&R report of 2/25/59)]
Halobia sp.
58ALy290 , Sitka , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Limestone, medium dark brownish gray, very fine grained to sub-lithographic-massive-weathering light to med. light gray, fault slice, possibly Triassic-corals and fragments. Coords: 6.58, 9.20. [Upper end Pybus Bay. 6.58 in. right, 9.20 in. up from SW corner of Sitka (B-1) quad. (description from Silberling E&R report of 2/25/59)]
Montlivaltia? sp.
58ALy169b , Sitka , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Chert, dark, gray thin bedded & interbeds argillite-possibly Triassic but could also be pre-Permian-poor pyritized fossil(?) in argillite. Coords: 5.86, 9.76.
58ALy328 , Sumdum , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Near base of thin-bedded calc slate & limestone probably 100'-150' thick-overlies Permian bedded chert-pelecypods, belemnites. Coords: 4.46, 6.94.
Halobia? sp.
Atractites-like belemnoids
indeterminate crushed or fragmentary ammonoids
58ALy330 , Sumdum , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Limestone, m. dk. gray, yellow and red weathering-probably 2-300' stratigraphically above Ly328F- Ammonites, gastropods, pelecypods. Coords: 4.70, 7.02. [Tip of peninsula between Pybus and Gambier Bays. 4.70 in. right, 7.02 in. up from SW corner of Sumdum (B-6) quad. (description from Silberling E&R report of 2/25/59)]
Tropites (Tropites) sp.
clionitid ammonites - two species
Cosmonautilus sp.
Pleuronautilus sp.
Gervilleia sp.
trigoniid pelecypod -- "Myophoria" sp.
58ALy421a , Sumdum , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Limestone, dark gray, brown weathering, thin to medium bedded-thickness unknown-about 100' above base resting on possible Permian chert. Coords: 3.70, 12.96
Sporadic partly silicified molluscan? shell fragments
58ALy465 , Sitka , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Gy black calc slate and brown-weathering dark gray calc. graywacke beds 1/4"-1" thick-unknown thickness underlying dark gray, massive limestone-similar in lithology to known Triassic but separated from the Triassic by structure, (Ammonite?) Coords: 9.78, 14.83.
Impression of a ribbed ammonite
58ALy494 , Sumdum , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Dark gray, thin bdded, sheared limestone & dark gray shiny phyllitic slate-probably Triassic structurally overlies Jurassic but probably faulted-(corals). Coords: 1.08, 10.08. [Peninsula between Pybus and Gambier Bays; elev. 300 ft. 1.08 in. right, 10.08 in. up from SW corner of Sumdum (B-6) quad.
Scleractinian solitary corals
58ALy496a , Sitka , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Isolated creek outcrop of thin bedded, dark gray, calc. slate and dark gray, limestone-(poor Halobia?)
Shell fragments with finely-spaced ribbing--probably Halobia
58ALy164 , Sitka , Transmittal sheets of R.A. Loney, dated Nov. 6, 1958 provide following description: Limestone, dark gray, very fine grained, 1/2' to 1' beds, weathers lt. brownish gray & lt. gray-probably Triassic island outcrop-only fragments of fossils found. Coords. 5.98, 9.50. [Pybus Gambier Bays, Admiralty Island; coordinates: 5.98, 9.50. Limestone, dark gray, very fine grained, 1/2'-1' beds, weathers light brownish gray and light gray. Field assignment: probably Triassic (description from Duncan and Dutro E&R report of 4/4/60)]
fragment suggestive of a scleractinian coral
large, thick oyster-like shell fragments with coarse prismatic shell structure