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2Paleoecology, structure, and distributions of Triassic coral buldups in western North America - The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions19790817Stanley, GeorgeSelect
4Late Triassic brachiopods from the central belt of the Upper Chulitna District, south-central Alaska1998 Stefanoff, MonicaSelect
5personal communication20021201Blodgett, RobertSelect
6Chulitna region, south-central Alaska - Centennial Field Guide Volume 1 - Cordilleran Section of Geological Society of America1987 Hawley, C.; Jones, David; Smith, T.Select
7Smithian and Spathian (Early Triassic) conodont faunas from the Chulitna terrane, south-central Alaska - The United States Geological Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments during 1980 - U.S. Geological Survey Circular1982 Wardlaw, BruceSelect
8Monorakos in the Ordovician of Alaska and its zoogeographic significance - Historical biogeography, plate tectonics, and the changing environment - Proceedings of the Annual Biology Colloquium and Selected Papers1979 Ormiston, Allen; Ross, ReubenSelect
9New insights into the stratigraphy and paleontology of the Chulitna terrane and surrounding area, Healy A-6 quadrangle, south-central Alaska - Cutting Edge in Alaska - The Alaska Geological Society Science and Technology Conference1998 Blodgett, Robert; Clautice, K.Select
10Report on Referred Fossils19860630Silberling, NormanSelect
11Report on Referred Fossils19670927Yochelson, Ellis; Flower, RousseauSelect
12Report on Referred Fossils19820416Oliver, WilliamSelect
13The Chitistone and Nizina Limestones of part of the southern Wrangell Mountains, Alaska-A preliminary report stressing carbonate petrography and depositional environments - U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper1969 Armstrong, Augustus; MacKevett, E.; Silberling, NormanSelect
17Report on Referred Fossils19661208Silberling, NormanSelect
18Report on Referred Fossils19660404Silberling, NormanSelect
19Report on Referred Fossils19661104Silberling, NormanSelect
20Report on Referred Fossils19660912Silberling, NormanSelect
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